A Plague Tale: Requiem is an excellent example of what a sequel should be: similar to its predecessor, but bigger and better in virtually every single way. Asobo Studio was so close to something quite special with 2019's A Plague Tale: Innocence, and its PS5 sequel turns that potential into reality. For fans of narrative-focused titles, the rat-infested follow-up is a must-play.
Expanding on the events of the first game, this direct continuation has an even better story, with new characters to meet and so many more places to visit. Its combat and stealth mechanics are much improved, to the point where getting spotted no longer spells an instant game over. The amount of rats on-screen during certain sequences is frankly absurd, and matched with stunning visuals and vistas, they make for a game that's great to look at no matter how grotesque it can be.

There's a welcoming sense of familiarity to go with it, though, as siblings Amicia and Hugo return alongside their mother and sidekick Lucas for a campaign that explores the De Rune family's Macula curse and its history. Hugo's having dreams of a cure hidden away somewhere on a tropical island, but his sister is the only one willing to listen. As such, the pair decides to take matters into their own hands in search of the elusive remedy.
What follows is a cinematic campaign just north of 20 hours in length that elegantly interlaces gameplay with cutscenes and dialogue. Taking a leaf out of the Naughty Dog playbook once more, it's a game just as much about what's happening when you're not pressing buttons as when you are. Detailed in its design, every interaction feels deliberate; every sequence delicately crafted.
It's what Asobo Studio does best, and A Plague Tale: Requiem sees the French team reach new heights. The narrative remains gripping throughout, and the new characters cement themselves with either fun personalities or hidden motives. A fantastic journey fans of the original will immediately groove with.
Someone will always want to put a stop to Amicia and Hugo's antics, though, so traversal has been updated with new ways to get about the environment while stealth and combat both feel just as viable as the other. With a crossbow part of her arsenal and more ways to use the sling, Amicia puts up much more of a fight. She can counter enemy attacks — even stabbing them to death if she has a knife in her inventory — and wield better control of the rat horde through one of Hugo's new powers.
The larger combat arenas lend themselves well to shifting between aggression and retreat, killing some enemies and then falling back to cover or some tall grass to break line of sight. Getting spotted doesn't mean you've got to reload a checkpoint anymore as Amicia is fit for purpose on both fronts this time. You'll probably still fall into that trap occasionally — to save resources once you've found a better route through the area, for example — but the sequel does a much better job of letting you approach encounters the way you want. That is except for the frustrating instant-fail stealth sections. Thankfully, they're fairly few and far between, but there are just enough to put a slight dampener on the fun.

They're a mere footnote in a game with so many highs, however. While A Plague Tale: Requiem doesn't reinvent the wheel, what it does remains of a high quality. Its blend of stealth and action, placed in between stretches of puzzle-solving and resource gathering, is an incredibly enjoyable loop. With the plot always at the forefront, you'll rarely catch yourself doing one thing for too long.
As ugly as they might be, the rats themselves should probably be considered another star of the show. There are more rodents on-screen than Innocence could ever dream of, particularly during the late game. Asobo Studio said its tech can put up to 300,000 rats on a TV set at any one time, and those concluding chapters prove the developer right. It's impressive stuff.
It's almost as admirable as its commitment to supporting the PS5 DualSense controller, which does so much for general immersion. Haptic feedback is put to use whenever the rats are nearby; it's like you can actually feel them scurrying around in your pad. Furthermore, chase sequences feel so much more intense when the rumble features and adaptive triggers kick into overdrive as a guard legs it after you. It's fantastic to see studios continue to take advantage of the controller's capabilities, with A Plague Tale: Requiem demonstrating just how effective those features can be when implemented correctly.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the game's performance. It's really difficult to work out what frame rate the game is even targeting. A choppy frame rate and significant drops during action-heavy scenes are common, and without any graphical options to speak of, there's no escaping them. With the day one patch applied, general gameplay seems to hover around 30 frames-per-second, sometimes more and other times less since it appears unlocked. Of course, the title is more than playable from beginning to end — the slower, cinematic sequences are particularly stunning — but those hooked on locked 60fps action won't come away satisfied.
Far more worrying, though, is how the more egregious frame rate drops appear to be directly linked to the game completely crashing on itself. While it was a rare occurrence, gameplay would suddenly start to chug until it came to a standstill, thus crashing the PS5. Backing out to the system's home screen and reloading a checkpoint remedies the issue, but it's still something in need of a fix. Fairly sparse these headaches are, though, so your investment in narrative stretches and enemy encounters won't be interrupted too much.
