Republished on Wednesday 29th May 2019: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of June's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
It still amazes us that SEGA would entrust its most famous creation to a group of fans. Should a team of enthusiasts really meddle with one of gaming’s greatest icons? It seems preposterous that anybody but the publisher itself should be allowed to develop the next Sonic the Hedgehog title. However, in this case, it makes perfect sense: Christian Whitehead and the rest of the team responsible for Sonic Mania have proven their abilities before, and their combined knowledge of the classic games probably rivals that of Sonic Team.
And, as it turns out, it was the best decision SEGA could’ve made. Sonic Mania is born from a love of the games that made him so popular, and you can feel it bursting from every facet. From the beautifully animated intro to the innumerable fan-pleasing Easter eggs, this oozes personality, positivity, and confidence in a way that the last few titles haven't. By all accounts, this is far and away the best Sonic game in recent years.

The main reason why is down to Whitehead’s Retro engine, which was purpose-built to recreate Sonic’s momentum based gameplay, and it does it perfectly. Playing Sonic Mania is like slipping on an old pair of running shoes, with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles all controlling exactly as you’d expect.
But this isn't just a re-tread: Sonic’s brand new manoeuvre, the drop dash, is a brilliant addition to the hedgehog’s modest moveset. Essentially a mid-air version of the spin dash, it makes getting around even easier. You can very quickly change direction, for example, or execute it while running along for an extra burst of speed. It also further removes Sonic from his pals who, while unable to perform the drop dash, have their own navigational perks. It’s such a simple feature that it’s mind-boggling it hasn’t been thought of before.

You’ll be making good use of it throughout the game, too, as the levels are large and meandering, akin to the structure found in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. There are many paths through each level, and it’ll take you a good few runs to discover everything. Items, special stage rings, and more are frequently teased in seemingly inaccessible places, and it’s fun seeking them out. The classic levels, which make up two thirds of the game, are vastly overhauled – especially the stages returning from Sonic 1 and 2 – and feature many brand new elements, such as Green Hill Zone’s zip-lines, helping to keep things fresh despite familiar backdrops. The original zones, meanwhile, slot in nicely alongside the classic ones and are nicely varied in their aesthetic and their unique challenges. If any criticism can be lobbied at the level design, it’s that off-screen hazards and sinisterly placed badniks and springs do occasionally crop up, although it’s never quite as frequent as seen in the classic games.
The new UFO-chasing special stages are possibly the best ones, with an easy to grasp set of rules and fun courses to race through in your quest for emeralds. But while they're not as difficult as the blue sphere stages (they return as bonus levels, should you want the challenge), the controls during these segments are fairly loose. Turning isn’t as tight as you’d expect, and jumps can be difficult to judge, both of which can lead to some frustrating failures.
Time Attack mode is a welcome addition that's perfectly equipped for speed runs. Holding triangle restarts the level if you mess up, and it can be quite addictive searching for the optimal route. Leaderboards are included, but it doesn’t appear that you can compare times with your friends list, which would’ve added to this mode’s appeal. It’s also a shame there’s no online multiplayer; Competitive mode, which apes Sonic 2’s split-screen races, is offline only. It works perfectly well, however, and the squashed display isn’t as much of a hindrance as you may think.

There’s so much about the game we’d like to tell you about, but a lot of what makes Sonic Mania special is in its myriad little surprises: the in-game cutscenes that evoke Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the delightful and occasionally ingenious boss fights, and the countless references, all mixed in with level design that’s as good as it’s ever been and a superlative soundtrack to boot – if you’re a fan of the 2D classics, you’ll love Sonic Mania.
Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game in years, and stands proudly alongside its ancestors as a great 2D platformer. The levels, both remixed classics and brand new stages, are broad and a lot of fun to speed through, while more cautious exploration is also rewarding and just as viable. The feeling of playing an old-school Sonic title is spot on and it’s filled to bursting with secrets, Easter eggs, and surprises that will delight fans. If you’ve never enjoyed Sonic games, this certainly won’t change your mind, but anyone with an affinity for the Blue Blur’s seminal Mega Drive series can rest assured that this is more than worth your time.
