The Last of Us: Part II is a tale of obsession, and developer Naughty Dog clearly knows a thing or two about that. This is a painstakingly dense sequel, and it’s so tightly intertwined with the original that it’s effectively essential material for anyone who has reverence for the original release. While it continues to iterate upon the cinematic style that the Californian company has been pioneering since Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, new gameplay wrinkles make for more dynamic combat experiences, while the scope of its setting is perhaps only matched by Red Dead Redemption 2.

This is not an open world game like Rockstar’s critically acclaimed Spaghetti Western, of course, but it is big. With a running time of around 30 hours, Ellie’s adventure will take you on a journey through an obscenely detailed Seattle, meticulously brought to life by some of the best artists in the industry. No two buildings are the same, with each explorable interior harbouring its own stories about the individuals that lived and worked in them.
Just as The Last of Us realised the studio’s ambition for the PlayStation 3 era, its successor feels like a product of the ideas it explored in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Wide-linear environments take centre stage, giving you options to explore off the beaten path. There are housing estates for you to investigate and entire shopping districts for you to discover, all rendered in unparalleled fidelity.
And on top of this is a fiction that feels much larger than the characters you encounter within it. Following the events of the first game, the Fireflies have disbanded, and two new factions have formed in the Seattle area – each with opposing views. The Washington Liberation Front is militaristic and organised, while the Seraphites (or Scars, as they’re more colloquially known) are religious zealots inspired by the teachings of a prophet who rose to notoriety following the collapse of the society we know.

Behind all of this is the deadly cordyceps infection, which serves as an ominous backdrop bringing out the desperation in its cast. You play as Ellie, who’s now a fully-grown woman and an established member of a community named Jackson, which serves as a refuge for survivors in this post-apocalyptic world. A series of events which we’re sworn to secrecy about prompt the protagonist to leave the sanctuary of her home and embark on a quest for revenge.
The story is ambitious, utilising flashbacks and overlapping narratives to excellent effect. It’s engrossing stuff, and while some may feel uncomfortable with some of the topics it dares to tackle, that’s by design. No one is necessarily good or evil in this universe: there are simply shades of grey, and the conclusions you come to will depend upon your own interpretation. It’s a violent world, though, and where other titles revel in this, here you’ll be left uneasy.
This is best observed during combat encounters. Pick off an enemy with a stealthy stab to the neck, and you’ll watch them gag on their own blood as they crumple to the ground, gargling desperately. Comrades who detect their lifeless bodies will call out their name, lamenting the loss of a friend and forcing them to search for you more vigorously. But just as you steal away the companions of others, the fragility of your own associates’ mortality is always on display.
This makes shootouts particularly fraught affairs, and they’re elevated by the fact that Naughty Dog is not afraid to mix and match factions. Some of the best combat encounters see you facing off against warring human mercenaries, while infected linger nearby. With the right tactics you can manipulate your aggressors into fighting against each other, allowing you to thin their numbers and save crucial supplies for future encounters.
As with the first game, scavenging is a key element of the gameplay. Different items can be combined in a slick backpack interface, providing you with medical kits and explosives. As before, you’ll need to make tough decisions about what you craft: rags and alcohol can be merged for effective first aid, but maybe you’d be better off using them for a Molotov instead? The pursuit of essential ingredients forces you to comb the environments more thoroughly than ever before, and the scale of the world means that you’ll happen upon copious lore-building artefacts along the way.

While we can’t help but feel that the emphasis on written paper notes to reveal sub-plots is beginning to grate, The Last of Us: Part II’s environmental storytelling is so engaging that you’ll actively want to eke out every one of its secrets. Improved traversal pairs with brand new puzzles to make navigation genuinely entertaining, meaning there’s a lot more variety than the first game. Despite its scope, there are still moments where you’ll feel unnecessarily walled in by scenery that can’t be interacted with, but given the scale of the game this is less of an issue than its predecessors.
It all looks peerless, too. Naughty Dog’s art department is among the best in the industry, and its interpretation of the apocalypse is both grim and gorgeous. There are dozens of set-piece spectacles throughout the course of the campaign, but the best moments are when the studio manages to find wonder in the otherwise ordinary. For as dark and harrowing as this tale can be, the developer allows moments of real levity, which helps to humanise the characters despite the extraordinary circumstances they find themselves in. The cut-scene direction is on a level above the typical expectation for titles of this ilk.

It also sounds exquisite. Special mentions must be reserved for Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, and Laura Bailey who all excel as the release’s leading cast, but several supporting characters also establish themselves extremely swiftly – owing to great performances and a sharp script. The sound design is similarly stunning, with a 3D audio setting available for those with the requisite hardware which offers a taste of the levels of immersion we can expect from the PlayStation 5.
The Last of Us: Part II adds a couple more inches to the already outrageously high bar that Naughty Dog has set for itself. This is the developer’s crowning achievement to date, expanding and improving upon the concepts that it’s been iterating on for over a decade now. Unparalleled presentation combines with an engaging gameplay loop that puts you in the shoes of its characters – and forces you to feel all of the tension and misgivings of its cast. It’s uncomfortable and not everyone will necessarily enjoy its direction, but that’s ultimately what makes it so essential.
Comments 194
Thanks for reading, everyone! I plan to put up an article in the very near future digging into many of your most asked questions, but I'll try to be active here, too, so be sure to copy me into your queries.
And remember: under no circumstances is it okay to share spoilers here. Thank you.
Oh nice. A sneaky review dropped on an early Friday morning and it sounds like I'm going to absolutely love it. Can't wait until next week.
YES! Screw the haters. Next Friday. Lets. Do. This. What a 24 hours for Sony
Sounds good! I beat the first game again in preparation of this one, and I can't wait!
That's a terrific review, Sammy.
While I don't wish to be spoiled, I always get a bit annoyed that reviews like this aren't allowed to talk about the story, which is such a key part of games like this.
But you've just about covered everything else and have me very excited for next week now. Bring it on!
