The Rising Tide is the second and final expansion for Final Fantasy 16, adding another worthwhile chapter to the tale of Clive Rosfield. Only accessible near the very end of the base game, this DLC is designed to be something of a sendoff for the action RPG, providing a new storyline that brings additional weight to the title's world building, while also giving players an opportunity to dive yet deeper into 16's slick combat system.
Clive and his cohorts find themselves travelling to a northern region known as Mysidia, where the mysterious Leviathan — the final, previously unseen Eikon — is said to slumber. While there, the gang encounter a marginalised people known as the Water Motes, and in typically heroic fashion, Clive chooses to aid them in their quest to right the wrongs of their ancestors.
It's a well-told chapter in Final Fantasy 16's canon, as the Water Motes and their traditions shed welcome light on the game's wider lore. Fresh party member Shula is also one of the title's better characters, and, like the rest of her people, she comes equipped with with a thick Geordie (North East England) accent. Gav would feel right at home.

The Rising Tide's central questline takes roughly five hours to complete, but there are a bunch of side quests to tackle, and the region that surrounds the Water Motes' settlement offers a decent degree of exploration. Speaking of which, the environmental design in this DLC is stunning; these are some of the prettiest locations you'll find on PS5.
But as was the case with previous expansion Echoes of the Fallen — and the base game itself — it's the boss battles that are the true highlights of this adventure. The DLC certainly doesn't skimp on spectacle, serving up several brilliant, surprisingly tricky encounters across its runtime. One fight in particular is a genuine thrill, arguably pushing the combat system to another level.
What's more, The Rising Tide hands Clive a number of new Eikonic abilities, many of which feel nice and powerful. Indeed, Leviathan's skills give our hero a set of ranged attacks that actually make Final Fantasy 16 feel more like Devil May Cry than ever before, as Clive's new water cannon lets you stroll about the battlefield, blasting baddies at a distance. It's a great way to round out the title's gameplay suite.

Everything that The Rising Tide brings to the table is effective in building upon what the base game gets right — and that's pretty much all you can ask of such a DLC. By the time you reach its conclusion, Final Fantasy 16 feels more complete, and so it's an incredibly easy recommendation for anyone who enjoyed the base release.
And then there's the Kairos Gate, which only serves to reinforce our opinion. Essentially a series of endgame combat trials, Clive is tasked with reaching the depths of this ancient training ground, battling through increasingly deadly opponents. The goal is to clear the whole thing in a single run, but in somewhat roguelike fashion, you get to permanently upgrade Clive's stats little by little, and unlock temporary 'boons', like damage buffs, in order to make subsequent runs easier.
While the Kairos Gate isn't quite the kind of endgame grind that'll keep players coming back for another 200 hours, it's effective in its pursuit of showcasing Final Fantasy 16's combat. If, like us, you really gel with the title's fast-paced and flashy action, then you'll likely love this addition.
Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide is a great expansion to an excellent action RPG, offering up one of the game's most intriguing and considered chapters. With yet more memorable boss battles, an emotional storyline, and some downright stunning environments, it's the worthy sendoff that Clive and company deserve.
Comments 57
If anyone's got any questions about the DLC or the review, let me know and I'll try to answer them as soon as I can.
After playing through this expansion, I definitely want to do another playthrough of 16 at some point.
"Geordie accents" where's my Teesside representation?
The visuals really are something else. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I got to the main area.
Kairos gate sounds really neat, I had no idea it was a thing. I’m glad to see they’re all in on the wonderful combat system. I loaded up my ‘Origin Complete’ save last night, only to see that I had to complete a few quests in order to access the DLC (I had skipped most side quests on my FF run). It worked out though, as I needed to familiarize myself with everything again anyway. Hope to start both DLC’s proper tonight!
Looks like a great addition to an already brilliant game. That base camp music
I'm going to beat it all, and them go to Final Fantasy mode to experience again the incredible story, rounding out the platinum. A very good game!!
Excited to play this and finally take the huge file off my PS5 since I got the platinum a while back.
@ShogunRok "By the time you reach its conclusion, Final Fantasy 16 feels more complete"
Unfortunately, that makes it seem like it should have been in the main game then, in my opinion. It kind of sucks that anyone that bought the title at release would have to play the game in full again just to get to the right point, unless you just happen to have a save in the right place. Just to have your playthough feel truly complete
Unless there a way to start it seperately ala Heart of Stone/Blood & Wine?
@ShogunRok nice review dude!
One quick question, I know it’s set before the final mission, but is still fine to play then if I haven’t finished the main game yet, or would it spoil anything?
@Ravix Loading up your ‘complete’ save file puts you back to the point of no return, which is where you need to be to start the DLC. 😄
Edit: Just to add to this, even if you didn’t save after completing the game for some reason, you’d still have your save before the point of no return. There’s basically no way to miss this unless you’ve deleted your saves.
