Review republished on 20th April, 2021: With Horizon Zero Dawn primed to be offered for free as part of Sony's Play At Home initiative, we're bringing our original review back from the archives.
Horizon Zero Dawn is both unusual and excellent. Killzone maker Guerrilla Games' first stab at the ever-popular open world genre lifts ideas from a long list of contemporary classics, but it drops them into a post-apocalyptic plot that very much has its own flavour. The title's marriage of science fiction to tribal politics is unlike anything you're likely to have seen before, and yet the Dutch developer's confidence in such an outlandish concept shines through from start to finish. This isn't flawless, but it's still one helluva debut.
Let's begin by vanquishing the giant Thunderjaw in the room, though: Aloy's inaugural adventure is a role-playing game through and through. There had been concern that the release may share more in common with Far Cry Primal than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but on the Western RPG scale, the PlayStation 4 exclusive sits proudly alongside the likes of Fallout 4 and Mass Effect 3. It has everything that you'd expect of the genre: quests, dungeons, dialogue options, merchants, settlements, crafting, skill trees, and more.

But for as good as the title is at ticking boxes, it also has plenty to say for itself. Indeed, those who chastised Guerrilla Games for failing to flesh out the Helghast's story may be surprised by just how much lore is crammed into this 50 or so hour epic: bickering tribes tussle over differing religious beliefs while splinter factions wage bitter civil wars against monarchs who seek to heal the split between societies. And this all runs concurrently alongside the tale of the Old World, the civilization that existed before extinction ended life as we know it today and allowed the Earth to be inhabited by enormous robotic machines.
The conduit for all of this information is the aforementioned Aloy, an orphan exiled from the matriarchal Nora clan and forced to live in a humble shack many miles away from the embrace of All-Mother, the mythical deity which the tribe believes to be their goddess. As an outcast, the red-headed huntress serves as the perfect protagonist: her instinctive curiosity gives the game the perfect excuse to drip-feed you information about the world in which you exist, and you may be surprised by how engaging it all is.
That's not to say that the story-telling is perfect: the supporting cast is generally quite forgettable and the final few quests which focus on the so-called Ancients never really settle upon a fulfilling mechanism to relay their big reveals. But the heroine more than makes up for the shortcomings: she's strong-willed, sharp-witted, inquisitive, and ever so vulnerable all at the same time – think Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger with a bit of Lara Croft and you'll be roughly on the right path. Despite her competency in combat, she's relatable in a way most video game characters aren't.
And it's through the many main and side quests that you'll become attached to the character. Despite the mission design never quite reaching the astronomical highs of Geralt's most recent campaign, there's a lot to like: each short story has its own self-contained arc which either helps to expand upon your understanding of the world or enrich Aloy as a character. There is some poor voice acting – though nothing ever sinks as low as the now infamous Brom quest – and a couple of death scenes will make you cringe, but on the whole it's good stuff.
That said, the lack of options are an obvious area for improvement in the game's inevitable sequel, as it can feel like you're being funnelled down a set-path as opposed to having any meaningful agency over the outcome of the world. This is where CD Projekt Red's opus very much raised the bar, and while Guerrilla Games is not the only developer to be standing in the Polish studio's shadow, it has to be acknowledged all the same. But it's not like the title doesn't have several strengths of its own, with its excellent battles being the best arrow in its quiver.

Where most RPGs struggle in the combat stakes, Horizon leverages its developer's learnings from Killzone to deliver an experience on par with the best third-person action games. Equipped with an incredibly versatile bow, you must use your wits to hunt down the enormous robot dinosaurs that stalk the landscape. Stealth and tactics come into play as you attempt to turn the odds against the enormous mechanical opponents, with each enemy vulnerable to unique strategies. You may, for example, use fire arrows to blow out the fuel canister on one foe – or remove the laser gun from atop another so that you can wield it yourself.
The game doesn't mess around, and a slightly dodgy save system means that you may lose progress when you inevitably eat the dirt at times, but once you get used to the way that the game wants you to play, it's incredibly gratifying turning the tides against such overwhelming odds; enormous health bars will fall fast once you know the best tactics to whittle them down, and while some repetition does set in towards the tail of the end-game, you'll at least feel as though you've mastered the machines. It's just a shame that the human combat is so stilted and simplistic in comparison; the mechanical robots are seriously smart, while the fleshy people wait for their heads to be popped.

