For a game that's so high on Monster energy drinks, Need for Speed sure could do with a sugar rush. Ghost Games' long-awaited reboot – which was constructed over the course of a two year development cycle – is a slow and turgid affair, which is in direct contrast to its hyperactive cast of characters. It's frustrating because the title has many of the trappings of a great racing release, but it fails to assemble them in any meaningful manner, resulting in a foray that's so far off the pace that it may as well not be on the starting grid in the first place.
You play as a rookie recruited by a ragtag crew of millennial misfits to create headaches for Ventura Bay's local constabulary. Along the way you'll be honing your skills across five disciplines: Speed, Style, Build, Crew, and Outlaw. Each character represents a different category, with your ultimate goal being to catch the attention of a real-world superstar. The likes of Ken Block crop up to deliver some hamfisted dialogue, but while this would ordinarily be a negative, it actually adds to the campy vibe that the title's got going on.

Cutscenes play out in first-person and use a fusion of full-motion video and in-game visuals. This is actually quite some technical feat, as your personalised vehicles crop up in live action cinematics. The acting is atrocious, but it's just about self-aware enough to work; Ames is a feisty mechanic with an Ellie Goulding-esque hairstyle and dungarees, while Spike is a schizophrenic try-hard with an expensive jacket and an even more expensive diamond embedded in his earlobe. They speak in social media buzz words, but actually grow on you – like the skittish kid from school that always held the best house parties.
The problem is that building up your relationship with your new-found buddies is mind-numbingly boring. The game throws a series of events at you, which range from bog-standard races right the way through to time trials and drift events – but there's no sense of occasion to any of these, and you'll blast through the campaign on auto-pilot as a consequence. The artificial intelligence is beyond bad, employing rubber banding to keep races "interesting" in the most obnoxious of ways; you can be miles in the lead, only to clip a corner on the final bend and finish in last.
Some of the more "ambitious" events spotlight even worse problems. For example, the Drift Train is a great idea in theory – it's all about building that understanding with your crew, and sliding across the asphalt in close proximity. The problem is that the cars remain as aggressive in these events as they would in a race, so you'll constantly get bumped out of your right-angle glide. Gymkhana is equally unexciting: this is all about the balletic precision of vehicle manipulation in the real-world, but here it amounts to drift events with a countdown clock.
It doesn't help that the game's always-online world serves as a negative rather than a positive; you can be blaring down the freeway in a single player event, only crash into another player's souped-up Subaru and the entourage of law enforcers that it's got in pursuit. You can certainly play on your own if you prefer, but the release requires you to be connected to EA's servers at all times. Fortunately, we haven't encountered any major online mishaps, but it just seems unnecessary – the snapshot system which allows you to share screenshots with the world doesn't even work.

You can challenge those people that you encounter to spontaneous events, but we would have preferred a more traditional multiplayer mode. As it happens, rather than select a simple option from a menu, you have to assemble a crew and then invite them into races if you want to play online. Much criticism was pointed at DriveClub's more simplistic structure, but at least it allows you to enjoy the game how you want to without jumping through hoops. Here, even the load times that are required to connect to its online lobby are a speed bump in getting to the action.
Not that its open world is all that interesting to begin with. Set in a perpetually rainy city, the Frostbite engine's reflection technology has been given a thorough workout, but outside of a few neon-lit districts, there's nothing really memorable about the sandbox in the slightest. Other open world racers, like Burnout Paradise or even The Crew, at least have landmarks and districts that look different, but aside from a windy mountain trail to the north of Ventura Bay, there's very little of that here.
The most irritating thing is that there are the nuts and bolts of a good Need for Speed game here. The real-time construction system, which allows you to pimp your ride in a dizzying number of ways, is really impressive – even if the most efficient way to upgrade your ride is by attaching the parts listed furthest to the right on the menu screen. And the handling is very good, allowing you to toggle a slider between a drift or grip feel. We opted for a model sitting near to the middle but slightly biased towards the slide side, and we had a lot of fun kicking the rear of our Ferrari out around corners.