At its best, A Plague Tale: Requiem is one of the greatest narrative-focused experiences on PS5 to date. Technical limitations get in the way some of the time, but with improved stealth and combat mechanics, this is a really well-rounded game that excels at nearly everything it does. Innocence demonstrated Asobo Studio's potential in bursts; Requiem has absolutely realised it.
Comments 84
If you have any questions, feel free to copy me in.
You make this sound so goooooood.
I was hoping to avoid adding anything else to my play list between now and God of War of Christmas Day 🙃
Great review, Liam. Looking forward to digging into this closer to the Christmas break. Looks like it'll be a good time!
The first one is one of my favourite games from the PS4 generation. Really looking forward to playing this tomorrow!
Just about to boot it up really really can't wait
I like to hear that combat and stealth are equally viable as stealth has to be the most tedious gameplay mechanic ever devised. Is this the case with the original too? Don’t really want to play this but not the first given it sounds to be a direct continuation.
@Dr_Luigi Read.
Thank you for this informative review. I really loved the first game, but I think I'll wait a little while before picking it up, just to see if the performance issues are able to get resolved. I don't like the idea of the game crashing my entire console, if it can be helped. Would really like graphical options in the future as well. 60 FPS has completely spoiled me.
The first game was fun, but I got turned off by some of the mid-late game sections that resulted in auto-fails and chunks of replaying areas. I eventually abandoned it altogether because of it.
This does look quite good though. Almost like a B-tier-nearing-A-tier title. If Microsoft doesn't scoop them up after this (what with their history of working with them), I seriously think Sony should grab them. This is the sort of narrative game that has helped define Playstation first party games.
@LiamCroft does the game support Game Help? I'd like to use Game Help to clean up collectibles after I finish the story, if it's supported.
Great review! I started playing today myself. Sucks to hear there are crashes on console. I couldn’t wait so I switched to NZ on PC to start early. 7 hours straight with zero crashes, actually thought the performance was solid overall.
I like how the skills upgrade works. Pretty clever!
@Dr_Luigi 4th paragraph.
Hearing that you’ve got more freedom to the play style and that everything is bigger and better with the sequel, I’m looking forward to diving into this one. I’m truly curious where the narrative goes.
@bpomber Game Help tells you how many collectibles there are in each chapter and their names, but it doesn’t tell you where to actually find them.
Loved the first game, it was a bit of a hidden gem although Gamepass surely helped it reach more gamers. The atmosphere and music was excellent, gameplay somewhat linear but perfect for the narrative. I played with French dialogue and English subtitles (same with Japanese in Ghost of Tsushima). I think it helps with immersion and somehow offsets weak or irritating dialogue! I'll be waiting for a performance patch on this new installment however.
Instant fail stealth is a deal breaker for me.
@LiamCroft I've got a question regarding the upgrade system.
Is is more open this time around or is it like the previous installment, where the upgrade possibilities is hindered by the progression of the story?
Or with an example so you understand my question, can I focus only upgrading the crossbow to have it at its max as soon as possible or is it bound to the stories progression?
The first game only received a measly 6/10 from what I remember and it was Game Of The Year for me so I'm excited by this review and it's ending Score.
Hopefully by the time I get round to playing it most of the choppiness will be sorted.
Buying it today
I want it so bad! Super pumped for tomorrow!
@JAMes-BroWWWn You can focus your upgrades on anything you like. The only issue there is the crossbow is acquired roughly five hours in, so you’d have to wait for that one.
Ok. Thanks for the information. Honestly though, it’s not so much difficulty that bothers me, It’s more the tedium of waiting.
A game so good (the first one) that I will buy the sequel day one just for the plat trophy, even though it's on Gamepass
@jrt87 I have an LG CX TV with VRR enabled, and it was really choppy for me.
I never played the first game but I had my eye on this for quite a while.
Pre-installed 5 hours ago, just as it hit midnight, and if it wasn't for a severe case of indigestion, I would have been playing it til 6 in the morning (Almost 6am now).
