Destiny 2 is in a slightly better place than it was when the awkwardly average Curse of Osiris launched late last year, but that doesn't mean Warmind can be let off the hook. This second expansion is another lacking effort from a team that seems worryingly bereft of interesting ideas. Much like Osiris, Warmind marks another disappointing low for Bungie's shooter.
These "smaller" Destiny expansions just don't seem to work -- at least, not when they're priced at $20 a pop. They didn't work for the original Destiny and they're not working for Destiny 2 -- and they always seem to struggle with the same issues.
The fresh story content in Warmind may as well be non-existent. It barely pushes the overall narrative forward, offering a plot that seems to end on a purposefully vague note, as if the writers didn't want to commit to anything too important. The threadbare story strings together a series of decidedly bland missions, but at least there are a couple of cool boss fights along the way.

As per usual, there are little glimmers of greatness throughout Warmind, but the rest of it just feels so uninspired. This new rendition of Mars, complete with ice-capped sand dunes, makes for an inviting backdrop, but then it's just filled with the same old enemies that we've shot in the head countless times before.
There's a point near the beginning of the campaign where your Ghost comments on the expansion's "new" enemy type -- the Frozen Hive. "I've never seen Hive like this before," Nolan-bot remarks, despite the fact that aside from a few fresh gimmicks -- bigger Knights with shields! -- the Frozen Hive behave exactly like regular Hive. It's almost parody.
But we're being a bit cynical here. Like we say, Warmind does have bright spots -- we just wish that there were more of them. The new Strikes are all solid additions to the co-op playlist, even if the story campaign rather shamefully reuses them. Likewise, the new weapons and various exotics that we've managed to nab have all entertained, and as always, it's easy to appreciate the game's art team thanks to some lovely environmental views.

Unsurprisingly, Warmind plays it safe across the board, but there is one new addition that seems like a decent step forward. Escalation is a kind of horde mode that can be triggered as you're casually exploring the surface of Mars. Any players who happen to be close by can join in as you fend off waves of Hive while completing basic objectives. On paper it's pretty simple, and it practice it's well executed. Later waves can provide a real challenge, and because more than six players can take part in the carnage, it always feels quite hectic and exciting. Of course, it remains to be seen whether Escalation will eventually wear thin.
Overall, we're not entirely sure if Warmind is a better expansion than Curse of Osiris. Again, Destiny 2 as a whole is in a better place than it was in December, but this may lead to Warmind receiving more praise than it arguably deserves. From where we're sitting, it repeats many of the same mistakes as Curse of Osiris -- it's just that in the current climate, they're that much easier to forgive.
Like its predecessors, Destiny 2: Warmind struggles to justify its price tag thanks to a throwaway campaign and some incredibly tired mission design. The quality of Destiny's core gameplay is still clear to see and the expansion as a whole is dotted with a handful of high points, but it ultimately just feels like the game is purposefully treading water until September's big arrival -- and that's simply not good enough.
Comments 43
Is this $100 on this game now? If so...god.
big arrival in september?? you mean bungie are still gonna continue flogging this dead horse
Played a bit today. When I picked up house if wolves I remember sinking about 8 hours in on the same day.
I got bored with this after about an hour. Destiny used to be my favourite game, now it's like going back to an old girlfriend who you forgot was a bit of a nightmare.
Im enjoying Warmind so far, think it'd hell of a lot better than the first dlc, maybe it's just because I havent played for months that I'm enjoying it but still it's a decent sized area and theyve added new activitys and revamped pvp and cosmetics, they are starting to make it better its just taking a hell of a long time and most of the players just cba to come back
I sometimes wonder if Destiny would've been better as a SP Halo clone with classic PvP multiplayer. The new game has sparks of great fun bogged down by MMO style systems with a story that really, REALLY wants to be heard.
Man Bungie fell off the rails with D2. The most frustrating part is that the gameplay itself is fun and impeccably solid. The gunplay, abilities etc are all fun. Problems lie in the systems, progression, lack of meaningful in game story, micro transactions I could go on and on. I pre-purchased this (don't lecture me lol) and I doubt I will even download it. Such a shame for a franchise that had so much potential to be in such a dire state.
