The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone is downloadable content done right. After being supported for weeks after its initial launch with free bits and pieces, the open world role-playing game's first of two expansions is here, and it's absolutely essential for anyone who enjoyed Geralt of Rivia's main adventure.
Hearts of Stone is basically made up of around five bulky chapters that are gathered under one central story. As always with our grizzled hero, Geralt gets tangled in a series of events that soon spiral away from his control, resulting in a grand quest that branches off in many different directions before coming to a poignant and satisfying conclusion. The pacing of the plot is downright masterful, and its punctuated by revelation after revelation.
In some ways, the expansion presents a more focussed narrative than the core release, as you're not dashing from one side of the map to the other. Hearts of Stone takes place almost entirely within the region East of Novigrad and Oxenfurt, which has actually been expanded in order to accommodate a handful of new locations. Indeed, you won't be travelling to distant lands with the DLC, but you will be journeying into fresh territory that houses its own sidequests.

The sidequests themselves are your standard Witcher affairs. There's a new contract to tackle, and a couple of broad tasks that have you ride around the countryside seeking treasure and destroying a band of baddies, but these asides are merely the icing on an already delicious cake. As mentioned, Hearts of Stone's story is superb. Lasting around the ten to fifteen hour mark, it's an engrossing and very clever tale of mysterious characters and daunting challenges, and Geralt is the catalyst that makes it all kick off.
Player choice permeates throughout the narrative, as you decide the fate of the cast and of the Witcher himself. In terms of making tough decisions, Hearts of Stone is right up there with the very best scenarios that the main title has to offer, but given the runtime of the expansion, you tend to see the impact of your actions much more quickly, which results in what often feels like a tighter experience. Because of this, fans who thought that the base release was perhaps a little disjointed will likely love the more direct approach to storytelling.

Like we've hinted, though, the plot isn't made up of one linear storyline – it's divided into several different, smaller narratives that link into Geralt's central quest. Each individual story features its own involved characters, complete with twists and turns, and in truth, with an expansion priced at £7.99/$9.99, you feel that just one of these tales is worth the entry fee, but the fact that you get to experience several of them just amplifies the impression that CD Projekt Red has gone above and beyond with this expansion.
Speaking of the cast, Hearts of Stone undoubtedly plays host to some of the most well written and interesting personalities that we've seen not just in The Witcher 3, but in modern RPGs as a whole. Pivotal characters Guanter O'Dimm and Olgierd von Evrec are both incredibly well acted and perfectly realised, and along with good old Geralt, they form a dynamic trio. The only questionable inclusion is Shani – a returning military medic and potential love interest. Shani isn't questionable because of her character – like the others, she's well written and very likeable – but her voice acting threw us off more than once purely because she can't seem to decide whether she's English or American.

When you're not taking part in the consistently brilliant dialogue, you'll be exploring new areas and whacking anything that gets on your bad side. The DLC doesn't introduce many new enemy types, but it does serve up a few very memorable boss fights. One battle in particular stands out because of its Bloodborne-esque pacing, which is a surprising but welcome inclusion.
Meanwhile, on the ever-important loot side of things, there are a few new armour sets and swords to get your greedy hands on – some of which are enticingly powerful. Likewise, the new runeword enchanting system is a nice addition, although it's not quite as deep as you may expect. Some impressive bonus effects can be applied to your best gear by simply filling slots with a specific selection of runestones, and potentially, this lets you further customise Geralt to suit your style of play. Again, it's a thoughtful little system, but it doesn't have a huge impact on the mechanics that are already in place.