At least there's the gorgeous scenery to soak up while you bring down idiotic human beings, of course. There's always been a rivalry between Sony's first-party studios for technical superiority, and the crown may temporarily be heading to Holland. Some very minor pop-in aside, Horizon is a tour-de-force: it has all of the fidelity of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End but delivers it in a sprawling, seamless open world. The quality of the character models can look out of place in conversations due to Bethesda-esque plastic facial animations, but this is generally forgivable given the quality on display elsewhere.
It's not just the technical achievements: it's the art direction, too. Tallnecks – mechanical-like giraffes – linger on the horizon, while thick forests loom large and frosted mountaintops make way for blistering desert expanses. There's a real strong sense of identity here, from the tribal clothing which adorns animal skins with robot parts through to the splendour of the Carja tribe's Meridian city compared to the rustic nature of the Nora's wooden shack settlements. A special mention must go to the soundtrack, too, which is subtle but excellent.
Debuts don't get much stronger than Horizon Zero Dawn. Guerrilla Games' latest borrows liberally from a variety of different sources, and yet it leverages these fundamentals to forge an experience that's daringly unique. The main quest tires a little towards the end, and the writing never hits the same highs as The Witcher 3 – but the tactical action stands leagues ahead of what we've come to expect from the genre, and the presentation is quite simply unmatched.
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Comments 129
As always, just copy me in if you have any questions. I suspect there are going to be a lot, so I'll be working through queries all day.
@get2sammyb Did you play this on the pro and if so.. did you notice any subtle differences between that and the standard ps4.
Also I can't help but feel after reading the review and the subsequent faults you've found with it along with the good parts. The review score seems a bit generous based on the fact it's new IP. Maybe I'm reading too much in to the issues you've quoted.
How is the performance on a normal PS4 ?
@solocapers I played on the PS4 Pro. According to Sony the day one patch will add more improvements to that particular version. It looks amazing.
@DLB3 It's pretty damn big. The most important thing, though, is that it's densely packed and varied. Every journey feels like it's peppered with different landmarks and locales.
@Bonito I didn't play on standard PS4 but I've been reading the GAF thread and apparently it's fine.
Took 8 years but looks like Guerrilla made another legitimately great game, very hyped to play it. One of what seems like very few new IPs this gen so hopefully it'll garner a lot of attention.
Nice review. Unfortunately with me just buying For Honor, and Zelda coming out in a week or so plus saving for an external hard drive my gaming budget is tapped out. However I will make sure to pick this one up when it goes on sale.
i need more screen shots please add more on review
and yeaah that is it ! can not wait to play it
did game have any Dynamic Weather?
I have a week off work when this comes out. Slam dunk.
@Gamer83 I personally always thought Killzone 2 was excellent. I've seen a few people refer to Guerrilla's "poor" track record, but I think that's harsh. I do think this is the best game they've made, though.
@pbernoos Yes, it does have dynamic weather. I might make an article out of some of my Photo Mode captures.
Killzone 2 was fantastic. One of the top games in 2009 and one of the PS3's defining games, imo. I also liked Killzone 3 but it was just 'good' in comparison. Guerrilla isn't a poor developer, just hasn't always lived up to its potential but maybe this fresh start can be exactly what it needs.
@get2sammyb what's the install size on this? Excellent review by the way, it's nice that this site is still able to provide unbiased reviews. It's why I still read it.
Great review and even greater that it's earned such a high score!This was always going to be a day one buy for me but reading your review has got me more excited for it than I already was.However not owning a PS Pro I hope it looks just as amazing.
The only decision now is,do I buy the limited edition steelbook from game or go against my "pay no more than £20" digital rule and have it ready for the release day
@Gamer83 Agreed. Killzone 2/3 were great games...
Have a lot in my backlog that I'm working on right now but I do have both this and Zelda: Breath of the Wild coming day one. So the real question for me is which one do I play first? They're both open world RPGs after all.