I think this is one of the best looking PS5 titles start to finish. I really hope square gives it some PS5 Pro love and crank up the details as i don’t expect the Pro to have the power to do much to the frame rate on the CPU side. If i had a top tier PC gaming rig i would love to give this a spin on there and see it really shine. 9/10 game for me.
Boss fight the game.
I mean that as a compliment.
@Ravix Nah, there's no separate menu option or anything, you start it through the main game.
And by 'complete' I'm not necessarily saying FF16 feels incomplete on its own — I just think the DLC rounds things off rather nicely, if that makes sense.
@Hyena_socks This expansion unlocks right before the game's final chapter, and you can only play it from the main campaign, so there's no way to spoil anything.
@Hyena_socks Sorry, I think I misread your comment slightly. Yeah, you can play this before the end of the game and it won't spoil anything from the final chapter. The expansion's story is tied into the main plot, before the events of the final chapter.
@ShogunRok great news, thanks! I’ll pick it up next pay cheque and hop back into the game
@Jimmer-jammer cheers, good to know. One to consider one day then if it holds up well.
@ShogunRok yeah, I didn't mind the ending, I quite liked it to be honest, so I'm happy with all that. Just the way it sounded like you're missing out on some of the actual main story/lore without the DLC seems not the best way to do a DLC. I mean, it was kind of weird how the game just said "and there's this leviathan, but let's forget about that for now" and to get to it you have to kind of go back when you've already fully finished Clive's journey, and suddenly it has always been a part of his journey and is canon 🤷♂️😅
@Ravix Yeah when I interviewed the DLC director he said they purposefully left 'breadcrumbs' for potential DLC. It makes sense in that it helps the DLC slot into the rest of the game, but it does raise an eyebrow when you're actually playing!
@ShogunRok I've seen there's a few quest u need to do to unlock this do u know which ones 🤔
Sigh. Sound so good. Sad im sold my disc copied after completing the main quest. Really love this FF,so I might get the full game back just to play the dlc
@ShogunRok How does one begin this DLC? I finished the game already and the previous DLC.
It was a fun ride with this game, I will never forget it! I hope FF17 is just as good!
It sounds cool, but I have so much difficulty going to back to a game for DLC many months later. My skills and knowledge of the game have evaporated, but the DLC will expect endgame level skill.
@Drago201 All I know is it's these quests (from the official website):
I think these are character-based quests? I can't quite remember, unfortunately.
@The_Wailing_Doom Assuming you've completed the quests I mentioned in my above comment ^, Clive just gets sent a letter that you read in his room, and the quest begins.
Sounds easy enough. Thank you for the reply.
@ShogunRok thank u for the info
@ShogunRok @Ravix I find it weird how they said "no plans for DLC but will consider it" if there was demand, and then that changes to "oh we left breadcrumbs to do it." Sounds like really solid plans to me if they already built in the hooks, by name.....
But Square, and Yoshi-P is prone to say a lot of things that are temporary manufactured truths to be re-truthed when market conditions support it. I have very mixed feelings on the guy. He's produced two very excellent games. But he's also the ultimate corporate BS-er that tows the corporate truth, whatever it might be today, regardless of whatever it was yesterday, that makes me very much dislike him. While also really liking the games he produces. He's becoming the new Molyneaux or Kamiya, the producer you love to hate and hate to love.
@caiol92 Yeah the DLC location has blue skies because of magic (the devs probably got sick of looking at the gloomy skies too). No option to disable the gloom in the main game, though.
Say what you will. FF16 is an excellent game for me. Great story and combat. And excellent music and literally ground breaking Eikon battles. I would choose this kind of combat 100 times over turn-based.
@RicebinBernacky Exactly my issue with DLC. I was pretty good at FF16, but picking this up now so long after I finished the main game sounds a daunting challenge. I had to knock the difficulty on ghost of tsushima and horizon forbidden west down to easy when I went back to them for the dlc because I'd forgotten the nuances of combat, and no doubt this will be the same when I pick it up
@mrbone The only time I ever enjoyed turn based was during Persona 5 and I played the absolute crap out of that and bought P5R with it. I know not a lot of people would like it but if the next FF is like this will buy it unless the story is disappointing because that's probably the third most important aspect of FF game. Second goes to characters and first goes to gameplay.
@mrbone SAME. Well said.
I’m enjoying it and trying to get all of the trophies. Already platinum on the base and all of the first DLC trophies.This DLC is a great reason to jump back into my favorite game of last year.
@mrbone I was happy to try something new with FF16’s combat and came away loving the experience. This from a guy who grew up starting with the original on NES. Then you add my favorite protagonist in the series and it’s a great game for me.