Last but not least, we have to mention the stellar soundtrack, which includes a few fresh tunes. As with the original adventure, the music is used to great effect, enhancing the tension during brawls and helping to set the mood during cutscenes.
An utterly engrossing slice of content, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone is a superb addition to an already incredible RPG, and is further proof that developer CD Projekt Red is at the absolute top of its game. Peppered with memorable moments, it's an expansion that'll have you yearning to step back into Geralt's gritty world to deal with some of the best characters that we've seen in years. Ultimately, Hearts of Stone sets the standard for what we should expect from premium content, and not just because of its price tag. This is DLC that puts many retail releases to shame.
Comments 25
Nice - still need to finish the main game though, and I'm not sure I ever will! EEP!
You know what is extra awesome about this... Not sure if this is just a UK or GAME thing but my Hearts of Stone DLC pack came with a deck of real world Gwent cards - which I'd have happily bought on their own. Excellent!!
It's not really that hard to beat the Witcher 3, you just can't OCD it.......stick to the main quest and do some contracts and secondary quests for a break here and there........don't worry about exploring every question mark right away. If anything it's appetizers after the main dish.
My question is, if you sleep with Shani (and let's be honest, it's hard not to, she comes off as likeable and you kinda feel for her situation)......how is this going to affect you if you committed to Yen or Triss in the main game....
@sub12 It had no impact whatsoever on my game, but I played Hearts of Stone after I had finished the main story. Can't say what'll happen if you do it prior.
@ShogunRok Nice lead in for my question, how does this work in game exactly? Is there a subtitle on the main game screen that lets you play this separately, or is it a completely separate game, or did they somehow find a way to seamlessly meld this into the main storyline?
10-12 hours for a sidequest, and for only $10, is crazy good.
@sub12 I doubt it'll make a difference as it's only Trish and Yen who effect each other.
Just got back into The Witcher after a couple of months break and made the mistake of just going straight into the story and instantly failing several side quests. Including Yen's which meant she wasn't best pleased when we next met, with me having no idea why. Luckily I had a separate save just a couple of hours worth of game before this one. Still gonna be a while before I can play the expansion though but looking forward to it
@rjejr there is an option to play this separately, other than that the first mission appears on your quest screen and is a different colour to the rest and labelled
@carlos82 o it's an either or proposition? Nice. Thanks.
@rjejr Yeah, @carlos82 is right. Basically, when you first load up the game with the expansion installed, it'll tell you how you can access it. You can either start a new save and the DLC will be available after the prologue, continue your game (either before or after the main story) and find the quest that starts it off, or you can have the game pre-build a level 30ish Geralt for you and throw you directly into the expansion quest.
I'm really hoping to wait until both expansions come out. I loved this game so much but there is just too much coming out right now for me to keep up with.
I'm going to wait till the other expansion comes out and then replay the whole game in new game plus.
That's what I'm talking about...
Just finished it and absolutely loved it. Just a couple of things:
1 - one of the trophies is currently bugged as you can't buy horse gear from the Olfieri merchant.
2 - the venomous viper set is also bugged in NG+, you find the silver sword but i has the stats of the level 39 version.
3 - some of the new glyphs are also bugged and disappear from the gear you bestowed them upon.
Great review! The amount of not just content but great content in this game is outstanding and we still have another expansion to go!
I'm really enjoying the dlc so far, 10/10 seems to be the right score. Still the best game of the year.
Another praise for gbugged pc trash? Eh.... So sad.
I figure I'm a little over halfway through this, and it's bloody amazing so far. It's been spooky and funny and interesting, and if it carries on like this, I'll be so happy.
@Swiket Hahaha
@sub12 yeah I was getting nowhere fast with this, as I wanted to try and do everything as I went along. I've had a bit of a break, but think I'll probably dive back in now, but ignore most of the side content and leave it for post-game.
Is there any easy way to identify when I might miss out on quests permanently by progressing the storyline? This already happened to me once right at the start of the game, and was frustrating as there hadn't seemed to be any sort of clue that the quest was timed.
@SteveButler2210 The general rule is to do any character-related quests before doing main story ones. And by character-related I mean 'main' characters like the sorceresses, etc.
Ok, I will accept that $5 offer on this one. Or has the price hiked because it is a 10?
Ya sorry man, gonna have to lay down that tax.
MRSP or bust now
Best game ive played in years...The story, graphics,enviroment,weather is so well done.I found myself playing the main storyline then wandering off to do the side quests.I have played over 150 hours so far and still have loads to do even though ive completed the main story.There are so many little villages, bandit camps and monster nests all which offer loot to find.The witcher monster contracts are also good.I have now started the dlc hearts of stone which seems good at the moment.This game is right up there with Grand Theft Auto and Skyrim...In my own personal view I would say even better.Well done CDK project Red on a fantastic game.
Just completed, fantastic.
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