If any video game truly deserves the mildly ludicrous 'AAAA' moniker, it's Baldur's Gate 3. Larian Studios' latest is a roleplaying experience of the first order, a work of vanishing beauty made in the old ways to modern specifications. This third instalment in the long-dormant series effortlessly makes spiritual progenitors Mass Effect and Dragon Age look like tentative first steps on a grander adventure; Larian's own immaculate Divinity: Original Sin 2, a first draft in comparison.
Baldur's Gate 3, defying the odds and against all expectations, brings the legendary CRPG sequel to PS5, offering console denizens the kind of epic roleplaying experience that was once exclusively the province of their blue-blooded PC counterparts. More next-gen than anything on PS5 in terms of life-consuming RPGs, Larian's latest entered a playable Early Access state on Steam back in 2020. The closest competitor the scrappy studio has in this regard is CD Projekt Red, and even its vaunted offerings fall short in comparative depth.

A mechanical marvel on all fronts and that rarest of things, Baldur's Gate 3 is a premium product, launching in a completed state that should be standard for a game of this calibre, not an aberration. It's a country mile wide, several fathoms deep, expertly written, and a revolution for the genre.
Players diving in will, broadly speaking, divide their time between exploring an unbelievably detailed depiction of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, engaging its denizens in cinematic dialogue, and doing battle in ridiculously intricate turn-based tactical encounters.
Centred on the storied Sword Coast — the setting for much of BioWare's earlier efforts (Baldur's Gate I & II) — Baldur's Gate 3 kicks off with an intense cinematic bang that wouldn't look out of place in a sci-fi epic, foreshadowing the wild ride that awaits. After creating your own or selecting one of Larian's bespoke Origin Characters, you're thrust into a tutorial dungeon that will make believers of even the most grognard veterans, with its bleak parallels to Irenicus' grim lair.

Larian threads the needle of onboarding newcomers to this relatively niche series, crafting a narrative of such scope, complexity, and skilled artisanship — and one new for all players. Like Disco Elysium before it, the marriage of crunchy CRPG mechanics and reams upon reams of the best writing in video games is an intoxicating one for word nerds or fans of escapism in general. This burgeoning new genre of dice-based literary RPGs (not to be confused with LitRPGs) is poised to explode, with those two titles alone potentially portending one of the most exciting shifts for (predominantly) single-player RPGs in recent decades.
The world of Faerûn is a marvel to behold. Rather than attempting to fashion another massive open world, Baldur’s Gate 3 succeeds in being one of the densest, most intricately crafted games we’ve ever played. The ways in which your character can interact with others and the environment are more detailed, complicated, and ultimately liberating than just about anything we’ve ever experienced previously. Once it clicks, and your lizard brain understands the universe of possibilities offered by simple actions like Jump and Dash, the enormity of the toolbox the developer has created begins to sink in. It invites you to push the boundaries, kick the tires, and test its possibilities, and almost without fail, someone seemingly smarter than you anticipated the move and left you a little gamer treat.
An example is the settlement of Emerald Grove, ostensibly your hub for Chapter 1. A place of sanctuary and security for some, it can also prove an extremely exciting and difficult early combat dungeon for less diplomatic players. While this will inevitably sever story threads, there are many ways to skin a cat, and you'll still be able to get where you're ultimately going. Best of all, you’re amply rewarded with meaningful loot for your hard efforts (manage to slay the boss in the tutorial for further proof).
Like the giants upon whose shoulders it stands, the first, most insidious foe in Baldur's Gate 3 is the character creation screen, which is an absolute doozy. With 12 base classes that branch into a further 46 subclasses (and can potentially multiclass into countless variations), 10 races with their own subraces to consider, not to mention abilities or proficiencies inherent to any of the above, it's a lot to take in. Those prone to chronic restartitis should plan ahead. We loved the general aesthetic of the character models, and while perhaps not as cosmetically freeform as, say, Fallout 4, it's much easier to create a character that looks like they actually belong in this universe.
The writing, acting, and direction are front and centre in Baldur's Gate 3, and it's hard to describe what a step forward it is without trite comparisons. The uncanniness of conversation is still there — we aren't sure that ever goes away — but compared to Mass Effect or even the very recent Starfield, the effort put into the most minor of characters (including each animal, provided you speak their language) is colossal. It's mind-boggling, and individual tastes may vary, but we found the voice work to be stellar, with more memorable characters in its opening hours alone than some games boast in their entire runtime. That's dozens of hours before you meet any of the game's scenery-chewing main antagonists, by the way.
Like analogue literature before it ("books"), Baldur's Gate 3 has a lot to say. It's verbose in every level of its storytelling, in spoken and written format, which continues into item descriptions, taking a page out of the FromSoftware playbook. Unlike more traditional forms of media, however, this is the work of hundreds and a labour of many, many collective years. So much more mature in its narrative than just leaving players to ponder the consequences of their moment-to-moment actions, Larian explores themes of domination, submission, and freedom that will stick with you, and its Origin characters are its best exemplars.

Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, and Karlach comprise the core group of companion characters, and each one contains multitudes. You can elect to play from the point of view of one of the above six (rather than creating your own), seeing a different perspective on the events of the game and accessing unique, substantive content only possible when playing as that Origin Character. The Dark Urge Origin, meanwhile, allows players to create a custom character and still experience an Origin story. Far more than simply being an evil-inclined playthrough, it adds a compelling extra narrative layer that feels like the 'canon' experience in our mind. We'd go so far as to recommend it, especially for those returning players of the earlier games, who, doubtless, already know deep in their bones the reasons why.
