Divinity: Original Sin II is a fantastic role-playing game that strikes an almost perfect balance between dense, absorbing storytelling, and allowing you the freedom to shape the adventure as you wish. The journey through to the end credits will take you dozens of hours to complete, and during that time you’ll meet scores of well-written characters, be forced to make many thought-provoking decisions, and fight leagues of formidable, sometimes sympathetic enemies.
The game begins with your character - either one of a number of preset heroes or one that you design yourself - being stranded on an island prison. There's a mysterious energy called Source that certain people - known as Sourcerers - can channel in the form of magic. Using magic has recently started to attract weird, vile creatures known as Voidwoken, and so Sourcery is considered a bit of a taboo regardless of the intent of the spells being used.

You, as a Sourcerer, have been imprisoned not because of a crime you've committed, but because your innate ability to utilise Source and thus potentially attract Voidwoken presents a very real threat to you and anybody close to you.
A group called the Magisters are responsible for your imprisonment, and while some of these are from the moustache-twirling school of pantomime villainy, there are many reasonable people amongst their ranks who just think they're acting in service of the greater good, and some who are questioning their faith to the order entirely. Similarly, while many of your fellow Sourcerers on the island are good people imprisoned because of abilities they were born with that they can't do anything about, others quickly reveal themselves to be scoundrels wholly deserving of their incarceration. There's good and bad people everywhere, regardless of their allegiances, and it's up to you to decide who to trust, who to avoid, who to fight beside, and who to kill.

Your first major quest is to escape the island prison you've found yourself on, but you can immediately pick up side-quests, too. Some quests can be taken care of in minutes, but others can be massive undertakings spanning numerous locations, and involving many potential fights. The quest log keeps track of how far you've progressed in your various missions, and markers will appear on the map to point out places of interest, but the game rarely explicitly tells you where to go or what to do.
This can sometimes be a source of frustration as you'll be left wondering why you can't move forward in a quest despite being where you think you need to be, but mostly the lack of hand-holding is both refreshing and rewarding. Divinity II isn't as oblique as a game like Bloodborne, but those used to role-playing titles that give you clear and direct instructions may perhaps feel a mite overwhelmed by the options available here.
You can have a party of up to four people in Divinity II, but you don't have to pair up at all if you'd rather be a lone wolf. You can also play the entire game in co-op with friends taking control of other members of your party if you so desire. The various potential party members you can team up with are an interesting bunch, each coming with numerous character-specific side quests to take on, and offering wildly different options in battle.

The way you distribute experience points determines what sort of warrior you are, with some classes being suited to ranged combat, some adept at conjuring magical creatures for help, others using stealth and subterfuge, and of course, the ones that just like whacking things with big swords. The classes feel well balanced, with each having skills suited for use in different situations, and as you progress through the game you can train your heroes in skills from different disciplines so they’re bespoke to your style of play.
Combat in Divinity is turn based, and your characters have a set amount of action points to use during each round of battle. Moving and using your various skills both use up your points, and so how best to deploy your attacks or buffs is all part of the challenge. Do you move out of the line of fire, but doing so won't leave you enough points to heal this turn, or do you spend your action points on a big attack hoping that you'll be able to finish off your opponent before they kill you on their next turn? The more skills you acquire the more options you have, and the more elaborate this whole dance becomes.

It's not just your attacks or magical skills that you'll be relying on in battle, but the environment itself, and coming up with a fresh idea on how to approach a seemingly insurmountable challenge can be fantastically rewarding once it pays off. You can stumble across a fight and be utterly decimated by your foes, sometimes repeatedly, and then it'll hit you: perhaps you need to launch a fire arrow at the oil drum on your first turn to set fire to your enemies and whittle down their magical shields, or maybe getting to higher ground will put you at a better vantage point to bombard your attackers from afar. Sometimes, you'll find yourself in a situation where you have two sets of foes to contend with, and retreating in order to let them fight amongst themselves before you return at the last minute to finish them all off is the most sensible - albeit, ignoble - strategy on the table.