Looks like a nice world to jump in after beating Nioh. In the meantime I hope they fix those few tech issues.
As good as this game clearly is I still don't think it's quite for me, may well be wrong and it's going to take all of my willpower to not board the hype train and get this at launch but I'm going to try my very best to hold off until I've played a few other of Marches game's first. Remains to be seen if I will manage that though lol
Good balanced review - I was worried this would be overhyped but it seems that it is a really solid debut and an interesting world to boot which is what I was looking for. Also, the 50 hours runthrough sounds a good investment for me. Going to take me a couple of months to play no doubt! Roll on next week!
Very excited for this. March is gonna be a great month. This, Zelda, Nier... Mass Effect may have to wait with Persona early April! Huge games.
Beautiful, just beautiful. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this one.
I'm so pleased this is reviewing well (apart from the odd contrary one just to try and be different) and the review embargo lifted at a sensible time. Going to pre-order this right now...
Nice to see this is reviewing well and it seems to be living up to pretty much what I expected - fantastic gameplay, presentation and technical performance, OK-ish story. A better plot would probably have shifted me to day one, but as it is I'll look forward to picking this up once I'm finished with Mass Effect Andromeda and Breath of the Wild.
@get2sammyb Are the side quests interesting as the ones in The Witcher 3? Most people who bought the game early liked the side quests.
im so glad this game turned out great good start for 2017
I'm starting to feel the hype more and more!
Thanks for the good read!
I'm just a little worried with the variety of quests, especially the side quests since I feel like those should be in games to run away from the "routine" of main quests!
I don't have any questions, I'm just glad it lives up to the expectations. Eight more days, I cannot wait!
Looks great and will definitely play it. Having said that, I may finish Zelda first and wait for the price to come down a bit.
Can't wait
Killzone 2 had the best (for its time at least) Story. Killzone 3 seemed to switch focus more to the MP which I think was the best in the series. The campaign was a bit short and lacking in depth. Shadowfall couldn't match the campaign of 2 or MP of 3 so it fell somewhat short but that could be due to having to meet the launch window of the PS4 and shoehorn in things to showcase the 'new' DS4.
I have never had concerns over Horizon. The debut at E3 showed enough to allay most concerns as far as combat and game-play which only was reinforced with future video's. The RPG elements were skipped over in general - but still when shown, showed enough to allay fears there. The fact that GG recruited some f the best RPG writers and side quest builders allayed my fears on that too.
As far as performance goes, I have seen reviews that have stated that a few minor frame drops here and there, a few pop-ins - nothing we haven't seen in video's, but overall the performance is great - and that's on the PS4. The Pro performs very similar but at higher resolution.
I can't wait - 9 days to go...
All aboard the Thunderjaw!
The PS4 is fast becoming my favourite console of all time.
Much like UC4, I'll probably spend half my game time just taking screen shots .Game looks incredible!
Its currently on 89 on Metacritic with 66 reviews. The Telegraph (along with 4 others) gave it maximum score and most seem to be 90%+
I notice one review complained that on the Pro version they didn’t notice an increased framerate or up-then-downrezzed textures on my 1080p television... I found this funny as the Pro version only seems to increase the resolution and the game looks stunning on PS4 anyway so a downsampled to 1080p isn't going to look a great deal different than a native 1080p.
Can't wait to see this in 4k HDR...
Thanks for the review! I will surely play it - it just came out a at a terrible time for me..hope to get it for a nice price after Zelda, Mass Effect and Persona.
And female protagonist ftw!
@get2sammyb how long would say just the story missions are as I don't want to rush the game but a certain other system is out two days after and I will playing that.
So I want to get as much as I can out of this in the two I can.
Really looking forward to this, the rpg elements do look quite basic but the combat which is the biggest selling point for me looks a cut above most in the genre. Next week can't come soon enough and this will be the game that's gonna give me a headache switching wires from my VR to get the full 4K HDR goodness
Nice! I'm keeping my limited edition (steelcase & artbook, no statue) preorder
@THRILLHOU I forget exactly but it's big. I think it's around 50GB in size.
@Wazeddie22 All of the footage/trailers that you've seen thus far have been on standard PS4. It's been built with standard PS4 in mind. People need to stop worrying about this.