Was there ever any doubt? 😁
Great review. Just curious did you have the review written a while ago and just clicked ‘submit’ today?! (or what you press!) looks like another masterclass game though. Can’t wait!
@roe There's more discussion to be had on the story for sure, but Sony's embargo was quite strict and honestly there's no point in spoiling it now. It's utterly engrossing.
@Alpine021 The review has been written for a little while. Sony gives the media a time and date for when they can release their impressions, and that's just lifted!
Hopefully Amazon isn't late this time when delivering their preorders!
Look forward to it!
Ahahahaha! Can’t believe people thought this game was gonna fail! Think y’all can shut up now, can’t wait until next Friday!!!!!! 😭
Most be agreeing with the review as it's at 95% at the moment on metacrtic with IGN Japan giving it the lowest score of 70, reading that review the reviewer just seems to be nitpicking and moaning for moanings sake.
Well done naughty dog.
Nice review. I'm on the fence about the semi open world that ND has been moving to since UC4 however, I loved the world of TLOU so this may be a match made in heaven.
Regardless, I was always going to play this day one. I bought a Playstation for the first time since the PS2 primarily to play this game and it was the first PS4 game I played and it got me back into gaming big time.
@get2sammyb thanks for the review. It confirms what I was hoping for the game, good job explaining without spoiling anything.
Can't wait for friday
Oh yes! Thanks for the confirmation that this will be the GOTC! (century)
OK, I think I'm ready for this. I've been patient, I've avoided spoilers and I'm gonna finally platinum the original this weekend.
I've booked days off work to play and told the wife and kids to leave me be for the weekend.
@Gilvin You're welcome! You're in for a real treat next week.
@Rob_230 Keep in mind this is a PlayStation focused site. See reviews from other sites first.
Roll on Friday can't wait. Would have been good if Sony said yesterday after all those trailers actually you can now download the last of us 2 now 😀😀😀 I know wishful thinking lol. But still buzzing after last night's presentation, now just got to wait for ps5 price and release date. Might watch the presentation again while I'm "working"from home pass another hour lol
I can't wait. I'm replaying TLoU now in preparation and I forgot just how violent that can be as you smash heads against walls. It is still one of the best games of This gen even though its a remaster so 2 has a lot to live up to, and it sounds like it will do so without problem.
This is going to be my last big PS4 game, I'm saving Ghost for PS5 and going to focus on clearing my backlog and Naughty Dog is the best way so see out a generation.
I just hope Amazon sends it out a day or two early. Never happened to me before but hey, always a first time...
10 out of 10! Naughty Dog smashes another hit out. Seen other reviews for it & it looks like Sony has another gem of a game. Just as part one was a swan song for the PS3, last of us 2 is the perfect swan song for the ps4. Cannot wait for my copy to arrive next week. Congrats Naughty Dog & Sony. Phenomenal!
I mean ND and R* are ALWAYS a MUST-PLAY.
@get2sammyb yeah the embargo I know. Been looking forward to the reviews. Hopefully it will be worth replaying too In the future. I’m replaying TLOU remastered now whilst waiting for this.
Time to preorder it on psn 😃
Great review Sammy cheers! Not too much info beyond what is already known... I only use pushsquare for gaming news so I've avoided all spoilers.. I'm really looking forward to Friday now 👍
@get2sammyb must have been hard for you to not talk about this while playing it for the last few weeks!
Can't wait till next week, so up for this!!
@suikoden I hope it hits 97 to take on Rockstar and Nintendo, Both of which I think are slightly overrated compared to GOW and Spiderman. It does not seem right that Sony does not have a game in the top list even though their studios have ruled this generation
I'll wait for the PS5 remastered edition
Didn't read the review (sure it's great). I scrolled to the 10/10 and I'm hyyyyped for next week !!!
Glad I can spend time in the PS5 reveal topics until then. My soul is ready (I hope)
Predictable score!! Not saying it didn't deserve it as I haven't played it myself yet but there was no way this was getting less than a 10...
I should get my Special Edition next week - although the first game was not exactly my favourite Naughty Dog game. I am someone that likes to go everywhere, find every collectible etc - even if I don't read them. I hope they don't have 'optional' dialogue that you have to take part in to get a trophy - that bugged me in the first one as it offered little to the overall story.
Anyway, I will be getting mine next week...
Brilliant stuff, had mine pre-ordered any way from the PS store. Roll on next Friday!
Currently replaying the first again just to remind myself of all the events. What strikes me is just how good it is and tlou2 is just is good according to these reviews.
Roll on next Friday!
Sony playing us like a guitar using a track pad. A killer presentation last night and now this stonking review by @get2sammyb
What a 24 hours to be a gamer.
Wait who am I kidding, I didn't need to hear any reviews before buying this game!
The first games I bought after getting a PS4 back in early 2017 were all from ND. Uncharted Collection, Uncharted 4 and The Last Of Us Remastered. I had a blast with each and every one of them and no doubt it will be the same with Part II.
Naughty Dog, you've done it again!
The only review I care about!
Thanks Sammy! Next friday seems so far with this huge amount of hype
@get2sammyb I know everyone has questions so sorry for that! What do you need for the 3D audio? Will my PlayStation 2.0 headphones do the trick or are we talking specialist gear? Thanks
I imagine it has great HDR support. And does it play at 2160 on pro? Good review but no technical stuff. Also will ray tracing etc be added as a patch if I buy the PS5?
I cannot wait to play this when it arrives later. Oh wait it's next Friday 😆
And another game is batted out the park by Sony and it's studios.
The competition are probably still reeling after last nights expo, and now a massive high reviewing tent-pole game comes out the blocks is a huge double whammy.
Ghost of Tsushima next and then probably full steam ahead on PS5 until Xmas, how exciting!!
@Akurusu You mean reviews from other sites that have contributed to a Metascore of 96 (76 reviews at time of writing)?
Didn't read. Just looked at the rating and +- part. Now I'm spoiled that design is restrictive(((.
I'll play it and then return to reading this article. I just like to read reviews AFTER my own playthrough - to check if I agree with the author.