With stellar writing, challenging combat, a compelling central quest, and dozens of worthwhile side activities, Divinity: Original Sin II is one of the finest role-playing games available on PlayStation 4. There’s the occasional small issue and some scant technical hiccups – particularly when playing online – but these are minor quibbles. This is a dense, engrossing adventure, packed to the hilt with stories worth hearing, conflicts you’ll want to resolve, and secret treasures just begging to be discovered.
Comments 46
Great review, huge fan of the last game and I preordered this to play the Act 1 demo which I got 33 hours out of. I'm really excited to visit some of the other locations shown in the screenshots.
You didn't really mention the music which I think is particularly good.
My wallet is really upset with me. I wish I had time to devote to this game to warrant an immediate purchase. But other great games launching at once. Developers have to make use of June, July, and early August.
Missed chance to call it Divinitive Edition.
Excellent. Will definitely buy it one day.
@LaNooch1978 the top of the list, if you will.
@ me if you have questions. The game is huge so there's an awful lot that didn't make the cut for the review.
@Knuckles-Fajita If it was THQ, I can guarantee they would've made it happen, to go along with Darksiders and Red Faction.
@LaNooch1978 do in your heart what you know to be right.
@LaNooch1978 Not really at all. I mean, you should probably play it because it's great, but this one is better, and while there's certainly references to the last game - some more important than others - it's not a big deal. Think of it kinda like Elder Scrolls - if you play Skyrim without Oblivion you're fine, but if you've played Oblivion you'll pick up on bits of lore about the world etc.
@LaNooch1978 I'd basically completely forgotten the first story when I played this one so it doesn't seem to matter much. Anyway, OS had lots of references to the Divinity lore from the last games which isn't really essential to know but I guess it helps.
It's more a case of if you notice stuff you smile, otherwise you wouldn't know either way.
@kyleforrester87 I still need to play the first one, been sitting on my ps4 for about a month, hard to find the time to get into a huge RPG like that one.
@ellsworth004 Yeah i get you - it's one of those games you really need to ride the hype wave into. Once the dust has settled it becomes "just another 100 hour plus RPG".
Honestly I do adore OS1 though, it's everything The Witcher 3 seems to be to everyone but me lol
@johncalmc My question is how OS II compares to the first game in terms of tone, characters and the story. You've mentioned stellar writing and well written characters and those things were the weakest points of the first game so it's kinda surprising to hear reviewers praising it so much. Also, while I appriciate a lot of the humor of the first one, I found the tone overly goofy (for the lack of a better word), how does it look in the sequel?
@LaNooch1978 as good as can be expected. They did a great job. It feels like Diablo in terms of player control and inventory management.
Sure stuff gets a bit cluttered when you're sharing items amongst 4 characters and setting up a hotbar with your favourite skills but it's basically.. good.
Tactical camera is controlled by pressing up on the dpad so you get an immediate overview, handy for when enemies and allies are packed in on the battlefield.
@LaNooch1978 It depends. If you've played it with a mouse and keyboard you might feel like a second class citizen, but if you've never played it that way it controls fine, even considering how complicated it can be at times.
@Lurker If it helps, I also didn't care for the writing so much in the first one. The humour missed more than hit, the story was a bit ho hum, and the characters weren't particularly well fleshed out. This one is leagues ahead as far as I'm concerned.
Every potential party member has numerous unique quests dedicated to them to flesh them out, the writing gets the tone right much more often, the storyline is more interesting, and it's generally a much more polished product. You will still hear the same four lines of dialogue over and over again every time you visit a market though.
@LaNooch1978 Careful, this is a turn based game, not action.
@LaNooch1978 Well now I'm gunna feel like an ass if you regret it.
I hope you enjoy it though. The beginning can be pretty unforgiving, but it's when it's at its best. Just throw sh*t at the wall and see what sticks.
@johncalmc is there online Co op? Sorry I wasn't able to read the whole review
@zimbogamer Sure is, champ.