@SegaBlueSky Did you read my review? The plot is much better than "okay" in my opinion.
@SoulsBourne128 No, the quests aren't quite as good as The Witcher 3. I think they're as good, if not better, than Fallout 4, though.
@AFCC As I said above, the side-quests are good.
@BAMozzy That particular reviewer who wrote about the PS4 Pro should have read the review code; a patch is coming prior to launch to enhance the features on 1080p televisions.
@masofdas If you just follow the main quest, it'll take you about 25 hours. I'd recommend not to do that, though.
@TrueAssassin86x Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne are both above 90. The main quest takes about 25 hours, but you'll need to at least double that if you want to do the side-quests, dungeons, etc.
@get2sammyb Might have to buy this qhen I get my pro. Quick question did the preorder bonus give you a noticeable early advantage or not really. Just needing an insightful opinion on buy this now opposed to much later. Thanks.
@get2sammyb Yeah and I'm glad you enjoyed it, but heard mixed things elsewhere so I'm sure it's plenty good enough, just maybe not up there with the best. Either way I've just got too many games to play at the moment so I'm clinging onto anything to justify not buying it just yet, haha.
Fine I'll bloody get it at launch, Jesus!
@BladeRider We didn't get the pre-order bonus with the review code so I can't say. Game felt nicely balanced without it.
@SegaBlueSky Fair enough. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
@get2sammyb Obviously I am not privvy to information like that. I do read some reviews though and think the reviewer is 'looking' to dislike a game (for whatever reason) rather than to review it objectively.
Was going to wait till it had been out and hear what people thought before I was going to buy but Push Square gave Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 the same score and they were spot on P.S.store here I come.
@kyleforrester87 Let the hype consume you haha
I did the same with Nier: Automata. Little interest. Didn't play the demo & now I've preordered based on good word of mouth.
@Fight_Teza_Fight hahah absolutely zero self control over here
I'm pleasantly surprised by the score. I was expecting something good, but not a 9/10 on the first bat. Looks like this may be a good treat.
While some issues are highlighted, I'm going to assume that they aren't too big a deal if it's scoreed so high.
Horizon has lived up more to the hype which I still can't believe how reviews are going across the board. Guerilla games have made pretty good games I always worry about the story telling. But with horizon my doubts can fade away once I get my hands on the game and see for myself. I can't wait
@get2sammyb thanks, I'm not one for side quests, I normally only ever do the story as that's why I play games but some like Mass Effect, I did do all the characters side mission as I felt they expanded the overall experience.
@BAMozzy Sorry yeah, I wasn't criticising you — just annoys me when "colleagues" don't read the information that's been given to them. Must drive PR mad.
@DerMeister There's room for improvement in the inevitable sequel, but take nothing away, this is a VERY strong debut. I was looking forward to playing it, but it took my by surprise by how good it is.
@get2sammyb Awesome. Good thing the wait isn't long. I'll try to pick it up when I finally get a PS4.
@Comrade44 Mate, have you tried the PlayStation support forums? I've heard a few people have had this problem. You should be able to get it sorted.
@Comrade44 Search the forums. You could also try the customer support chat thing.
pretty strong reviews across the board, with a high metacritic rating. even polygon (who generally downscore everything that's playstation exclusive) gave it 95.
@leucocyte It's a proper "Polygon" game to be fair. Full of the kind of things they're constantly writing editorials asking for...
@Comrade44 Try contacting PlayStation Support on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AskPS_UK or phoning them up.
@get2sammyb Nice review mate. One question: while reading it, I would've thought you were going more for the 8 than the 9, as you mentioned there are several small issues. What pushed this to be a 9 rather than an 8?
@get2sammyb I am sure it does annoy PR and the developers/publishers but I am sure what annoys them more is reviewers going out of their way to 'dislike' a product to the point you even have to wonder if they actually played the game to a certain completion level - picking holes in little things rather than discussing the game as whole. I am sure the PR guys take these with a pinch of salt and focus on the reviews that clearly indicate the reviewer played the game.
@Comrade44 It's on the website.