Can't wait to play what I believe will be one of my two Game of the Year games (The other one is obviously God of War Ragnarok)
I will be playing on game pass but the 30fps is disappointing like Gotham Knights. Interesting that two big releases are 30fps hope this isn't a trend going foward
@jrt87 I’m playing on PC and it runs great. But you’re gonna need a seriously high-end PC to play on Ultra in 4K. Smooth sailing with the 40 series and DLSS 3 enabled for me.
N.i.c.e. a plague tale of innocence is excellent so a plague tale requiem is another winner.word up son
@MFTWrecks I expect that Microsoft will try and acquire them if they're willing, Microsoft Flight Simulator has been a massive success for them and there's rumours of them working on another exclusive for the company.
Would love to see the tech in Flight Sim shared with other Xbox studios!
@MFTWrecks I had the exact same experience with it. For some reason I still recommend the game to folks despite not having finished it. What I did play I (for the most part) enjoyed immensely. It was good until it wasn't. Its fatal mistake for me anyway is the game seems to squander your investment in the characters and story for a late-game difficulty spike combined with punitively sparse checkpoints. A much-improved iteration of the same basic setup is a no-brainer to me. These devs clearly have something special, and it seems like this time around their means have matched their ambition. Can't wait to boot this one up.
Seems like a poorly optimised game, at least on PS5. I would have advised people to wait for some patches if I were the reviewer. Crashes are a no go.
Would liketo Platinum as I did the first game but since I now have a gaming laptop it'd be stupid to pay for this on PS5 when it's included at no extra cost on gamepass
I must finish the first one soon.
Can’t wait to finish work at midnight and run home like Charlie when he found a golden ticket!
@nofriendo That's a good way of explaining the issues I had, yeah.I just remember there was a part where you had to rush through a section with rats everywhere and you could be going for a few minutes but then it was unclear where to go and if you hesitated the SLIGHTEST bit you failed. And I tried like half a dozen times to make sense of it and just gave up.
I liked it up until that point. Felt like TLOU-lite, in a way. With a wholly original setting you don't often see explored in games enough for my liking.
Strange how this one appears to be getting away from the Internet complaints of a current gen console game running at only 30fps but Arkham Knights is getting murdered all over the place for also being current gen at 30fps. Weird. I'm saving my moneys for Ragnarok, Callisto Protocol, Dead Space and RE4. Enjoyed the first Plague Tale platinum so I'll definitely eventually get this next year on a decent sale
Doesn't run super great on my PC but I'm happy with the game otherwise. Played an hour or so and loving it.
Even on RTX 3080 Ti and Ryzen 7 5800X I have to use DLSS Quality to get consistent 60FPS at 1440p
I cannot wait to play this. The original was great. 😄
@NeThZOR and here I was hoping my 3070 laptop was gonna be able to do 1440p 60 with DLSS quality
@Shepherd_Tallon I plan on doing GOW first and this will be the next game up for me.
Glad to see the actual game is pretty good, but given the performance issues, I will stick to my original plan of waiting a while to finally play this. I have no doubt I will highly enjoy it, and I'm not trying to discourage people from buying it right away, but maybe waiting will end up paying off for me.
@TJ81 Plague Tale Innocence was so underrated.
@Beerheadgamer82 You should follow up god of war with this game it's really sounding great so far.
@nofriendo Not a big fan of sequels but this was one that was needed.
@CapGod Spoken like a true gamer.
@Saucymonk You're in for a treat.
I had a blast with the first one and I will have a blast with this one but at a later day, I will wait till is all patched up. I would even accept a sacrifice of a few thousand of those 300,000 rats on screen if they can get it to 60fps.
Instant fail stealth? That has put me off a bit. Can't stand it.
Find it funny how an article on the roundup of reviews for this game over on pure Xbox somehow became about Sony's first party games being crap lol
@Blackbluto it's being able to afford all these games is the issue. Unfortunately some have to be sacrificed on release. Plague Tale Reqium is the one that has to be sacrificed for now so I can more easily afford the ones that are more of a priority to me. Boring adult bills and stuff always need sorting and feeding belly. So many games to be getting on with on all these plus tiers too
Played it for an hour or so and I wait until some patches are out. It‘s almost unplayable with this choppy framerate even with 40fps mode.
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it got an 8/10 on push sqaure and a 9/10 on pure xbox probably due to series X supporting LFC so the VRR range is 20fps
to 120fps which ironed out the frame rate issue
@LiamCroft Hi Liam does it have a story recap of the first game ?