Great I paid 70€ for 30 hours of ‘follow the marker and tap square’ but apparently I had to pay 95€ for another 10 hours of ‘follow the marker and tap square’
@RicebinBernacky The reason I wish DLC would die in favour of more content in the main game.
I never want to go back but always get fomo. It’s like being punished for paying and playing day one.
@PinderSchloss "I never want to go back but always get fomo. It's like being punished for paying and playing day one"
Probably one of the goofiest complaints I've heard that can basically be summarized as personal issues. Your complaint would probably be more sound if the game was incomplete.
@Nepp67 Well yeah if I pay 70€ for a game, they shouldn’t charge me extra for some leftovers. That feels like punishment for not waiting to buy the complete edition for the same price.
But go ahead and get screwed over by greedy companies if that’s your thing.
@PinderSchloss Come on man you're not even trying to make a good argument here. Lol "This feels like punishment for not waiting to buy the complete edition for the same price"
Once again personal problem, no one else's fault but yours because you're impatient for... whatever reason despite knowing that devs have done complete editions for how long? More than a decade that's for sure.
"But go ahead and get screwed over by greedy companies if that's your thing"
Sounds like that's already your thing judging by this particular statement, "but apparently I had to pay 95€ for another 10 hours of ‘follow the marker and tap square’"
When exactly were you ever told you "had" buy the DLC? Neither of the DLCs affect the story, ending, nor do they even affect any of the gameplay.
@AdamNovice No one cares about Middlesbrough and it's smog 😜🤣 Just kidding bro!
@Rob_230 Git Gud!
It feels nice getting trophies that .3% of players have. I still need the one that is .1% of players, which is Complete Kairos Gate
This DLC is really really good, enjoyed a lot
That third phase of Leviathan though, where you need need to press the DPS to prevent Tsunami... I do not think I am a bad player but man I think it took me like 10 tries before I finally got past that..
@ShogunRok Having not played the original yet, it is worth nabbing the DLC and playing it as it becomes available in the flow of the story, or just nail the base game first and play the DLC after?
@DaniPooo It took me a few tries to get that right as well. The timing definitely feels a bit too tight, and I wouldn't be surprised if a patch makes it more lenient. Seems like an arbitrary difficulty spike.
@Andee I'd probably just go with the flow. Although the DLCs do feel a touch endgame-y because they're more difficult than most of the main campaign, I still think it makes sense to slot them into the adventure because they enrich the game's lore.
@ShogunRok Thanks — I still never got around to playing FFXV because of the frankly ludicrous way that they drip-fed the DLC out — and apparently they never completely finished it, did they?
@Andee FF15 was massively improved once all the updates and DLC had been released, but yeah, parts of it still feel unfinished and weirdly implemented. I remember there was going to be another DLC episode for it, but it got cancelled or something? Don't quite recall, but that rings a bell.
@ShogunRok Yeah from what I gleamed, there were individual character-focused DLC episodes, but I believe they were inserted into the flow of the main game's plot, which I found really off-putting, like the base game wasn't completely finished on release, and by the time everything was out (or at least when they announced that there wasn't going to be any more), my enthusiasm to play the thing had all-but fizzled.
@Nepp67 story being the least important aspect of a JRPG? That's a depressing thought. I couldn't stand XVI due to its attempt to go Devil May Cry (and failing miserably I might add), and having one of the weakest casts and worlds in the entire series. Turn based combat is still great when implemented correctly. It's still incredibly popular in multiple forms with JRPG/CRPG/Strategy titles, but there's a weird narrative that it's outdated and should be avoided.
@HonestHick 3/10 for me. Lowest in the series only above 13/13-2 for me.
@Terra_Custodes some people don’t like it cause it’s action based. Some people i have heard just don’t like it in general. But for me it’s really been good. It’s my favorite game on PS5 at the moment. I do hope the series returns to what true FF fan’s would like to see. This one just so happened to suit me better.
@HonestHick I wish I felt the same as I love the series. There were things I liked - graphics and the adult medieval setting. But I found other shortcomings. Don't want to bash the game further to you though as you loved it and that's a good thing.
@Terra_Custodes eh that’s ok bash away Haha 😀
I wouldn’t know the first thing about a good FF game. I am not a turn based RPG player so this was something i bought cause of it being such a different style. I have always respected the work, characters and music of FF games. Just never played them much since like PS1-PS2 days. However even tho i am a FF novice i do like this game. But Square better make it up to the loyal fan base or they could be in trouble.
@Terra_Custodes I suppose I worded that wrong a bit, but when I see talk of FF it's usually the characters over the story. I still think story is important though(Especially when 16's is one of my favorite stories in gaming). 16's gameplay is something I would take over the other FF games though, turn based is just not my cup of tea unless it's something like Persona.
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