Comments 79
As usual, more than happy to answer any questions!
@Quintumply Were you aware the Drop Dash first appeared in Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric?
But seriously though this is the first mainline Sonoc title since 2013. Being the best in 4 years isnt exactly hard.
Okay so im trying to avoid spoilers but I do need to ask: whats the ratio of old zones to new zones. No numbers just the ratio
Great review. My copy is downloaded and ready to go when the timer expires. Looking forward to it.
@BLP_Software 2:1 in favour of classic zones, but it must be stressed that they are all-new layouts as far as I can tell, and introduce new gameplay elements, so it's not just a stroll down memory lane
@Quintumply So for every new zone there are 2 old ones? Eesh. Thats a bit...steeper than id have liked actually
Nice, can't wait to play this. Last Sonic game I really liked was Generations and this one looks like it's just as good.
@BLP_Software It would be a shame to let that colour your experience as there are a ton of brilliant little surprises strewn throughout the game, and some of the new aspects of the classic levels are very clever. I get that you'd prefer a full game of new content, but the work they've done on the classic stages is really impressive.
I imagine there's a good chance they may be given the license to use the engine to make something wholly new next anyway. Looks like this is going to be a big success for them.
I'm more of a Sonic Adventure Sonic fan than I am the 2D ones, but I'm really excited to play this tomorrow when it unlocks. Bummed that there's no platinum as it seems like there's enough game to warrant one, but at least the game seems really solid (a nice change for the Sonic franchise lately)
Wish I had the cash for this right now because it looks like they have done fans of the original proud. I only ever played Sonic at my cousins house but would fancy a dip on this if given a chance.
@Quintumply I think my issue is Id have liked one new zone for every old one to balance it out ya know? Ill see when it pops up on Switch.
Now i need to ask myself which console should i get this game for? PS4 or Switch? It would feel right at home on Switch but I'm sure the PS4 version runs better.
@BLP_Software I understand that. Get back to me once you've played it, and if you're still not happy, well... At least I tried
Spin Dash on to midnight 😄
@BLP_Software they are old but the 2nd act is a whole new take on it familiar but new at the same time
I hope I can get Sonic 3 and Knuckles finished when I get home from work
@GlynCR @Quintumply Ill probably love it. Its more disappointment. It feels like its leaning too hard on the past. Which ya know was fine for say, Generations.
I'll wait on a sale for this one. Feel like I'm the only person that's FAR more excited for Sonic Forces than Sonic Mania.
Brilliant review 7 hours to go till unlock then I'm playing it
I'm old enough to have played the original Sonics on master system and mega drive on sonic day
Bring on forces I hope this drops in November
Eight outta Ten, just what I was expecting. I can't wait to play it, as it popped up on my homescreen last night, taunting me with it's countdown clock....
@Fight_Teza_Fight I'm honestly more excited for Forces as well, as it's a return to the style introduced in Colors, which resulted in the best 3D Sonic since Adventure.
@BowTiesAreCool Try it docked at some point, I think it looks great on a decent sized TV
I really had a case of bad luck when I pre-ordered the PC version a day before the delay announcement.
@DerMeister That's what I'm hoping. Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. If Forces is even half as good as SA2B was, then it'll be a great game.
So can't wait for this. Come on Tuesday.
Glad this turned out well.
Thanks for the review. I'd like to say I'll stay up and play a little at midnight, or sneak in 10 minutes in the morning before I leave the house. But honestly work is insane right now and I'm exhausted. Maybe I can push through it - some classic Sonic is just what I need in my life right now!!
Yes! Really pleasing that this is getting good reviews.
Just bought it on ps4
Like @BLP_Software I am disappointed that the ratio of old to new is 2:1. I like green hill etc as much as the next person, but surely there are only so many times it can be reused?