Combat is likely going to be make or break for a lot of players, and there's just no getting around it. Brilliant and engaging, we love it, and you can throw down virtually anywhere, with nearly everyone. Encounters are tense, turn-based tactical affairs that are animated lovingly and offer insane options for well-rounded parties. Larian's masterstroke was getting this undeniably slower outing into the same conversations as comparably action-packed efforts like The Witcher 3 or Skyrim in the first place. That's not an accusation of deception, to be clear, because fans of those games are likely going to find a lot to love here; their respective combat systems aren't why they're both still held in such esteem, anyway.

Mechanically complex, the translation of D&D's 5th Edition tabletop ruleset is an unmitigated triumph, with its many dense and crunchy numbers converted into a digestible, readable format. Forget Baldur's Gate, let's go back to Amn: a platform and template now exists for a larger D&D exploration in the coming years, which is kind of incredible in its own right. It's complicated, but the principles are simple and sound.
Advantage, for example, is an essential mechanic that you'll be punished for not understanding and determines how easy a target is to hit. There are many, many different ways to gain Advantage, but as long as you know you want it over enemies and not the other way around, you're golden. Similarly, each turn, a character can move, make an Action like attacking or casting a spell, as well as a Bonus Action, like shoving an enemy or quaffing a potion. Near-infinite complexity lies beneath the surface, but so long as you get that, you're ready to get started.

While the basics are simple to grasp, the ceiling is in the stratosphere, with insane builds and party compositions already demolishing the 'hard' Tactician difficulty. There's no shame in turning the difficulty down from Balanced to Explorer in Baldur's Gate 3; it's a fairly difficult game by default, and in an awesome nod to the hardcore crowd, the AI gets a significant upgrade in the game's most sadistic mode for still more replay value.
But for your first playthrough, you may be tempted to wait for Larian to patch out some of the game's slight technical hiccups. Performance on PS5 is largely serviceable, whether you're playing at a heightened resolution or a more responsive 60 frames-per-second — although some particularly busy areas do force a few dips here and there. Thankfully, that's not a huge problem in a game that's so methodical by design, which means that our only real gripe with Baldur's Gate 3 is its bugginess.
For how mechanically complex this RPG is, the overall lack of bugs is actually astounding, but it's still difficult to ignore blemishes like character animations snapping into place, and odd terrain collision issues during combat. To be clear, we didn't run into any game-breakers, but there were a couple of instances where reloading our save felt like the best course of action, lest an especially noticeable bug reoccur.
A lot of digital ink has been spilt about what this all means for the RPG landscape, that the standard it sets is, for whatever reason, unattainable to others. That building a community of dedicated fans, working with them over years and polishing a game until it shines like a gleaming suit of plate-mail is an advantage unique to Larian Studios. There's an implied insinuation that it was given the leg-up of the official Dungeons & Dragons IP and inherent gravitas the name Baldur's Gate still commands rather than having earned the right to bear it, with (largely) the blessing of those still playing the classics today. Baldur's Gate 3, more than anything else, proves that when it comes to truly legendary video games, players are willing to wait.
Baldur's Gate 3 is the new reigning RPG monarch, demanding your homage with its insane level of depth and detail. Even if its gameplay might move too slowly for some, it's hard not to be astounded by the sheer scope of this adventure. An epic in the true sense of the word, Larian's latest is a game that can utterly consume your life for days, weeks, months, even years, should you embrace its brilliance.
Comments 151
Wish I had the patience for true turn-based combat (I was ok with it in Yakuza: Like a Dragon because that was turn-based with several sets of training wheels). Anyway, hope everybody who buys it enjoys the game. Surprise hit of the year.
Awesome review! Can’t wait to play it!!
Totally agree. I've been playing it since day 1 on Steam Deck and also PS5 early access and it's gobsmacking in its brilliance. The new benchmark for RPGs and puts FF16 into a cocked hat ! In a year with Zelda TOTK ( which i didnt think could be topped ) and Diablo 4 and SF6 , this has risen to the top
It's hard, it's systems are deep, it's overwhelming in places and it's brilliant
10 / 10.....it even goes all the way upto 11
Wasn't this game originally supposed to be a stadia exclusive?
Damn, 10/10. This is my first experience playing Baldur's Gate and if it weren't for the advice a friend of mine gave me, I wouldn't have kept at it.
For anyone new, the game does a terrible job of teaching you how to play. Best advice I can give to newcomers is make sure know what your abilities and skills actually do, explore if you keep dieing and look for smaller battles to garner XP.
I went from despising it to it now rules every waking minute of my life at home.
@Americansamurai1 And then they decided that they actually like money.
I’ve been playing this on Steam Deck and easily think it’s one of the best RPGs in decades.
@LifeGirl this one is basically a D&D campaign (apparently a good one at that)
Annoying this comes out same day as Starfield ...so I will wait for this and get it on sale at some point
@LifeGirl pretty sure Google paid a lot lol, but just crazy to think stadia might have had a massive exclusive if it could have survived.
Laughing at everyone comparing this to FFXVI, they're two entirely different gameplay styles and if anyone thinks that BG3 is the new standard for RPGs, they are sorely mistaken.
Well I'm convinced!!!
Been wavering after reading all the PC reviews and whether PS5 performance would be ok, but it sounds from this review it's all good so off to make a purchase!
Getting the Digital Deluxe tomorrow, with this on PS5 and Starfield on Xbox i'm eating so good right now.