Long-term fans seem to enjoy it though, as expected perhaps. My older brother and one of his friends have been playing it and think the game is as fun as it's always been. They said the Warmind campaign is interesting but rather short, however they still enjoy the new content even if it's just more of the "same old".
I just hope they don't make a Destiny 3, unless they can majorly improve it.
@Dankestdankz There's always a divide between actual fans of a game [or franchise] and those looking for a more casual or mainstream experience. It's not the politically correct thing to say, but it's the reality of things. The former group will enjoy having "more of the same", while the latter constantly looks for innovation.
Can I get credit for that subtitle?
I’m just curious how much of the DLC the reviewer played? Since most of the content seems to be “locked” behind the new level cap how can an accurate opinion of the finished product be judged? Not arguing with the review here, just more curious how they reached this score conclusion?
@shafedog247 https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2018/04/site_news_introducing_our_brand_new_review_scoring_system
The endgame content added in the dlc was good and I really like mars as a new location but the campaign was a major letdown. It felt incomplete and released anyways by writers who never played destiny. CoO had a shallow but complete story with little end game content, warmind has content but no story. Why can’t bungie do both?
@Octane I understand how they come up with it numerically, my point was, in all likelyhood, the reviewer isn’t at max light and therefore also likely isn’t able to complete the “Escalation Protocol” or try the new raid lair or even possibly have found everything in the DLC. Again, don’t get me wrong, 5/10 could be completely fair but without actually completing 100% of the DLC how can someone give it a score?
I really wanted this game to be great and to jump on board but it sounds like they are making the exact same mistakes as the original did. You'd have though they learned from the truly brilliant Taken King DLC and the magnificent Dreadnought but here we are years later and Bungle seem to still have little idea how to turn this game into something really great
I'm very confused at the heroic strike light level of 350. It's impossible to reach unless you spam raid runs, and the modifiers are borderline dumb. I don't mind a challenge, but if they're gonna make heroics more like night falls, the rewards better match the difficulty.
@Cassetticons I would have rather had that. This RPG grind fest sucks.
They should have just made one big DLC. With a good story and a new zone.
Didn't get the DLC season pass... At this point I wait to see what is coming before buying a season pass.
@shafedog247 I totally get what you're saying but it's just a case of believing that I've played enough to write the review.
If I had an infinite amount of time to pour into Destiny 2 and fully complete Escalation and the Raid Lair, I'd do it, but even then I don't think my opinion would change.
Hopefully that small explanation helps.
@ShogunRok it does and it’s an honest answer. I was hoping for more from this DLC, but at this point I’m lying to myself if I think Bungie can salvage this game. It’s still fun with a group of friends though....but finding some to run with is getting to be a challenge 😂
Good review and sums it up nicely. The comments about fanboys and casuals is interesting, as in the case of D2 it is running at about 20% of its original player base; so a lot more casuals here than in D1 obviously. I kinda feel for the die hard fans though, as they surely can't really enjoy what Bungie are doing. My prediction is that they will massively over price the September offering and the game will wither away over the following 6 months or so. Sad, as D1 was one of my fave games.
@shafedog247 Yeah, I think plenty of people are in the same boat — there's nothing I'd like more than Destiny 2 to be a game I come back to every single day and really enjoy.
At least Bungie's working to make it better. I don't think much can be done with expansions like this past a certain point. Once the DLC is made, it's made. But the game's going to keep going and hopefully as the year goes on it'll only get better.
Its interesting to see so many people saying, "I thought Bungie would learn from the last game but..." The problem there is that i truly believe every single peice of content we have played of Destiny 2, was originally gutted from Destiny 1, so of course they havent learned anything, they are just putting out rehashed old content trying to pass it off as fresh and new.
@shafedog247 'in all likelyhood, the reviewer isn’t at max light'
The reviewer playes more games for longer than anyone I know. Hes pretty good too. Light level means nothing to Robert, he can beat raids playing the game with one hand whilst taking a phone call from a ppi claims company whilst eating pizza with his foot all whilst on the toilet. Legend.