I thought the sonic games on gba and ds revived Sonic perfectly - with unique and new levels.
And yet. And yet. I still find myself extremely excited about tomorrow. I trust in your review @Quintumply and have faith that there are plenty of new elements to the classic levels to enjoy roughly how long would you estimate a playthrough to take?
@Rob_230 every Sonic should begin with Greenhill Zone and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise
@kyleforrester87 Haha absolutely not. Emerald Hill Zone for the win
@Rob_230 okay okay emerald is just a specific shade of green though!! Lol
@kyleforrester87 Haha true that. I am looking forward to Jade Hill Zone next time around
@Rob_230 Hi! Thanks for reading A play through really depends on how you play. I went out of my way to explore the levels as much as I could in my first run, while I know that, for a lot of people, playing through as quickly as possible is a fun challenge too. Three or four hours if you a) want to see as much as you can or b) keep dying! It's about the same length as Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and like the old games, is highly replayable, as the levels are large and you likely won't explore them fully in one go.
I hope that's helpful
Same here waiting for the clock to strike just past midnight👍😀
@Quintumply by far the most important question for me, does Dr Robotnik have his proper name back? And if not, why Not?
@kyleforrester87 Sonic 2 on the Master System had the Green Hill zone about half way through 😃
@Quintumply Thank you that sounds absolutely perfect. And I love replaying as knuckles. Hope to get a fair bit of mileage out of this
Oh and I am definitely in the b) category that keeps dying haha
@carlos82 Yeah that always messed with me. The first level on Sonic 2 for Mastersystem was really weird. I could never control the hang glider either. :/
Sonic Chaos started with Turquoise Hill Zone lol.
@carlos82 I'm afraid Eggman is here to stay! I prefer Robotnik too, but from what I remember, Dr. Robotnik is his actual name, while Eggman is simply a nickname Sonic and co. use, because he looks like an egg
@Rob_230 You're welcome, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been!
Simply have to get this.
@Quintumply just preordered 90 minutes to go. Nice review, needed to be a ten though lol.
Cant wait to finally do this drop dash thingy.
@crazykcarter Hi, thanks for reading To be honest, it was mainly little things that prevented it from scoring higher. It wasn't far off a 9 at all. The slightly wonky special stages definitely didn't help, but I also thought they could've pushed the online side of things further. Leaderboards for Time Attack mode makes sense, but why can't I filter times by friends as in most modern games? And I think having online for Competition mode would've been pretty fun, too. Obviously, the game is aiming for an old school vibe, which it absolutely nails, but I think just a little bit more modernisation would've been welcome.
I hope that answers your question! Frankly, though, if you're a big 2D Sonic fan, you can easily consider this a 9 instead.
@themcnoisy Enjoy, man! I think you'll love it
Good to know they finally got it right. I'm not really in the mood to go fast at the moment, but at least I know when I am, i can buy this without worries.
@kyleforrester87 weird and much harder than the mega drive games, I quite liked Sonic 1 and 2 on the Master System though. Can't wait for Mania tomorrow, it feels like I've been waiting 20 years for a great Sonic game (checks mirror) oh it has been 20 years 😂
Just went to pre-order this on Amazon for my PS4, based on the pretty stellar reviews I've been reading today. I was hoping to start playing this @ midnight...then to find out that my deposits on the card I use for Amazon haven't updated yet. Therefore, no Sonic Mania for me at least until later this week
@Quintumply 5 zones in and its looking like a 7 at a stretch. Sorry buddy
Really REALLY hoping for a follow up with all new zones. Come on Sega! Don't let this slip you by, having Sonic back is great, but let him stay.
Still don't understand why Sega can release puyo puyo Tetris at retail but not sonic??? My guess is sonic would sell way better!! Strange...
Played Green Hill Zone, the nostalgia/new balance seems pretty good so far, the start was "classic", but it soon changed into a new layout incorporating Sonic 1, 2, 3, and CD elements.