@Varitt I considered a 8, but ultimately didn't consider the flaws to be strong enough to bring it down. I also liked it more than Fallout 4 which we gave a 9, and think it's better than Final Fantasy XV which we gave an 8.
@BAMozzy Agreed.
With another stunning PS4 exclusive not so long after Nioh and Yakuza it just makes you wonder what is the point in owning a Xbox One?
That doesn't sound good. To many WRPG fans that would actually read as a damning criticism. You picked perhaps the two worst examples you could have. Those two games are widely derided as not really being RPGs but rather just being shooters with a weak RPG veneer. That's exactly what some people are worried Horizon will be.
@PlaytendoGuy portable hard drive support...........oh wait Sony have that covered lol
@get2sammyb I am guessing this was the hush hush game you were playing/reviewing over the weekend great review.
I'd love to read the review, but there's a silly "info" bar that won't go away. I've reloaded/resized, but it sticks right there and follows my scrolls. http://imgur.com/a/usK1p
@get2sammyb Ah that's ok then,thanks for clearing that up!I just thought the game was being used to promote the PS4 Pro as well as the game itself.
And sorted that digital/steel case decision out,went straight into town to pre order the steelcase...and I can never be bothered to drive into town these days
@get2sammyb how is the ending? Satisfying? I've played a few games that I thought was great for the first 99% but then ended abruptly or confusingly.
@get2sammyb Is there a New Game Plus, or any challenge modes after completion, like Rise of the Tomb Raider? Also, from what I understand, the person that voices Aloy also voiced Tiny Tina in Borderlands. Please tell me you have some insider information about some DLC that will allow you to play the game with Tiny Tina voice
@Neolit Win 10 Chome 56. It's probably a result of display scaling on a "3k" monitor because zooming out moves it to the right side of the screen, but then the text is too small.
Just watched Kinda Funny Games Spoiler free review - WOW - 'Best PS4 Exclusive' and a very very special game... well worth watching - especially if you are still on the fence or even thinking about waiting to buy...
@PlaytendoGuy I have an X1 as well as a PS4 and PC, they all get played for different reasons. Forza Horizon 3 has no equal, and there are some great co op games as well. The BC is very nice to have, some games are fun to go back to without having an extra console hooked up. I guess I just don't understand why you're so concerned about what other people have? Not everyone likes games like Nioh or Yakuza.
I wasn't expecting a review of Horizon this early. I thought it would've been up later this week.
@PlaytendoGuy Halo Wars 2, of course.
@Bhattiboy I've actually been playing it for ages. It's been difficult not talking about this one...
@NathanUC It's your screensize, but I'll pass that bug on.
@Wazeddie22 Nice! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
@IanDavid As I mention in the reviews, the last few quests are a bit meh as the game lacks a mechanism to make its big reveals about the Old World, which is a shame. It's a very fulfilling ending, though, which still manages to setup a sequel.
@RedMageLanakyn I don't think there's New Game Plus because it drops you back into the open world when you complete it. There are tons of collectibles and little trials to complete, though. And yeah, Ashly Burch voices Aloy, though she's more doing her Chloe voice here.
@Deadlyblack I think Sony's just really confident in it, and rightly so.
@get2sammyb is the language kid-safe? I have a son who loves robots and dinosaurs and it seems wrong to tell him he can't watch
@get2sammyb I have no problem with it. It's a nice change of pace being able to read reviews a week early instead of a week after release. Great review.
@Mega-Gazz Hmm, yeah I think so. I don't remember an abundance of swears at all. It's quite teen-friendly; like I've said elsewhere, it's like The Hunger Games: The Game.
@BAMozzy They're still around? Everytime I used to see Greg Miller furl his eyebrow and talk like a cornball, I wanted to pour lemon juice in my eyes! Colin's always been a d*ck, but at least he didn't hide it with terrible jokes.
@Neolit Na, it's a dynamic web sizing issue/bug. If I don't maximize the window, it happens on my 1080p display as well (no extensions on that machine).
@Neolit I don't run any ad blockers, so that's not the issue here either
@NathanUC @Neolit It's definitely a screensize issue thing. I've passed it on to @Antdickens.