Having raided with Robert I can also vouch the guy is NUTS he knows his stuff, my views on Warmind are a tad odd I am underwealmed and feel a tad confused by this DLC it feels slow and not very good for flowing and also the progression bugs which plaugued me since Tuesday have been a PITA that said I like Escalation Protocol, I love the new difficulty it gives some stupid levels of thought to boss battles just wish other people would think like me when it comes to strikes and not go hiding in corners (worm god fight)
Anyone wants to run strikes or escalation protocol feel free to add me on PSN
@themcnoisy pic or it didn’t happen😂😂😂
I didn't play the last DLC & will not be playing this DLC & that isn't because I don't own the DLC because I do, got the season pass with the game on release. Unlike Bungie I've learnt my lesson gave them a free ride through D1, D2 is no different selling overpriced DLC & mostly all the same mistakes.
@shafedog247 Lmao I think @themcnoisy might be exaggerating (only slightly!). But I appreciate the kind comments, same with @Ypmud.
We should try to get another Destiny night together at some point!
People finally starting to realise that this is the most overated game of this generation. Just rename it Grind.
I wonder how Anthem will go down, too late to the party? Battle Royale is flavour of the month now.
I guess I might as well go back and play Warframe then. At least Digital Extremes are doing their best to heed the players' feedback without using any shady practices.
when the only consistent praise is for "the core gameplay", it's pretty obvious it's run out of ideas (and the storytelling has had none since the beginning).
I quite enjoyed the Warmind story better than the incredibly dull CoO, it's not going to win any awards for sure, run three characters through it now, so now the grind to 385 starts, at least it's not instantly achievable, and clan engrams are now no longer really highly powered, the release system was a farce, was at max power in a couple of weeks.
IMHO Bungie's mistake with Destiny 2 was to aim the game at casuals, it's not the casuals who will stick about for three years, it's the hardcore who are totally invested in it, the game should've been built for them from the get go, the casuals will move on after a month of playing it whatever after trying it to a new release.
Raid lairs suck, proper raids bungie, that's what we want, not just over extended strikes with a few more mechanics.
Grimoire, lore, collectables (thanks for putting some on Mars btw, good start), that's what we want.
Ive neve been a fan of this series myself. But everyone I know who plays it loves it. Had a buddy yesterday going off about how amazing this new addition to the game is. Guess it can’t be that bad.
@ShogunRok well I'd be up for that. Playing destiny with friends is still more than worth it.
Questiny you complete one quest only to unlock another 3 so you complete one of the 3 quests then another 2 or 3 openup. And your teammates have stoped playing and you cant join randoms to do Raids or Nightfall so some trophys will have to be left alone.
@KirbyTheVampire They said as soon as D2 came out that they are already working on D3. My guess is it will be out next Sept. and will have the same issues.
I am up for it next week definitely would like a crack at the raid lair or even try escalation protocol I was going to join you on patrols earlier but was trying to get the caches done for sleeper quest.
I have a feeling the exotic scout rifle quest will appear next week bit like the sleeper quest from d1
I am up for a good laugh on Destiny have to get beers in though and charge up my headset
@Ypmud yeah we'll get an evening arranged. I've missed playing with people from here tbh. Scott doesn't have the game anymore so haven't played with him in ages.
@3MonthBeef there's LFG on the destiny app. Might not be perfect but you can usually find a team.
Im not in work from Tuesday night until Friday night so up for some fun as I am struggling to get with a group to run EP properly and im no where near raid ready yet
It’s a shame they don’t provide support and content worth the money. It’s outreageous what they want when you consider it relative to what the game came with for the price it asks. I loved Destiny 1 before the Taken King, but it was just too greedy after that. . $40 after all I spent and the content being offered was rediculous. It’s changed nothing.
@3MonthBeef Ok thanks. I hang around in the lobby and wait to see who's up for raids but it's very rare.
I wish they would make raids and weekly nightfall strikes matchmaking so anybody could join.
As raids often have parts where each person needs to stand on a gate sensor to open the gate so it's imposable on your own.
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