@Adam5k1 What?
@Dobbos I'm afraid not.
What do ya know... and this morning I have to redownload the game on Game Pass for PC after having played it last night and now it needs a 44 GB 'patch'.
@NeThZOR wow .
another Xbox Series S victim because of rushing a game to the market without optimizing for PS5, Series X oder PC... well done. No buy
As much as this game sounds amazing, I cant invest when the game can't even hold a steady 30fps.
I used to be in the mindset that fps doesn't matter but once I made the jump, I honestly cannot go back.
If Horizon can make a 60fps version look as stunning as it is, then this should be able to pull off a at least 40fps at all times.
Not impressed, no matter how good the game is. We should be passed technically problems
Just started playing it and it looks bloomin' gorgeous. It's a shame that it's only 30fps but you get used to it again after a short while.
To the developers - please bring out a 60fps patch or very close to 60 in VRR. I loved the last game, but like many others won’t buy this one until that frame rate is high enough. 1080p is perfectly fine.
@LiamCroft Is it worth playing through the first game to get up to speed with the plot and characters?
@Andee It’s a direct sequel to a narrative-focused game, so yes, of course.
@LiamCroft Do you (or anyone else) know if this supports the game help card things? Sorry don't know the official name for the them - but you press the PS button and get a series of 'cards' that offer in-game help to scroll through. They had them in TLOU Part 1 that brought up little spoiler free guides to where each of the collectibles could be found and I thought it was an incredibly useful feature and added a lot to my enjoyment of the game. Would probably be enough to persuade me to buy it on PS rather than play it on Gamepass to be honest if it has
@LiamCroft That's what I suspected - ta!
@stylon This has been answered already, look at comment #19.
I'm going to go pick it up on my lunch break. I won't get a chance to play it for a while though. I'm in the middle of replaying AC Unity and want to finish that first.
EDIT: Well crap. Apparently I can't buy it on my lunch. It's not available anywhere within a 15 min drive. Apparently no stores got it in stock.
@bpomber Thanks, I'd read the review but not each and every comment. Shame it doesn't actually offer any help finding stuff but nice to know this stuff up front. Cheers.
people are going to have to get used to 30fps gamesagain because alot of games this generation are going to be using unreal engine 5 which from everything ive seen runs at 1440p 30fps
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@Adam5k1 Considering my average score across 185 reviews is a 6.3, I don’t think I do 😂
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What happened to the 30fps article?
@LiamCroft Dang, that's what I was afraid of hearing - I too have the same set-up and was hoping that 40fps with VRR would somewhat alleviate my concerns about its performance, alas, it's not to be. I think I'll hold on and see if they patch it in future.
@ApostateMage Is it stable because i still have it in the seal otherwise ill return it and buy it when its patched.
@Flaming_Kaiser Not really, it's a bit jittery to be honest. I am playing on the Series S though.
Hmm kinda glad I had forgotten about pre-ordering this game then, I'll wait until they've addressed the bugs/glitches first before buying.
@ApostateMage Then ill return it and get something else that runs better so i get a better worth for it thanks for the fast response.
@TJ81 Wasn't this available through Plus for a free month giveaway
@pharos_haven Yeah I think so but I already had it through gamepass. I usually opt for PS5 if the haptic feedback stuff is utilized but see very little difference otherwise between the two consoles. I think Series X has the upper hand in graphical settings options but only just. Sorry you didn't ask about all that ha.
Considering the only modality in which this game is getting a decent framerate above reduced settings 1080p is on pc with an rtx 3080 or above with dlss utilized, it's definitely a case of Asobo punching above its weight and ultimately releasing a poorly optimized product.
From what I hear the game doesn't even regularly hit 30fps on PS5.
Definitely a bummer and ensures this will be something I hold off on purchasing/playing until its optimization is more worked on.
**Make no mistake despite any sugar coating you may read; this game can't even maintain 30 fps without VRR on PS5.**
I'm just playing it with the 120hz mode in 1440p. TV doesn't support VRR unfortunatly. Runs pretty decent but it seems there are certain instances where indeed the framerate drops under 30 fps. After Pt. 1 got it's fantastic PS5 patch this is for sure somehow disappointing.
Anyway I'm more the guy who enjoys a good narrative driven single player game so I'll kindly overlook the issues for now. Game's been pretty cool so far.
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