Digital Foundry's first look at performance. Almost flawless 30fps on either console and when frame rate does dip, its only brief and 1-2 frames at most with great frame pacing too. Interestingly, they say the Pro is getting a 'performance' patch. An unlocked 60fps frame rate at 1080p?
@BAMozzy GG said they can't give 60fps from graphick engine even on pspro, i don't think they could make it possible with any path
But it looks like comepletly optimize even on normal ps4
@pbernoos I know - but the game appears to run at an almost solid 30fps so how can they improve performance that much...
I will come back and read the review after I have played it.
So having finished the story would you say that it at least kinda-sorta makes sense that the machines that took over the world look like dinosaurs or other animal forms?
Can't read the review because the blue box on the left hand side with all the game details keeps scrolling down and blocks the text.
Very happy to see it got a 9 though. Can't wait to get my copy!
This game really does sound solid all-around. Pity I won't be playing it for a while, but I'll add this onto the increasingly large list of high-quality PS4 games I need snag when prices drop a bit.
Glad to hear that Base PS4 performance is very good.
Hopefully, HDR support will work on all PS4s as well.
Alot of people don't realize that all PS4s can do HDR. It's pretty cool.
Many people feel that the HDR effect is more noticeable than 4K rez.
@get2sammyb Great review! I was hoping it was good enough for an 8, so glad it met expectations. After all that can't-have-female-lead fiasco, I'm so happy Aloy is an awesome character, hopefully Sony will stop doubting female leads from now on.
Quick question, how challenging is the game? Are there different difficulty options?
@get2sammyb "I think they're as good, if not better, than Fallout 4, though." I swear to God if Preston is there telling me another settlement needs my damn help.. 😂
@Lurker Ermmm. Yes, it absolutely makes sense. Whether you buy into the more sci-fi aspects depends on your tolerance for that sort of thing. They explain everything, though — it's quite imaginative.
@SilentJ Another one with the overlaying box error, @Antdickens.
@GamerDad66 Yep, you'll get HDR on standard PS4. Looks amazing in Horizon, too.
@renankj I found it VERY challenging on Normal, and there are two harder settings you can choose if you like. It's tough but fair.
@ArkhamKnerd Fortunately, there's not!
Thanks for the answer. I feel generally encouraged by the praise the game is getting for its story, quests and lore. Seems like it could be really interesting and fun if approached with reasonable expectations.
I'm really looking forward to this. I preordered for my PS4 Pro although it may be a week before I actually can sit down and play. But I'm super excited for the game. With the way things have been going I have been pushing off lots of games till price drop but I had this on my buy list from when it showed up at E3.
Ok, I was not sure about this one but after reading all the reviews I am so hyped. Im getting this day one!!!
@Lurker I felt the same way. The first night I played it I was like... "Wait, WTF?! This is much better than I expected!"
@get2sammyb I'm not doubting they are good, I'm just worried if they are all 'go here, kill this robot/person, go back' quests...
But honestly I can't even imagine how they get variety in a game like this!
Nonetheless, day one purchase to me!
Im already tired of the witcher 3 comparisons, the witcher 3 and watchdogs are my two most regrettable purchases. The combat in witcher is laugable, and the story put me to sleep. This game will s&#t all over the crappy witcher lol
This is gonna add to my collection with witcher 3, eso, fallout 4, GTA, Mass effect and final fantasy.. and the rest! GG technical mastery in partnership with awesome story writers and talented composers. Awesome combo! Can't wait for a horizon sequel and a killzone reboot with same talented tech, story writing and music team... and all handlers etc! Congrats GG hope this sell gazillions
@bbauer36 For the record, I think the combat's crap in The Witcher, too. Hard to fault the quality of the writing, though.
@get2sammyb If I want to Platinum this game and complete it at 100%, how many hours do you think this will take? Reviews say that the story ranges from 20 to 40 hours, and that includes doing a few of the side quests.
I've been looking forward to Zelda Breath of the Wild for so long now, whereas Horizon kinda went off the radar after I heard some stuff that could potentially harm the funfactor of the game.