What's that i hear? Its the sounds of all the man babies crying that the game is getting critical acclaim. Can't wait and i'm so hyped right now.
Average of 96 on Metacritic with almost 80 reviews, most of which are saying it’s better than the first. 1 week to go!
@get2sammyb appreciate that but such a heavy review embargo means that none of these reviews out at the moment are really a look at the full game
You know I respect your view though and you giving it a 10 means a lot. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in myself
Great review and visually this looks amazing, Naughty Dog are at the top of their game. I'm still not convinced this game is for me and I still have a few games to catch up with first. I hope you all enjoy it and I'll probably pick it up a bit later
@get2sammyb Any key differences in performance between PS4 and PS4 Pro? I'm wondering whether to wait and get it on a PS5?
@get2sammyb I will be playing this with a high chance my little brother being around, so is there any sexual content or explicit nudity? And what about gore?
That was a early review.its 5: 57 in new york now haha.good tosee this game getting good reviews .another naughty 🐕 dog Masterpiece.word up son
I am avoiding reviews so must confess to not reading the article but looked at the score which fills me with joy!
@get2sammyb Can you say if the trophy list is any good?
and what were the review restrictions imposed on...
Who expected anything less?! Simply. Cannot. Wait!
Oof, those three 7/10s on Metacritic are probably hurting it's overall score a bit, as well as a lot of 8s that are saying "Yeah it's good but nothing amazing". So weird that people talk about "bloat" in a 30 hour game like this but give BotW a free pass for having something like 900 korok seeds that typically involve slightly moving a rock to get an annoying little git to pop up.
Will have to come back to the review later. Going in completely blind. Starting up TLOU Remastered today.
Bring on launch day!
@Azzurro82 All I needed to hear. I don’t trust reviews from sites that focus on one brand.
@TrueAssassin86x I don’t think reviews from PlayStation/Nintendo/Xbox/PC focused sites are reliable for obvious reasons. I don’t worship your Sony master the same way you do.
@Akurusu If you don’t trust platform focused review scores, then trust the 96/95 aggregate on meta/open critic based on almost 80 reviews as of now.
Thanks for the excellent review @get2sammyb. Cant wait to play this game. I was gonna just recap the first one on YouTube but this has got me so hyped and gonna replay it instead.
I feel like Naughty Dog are to games the equivalent of Scorsese to films. Guaranteed masterpiece.
@Akurusu Why they arent easy going on PS exclusive games and i know i want too play it.
People trying to sabotage it just had a confirmational bias from the start and/ or were just pursues who couldn't hack the themes. It's kinda sad to think people have nothing better to do than spew futile disdane for a game they clearly never liked from the start, aside from those saying the LGBT themes are an apparent "agenda", despite the fact they were still present in the original amd is indicative of people who never read the games and wanted to use the facade that they "liked the original, but..." *****. Pathetic and second only to those spreading misinformation and peddling hacked/ leaked footage that ultimatley did the oposite of what the sabotage was trying to do (i.e. build hype). Everything isn't sunshine and rainbows, what game did these people think it was going to be? Regardless, I'm hyped for yet another generation defining rollercoaster experience. The false naratives around this game coupled with the inevitable release only makes their pressed ***** all the more laughable when the rest clock on that the game is nothing like this delusion they constructed. Probably the same morons who started a discourse over a puddle in spiderman, which wouldn't be that surprising given the xbots jumping the bandwagon to purvey their jealousy over another L they taken this gen as an excuse to tey and tarnish hype.
My pre download has started......not long to go now. Very excited to jump back into the world of the last of us
I still can't trust a lot of these reviews giving it 9s and 10s. I keep wondering if this reviewer is super biased or not.
Odd how passionate some are about a game they haven't played yet... looking forward to it but people jumping down others throats for having reservations about it is just childish
@TrueAssassin86x I am a fan, you are a fanboy. There’s a difference. Also, you haven’t played the game yet so how can you say the scores are deserved?
@Fight_Teza_Fight I saw that & I pointed it out, PushSquare is one of those sites that I don’t trust for PS exclusive reviews. But as for the rest I’ll see when I play the game myself. There have been a handful of times where people loved a game but the critics didn’t and vice versa. I know you can relate.
The gameplay honestly looks really boring like most of Naughty Dogs games. I would recommend watching the story on YouTube and saving your $60 for Ghost next month.
@Nepp67 What I learned with Pushsquare is if it's exclusive, subtract 3 points off the score.
Ah and so begins the shill media's campaign of Naughty Dog ass kissing. Hilarious
@TrueAssassin86x yes kiddo because of eveeeeryone who doesn't agree with you is just a troll.
@TrueAssassin86x You have to do better. You called me a fanboy because I said I don’t trust reviews from platform focused sites so... yeah. What are you, 12? And just because a game has a good score doesn’t mean the people are going to like it. I explained that earlier.
Eh, I’ll get round to it eventually, probably. Who am I kidding, I don’t see myself ever getting round to TLOU games anytime soon!
@get2sammyb Dunno if you see this between the deluge of ps5 stuff,but get the impression the hit & run tatics mean a more hetic gameplay style than TLOU? Was quite used to taking things slow in the first game to get as much gear as possible/shiv doors etc. Looks here you can run out of gear really quick unless the different groups take each other out?
Wow, I had no idea reviews would come out so early.
This has always looked amazing so not surprised. Cant wait for my copy - great to have another quality single player, story driven game 👍
Just a sea of 100s (Meta @96!). Good for them. Hopefully sales also great.
@get2sammyb I have tons of questions, but I'll limit it b/c I know you're busy, and even after writing a review seem twisted in knots between not spoiling anything and sworn to secrecy.
1. Difficulty? Difficulty settings? Save points? I was greatly annoyed at 2 spots in the first game - building w/ multiple levels, where even if you killed creatures on the first 2 levels and died on the 3rd you had to do the entire building over again; and the restaurant boss, which was just stupid for numerous reasons.