It does feel so far like the "real" Sonic 4, which is what I was hoping for
@BLP_Software No need to apologise! Enjoy it as much or as little as you want! Opinions!
@Quintumply Well the game crashes once, the Special Stages are neat but control terribly, Press Garden just looks and feels like a ROM Hack level, even the bosses there are bland. Music is good. Visuals are good.
Some of the level design cant decide if it wants to be oversimplified or a mess on screen of different paths and platforms and objects.
I'm 5 zones in and got to say...I kind of dont want to go on. The level design haa been messy so far and some of the new mechanics like sliding in ice blocks or the tubes in Studiopolis dont sit well with me.
But hey. Time to be a pariah because im not huge on a game XD
@BLP_Software You do you, man! It's ok to not like something as much as others (ditto the opposite, of course). If you're not enjoying Sonic Mania as much as the next guy, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, because you're not! Sorry the game isn't quite what you wanted. Maybe they can get it right for you next time
@Quintumply Im of two minds.
Fans can make physics.
Fans cant make levels.
In fact Id go as far as to say the reliance on old zones is because when theyve done something new so far its either bland or good. No inbetween.
This is just the first 5 zones. Who knows maybe it will be better.
@BLP_Software I would keep going, if I were you, just to see if the rest of the game is more to your liking. Hopefully it won't be a waste of your time.
I think we will probably have to agree to disagree when it comes to Sonic Mania! Still, the world wouldn't be a very interesting place if everyone agreed on everything.
Read all about it! Read all about it! @BLP_Software doesn't like something that everyone else does shocker!
@BLP_Software the 4 new zones are excellent
I get that it's your opinion on things but I've never seen you say 1 positive thing or that you even like anything, it's not that your not huge on a game it's just that you don't seem to find any kind of fun in any game. all you've said in post about Sonic Mania is that you don't like that there using the old levels, it's ok for a classic game to use them but a 3d game or that your not interested in it. if that was the case why did you buy it? so you could say you don't like it?
finished it and it's awesome the 2nd acts of the older zones are great and the remixed music is as good as ever
I can see Studiopolis becoming a real fan favourite
there were a few surprise old zones in there I definetly was expecting to appear and a couple of the bosses are pure fan service
ok i sneaked half hour on it at midnight, first impressions are why did this take sega 7 yes 7 years to allow this to come out? its brilliant i dont care that its not perfect lets face it sonic games are not perfect they have their little issues that dont sit well with everyone, but im a huge massive fan of what christian whitehead has done here its utterly brilliant possibly the best sonic game since sonic and knuckles even better than generations and i loved that game.
Can someone explain to me what the blue rings are for ? I cant work that out at all
@Ypmud when you get hit when the blue ring is active there bigger to recollect and hold 5 rings
oh ok cool
Can anyone tell if this would be doable for a 6 year old girl?
I bought Crash for my daughter, but that turned out pretty bad, as that game is way to hard for my daughter.
@SMKpaladin I've only played a few minutes but it's just as doable as the originals were when you were 6. If she can press the buttons without looking at the controller I'm sure she'll be able to do it.
It's just a case of learning anyway, my sister was good at Sonic at 5.
Having gone through the comments it's good to see that whole Plat trophy thing turned out to be a non issue. Not played it yet, but it'll be waiting for me once the spawn have settled.
@GlynCR @kyleforrester87 6/10.
I like the old zones a hell of a lot more than the new ones! Im not a fan of how they completely shift bwtween acts. And 2 of them just feel like ROM Hack levels. I love the music and "almost" all the visuals. The 5th zonw is just dull.
But here's the thing. These fans got the physics right. They disnt get the levels right especially the new ones. A lot of it feels messy. The tweaks the old zones I hilariously think are the best bits.
Some of the bosses are good. Some are....bad. and can we not bring up the true final boss? That...was a mess.