I'm extremely lucky to be in the enviable position where I've got to play Horizon Zero Dawn extensively (28 hours) and where I'm currently invested in Zelda. I know this comparison might sound a bit far fetched, but while playing through Zelda this evening I couldn't stop thinking bout Aloy, bout the beautiful world of Horizon and about the story that unfolded; I've heard comparisons to Tomb Raider, to Uncharted, to GoW, to Far Cry and even to Dark Souls for reasons that are unknown to me, but I think that PlayStation finally found its very own "Zelda".
@iSillyBoiJudas 50 to 60 I reckon.
Personally Ive had no interest in this game at all.
But the fact its able to get pretty high up there considering how high that bar has been set by CDPR, thats an acheivement in and of itself.
Personally I didnt mind the Wither 3s combat, but the story is extremely well written and the charactera very well designed.
So even though Im not the least bit interested in this, kudos to Guerilla for making its mark well, writing a decent yarn and trying out some new ideas.
@get2sammyb Great review! Just wondering, how stealth-focused is the combat and is it easy to get the hang of? Are there tutorials or is it more trial and error? I'm terrible at being sneaky.
@Koromaru You do need to use a little bit of stealth but it definitely eases you in.
Sammy, loads of info on the setting and stuff.....what's it like to actually play? As in; control of the character, feel and inertia of the combat, weapons & enemy AI?
Those are what I'll be basing my buying decision on - the rest such as lore, RPG elements etc is standard for AAA games, which is cool when showing off their bells & whistles, but I'm more interested in details on its mechanisms re control. Is combat more akin to Witcher (which is poor, by any stretch) or something new entirely?
Curious game - I'm especially keen to know how successfully Guerrilla have made the transition from FPS to third-person RPG.
@Galvatron It controls excellently; it's vastly superior to The Witcher:
"Where most RPGs struggle in the combat stakes, Horizon leverages its developer's learnings from Killzone to deliver an experience on par with the best third-person action games. Equipped with an incredibly versatile bow, you must use your wits to hunt down the enormous robot dinosaurs that stalk the landscape. Stealth and tactics come into play as you attempt to turn the odds against the enormous mechanical opponents, with each enemy vulnerable to unique strategies. You may, for example, use fire arrows to blow out the fuel canister on one foe – or remove the laser gun from atop another so that you can wield it yourself.
"The game doesn't mess around, and a slightly dodgy save system means that you may lose progress when you inevitably eat the dirt at times, but once you get used to the way that the game wants you to play, it's incredibly gratifying turning the tides against such overwhelming odds; enormous health bars will fall fast once you know the best tactics to whittle them down, and while some repetition does set in towards the tail of the end-game, you'll at least feel as though you've mastered the machines. It's just a shame that the human combat is so stilted and simplistic in comparison; the mechanical robots are seriously smart, while the fleshy people wait for their heads to be popped."
Take a look at the video, too. There are no spoilers and I talk about it a bit more there.
Cool. I might check out some videos as it's piqued my curiousity - but it'll take something special to remove GTA Online from my PS4. That game continues to astound me.
I thought that after reading the review about this game, I would be able to say "buy" or "wait" but I still can't decide. There are so many games I've yet to play on the PS4 and I'm still on the fence about the Switch.
....I'll probably hold off on both and play through the lengthy backlog.
@get2sammyb Thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions, read the language reply so it seems family safe enough. We finished the story in FFXV and we all thought the ending sucked, Regalia F was the best part, so I may not wait on this now.
So, 2 questions - I know you mentioned open world, but does it feel and play open? FFXV was open world but it felt so not open, invisible walls everywhere. U4 is very linear, but it's so beautiful w/ paths and scenery it almost feels more open than FFXV. Driving the Jeep thru the mud on the way up to Devin, walking along the rocky coast in the rain. All linear, but it felt non-directed. So how does H:ZD feel?
Fast travel? FFXV has some great fast travel options, probably the best variety I'd ever seen. I was 80 hours in before I realized I could shop while Ignis drove me places, never experienced anything like that in a game before. U4 doesn't need it, that interactive movie plays just as it should. I'm still waiting to see how Link gets uphill in BotW. Gliding down is nice, but I'm not repeatedly climbing back up any big mountains.
Still may not get it at launch, we have a months worth of Netflix TV programs to watch, but I'll see what deals pop up. We currently don't have Amazon Prime so I can't save the 20%, we've never had GCU at Best Buy.