2. Ending. Does she wake up and all 3 games were a dream - you never mention the DLC game - or does she wake up from a dream where she is fighting the final boss but then you have to wait for the next game before she actually fights the final boss.
3. Quality of life - is this game ready day 1 or are there going to be updates every single day for the first 2 weeks. I don't like to squint reading.
Ok that's enough for now.
@TrueAssassin86x Spiderman 😂😂😂. Silly shill child.
Proves what I've thought for a long time about polygon, they have games( apart from Nintendo) but hate Sony more and seem to be a bunch of woke morons!
It was to say but that's how most people will behave if something like this happens. A species we a a bunch of uncaring A holes.
@rockertherockgod Resolution is the big difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro. I haven't tried it myself, but my understanding is that it still looks and runs great on standard PS4. HDR is awesome on both platforms.
@Alpine021 To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure. I have the PlayStation Wireless Headset 2.0 and it defaults to 3D audio when you toggle the simulated 3D setting on. I'm not sure whether you can do the same with other headphones or not, but I'm guessing you can't.
@Dodoo Very difficult! I still can't really talk about it because of spoilers!
@rjejr Quick answers:
1. There are LOTS of difficulty options, and you can even create your own custom difficulty. You can make resources scarce and combat quite easy, for example, if that's how you prefer it. Or vice versa. You can change difficulty after you start the campaign, so can adjust it to your tastes if you're finding it too hard/easy.
2. No.
3. It's super polished on v1.02, which I believe is the launch patch. I know they're planning to add a few things post-launch, but not sure if we can talk about that yet. I think you'll be fine re: patches.
@Robocod It's an evolution of the original. You definitely can play it more methodically if you prefer that approach. Tons of mobility options mean that I tended to play in a hap-hazard style, though, moving constantly and just using whatever items I had in my arsenal to my advantage.
@koaeinferno I rarely replay games but am on my third playthrough here. The gameplay is superb in my opinion.
@Nepp67 It's got a 96 on Metacritic. We can't all be wrong!
@Mostik Trophy list is achievable.
@Alpine021 Just a correction to my previous comment: I have the PLATINUM Wireless headset, which is the one with 3D sound simulation. I think that's the one that supports the 3D audio options.
Do you know if you can use 3D audio in Days Gone? If you can, then I assume it'll work for you here as well. But like I say, I'm honestly not 100% certain.
@get2sammyb Thank you
@get2sammyb level of nudity and gore?
@playstation_king Some and high.
@get2sammyb Good stuff. Looks like from the limited bits (& trying to forget the troll spoilers from twitter), clickers etc., are gonna be fierce as so need all the ammo,or sneaky takedowns I can manage!
Pre download is live now on uk ps store for anyone interested 👍🏻
Skipped through the review no disrespect to PushSquare, don't want to really know anything. I knew it would get 10/10 Uncharted, TLOU tells me that. One question, what are the trophies like? Like the original TLOU? Thank you. Cannot wait.
Game of the year!
How does it run though? Consistent 60 fps or should I wait for the inevitable PS5 version?
@get2sammyb How are the clickers in this game? I haven't seen them a lot in trailers. The first game had them 50/50 compared to the human encounters.
Paid off my pre-order yesterday, can't wait to play it.
The review says this was played on PS4 Pro, have you also had a chance to play it on a standard PS4? Just wondering about the performance, there were rumors circulating that Naughty Dog was having trouble getting it to run to on the weaker hardware.
I guess I should play the first one at some point
"Resolution is the big difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro. I haven't tried it myself, but my understanding is that it still looks and runs great on standard PS4. HDR is awesome on both platforms"
Oh brilliant, thanks for the info.
@Gamer83 I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard it's fine just lower resolution.
Thanks. Guess I'll find out next week. Not too concerned because Uncharted 4 ran fine and that was a powerhouse game but the rumors were out there so I was just wondering.
JUST IMAGINE what Naughty Dog can do with the Playstation 5. These people are masters of both game and machine.
@get2sammyb Hi Sammy! You mentioned 3D audio in the review, do you still require a PlayStation headset to receive it? Or has Sony opened it up to all for TLOU. Would be nice to get a taste of their 3D audio prior to the PS5 launch. Cheers
@STLamy I think you need the PlayStation Platinum headset for the 3D audio, but I'm going to do a test with standard ear buds later to make sure.
@get2sammyb I thought that might be the, but thanks anyway! Gives me another reason for a replay at the end of the year on PS5 👍
I won't be getting this game. There is a reason why Sony isn't letting reviewers talk about events in the game. Which is because it shows how Druckmann had to ruin the game by turning the characters you liked into petty vengeance seekers. And to retcon the characters you liked. As skill up said it's endlessly bleak with uninspired gameplay. Also we should not be rewarding Naughty Dog for their awful treatment of their employees. At this point more than likely ex employees. As another review said as well, we get it, and we are not this awful. Sorry Neil.
it would have been awesome if this was the first AAAss title to feature actual sex scene. I want to see how grown up that girl is. I know there is a lesbian kissing scene, why couldnt they prolong it, send it all the way to bed? it would have made HISTORY! bah, this industry needs more people like me to put them on the pedestal of HISTORY.
Does it have political **** in it ?
I had it preordered until all the hubbub. If it's real I'll buy it used no money for ND. IF the game is indeed that good. So I'm a wait and see guy I guess. Kind of the same with Ghost will it upgrade to ps5? If not it's taking 60 bones outta my ps5 fund.
I didnt like the first one so I wasnt getting it anyway. Im just glad I dont have to read 5 articles a day about it anymore. Hopefully
Polygon review kinda told me what to look out for and not expect anything great. I'm still gonna be a dumba** and buy the game since I enjoyed the first one so much
@Zach_99 you realize 90% of people who criticise the game was PlayStation users Right? Not everything is "Xbox fanboys" . This is why people dislike the PlayStation community
Outstanding ? Never. 7/10
I'm going to wait for reviews from non mainstream media sites upon release, whilst I hope the scores are warranted I'm always suspect when it's so high across the board see Captain Marvel interference from Disney and considering the shady DMCA tactics used against YouTube creators/Amy Hennig being pushed out I'm not convinced of Naughty Dog being a good company anymore.