Too busy with Starfield for now and never been a big fan of CRPG - still curious about it because of all the praise. Might pick it up later
It's kinda amusing for me to read these glowing reviews, after my own experiences with the game. Bought it when PS5 early access launched because I do enjoy turn-based RPGs and, according to my friends "you don't need any DND knowledge" and "it's the hypest thing ever". The game didn't really look that interesting to me, I've never played CRPGs and don't care or know anything about DND, and last night after 4 hours of playtime... I just dropped it. Tutorials were straight up broken, combat was excruciatingly slow, and despite Act 1 supposedly being the best thing ever at no point was I hooked. Astarion was fun, I guess. I didn't even hate the game, I was just so apathetic. I still am, to the point that I genuinely don't even care about wasting 80€. I guess I kinda excpected the outcome, I also bought Elden Ring just based on hype and I wasn't interested in soulsborne before the game and certainly not after playing it for a few hours. Probably should stop buying stuff solely based on hype.
@LifeGirl FFXVI was very straight forward in being marketed as an action game, it had those impressions since its first reveal, anyone thinking it was heavier on the RPG side failed to do their proper research before purchasing it.
BG3 won't be the standard because western publishers want AAA bangers out yesterday, loaded with bugs, MTXs and battlepasses.
Baldur's gate 3 is a masterpiece.and one of the greatest games ever made.larian studio made 2 other masterpieces in the divinity original sin enhanced games.word up som
@General_Disarray The funny thing is FF16 is a different type of RPG, it's an action RPG whilst Baldurs Gate is a strategy RPG totally different games that shouldnt be compared.
I'd go 10/10 as well. It's amazing what a well-crafted world and story this is, just an absurd amount of detail everywhere you turn.
I already have this downloaded. Just waiting for tomorrow.
But in terms of this being a “new standard”, I’m not sure. I think if this was a new standard very few games would come out every year.
@UltimateOtaku91 and both games have things that make them great on their own accord, gotta love that "this game isn't like that other game so THIS game sucks" mentality.
Those people say that while putting on the clown make-up.
So excited to dive in at midnight! Off tomorrow for it too I am going to play until my eyes burn and then keep going
It's the first genuine 10/10 i've ever played and i'm not even any good! This is setting the bar very high and all games should be in a polished state upon release
Glad it got such high ratings. Definitely going to try it once it goes on sale. Fantasy games and CRPGs haven't hooked me yet. So I gave priority to Starfield. Excited to try it at some point though!
Took the week off and I've been playing it since Saturday.
I used to play turn based RPGs growing up, mostly the Japanese RPGs. But in the last 10 - 17 years, basically since Demon's Souls and Oblivion, I've found it harder to enjoy turn based combat. I came to prefer being able to swing a sword in real time and hitting my target based on my own reactions, rather than having to rely on a stat and get infuriated when the "miss" icon pops up after a 95% certainty of landing a hit.
I can't explain what's different or why but in this game it just works so well. I'm loving the turn based combat, the characters, the setting.
Absolute masterclass.
I'm going to watch the D&D movie now, then get back to Baldur's Gate until 2am.
My brother in law bought it and is loving it. I can't game ATM due to a broken elbow and wrist so will definitely be borrowing it off him when he's finished.
The Game of The Year 2023, no doubt. Sad I can't get into it right now, playing too many games already, would be overwhelmed.
Can't see any other game coming close to this, Zelda TOTK or Hogwarts Legacy for game of the year. Going to be a very close race this time round, I'd even throw Sea of Stars into the mix and possibly spiderman 2 depending how well it scores. Been a great year for gaming for sure.
I definitely want to play this at some point, but there’s no point buying it right now whilst Starfield gobbles up all my free time. Hopefully by the time I get around to playing it they will have ironed out any remaining bugs, and it will be cheaper too.
@UltimateOtaku91 it sure has 😁
Despite the massive quality of Larian's previous two games, Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2, I couldn't get into them. I tried several times. The only thing holding me back from buying Baldur's Gate 3 is the fact I may similarly not click with it. Well, I suppose there are two things holding me back. I also have several Final Fantasy games I'm going through currently on PS5, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands on PC (where I own all the other Borderlands games), and then Spider-Man 2 will come out. Lots going on.
thats the thing if i didnt like Divinity original sin would i like this?
Really need this. Love the first one, less so the second one, Planescape Torment is a masterpiece. This definitely seems like a worthy successor.
I don't enjoy turn based, long campaigns, or lots of talking, so on paper I should hate this game but it looks pretty good so .. yeah I'm not sure
Sounds very special! I’ve made the extremely difficult decision to hold off on this until I can give it the time and dedication it deserves. Sounds like the closest attempt yet at translating the tabletop experience to the digital medium. It’s so rare to get a true RPG of this depth, quality and intelligence in this medium, I couldn’t be more thrilled! Excellent review, though it certainly hasn’t helped my patience.
Cannot wait for this!
As a irl D&D player, it’s amazing to see what lengths they’ve had to go to replicate the game. Glad this game, the developer and D&D are getting some recognition.
@UltimateOtaku91 Spider-Man 2 won't exceed 90 on Metacritic. Which Insomniac game has ever managed that? I think none.
They make good games, but never GOTY material.
Watched gameplay vids and found it highly impressive. Just one day... I'll definitely play it.
@Suur I feel the same way (although Elden Ring became my favorite game of all time). I sat down to play this last night and it's just not grabbing me. The tutorials didn't explain much. I fell down a hole and immediately got attacked, 2 members died I couldn't figure out how to revive them (legit googled if there was permadeath). Controls are a bit awkward. I work full time, go to gym every day, have a partner so my game time is limited and this also feels like a time sync to the max at every level (gear/items, character levelling, looking around environment) etc. I made a badass devil character that i like but the world did feel a little...i don't know, I guess didn't grab me. I'll keep trying for a bit though
Definitely plan on getting this sometime on PC. I watched a streamer play a little bit when it was first released and I liked what I saw.