Glad you enjoyed it, sorry if you answered those questions in your review, I'm trying to avoid spoilers. Not doing a very good job though I'm afraid.
Preordered along with Persona 5 and still have FFXV and Valkyria Chronicles on the back burner. I'll be busy til fall at this rate.
Is there a difficulty level and what difficulty did you play it on?
@tabris95 how about play both!
@rjejr Yeah, it feels completely open. They segment a part of the world for the first few hours while you get used to the gameplay, but it gradually opens up more and more as you progress.
There is fast travel, but you have to craft the item that allows you to use it. It's not hard, though.
@xMEADx Multiple difficulty tiers, yes. I played on Normal and it felt very challenging.
@get2sammyb Thank you good sir. Both my kids want to play this on their own, maybe I'll just play it on easy late at night late at night and enjoy myself.
That's my willpower gone, which was slowly waning as I was reading more an more about the game, and I pre-ordered the game on Amazon, which sweetened the deal with the price for Prime members. I'm encouraged by the reviews and how it plays from the start (very little glitches) and will be done with FFXV's story by 1 March for sure. Wanted to play Nioh but can always get that later, this feels like a safer bet for me. Can't wait, the hype got the better of me!
Birthday on the 25th and payday on the 28th so I cant wait to get my hands on this.
Woo!! I knew this game would be awesome.
This game looks amazing and if it wasn't for Zelda releasing the same week I'd buy this the day it comes out. Maybe after I finish Zelda and I've had my initial fun with the Switch I'll get this game. Looks really stunning.
@Comrade44 Glad it got sorted!
How's the soundtrack? Any memorable tracks in your opinion?
@get2sammyb How's the inventory management? This killed Witcher 3 for me, way too much faff and glitchy on top of that, so by the time they 'fixed' it I was put off for good.
@finalstan Much better. Nice and clean.
@ThroughTheIris56 Excellent soundtrack.
@get2sammyb Awesome!
So now this belter is out the way can we have a new killzone please!!
This game is absolutely the best open world ive ever played, the best graphics, gameplay, and story period.
never played such an awesome open world . Its really almost perfect:
great graphics, awesome combat, the world itself, story,....
if you don't like this game , you don't like any game
I would like co-op so please do that plz plz.......
9.5/10 rounded up to 10
Why is this on the front page?
@Cheems It's free as part of the stay at home iniative, Pushsquare always put older game reviews up when they are given away through plus or whatever!
Ha, it's really weird reading all the comparisons to The Witcher 3. They're both open world games but that's pretty much the only thing they have in common..Well aside from both being two of my favourite games of last gen of course!
Recently replayed HZD and it still holds up, just a stunning game from start to finish. Great gameplay in which you have freedom as a player to be as creative as you can be, at least once you've obtained enough different weapons and ammo types. Melee combat isn't the best though and I expect this is something that will be massively improved in the sequel.
It's a beautiful game with a charisma lead and wonderful music and sound design (although not to everyone's taste 😉). It's not perfect but name.me a game that is? Some of the secondary characters are easily forgotten (not Nil though, definitely not him) and the dialogue choices don't have real impact but these are only minor flaws and for anyone lucky enough to come into this game blind then all I can say is: enjoy! Enjoy one of the best open world action-adventure games the PS4/PS5 has to offer.
@grahamd I'm sorry you enjoyed it that much.
I played this through in 2017 but it didn't really resonate with me. I decided to give it another go with the play at home initiative. Now I know why I wasn't that into this game; Aloy is a not a likeable main character to me. She's condescending, snide, and amazingly adapt at putting people in their place which totally does not fit her background as a social outcast. It would have been more realistic if she were uncomfortable around people at first then gradually develop social skills but nope she's a conversational wizard from the getgo. The rest of the game is great but its hard to love the game when the character i play as irritates me.
Great game, just platinumed it last month! Can't wait for Forbidden West.
I gave this game a seven and I was being very generous. The first 5 to 10 hours go by pretty good but I feel after that it becomes a diluted story that you just need to finish the track so you can say you completed it.
While the game is fun for the combat, the story gets really confusing to follow.
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