For those purchasing it straight away I'm sure you'll love it, I'm just doing this for myself when spare funds are a luxury I don't really have.
@TrueAssassin86x wait for user reviews...
A great review! I have personally decided to stay away from the release reviews coming out on the day as I don’t want any further or embargo related details to spoil my first experience of it. I am so excited by this. Recently replayed the first and I’m hoping my Pro doesn’t make too much noise...if it does, that volume is getting cranked! CAN NOT WAIT!
From what I’ve read you probably don’t want your little brother around pal. It’s not for kids 😂
@Exlee300p Yawn!
Then you'll ascertain that "majority" is still the every annoying and whiny minority that clearly are going into it not liking it and looking for any excuse to dislike it. I couldn't really care what platform the user has a bias for, though they do exist, the point is hoe layghably quick people are writing off the game for no reason, especially considering they haven't played it, despite reviews being positive and contrary to this bullshut narrative constructed about the game. Ultimatley, if you hate the game so much, why waste your efforts peddling your bias here? That's why people hate gamers and find it to he toxic. Keep your opinions and keep an open mind until you do actualy play the game. If you hate it then move on. Is that really hard to understand?
@get2sammyb nice review, but one thing you didn't mention which I think deserves to be lauded is the vast array of accessibility options. I didn't know about them until I saw the ign review which pointed me at a PS blog post.
Honestly, I am made up because I thought this game would be beyond me but now I've read about the text to speech, high contrast, large crosshairs/HUDs and other options you can enable this has now gone onto my must-have list.
It's so unusual to find a developer that puts this much effort in, so I think it's important to give them respect where it's due.
@mrgrieves The accessibility options are amazing. Didn't mention them in the review, but I wrote up an article about them here:
@get2sammyb - ah fair play, I missed that. I'm just very eager for ND to get as much appreciation as possible in the hope that it might inspire others to do the same. Will read your other article now, and really glad that you've done your bit to highlight it - thanks.
Great review, Sammy. Definitely looking forward to diving back into this world.
@Skoda Bro... have you ever kissed a girl?
@Zach_99 Wow I don't even know where to begin with such ignorance. First of all the embargo is over. And though it happens sometimes it is rare after the embargo is lifted for the company to say you can't talk about the all parts of the game. I am so sorry it offends you that people have different opinions then you. Your reaction is so over the top I thought you were a troll. You are definitely a caricature. I don't care that the game is violent. It's that they apparantly retconned the characters to make them lose all redeeming qualities with flashbacks. They made Elle so she never learns that violence isn't the only way to solve problems and that it has deep repercussions. Druckmann is basically saying everybody is scummy and irredeemable. Finally how naive can you be? Oh Naughty said it wasn't a terrible place to work at so it must be? 75% of the staff is gone that worked on the forst Last of Us. That's pretty telling. Jason Schrier also illuminated how crappy a place it is to work. I was planning to play it but Naughty Dog needs to change how they treat their employees. So I am not supporting this. People have other opinions than you. Get used to it and get over yourself!!
@Kunfoostu Yawn, typical indifferent human being with no principles.
You know nothing about me. The fact of the matter is we are that bad. Ive witnessed it first hand in Kosovo, Bosnia to name a few.... I’m currently watching the world be horrible to each over some awful police officer unintentionally/ unwittingly killing a career criminal who attacked pregnant women and broke into homes. Don’t pretend we are all so great, from where I’m looking there a lot a nasty people who will take what’s what they want. So quit your snivelling.
@TooBarFoo Why does it matter?
@get2sammyb How is the fan noise during play?
@get2sammyb I absolutely love the first game and Is probably my favourite ever game, is there any mention in part 2 of previous characters, such as Henry, Sam, tess or bill at all? You probably won’t be able to mention but thought I’d ask? Please tell me I won’t be disappointed by part 2? 😉
@Akurusu so why you come here?
@LN78 Skill Up isn't a corporate shill afraid of having a real opinion and losing ad revenue. Every 10/10 and 100 review immediately lose all credibility.
@Exlee300p I think you should play the game. You really don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m afraid.
@__jamiie It’s noisy but I was honestly expecting worse. Maneater kicks my fans up louder than this. Your mileage may vary, of course.
@3MonthBeef Not sure what you mean?
@Kunfoostu I guess it's a matter of how you want to look at life. Glass half full or glass half empty. I'm not saying there are not bad people obviously that's naive. But just as obvious is that people doing bad things get more attention than people doing good things. And nobody is sniveling.
@get2sammyb I assume you are talking about my assessment the game and not the stuff about Naughty Dog. Of course I'm willing to admit I'm wrong about what I've gleaned about the game. However my biggest reason for sitting this game out has more to do with how they have treated their employees. Several former devs have spoken about the conditions there so that is a known quantity. As well as how Naughty Dog used a third party to illegally strike down youtube creaters with false copyright strikes to silence any discussion of the leaks. Finally I find Neil Druckmann a rather rupulsive human being. But I do enjoy this site and generally find the reviews to be fair so who knows. Cheers Sammy!
@Exlee300p my point is. One thing current events and history have taught us is we are more than capable of being like this. Most of life is nowhere near as bad as it is depicted in TLOU2 yet we have the capacity to do heinous things at will and we do. If life truly did become this cheap god help us all.
What did you ever think the game was going to be like?
It’s a sequel to a very violent game it was never gonna be very different was it? Only expanded upon.
As for employee rights blah blah. Don’t be that person nobody and I mean nobody likes that person. We come here for the good banter and solid reviews. Next to nobody is interested whether Druckman recycles or buys fair trade coffee.