I should be into this game. I love turn based RPGs but I like a clean UI with my RPG and every time I see this game it looks too messy to me. My brother seems to love it though and wants to do a coop campaign so maybe it just looks too messy at a glance.
Definitely not buying it yet for myself yet but maybe sometime next year. I've already decided what games I'm playing for the rest of the year.
Glad this reviewed well. This game just isn't for me, though.
I just can't get into the CRPG genre. Heck even Bethesda/WRPGs don't hold my interest for very long. There are just too many systems at play to pay attention to and I constantly feel like I am doing something wrong and never know what I should be focusing on for my character build. Then I end up struggling through the mid to late game because I "messed up" my character build early on.
I can't do card-based RPGs for the same reason - there are just too many cards to mix and match.
At least with JRPGs, a character generally has an archetype assigned and you know that that when you hit new town (or dungeon), that weapon/armor within are going to be stronger than what you had so you better get it. There is no guesswork or requirement that I consult an infinite amount of guides to understand how the game works.
I guess I'm just not smart enough for these types of games.
If I’m having a blast in Divinity will this be right up my alley?
And is the 80 dollar version the only one available for ps5?
Anyone that has read that which I have written regarding this game in the past month or so will know my feeling on the game. It is quite simply a masterpiece. Personally, until now, my favourite game of all time was Divinity Original Sin 2. Baldur's Gate 3 has now taken that crown. It takes everything that was magnificent about Dos2 and turns it up to 12.
For me, Larian is the very best Developer out there. Hands down they are the best studio. I love them to bits. They really get involved with the community, and are passionate about the games they make. They absolutely deserve all the praise they are getting, and thoroughly deserve every single Game of the Year award that they will undoubtedly win for the next 12 months.
This is not a partisan thing at all, as I am looking forward to playing it, but I actually feel sorry for Bethesda and Starfield because were it not for BG3, Starfield would likely win a good percentage of the GotY awards in the forthcoming year. However, I don't think in a head to head race to the award between Starfield and BG3, that Starfield stands a chance. I have yet to play the game (even though I own the Collector's Edition with the watch) as I am still working my way through BG3, but I just cannot see it beating BG3 at all.
BG3 is a true masterpiece, setting a standard that few games will ever match. And Larian are the kind of Developer that we could only wish the majority to be...
@nessisonett Glad I’m not alone. I’ve recently played through both games and from everything I’ve read most people are in agreement that the second game is better, but I preferred the first. The second game was good, but the sense of adventure in the first game is unmatched, even today. I loved that I could go off in any direction and find adventure (or death).
Never could get into CRPGs. This looks interesting but I don't think it'll change my mind.
Yes, @Dusk_Actual. If you are enjoying DoS2, then you will undoubtedly enjoy BG3. Absolutely everything about DoS2 is improved upon in BG3. It is truly a masterpiece...
It's a 10 for me as well, it's so good, and the PS5 version looks and runs great. I wasn't sure how they were going to handle the abilities but they did an amazing job on the customisable radial wheels for all the skills.
My only complaints so far, it doesn't look like you can check how many camp supplies you have without going back to camp and initiating a rest, which isn't ideal. On PC this info is on your hotbar. The second is just preference, but I wish the long hold on the touch pad opened my character sheet rather than my journal.
Not a huge CRPG fan, and I have next to no awareness of the D&D universe (and don't really care to acquaint myself right now), so as excellent as this seems to be, I'll probably never get to it.
Do love watching some of the cutscenes on youtube, though. The dialogue in this game is just fantastic.
@Fiendish-Beaver I dunno, I haven't played it myself, but after watching a lot of different streamers and seeing some of the complaints about Starfield, I don't think it stood a chance against TOTK either.
@Fiendish-Beaver I haven’t yet played the 2nd one but I’m really enjoying the first one
@trev666 my personal opinion is not likely. They used those games as stepping stones to this game. I’ve only played the first Divinity, I really liked it, but this is that on steroids. It’s similar combat, but even deeper. There’s also countless ways to handle situations/encounters, but that’s things we saw in their previous games, it’s just ramped up now.
@Dusk_Actual If you're enjoying Divinity then BG3 will absolutely be up your alley. And no, the $80 version is an upgraded deluxe version with some bonus in-game goodies and it also granted early access over this past weekend. The standard version is still $70 though, if I'm not mistaken
@Sil_Am Insomniac makes great fun and polished games but you're right they aren't goty material which is fine. Spider-man 2 metacritic will probably be between 84-88 which would make it an excellent game
@Juanalf Which is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of I agree. Marvel's Spider-Man is one of my favorite games of all time despite it's flaws. And I hope Spider-Man 2 will be an ideal sequel.
Plus Insomniac consistently puts out good games. Starting with sunset overdrive, they haven't really missed since then.
@Suur Totally agree this is an above average game in a sea of games that does nothing new. I got it on steam thankfully so I was able to get a refund. It is a shame as I can imagine there are others who will get swept up by the 10/10. It's like Persona 5 Royal, one of the best rated game of all time but it's never going to be suitable for a mass audience.
I have been playing this since Saturday night and what's really annoying me at this point is that I have a job and kids, cause they mean less play time.
Superb game, I've yet to really scratch the surface but I am loving it so far.
I actually think Starfield can wait at this point, I'm gonna be on BG3 for a while.