@LaNooch1978 sweet hope you enjoy it. Good to play something that isn't a third person action adventure with rpg-lite elements these days, anyway!
@johncalmc Yeah, thanks for the info, looks like I'll have to check it out at some point.
@kyleforrester87 Some, like me, might say the music is...divine
@NintendoFan4Lyf have a like for the effort pal
Can't wait to start it, moved to the top of my backlog list
still have to play the first divinity.so many games to play.i also play my ps3 games sometimes.right now im playing resonance of fate.a amazing gun blazing rpg.word up son
A couple of questions for you if I may - with regards to your party/companions, can you only choose from the 6 preset characters or are there other NPC's you can pick up along the way to join you? Also, with regard to the turn based combat, do you have to control all your party members' actions during a fight or will the computer AI help you out?
@Strathnaver1 First one is a bit spoilery so I won't answer here but you'll be able to find the answer with a quick Google, and you control all of your party members. If you're playing co-op with another person you can each control one of the other two characters etc
Ok cool, thanks for the quick response.
Hopefully, Amazon will get my copy posted out very soon !!
@johncalmc what characters did you go with out of interest?
@kyleforrester87 I played co-op with two created characters, Lohse, and a dude whose name I can't spell 😂
I’m so excited to pick my copy up Friday I already have it paid off. I absolutely loved the first one even though the beginning was tough and I thought it took too long to get out of the first town but once you did it just got better and better.
@LaNooch1978 why are you cooling on Spider-Man?
Damn, I need to get into these games.
I doubt I can spend houndreds of hours with an RPG in a foreign language. Italy is doomed.
I wish I had the time and energy for lengthy games like this, but knowing myself I will slowly stop playing game after the 30-th hour.
The first one was brill. I'd be snapping this up day one if I wasn't penny pinching for my hols.
Lost me at turn based I'm afraid. Game looks awesome, but why can't the combat just be Diablo-esque? What's realistic about hitting someone with a sword and then standing their whilst they hit you back, and then taking your turn to do it back to them?
@tomassi Yeah, let's not talk about the realism of frying enemies with fireballs and drinking potions to replenish mana points and health etc.
@tomassi I've played Diablo and I now have some questions about your definition of the word "realistic."
@johncalmc It's realistic in terms of it's fantasy setting. I mean, if a huge big demon is facing up to you a) it's not going to 'let you go first' and b) you are presumably not going to stand there and let it go next without doing anything about it.
Turn based combat sucks, just admit it. There is no need for it whatsoever. The only game it semi makes sense is something like XCOM where you can hide behind cover and shoot guns in turn etc. Up close combat, nah. Not having that.
My opinion of course, you don't need to agree with it for me to know I'm right
@finalstan Well, I accept that it's a fantasy game and things like that exist in those games. That doesn't mean that people would take turns to kill each other. It sounds like something out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "Ah, yes sir. After you take your best shot", "No dear boy, I insist YOU go first"...laughable.
And I don't really see what it adds to the excitement of a game anyway?
@tomassi It's a gameplay mechanic, nothing more, a framework - there are fans of this as well as those disliking it (I like both approaches, if done well, personally). It's just like a more sophisticated game of chess. I mean, you could take the chess pieces and throw them in real-time at the other player, but that is not what the game is about. If you have a team, managing them in real-time without some kind of A.I. would be extremely difficult. And not everybody likes A.I. in games, even programmable. Diablo works because it is just you.
I still haven't finished the first game, interesting to know this one is a big improvement.
The original for PS4 is a great coop game... at least, if you're willing to deep dive into it. It's not as pick up and play as Diablo, and the story parts are hard to invest in if you play this for a couple of hours with a friend only. Then again, everything doesn't have to be Diablo or Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.
@finalstan I think it just bugs me that I really like isometric games but pretty much all of them are either set in a fantasy world and/or turn based.
I want a cool isometric game that plays like Diablo but in a modern setting with guns etc! Sort of GTA or Mafia but isometric. Why does no one make those?
Nearly every idea for a game nowadays seems to be fantasy, sci-fi or zombie!
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