Stop being a Karen x
@Kunfoostu First of all you missed the point of what was talking about. The issue is not the subject matter but how it is relayed through the characters. Which is they don't learn and show everyone as irredeemable. As for the other points in your response all I can say is it is a typical pathetic response. First the arrogance to think you speak for the others on this site. Get over yourself dude. Secondly we do speak with our money and purchases. I'm sorry you don't appear to give crap about anything in the world other than being entertained. I understand crunch happens and am fine with it. But Naughty Dog is egregious in this regard and many others. They are over the top terrible to their employees. The other thing is how they
abused the copyright strike system on youtube creators to illegally silence any disussions of the leaks. Many smaller channels were shutdown fir several weeks as a result. Finally they used a version of a song in their advertising that did not give credit to the artist. It was only after she spoke up that they acknowledged what they'd done. Furthermore Druckmann is a self important pompous ass and it would be nice to have new leadership there. Calling me a Karen is just pathetic on your part. The aggrrieved erstwhile devs from Naughty Dog said if a game did worse than expected it might change things there.
@TrueAssassin86x Just don`t preorder it.
@get2sammyb hi Sammy, do you know if we will be able to buy the score to the game? Can’t wait to hear more of Gustavo santaolalla’s great music in the second game! Is it Friday yet 😉
I think your missing life. Ellie was living for the first time in a long time, happy, maybe found love etc etc. When all that gets taken away from you and your just surviving...surviving isn’t living. Full of hate you really care about much anymore, not your own life and certainly not some random scum bags. If someone did the things that happen to Ellie to me for example when the world had gone to crap...I’d respond very similar or die trying. Fck Id probably do you in just for being an oxygen thief in that situation and being another burden and mouth to feed. 😘 nah in all honesty someone else would of probably done you in or more than likely you’d of got yourself killed trying to convince a clicker it’s not too late to change and be friends. Lolz
Again your the one presuming and forcing your views on peeps. I come here to see what Sammy thought of the game and if Naughty Dog have done a good job. End off!
Go chain yourself to Naughty Dogs headquarters railings or write a letter to your local MP and convince yourself your making a difference.
Please though kindly stfu about it.
My grandad always told me only an idiot agues with and idiot. So I’ll leave you to it.
@get2sammyb Thanks sammy, I'm all about the ending and the difficulty. Oh well, need to go play the prequel DLC now, I know I have it downloaded somewhere.
BuT SkILlUp SaYs ThE gaMe sUcKs, sO It MusT sUck beCauSe aLL poSitiVe ReviEws gOt pAId anD He iS tHe OnlY HonEst ReviEwer.
Right now quite a lot of people seem to believe the reviewers were all paid to give a good review. And nobody is honest. Its just ridiculous and I bet the game will be unnecessarily review-bombed by a lot of morons.
I was skeptical at first and wanted to wait for reviews. Reviews are here and are amazing. Plus some other quite normal youtube content creators who got an early copy and played the game (plus absolutely loved the first one) were also blown away.
I pre-ordered and am hoping it will be a devastatingly emotional journey that will have my wife question who in the world could hurt her man so much he just lies on the floor crying all weekend. I am ready to be emotionally ripped into shreds.
Thanks for the vote of confidence with the sequel! I look forward to playing it in 1-2 years when it's on sale for $10-$20 New frequently.
@TrueAssassin86x Just don`t be disapointed...
How can a game that has received so much backlash, with some reviewers even going as far as saying that the story itself was 'bleak' receive a 10/10?
Before anyone tells me to go and play the game. How can a review be impartial when it was indirectly pre-announced that this game would have been a 10?
Where is the non-bias?
To make it clear, i am a huge fan of the series, pt2 has been on pre-order since 2018.
Meh, Uncharted was good until the cinematic pieces got too long and the narrative annoying - the start and ending of Uncharted 4 are cringe worthy. I prefer games to be wanton escapism, the satire in the GTA games is amusing, Naughty Boy have disappeared up their own rear ends with their "on message" kitchen sink dramas.
Im curious to see how the "new direction" and over-the-top torture porn-style violence will go down with the "common audience". This will be grounds for discussion for months to come.
@Zach_99 Sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about. People were (and are) up in arms because they loved TLOU and TLOU II seems, according to the leaks, to disrespect what made TLOU special in every possible way. This was the outrage. Not that people have a general problem with same-sex relationships or similar themes. If you enjoyed TLOU too, for the special bond between Ellie and Joel and the narrative as a whole, you might as well be disappointed about what's coming for you and it doesn't make you a bigot then. But if you enjoy it, fine, I'm glad for you. Honestly. But for me, treasuring the first game in my heart, it was such a disappointment seeing the simple story (violence begets violence), convoluted narrative (out-of-order-flashbacks), the torture-porn level of brutality (I get it, it's postapocalyptic, but in this game it's really over the top, yes maybe I'm squeamish), the lack of choice in how things play out and the utter gut-wrenching scenes I saw (luckily) in the spoilers made me avoid this, even though I waited for it, like everyone else, for years.
Sincerly hope it lives up to your expectations man.
@TrueAssassin86x Thank you for that info. Unfortunately i’ve preordered a physical copy! 🤭
I can't wait to play the Schindler's List of gaming lol! On a serious note, I am looking forward to diving into it this weekend and seeing if it lives up to the hype.
I thought I could come up with excuses to buy this later but who was I kidding? There's no saying NO to ND or R* when they come knocking. Pre-ordered off the PS Store, looking forward to playing tonight! Woooooooo!
The series x lot are at it over on N4G.
Native 4K this and that.
They are so 4K head strong they forget this console generations most gorgeous, detailed looking graphical game is releasing tomorrow on PlayStation and is 1440P on PS4 Pro.
Once you start going above 1080P there are many factors, screen size, viewing distance and top end 4K TV up scaling and other wizardry
So that means the game is completely flawless and perfect? No complaints or issues what so ever? For a cinematic type game that’s really fishy to me. Honestly I have not heard one super positive thing from the people playing it on stream.
Also, sex scene in this game is fine, but suggestive anime bikini is a no-no from Sony.