@nessisonett Hey mate, I'm curious. Why did you like the second one less? Usually it's the other way around and BG2 is a major improvement upon the first one in all aspects.
Ive never played a DnD game before but I have been looking up a butt load of tutorials from experienced players on YouTube and such that I think I can get into this.
@Suur or, maybe, just buy hyped games from genres you're interested in? You stated you had never played not had interest in this style of game before... Why think it would be different just because people who do like the styles you mentioned, hyped them up as amazing?
I usually fall into hype traps myself, but use BoomerangGames to rent them instead (I know BG3 was digital only). It's how I avoided losing a pretty penny on Eldeb Ring which I just never got in to
Thanks for a great review, as always!
“Performance largely perfect” though… YT certainly begs to differ. Anyway, guess I’ll have to try it out myself.
No mention of the audio bug where all sound vanishes? Apparently can be resolved by disabling 3D audio but I'm not going to start doing that on a game by game basis.
Has it been resolved since the early access on PS5 started?
Also, tutorials didn't pop up for me when I gave it a whirl so will wait till that is fixed as well cos I need all the help I can get!!
I must be spending too much time on this site, because I'm just agreeing with you guys lately.
Keep that up, and I'll just have to visit more often for my daily dose of confirmation bias.
@PixelDragon smart decision. It’s one of those games where I know once it’s done… everything else is just going to suck for about a month afterwards.
I am absolutely amazed how they nailed first a PC version and then a console version. Like.. It feels so wrong with how many messed up releases we have.
That said, Can't wait to jump in! Just wish the unlock time wasn't so late tomorrow..
@Athrum Didn’t really warm to the overall story as much. I liked the first one’s vibe more and how every step felt like you were venturing into the unknown.
@Suur I think you just found the solution for your problem. I love both BG3 and Elden Ring but I acknowledge that both are for a specific audience. If I may be so bold as to advise you, watch gameplay trailers before deciding to buy the game. Reviewers are frequently people who play all kinds of games so they will give glowing reviews to niche games if they excel in their areas, which is the case for both games. But if you're not a fan o slow burner turn based RPGs or DnD in general, BG3 is a hard sell.
"...this really does feel like a landmark moment for the genre, setting extremely high standards that everything will inevitably be judged against going forward."
The pressure is on for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf to deliver. It's going to be directly compared to Baldur's Gate 3.
I've been playing in my M1 MacBook Air as founder member, and it's been great... I've certainly got to wait for a sale in PS5 perhaps in December, or next year, but I'll definitely buy it. I've enjoyed a lot in my MacBook Air
A lot of comments about how the game does zero to onboard you that I absolutely agree with - I spent a couple of hours watching Fextralife beginner videos and that proved to be time well spent. If you are able to do similar the learning curve disappears and so far for me this is a 10/10. When I'm not playing it, I'm thinking about my next steps, future character builds, the decisions I've made... sensational and all-consuming. Once my Portal arrives I doubt I'll speak to my family again.
Awesome detailed review and well-deserved score. The discourse around new benchmarks and those that defend it not being are a bit ridiculous. regardless of whether it will be, it absolutely SHOULD BE.
It's interesting that many are suggesting the game doesnt onboard you well and explains nothing, i wonder if that is just a case of first crpg? They require reading and pretty much always have. Much of the "tutorial" type elements are often compiled in a log or journal type section of menu and require you to learn in that manner, along with good old non hand holding trial and error.
Glad this title is running well and getting the acclaim it deserves, especially considering the glossed over by the media disappointment that Starfield ended up being.
looking forward to a co-op run with my partner. Concerned that very few reviews mention co-op performance.... did push square adequately test this?
I got the original game about 24 years ago. I still remember the 5 cd pack and huge manual booklet. Hanging out in the BG forums before they closed them down a few months later. I’m getting that sense of anticipation again! Roll on tomorrow! (I’m cheap, I didn’t spring for early access)
@Pat_trick This is why I've been reluctant to take the plunge on BG3 despite the incredible hype. I've watched a streamer friend of mine play it, and my thought on it so far is that it looks like a really well-made game that I would have no interest in playing. For instance, what even is this rolling nonsense? I know enough about D&D to know that that's what it's from, but I've never played D&D. So to me, it just unnecessarily complicates gameplay (not to mention occasionally making it more frustrating than it needs to be). And injecting an element of pure luck into a game that's all about player agency seems counterintuitive.
@InJeffable I like the fact the it makes it more unpredictable and a bit interesting when it comes to possibilities. Also this game is one of the best when it comes to make "failures" having interesting results and not being just the bad outcome.
But your point is completely valid. It does inject randomness and it's totally fair to consider it a deal-breaker due to the agency being taken away from the player.
2 Cons and still 10/10??
Will give it a try when I am done with Starfield but I am afraid that it will be to slow for me because it is turn based.
Ahh, okay then, @Dusk_Actual. If you were to score the first one as a 10, then the second would be a 12, making BG3 a 14. It's that good...! 😂
Fair enough, @Intr1n5ic. As I say, I haven't played it yet, so I cannot truly judge, but I have seen much more criticism of Starfield (though still not a lot) than I have BG3. As for TotK, I have only played BotW, and whilst I do own Totk, I haven't got round to playing it. Again though, I have seen that game criticised too, mostly for not being a particularly big evolution from it's prequel. I guess it's a mute point though, as I think BG3 is likely to beat allcomers, unless it's only Nintendo games in the running, or only huge space operas allowed..! 🤣
I bought it as it grabbed my interest but I’ve zero experience playing a game like this.