Plus...the level progression. The story. What happened? Is Eggman or the Hard Boiled Heavies the villain? What is that gem? Why can it warp reality? Why do we go from Studiopolis into a TV to get to the 4th zone which jist fades to black for the 5th zone. Then Eggman decides he wants to go get Metal Sonic who is there for one zone. Then it fades to black and we go feom Little Planet right into the next zone...then a new zone thats for some reason based on Sky Chase to start, that leads to another returning zone...that then fades to black and we end up back on Little Planet? Because according to the ending thats where the whole game takes place! Little Planet was chained up again!
Oh. And the special stages. Nice idea bad execution. If the control was better theyd be really cool.
But again, visually, musically, and in terms of physics the game is great. Its just the connective tissue between levels is sometimes there and sometimes its just a fade to black, and some of those levels are of questionable quality.
Sorry if you dont like that but I did actually have high hopes for Mania but outside of production values....it feels unfinished. And thats sad.
@BLP_Software I rate you 6/10 you wee scamp!
@kyleforrester87 I think these guys should get a second go. But work on better level design and a better super sonic final boss.
@BLP_Software They should get you on board to straighten sh*t out for them too yo!
@kyleforrester87 Ok you can stop the mockery.
@BLP_Software I....just....can't...help it!!!
@kyleforrester87 and i cant help having an opinion!
This game could have been an 8 if the final boss and special stages didnt suck, if the new zones were overall better to sit alongside the other great zones and the level design overall was tweaked. Oh and add transitions for every stage rather than just some.
To be a 10 the game would need to be all new and all great sadly.
@BLP_Software I don't have a problem with you not liking it but every time I see your comments it's negative towards what ever the post is about
also the gem is a time stone that's why hed jumping around the games world's- which I think is a near what of doing it
@GlynCR So Ive looked it up. That gem is called the Phantom Ruby. Its mentioned somewhere in-game.
The game is a stealthy prequel.
@BLP_Software I know you have a lot to say about the game and that's great, but could you please refrain from posting spoilers? You may be disappointed by the game but a lot of people are looking forward to playing this and I can't imagine they'll be best pleased seeing story/late game stuff in the comments. The game only came out today!
Edit: Thank you
@Quintumply I did add spoiler tags but they didnt load in.
Hang on. words
@Quintumply And I never said I was disappointed. The game is still good fun. It just has blemishes. Some minor some major that bogs the game down.
Plus...there is no embargo. That passed. The game is also out and publicly available knowledge. If spoiler tags worked I would use them! But they dont.
Dont say my "disappointment" is why I am discussing the game.
@BLP_Software Apologies.
Just because the embargo is up, it doesn't mean you should reveal key points about the game's story for the sake of it. It's just common courtesy to not spoil things like that, especially on the day of release.
But you edited your comment, so thank you for that
@BLP_Software classic Sonic is in both so being linked to Forces wouldn't surprise me still won't make me buy forces as the 3d games are average at best
Just finished it with all emeralds.
This game...this game is just incredible. This is what i've wanted for I don't even know how long.
ok i really like it im a huge sonic fan so this game has had me glued to it, i have found some parts incredibly hard on the game but that doesnt mean its a bad thing its a good thing the bosses are fun if sometimes a pita.
If im honest i would give the game a solid 8 but would of preferred a more sonic 2 like special stage than the cd style one. the blue spheres are stupidly hard in the latter levels which is good and i love the idea of the extras being unlocked.
ive not finished the game as ive not collected all the emeralds and thats more to do with me struggling with the special stage levels than a lack of skill/ability.
all in all i like the idea of revisiting different levels its called sonic mania and im guessing the time line is in mania because of the time gem being stolen, either way i like it.
Christian Whitehead is a very talented guy who deserves a huge amount of credit on this game, I hope he does a portable remaster of sonic 3 and knuckles now.
And I definitely would like to see another game of this standard.
I don't think I've played Sonic since my Sega Genesis. Maybe I'll wait for the sale, but it is bringing back some fond memories.
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