@Arugula The first is one of my favourites of all time and I knew this was a MUST but yet still I was just trying to look for some excuse to save £55 😆 But then I realized I pre-ordered average FIFA 20 for £60 so it would be a great insult and disrespect to one of my favourite devs - ND - if I didn't preorder this.
@suikoden I thought the Ign japan review was excellent. How was it nitpicking?
Put 2 hours in so far and its fantastic, won't say any more then that but yeah its pretty great.
@WallyWest Some people are saying the choices the characters make are nonsensical from watching the cutscenes that got released.
Only an hour in and I'm at a loss for words but I'll try...holyCashmoleyness! The emotions, the details in the environments, the guitar background, those character models. I feel like I'm getting a preview into PS5.
I have watched 3 hours of the game so far and I am glad about it. I will watch the rest in YouTube as I care only how it ends but the story so far is very bad.
Nothing compared to the first one. The main characters are done so badly that I do not even care what happens to them after the 2nd hour (SPOILER: IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).
The Last of Us 1 is still superior game. Graphics does not mean anything if you can't back it up.
Put in 2 hours and here are my early impressions: graphics are great, but RDR2 is still prettier. Animation is top notch, as per usual with Naughty Dog. Overall I feel it's going to be one of the best games I've ever played. One serious gripe: the PRO is LOUD when playing this game. Like vacuum cleaner loud. I can hear it with my headphones on... Not even RDR2 or GOW managed that. I'm going to replay it on PS5 asap to get the most pleasure out of the game because I'm really fed up with this nonsense.
@LN78 Thank you.
I wonder what the user reviews will be like.
@LN78 I will see it through the end but it is pretty gutting.
@Zuljaras I know the moment you mean as i'm five hours into it and i can say your comments makes zero sense really regarding what happens, TLoU characters are still completely in character and the new characters are just that new characters. Of course a lot of character interaction and backstory is explored by playing the game and not by watching cutscenes, a section i just done had tons of optional dialogue and the some cutscenes easily missed if you just watch cutscenes, this optional stuff (what anyone whose playing will see because the need to explore will happen) deepens characters and bonds so yeah if you're just cutscenes then your opinion is as good as invalid because you missed a ton of context and character development. Also the gameplay is fantastic so even if i don't like the story in the end (so far i'm enjoying it) at the very i can say the gameplay was fantastic.
@Zuljaras The user scores will be low because a bunch of manbabies who haven't even played it will score it 0/10. This is going to be metabombed hard sadly, anyway pre-orders have surpassed SM so its going to make a ton of money either way.
I've been shaking my head in disbelief at the gorgeousness of the graphics art style from the beginning. RDRII's sibling has arrived!
After having seen a friend play it, read a whole bunch of non-0 user reviews on metacritic and watched lots of reaction videos on youtube I wonder how you can give this game a 10/10 and not even mention that what made the first game great is completely absent. Meaning the bond between Joel and Ellie, delicate narrative and a solid multiplayer. The game itself is a slight upgrade in gameplay mechanics and graphics, the sound is stellar as usual but besides thet the story is not only bleak torture porn, but also a disgrace to everyone who enjoyed the first game for that special bond between Ellie and Joel to the point where I and my friend where asking ourselves if Druckman went batshit Crazy. Even if you play the diversity card, this does nothing for diversity. It's stupid violence all over, telling the oldest story of them all that was already boring in the bible: violence begets violence, unless you break the circle. Fine. Ellie does. But at the cost of the player's closure. I feel like if you value what TLOU 1 was, and this is the reason why they even have so many pre-orders in the first place, this game is a 3/10, because it's a blatant insult to everyone who loved the first game for that fatherly, magic bond with Ellie and their development (Ellie hardening, Joel softening up, in the end meeting each other halfway). Also the ultra-violence is off-putting. The whole game feels like a kick in the stomach. Yes you will feel hatred and anger. Yes that's what Druckman wanted but honestly, in my opinion, he can shove it, without spit even. For everyone enjoying a moody, decent action game with ultra-violence without much care for its characters or the first game, it might still be a 7 or 8/10.
But a 10/10 on so many review sites, with no word about the blatant break in narrative and the disrespect for the characters that made the franchise what it was in the first place, that's just pathetic. Oh, and what went on with copyright-striking all those youtubers through a strawman lawfirm in INDIA because they were not even showing footage of the leaks just discussing that they didn't like what they saw is abysmal business practice. I've had enough of those righteaous developers and godlike figures so full of themselves they can't even hear themselves fart anymore like Druckman. Awful highschool-like writing, zero character development beyond the obvious, unneccessary torture porn, uneasy and unfullfilling to the end.
MY opinion. Not a hater.
Everyone who bought it, enjoy it, it's what you deserve.
If they'd made an anime game about tits and ass all the upset people would be happy and whine about censorship if no one bought it.
Shoes on the other foot now guys.
Damn I had to ignore Scollurio, it’s like he is driving his own agenda of talking trash about this game.
I expect to finish the game tomorrow, then let’s see. So far I have not come across any plot holes. No TLoU1 character was disrespected so far, no narrative broken. I absolutely loved the first game and think this game goes deeper into the complex relation between Joel and Ellie and I completely enjoy that part of it.
Manbabies? That's a bit childish no? People have every right like it or not to like it.
@CamLondon When they're metabombing it without even playing the game yes they are. Its fine to it and not like it but most of the haters made they're mind up weeks with a out of context leak or a couple of years back when Ellie kissed Deena.
@Scollurio You can have that opinion doesn't mean its not flawed or right, yeah you can read user reviews and reaction reviews but we all know you handpicked the ones what fuel your opinion.
Looks like many critics ate at the Naughty Dog Restaurant and loved the whole experience.
Someone posted a video about just one of the many dishes and those who have never eaten at that restaurant think it's ok to say that the restaurant should burn only because the menu is different from what they expected.
And they don't want to try the new menu to realize while the critics loved it...
@WallyWest What an ignorant assumption. Don't judge others by your own behaviour dude. I tried hard to like it and was actually looking for redeeming qualities, story- and narrative-wise. Unfortunately MY wait for this sequel was in vain.