I put it on for about 30 mins. Think I’ve made a big mistake tbh. No idea what I’m doing etc.
Thought the first level would teach the basics like most games.
I’m busy with Starfield atm but I’m going to get to this at some point and will most likely need a guide to get going.
I got early access and have been hooked. I am completely in love with this game (genuinely the wife is a bit worried) but it’s not going to be for everyone. Larian definitely could, and arguably should have done a bit more in the way of tutorials and explanations early on for people new to the genre or D&D. I can see why quite a few people are bouncing off it because it’s a difficult game and a few bad dice rolls can totally ruin you both in and out of combat.
@Fiendish-Beaver Agreed. I can't remember the last game I played that I rated as highly as this, like yourself, it might well have been DOS 2. I thought Returnal was incredible from recent years but it's apples and oranges.
@Hurblyburbly just do what I recommended if you try again and hopefully you'll feel it's money well spent.
I'm glad I decided to give it a second chance otherwise I'd be missing out on the GOTY.
I do not agree with the score. BG3 is a 10/10 but not the PS5-version. To much frame rate fluctuation, looks really bad at 1080P (most game looks ok @1080p, but not BG3), unstable 30 fps and 60 fps. Right now more like 8.5.
@Savage_Joe this plays locked 4k 60fps on a £550 PC. High settings.
it's not that demanding at all which is one of it's many strengths.
3060 upwards and you are golden at 4k60.
Will do. Cheers
@Marquez Fully expecting to lose myself in this game when I can play it on Portal. It will be a dangerous combo for my social life.
"Larian's latest is a game that can utterly consume your life for days, weeks, months, even years".
And that is why I'm in love with VR at the moment.
To each, their own, I guess.
I am glad people are really enjoying this game but for the life of me I cannot get into the turn based combat style games.
@Savage_Joe sounds like a you problem to me. Game will be purchased on PS5, knowing the limitations and restrictions of said hardware. I understand that chapter 3 on PC has had some performance issues, due to be resolved by patching. That may or may not assist with the PS5 version, but if it does; wonderful. If it doesn’t and it’s not game-breaking, I’ll deal with it. It’s kinda what you have to do, knowing in advance what your hardware limitations are
Can’t wait to get lost in this one! The true rpg of the year.
Well, JRPGs are kinda my lifeblood, but this one just isn't for me. It took playing Divinity for over 40 hours to get to that realization. Maybe I'll try again in 10 years or so..
@Savage_Joe and as a consumer, that’s entirely your choice.
@Shepherd_Tallon A use for Portal confirmed for all the naysayers!
Nice review. Maybe veering slightly towards the "I know how good it is on PC" but whatever, a game changing rpg is still going to be a game changing rpg even with some slight bugs and performance issues on console 😁
I'm now totally hyped again, maybe just to force myself to learn something new when I mostly play action RPGs. But I never user to play a bunch of action rpg's or fantasy games either, so I always like to have an open mind about discovering new stuff and that's the only way i've found some of the best games I've ever played.
What intrigues me the most is to experience something that I may have never experienced before in a game, and to discover something that I hopefully get as much joy out of as something like TW3 or KCD which both, to some extent dial in on decisions and consequences and gameplay that affects the world you are a part of.
I might get excited and still buy it on release, but it feels like a game that'd be perfect for a long, dark winter. And I might have to play one or two other games first.
What I need is to see some PS5 gameplay videos 😆
@Reptilio Stick with it. I fell through that same hole (assuming same one near the beginning of the game) and I was so mad at myself for buying the game. But, I kept playing (learned to save more) and once I arrived at that first town, it all just sort of clicked and I am loving every minute of it.
As I said in a prior location on the site, I never played D&D, never played turn-based, never played Larian's other games, but I read an article that their founder was inspired by Ultima VII, a very old PC RPG game that I loved when I was young. So, I took a chance and boy, I made the right decision, this game reminds me so much of that game. I still have lots to learn (and as you do, it is much more fun), but the writing, characters, environments, music/sound, etc are all master class. Maybe EA, who owns the Ultima IP, can open their eyes to see this success and can do something like this style.
Anyway, anyone on the fence, it is worth it and this is coming from someone who only does action RPGs, nothing like this. Just give it a little time to learn (I agree...tutorials almost seem to be intentionally limited or non-existent to make you learn on your own). It will get your hooks in you like it did me. Like everyone else said, just wish I had more time in life. I am into Act 2 but scared of how much there will be once you get to Baldur's Gate itself because right now, it is impossible to do everything and talk to every single character. I mean, the darn animals all have cut-scene dialogue if you want to talk to them. It is nuts. haha
@Jettstyles when I get it, I'm definitely making notes 😅 and reminding myself every time I load up that I must remember to properly role-play, and not get sucked into "gamer needs to follow a map marker and talk to every npc incase they have quests" so if my character would not want to talk to certain people, then I will force myself to ignore them, especially if I'm doing something more important to me, or for a companion I'm actually fond of.
Some of the best times i've had in games have been when quests are less like games, and more fluid, like real life too (or at least more like good fiction that acts with a set of world defined rules, that makes it more like a real life event to the character) rather than a perfectly scripted thing where if a certain condition isn't met it's a 'fail' screen.
So with this in mind, I think I'll probably be one who learns to like this, once I've learned how it works 😆
@Bentleyma @nessisonett
I am in the same boat. The original Baldur's Gate is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time. I have no idea how many times I have played through the entire game, but I can safely say that number is in the double digits. As for Baldur's Gate II, I have never been able to play through the entire game. I liked it, but it never grabbed me the same way as the first.