But once you've completed the overlapping campaigns and gathered all of the obligatory collectibles, all that's really left here is to drive around and play all of the events again – perhaps trying to top the Autolog leaderboards this time. It just seems startlingly sparse: without a compulsive online loop or even an entertaining world, the whole package runs out of steam within ten or so hours. It'll take you double that to see absolutely everything, of course, but there's no real incentive to do so – the dreary structure and shoddy events are almost criminal.
Need for Speed's got many of the parts required of a great racer, but it's lacking a mechanic to assemble them and apply a lick of paint. The cutscenes, as obnoxious as they may be, are the real stars here, which may just be an indictment of the game as a whole. Sure, the handling's good, but the events are insipid – and the visuals may sparkle, but Ventura Bay is as vanilla as open worlds come. For as pumped-up as its excitable cast of characters are, this reboot quite simply lacks energy. Now, has anybody got any Monster?
Comments 26
Did everyone just kinda assume it was going to suck?
I miss the way need for speed used to be. 1&2 were the best. They need to do a remake of the original.
I really need a good racing game!!
Is there no multiplayer lobby's?
I was disappointed, I really wanted this to be good
Pathetic. Two years and they take an uncountable number of steps backwards. I don't know how they let it end up like this.
Are there werewolves and jack the reaper in this game?
I'm sad at how this game turned out. Always online was a deal-breaker from the start, but even then this just seems painfully average. And I highly doubt some crappy street dialogue is gonna interest me.
I really like the series, this just hurts.
I've been watching my nephew playing it to Death all weekend and the whole thing just looks uninspired, the graphics are nice but compared to Driveclub it doesn't stand. Especially when you consider that despite Driveclub's troubled launch at least people would still be able to play the single player campaign, on three occasions my nephew couldn't play because the servers were down and one of them was when he went through the trouble of waiting for the game to install itself.
Ever since it was announced as being always-online I just lost faith in it, looks like I made the right decision.
No manual transmission is a dealbreaker for me. Otherwise I wouldprobably have tried it out when it got cheaper
It was clearly a flop. Call me old fashioned but the only really good NFS was the first. I always expect some racer to bring back the feeling of going full speed in a point to point mountain course with incoming traffic!
so wanted to like this but its just plain dull yes the graphics are good but thats about it as for the constant online why why why
A.I. catchup in racing games is an evil that needs sterilising.
So we should play Criterion's Most Wanted for a while.
@itshoggie Well, you're dropped into the open world with other players. That's your "lobby". You can't ever search for multiplayer playlists or anything like that, though.
@Gemuarto Sadly not.
@adf86 The install screen is crazy. I didn't mention it in the review, but it's like going back to the PlayStation 3.
You don't have the need, bruh?? The need for speed?!?
If you want to know how cheesy the cut-scenes are: https://twitter.com/_get2sammyb/status/662394929872785408
I can envision these fat suits at EA puffing cigars and drinking scotch in an office on the top floor.
"Our market research shows they're a bunch of idiots. They'll buy anything if it's marketed right. Microtransactions, DRM, mandatory online... heck the game doesn't even need to be good! Slap it with all the above. Won't impact our bottom line one red cent. Har har har... In fact it'll probably sell even MORE! Online-only is all the rage nowadays after all"
"Har har har"
What an insult this game is. They just keep pushing the envelope more and more. I hope it starts pushing back soon. I really do.
It would have been better if it was F2P.
@JaxonH it doesn't look like people are buying this anyway
ok, I am planning to get this after all, some of my friends got it and they are all amazed! Not only by the graphics and style, the online part is said to be really really awesome when played with friends - I cannot understand why it got so many bad to mediocre reviews from the press, the players seem to love it. Ok its NFS, so everyone knows what to expect tbh (gameplay and AI wise for example), its like FIFA or COD, dont expect any dramatic changes from year to year, the developers play it save. I loved "Underground" back then on the PS2 and it seems that this one here is a good follow-up. I understand that the lack of modes/events, the AI and the "online-only" holds the game back, but if the games fun thats all that matters right
@delukze go get DriveClub! Best racing game on PS4 without any doubt, you cant get more value for your money in combination with the season pass (its extremely cheap now), not only is the gameplay amazing, the graphics are stunning too - highly recommended!
@JaxonH LOL saved my day ^^ i would bet that it is just like that, 100%
Everything Sammy said in this review was bang on but I'm having a blast with it! Its tons of fun. Driveclub is a far better game in every single way but if you want to build your own monster, turn off your brain for awhile and laugh out loud then I can honestly say you will enjoy this campy, AI broken, night time only and yes always online game.
Compared to what the first NFS: Most Wanted, Hot Pursuit on PS3 and Most Wanted 2012 were, this is extremely disappointing. Even Rivals was pretty decent. Always-online was a deal breaker for me but I still wanted it to turn out good aside from that.
Ugh... still waiting for a good racing game. Yes, I've tried Drive Club and not a fan. Sad this is not good. Truly, all night-time racing is just hard on my eyes.
EA: all shine, no substance. I have a feeling SW: BF might be the same.
This has got to be the most disappointing need for speed game I have ever had the displeasure of playing. The first big problem is the need for an internet connection in order to play the game. To have to have an internet connection just to play it is ridiculous. I bought this game expecting to be able to pop it in and enjoy a story line while racing through the game, boy was I wrong. I pop it in and it tells me there's an update to be able to use the network features. Ok, using my phone as a hotspot because that's all I have for internet I wait almost an hour for the update. Update done, great let's go racing........ Wrong. Can't connect to the EA server = can't play the game. Finally get it connected to the server and think I'm getting somewhere. After sitting on the loading screen for 10 min I reset the game. Ok back to the loading screen, this time two minuets and I'm finally in the intro. 5 min into the game the EA server disconnects and kicks me back to the damn menu. I shut the game off and said screw it. If it's gonna be that difficult to play a game that should be a pop in and play I'm getting rid of it. Apparently if you don't have a perfect high speed internet connection for this crappy game it will take you hours just to get through set up and the first five minuets of the game. Don't waste your money.
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