My ps4pro just took over 2 hours to copy from the boot disk I mean WTF?.......anyone else had this problem?
@WallyWest You can't prove that. Just like you can't prove that the developers didn't say "Hey Push Square review our game fairly (😉💵) and we'll make sure you'll get early access to our next game".
@WallyWest Just like you did though no?
@OGGamer You see i'm friends with someone whose a pro reviewer for another website and they got a early review copy and gave it 10/10 and yeah i know for a fact their opinion comes from them and not Sony.
Tell me if Cyberpunk gets 10/10 everywhere will you accuse CDPR of buying reviews? Nah you won't because you don't hate that game like you must do TLoUP2, it got 10/10 from a lot of reviewers because that's what they feel it deserves.
@Scollurio My opinion comes from playing the game, yours comes from watching bias Youtubers and bias user reviews who haven't played the game. Its not ignorance its knowing exactly how people like you work especially going by your wall of rant.
@WallyWest I didn't rant, only stating that I'm disappointed because the trailers and the leadup made me believe the game is more in the vein of the first one. Also I stated multiple times that I watched a friend play for hours and watched gameplay segments and cutscenes (without bias or commentary) on Youtube.
"People like you!" - you don't know me, don't draw assumptions, please.
How much was PushSquare paid for this review? The worst sequel that has ever been made. From the laughable plot, repetitive gameplay to the SJW LBGTQ agenda, it's been a complete disaster. What a shame
@Scollurio Ok fair enough, right now its just hard to tell between the people who have legit faults and those what are just trolling or hating for the sake of it.
@Al_ The gameplay is pretty much the same as the first but expanded and improved, if you like how the first game plays then there's zero reason you would feel different to this. Ahh though Ellie is a lesbian and has a relationship with a girl so yes its pushing an "agenda" and you can't deal with that, you know the game largely just just treats them as two young adults in love, irony is you most likely love lesbian porn though but i guess that's different right?
I got my copy today and I’ve just played about two hours after work and all I can say is wow, this game is incredible! And all I can say to the people who haven’t played it or are judging it on the leaks or whatever you have heard online, nothing compares to playing it, it really doesn’t!
@WallyWest I get this. No worries!
well, 10 in 10 is really strong.. I hope I don't get another DeathStranding disapointment.. I love most of your reviews (not so much your ratings, but..), am giving you guys another chance..
Devs tried too hard to make a complicated story and cast of characters that they completely messed up the direction which the game should've taken. the game was a very disappointing experience for me considering i waited 5 years for LoUs2.
Have to say it's a technical masterpiece, but as soon as Abby turns up it went down hill for me just such a nasty and unlikable character , I understand she's upset and we should feel a little sympathy for her but she is so badly writing and unlikable i just don't care, worst of all seems you a forced to play around 50% of the game as her, so because of her it's a 6.5/10 if I weren't forced to play her i could forgive the poor writing a little and would rate it a 9/10
@Gamakazil "kill the franchise"? Hahahaha.
Good one. The franchise will be more than fine.
@Philbear82 haven't you heard? Plenty of guys are certain that watching it on Youtube is the same.
Comment sections are all the comedy I need in my life.
Are You Afraid of people leave Your Website? The Game is far from 10. Overall a Whatever Sequel.
@WallyWest Having two lesbians isn't bothering anyone. What bothers people is their characters are poorly written and the game has a clear political agenda that is nothing to do Abby & Ellie being lesbians.
People fawn over this title. Personally, I don't see what all the hype is about, unless you're just factoring in graphics. Sure the narrative and storytelling is pretty good, but it's just another zombie survival game thats been done 1,000 times over.
Whilst I wouldn't say it's a bad game, 10/10 is (in my humble opinion) an absurb scoring. Not to mention giving any game 10/10 is absurd, as if it has any flaws, it's can't be perfect, can it? I appreciate peoples excitement for a game, and the fact they may love it to pieces, but try to give an objective view, especially if you're a critic, reviewer or editor of any sort.
@Gamakazil super accurate comparison considering how well Andromeda sold. Hahaha.
A few fair questions for the author of this review: do you receive any endorsements from gaming studios or have any conflict of interests to declare? Did you write this review after playing the same game that was released or did you just watch the trailer? I can't reconcile what you wrote with the game I just finished playing. Its beyond personal opinion or taste. There are claims you make which I see as factually incorrect. For instance praising the graphics. How is that relevant when the player spends 95% of the game stumbling through shockingly bad lighting. With a flashlight which is supposed to provide light but somehow doesn't. The game is not deep. Or challenging morally. Its crude and lacks depth or nuance in the places where it matters. The characters are unlikable. The player doesn't care whether they succeed or fail. Saving a character is irrelevant since they die anyway. The game is long. Too long. The gameplay is not innovative (copy-paste of "TLoU part 1").
The game claims to challenge the player's perception of right and wrong. But instead it gives into crude voyeurism and a grotesque obsession with torture. For no reason. It lacks depth, balance or nuance. It only showcases the worst in humanity. Without any contrast or subtlety. The LGBTQ+ characters are, let's face it, almost insulting caricatures.
Shocking is not a sign of depth. I feel about the last of us part 2 like I feel about something moldy and furry you'd find in your fridge. I am not shocked by it. I am not challenged by it. I am not made any wiser by it. I am just disgusted by it and I want it gone. There isn't any message to take home either. Will this game leave a long term mark on me? Did it change or teach anything? No. Its going straight in the bin. Naughty Dog took what should have a homerun and managed an epic fail.
I am a massive fan of the first game and it pains me to write this. But anything other than what I wrote would have been a lie.
I absolutely loved the first game, but the second game was so
disappointing. If its a nr 3 im not gonna spend money on it.
I am still annoyed by the poor plot.
@get2sammyb idk how you could have completely left Abby our of your review. Given that you play half the game as her this strikes me as odd
@get2sammyb just finished it. Wow!
@TheDude89 2021 im sure you figured out Abby isnt a lesbian...
Agree 100 percent
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