Baldur's Gate 3 looks and sounds amazing, but I am still hesitant as I did not really care for Divinity: Original Sin at all. It is a very well received game that I figured I would love, but for some reason I just did not find it all that fun.
Very tempted to buy it. But, I want to wait until more updates come out. I’m pretty much done buying most games Day 1. Only my basics like FF, Persona & Yakuza will be Day 1 buys. But I’m glad BG3 is getting immense praise. I watched PlayStation Access’s stream (was disappointed Rob didn’t go in for the kiss) and it looks right up my alley!!
@Reptilio @suur unlucky lads, I have a similar wall when playing real time strategy games. I love chess, enjoy action and am strategically minded in my profession. Yet I haven't found an RTS in 35 years gaming, that I've enjoyed passed the first mission.
Life's like that.
If you are short on time due to other commitments, super immersive games can actually come at the wrong time. Maybe a couple of short games without the initial stress would be a better shout, until a rainy day in February when you go again.
@Suur are you more of a COD gamer? Hard to see how someone doesn't like this or elden ring.
I’m playing it in performance mode and it’s absolutely fine. Can’t see much difference with 4K other than stutter and shininess
@themcnoisy "If you are short on time due to other commitments, super immersive games can actually come at the wrong time"
Wise words. I'm looking forward to playing this, but it might not be this side of Christmas
Definitely gonna pick this one up. Final Fantasy XVI is my favorite game this year, wonder if this will dethrone it. From the sounds of it, Baldur's Gate 3 may end up being the new Witcher 3.
@themcnoisy @jettstyles it has gotten to point where if i see a game is 20 hours or less it's a big bonus. I like having these longer, immersive games simmering in the background though. i do wish they explained everything just a bit more. i made it through to the sacrophagus in that first dungeon, have no idea what i'm doing. Every time i level up it's like select your pact (i'm a warlock idk if that's warlock specific) or your sub class for an ally and i just have absolutely no idea
I expected no less than a 9/10 and I'm not in the slightest surprised that it scored a solid, legendary 10/10.
With that being said, and although I'm absolutely looking forward to it and will certainly be getting it very soon, I was recently playing DOS to prepare and found that I simply could not get into that game at all. I'm hoping that this is different enough, because otherwise it might just not sit right with me.
That aside, I really hope that this becomes a new standard and thoroughly upsets the present games industry. It's become entirely creatively bankrupt to the very core, and this is exactly what it needs. Just like Elden Ring before it, perplex the AAA developers and publishers and force them to actually rethink their approach to design.
I will be playing this in the future, do Prima still publish game guides?
Might have waited on the PS5 version but keyboard mouse is an absolutely a game changer for this game. CRPGs are one of the few genres that can be said for.
I've never played D&D or any other turn based RPG and I wasn't sure if I'd like BG3, but I wanted to support the studio for their accomplishment of actually releasing a complete game with no microtransactions in this day and age of modern gaming. That being said, I'm about 10 hours in and loving every minute!
Crazy how many people in these comments are on the fence. I'm on act 2 (on PC) and man oh man is it incredible.
I play it on my Mac (via Geforce Now) cause I couldn't wait and cause I prefer mouse and keyboard for these kind of games. It's something very special but got a learning curve...and I'm playing on easy. Guess gotta watch some tutorials
There’s nothing I can add that the review didn’t already say this game is a masterpiece and vaulted into my top five of all time. I started Starfield the night before this came out for deluxe buyers and that was a mistake. I got ten hours into Starfield with nagging disappointment then once I started BG 3 it made Starfield feel a generation behind and I haven’t touched it since. It’s actually kind of comical that Larian a indie studio was able to have such a dynamic camera during conversations that easily hang with HFW,Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk and then you got Starfield that looks just like Skyrim when talking to it’s dead eyed people and thats just unacceptable. I plan on going back after beating BG 3 but I think by that point starfield is just going to come off worse than it already does
@nessisonett if you haven't tried yet, Torment Tides of Numenera is great as well. Fantastic story telling.
@Styledvinny79 same here I usually choose fidelity but in this case there was no noticeable difference besides the frames not being choppy in performance
@Gitface that’s crazy because BG 2 is so much better than 1 it’s crazy
@cburg I can’t usually either so that’s why I just put it on the easiest setting. I’m here to experience the world,story and characters
@Intr1n5ic oh it def doesn’t that game is more divisive than I ever thought it would be. I was so hyped when I started it right at 8 on Thursday when it unlocked and the whole time I was playing it I wasn’t getting any sense of awe. I wasn’t getting the feeling I got the first time I played Skyrim and most recently BG 3. I think BGS games are just outdated now and things that cut it back in 2011 don’t fly now. The amount of loading screens to do anything,the comical conversation camera,the absolutely horrid UI and mediocre writing.
I'll be giving this a pass, not my kinda game. But it looks like if it is your kinda game you'll have a great time. Enjoy it everyone.
@General_Disarray I have to agree with you. Having played several D&D based games, this was still a challenge to grasp everything. If you’ve never played any of the old Obsidian games or the Pillars of Eternity games, this is going to be a steep learning curve. Be prepared to get your hat handed to you over and over.
Curious whether they actually progressed beyond Act 1 before releasing this review and giving this score because anyone getting past the area which was extensively tested in Early Acces are finding it's disappointing at best, unplayable at worst.
@lindos I'd really like to see what parts you're buying for a PC that will play this game at 60 FPS at 4K that only costs £550.
I bought my first PC to play Baldur’s Gate and have been playing I & II on and off (mostly on) ever since.
I never played the game but I noticed a lack of boob size sliders in the character customization so I am going to have to give it a 8/10.
@RS1 lmao no the hell they aren’t so take that conspiracy crap somewhere else
@khayl great review. Could you elaborate on the mass effect spiritual successor line? I'm a huge fan of ME , but wasn't able to pull through OS2, because of the intricate mechanics...
Plan on getting this when I have a little less to do and a bit more cash to spare.
@dark_knightmare2 Search the phrase "Baldurs Gate Act 3", read a little and then come back here and tell me it's a conspiracy theory.
Even ignoring performance issues, the game is a shambles in Act 3. Not only is it riddled with bugs, it's just flat out disappointing compared to Act 1.
Played it on the Steam Deck with some pretty big late-game performance issues and now my partner starts it on PS5 (blindly but with knowledge of 5th edition DnD ruleset) which seems to promise a (more) flawless experience.
Highly recommended each second of my 200h playthrough, 10/10.
@StylesT I'll think you'll find that might be the wrong decision.
I would mark it down just for its combat system alone.Not a fan of turn based. And personally, it is not 'the bigger, the better'.
I’ve been playing this early access since Saturday, and utterly loving it. I’ve not enjoyed a game quite so much in ages. Last night I did so much nonsense the game took about 15 mins to stop glitching out, but it did stop, and it did let me do it. Not many games give you that kind of freedom
Shame there is no physical copy so won’t be playing
@StylesT You really should wait and buy starfield on sale instead
What a year in gaming!! TOTK, Baldur's Gate, Starfield, SF6 and on and on.
Game journalists are doing this game a massive disservice when they don't mention that Larian blatantly went Xenogears on it and released a half-finished Act 3, and fanboys are just saying "this will all be fixed when they release the Definitive Edition".
@Loamy Damnit everyone is making this so hard for me, I really should wait before playing this game because Starfield and then Spider-Man 2. Maybe I dont need to be at work for two months? 😂
@PixelDragon I should also wait but damn its hard . And now a10/10 review… ***** 😂
@RS1 I’ve been following the game like the ot on restera for example and most people love Act 3 and it’s the majority’s favorite act after act 1.
Can’t wait till this comes to Xbox and I can finally play it
Il be moving over to this after starfield both great games don't get this obsession having to complete games with one another.
Was so hyped. Then I learned it’s turn-based. Sucks to miss such a gem.
"I should also wait but damn its hard . And now a10/10 review… ***** 😂"
I know man...trust me... but I bought it on PC and played it there full price and then bought it on PS5 at full price to support the developer.
Just letting you know.... this game is phenomenal!
So get it now or get it later...but do get it and support this type of attention to detail in a game.
I imagine I'll get 500-1000 hours out of this game before I wring it dry. And maybe more.
My two cents
@Suur This is one of the main reasons I watch streamers play the games live before I choose to buy.
@Svark thats impressive! And yeah, Im def gonna play this at some point. Maybe sooner than later after all this 😆
@PixelDragon Yesterday, I found the first and second one on my Switch, and I must have bought them on sale.
My question is, would you recommend playing them before 3? Are they worth the time investment?
Thank you in advance.
It doesn’t sound like your problem is “hype”, more that you seem to ignore the fact that you don’t like certain genres. I dislike stealth games for example. But when I read about some that are critical darlings I just ruefully acknowledge that other people will always enjoy things I don’t.
I’d avoid souls games and tactical RPGs from now on, as if the games you mentioned don’t grab you, none of them ever will. They are best in class.
I am surprised there is not more discourse on here about the lack of a physical edition. Plus the fact that the equivalent PC edition is ten pounds cheaper than the PS5 version. With BG3 and Alan Wake 2 being purely digital Sony are quietly turning up the water incrementally on us frogs. Incidentally, I have no problem with digital only but I think somewhere between £35 to £40 is a more realistic price point so I will be waiting for a sale on BG3. In the meantime I realise that I have Divinity 1 & 2 [physically] in my backlog so am currently playing them instead!
@Svark I bought the digital deluxe edition, post-release, just to tip Larian 😆 I might mess around with the mask of the shapeshifter at some point, but it seems to be a game worth paying £66 for, even if I didn't have to actually pay the full £66 at the time of purchase
That is great that you decided to jump in with both feet.
The folks at Larian Studios certainly deserve to be recognized for making such an incredible game.
I fully believe on voting with your wallet.
I will also throw them more money for anything they make in the future until I feel they don't deserve it any more.
@Svark it feels like it's really peak/prime RPG already, so im just immensely happy to give it a good go, even if I have to learn a lot of new stuff from the dnd aspect 😬
It's been quite a while since I've played a proper good RPG anything like this, with dialogue and action choices that really impact things in interesting ways, and also with a world and story to keep me interested with tonnes to do.
Going to try and not overdo it all too soon, as I know I need to absorb all the information so I don't get overwhelmed, but after the intro boss fights on the ship, and some interesting early choices and occurances that I really wasn't expecting (friendly evil brain doggy) I'm already kind of craving to get back on it to explore the beach site and beyond 😅😅😅
@Reptilio i was exactly the same when i got to the crypt then the skeletons wiped me out. It was frustrating at first. I get the idea of what i have to do but its tying it all together and knowing what moves will compliment my party next turn etc. Its the deepest game ive ever played. Anyway i ended up just looting all the skeletons so they couldnt attack me lol. Its starting to click now but there is still stuff im winging. Maybe we should have a forum open for this game.
@Sil_Am Just exceeded 90 on metacritic 😜
@UltimateOtaku91 Happy to be wrong in this case.
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