While the title may suggest violence and shooting, Hunting Simulator 2 is a surprisingly meditative game. Sure, on the most basic level, it’s a shooter – but you’ll pull the trigger so rarely that it barely qualifies, despite the large number of weapons and gear at your disposal. Ultimately, it serves a better role as an educational walking simulator.
The game dedicates its time to making sure you hunt properly, requiring all the paperwork and faff that goes with prepping for a hunt. You have to keep track of how many of a given animal you’ve hunted, use the correct calibre, take a specific number of shots, and more. This dedication to proper procedure, while maybe a nuisance on the surface, is, after all, the whole point.
All of this makes up about half the game, while the other half is actually tracking down your prey. There are a number of approaches, but far and away the best is to bring a companion tracking dog with you, and, yes, you can pet them. Letting your dog do the tracking leaves you free to take in the beauty of the environments. All six of the levels offer wildly different biomes, and are all relaxing to wander through.
While your dog – whom we affectionately dubbed Joh Yowza – tracks down your next victim, it’s remarkably freeing to gently lope through a forest with naught but the sounds of nature as your company. The lands you can roam are generally pretty crowded with quarry, so you never have to wander too far to find a new target. Just make sure you don’t make too much noise.
It is very much a “what you make of it” experience, though, as outside of a tutorial, there’s no narrative structure. There is an upcoming DLC which adds a “story mode”. It’s rather confounding that the next-gen version of the game doesn’t just include this – especially since there’s no free upgrade path, nor are there really any substantial upgrades – but the content on offer is still reasonably expansive.
The maps are huge, and have points of interest to discover littered throughout. Really the only obstacle for enjoyment is your own patience and just how much time you’re willing to spend doing all the less-than-thrilling activities.
Comments 16
Can’t wait for the Cecil and Harambe DLC.
I can totally see the appeal in just chilling in the environment. For example I find Ghost Recon Wildlands a very relaxing game because of this. In my opinion one of the most fantastic non fantasy open worlds ever made.
And I do basically the same in Elite Dangerous. Just cruising around, exploring the milkyway and taking in the sights.
Am I getting old? I'm probably getting old..
This could be applied to Death Stranding in a way. There is some trigger pulling but most of your time will be taking in the environment (while also balancing your luggage).
This is the type of game that would be ideal for VR. Just you in the environment on the hunt inside a fully realised 3D world.
Nice screen shots. The one with the elk looks like it could be from RDR2. The hound dog looks like my camp dog in RDO.
I may play this someday as the detail to hunting with proper gear and hunting laws along with pleasant locations looks interesting.
Loving this game...I'd been watching MeatEater on Netflix so bought it in a whim. Have never hunted, or fired a gun before but am suddenly obsessed by the thought of hunting! 😆
Had some 365games loyalty points so got it for £36 which wasn't too bad.
For PS4 owners you will need to repurchase this, which is a terrible practice in the industry. Especially since there isn't that much difference between versions. I will wait till there is a sale on this.
@PegasusActual93 Hunting’s a vile attempt at showing human superiority. I’d rather they owned it and portrayed hunters accurately rather than paint it as some tranquil experience. Why are Cecil and Harambe different from every single deer or rabbit killed by humans just for sport?
Not for me.
I don't mind killing aliens and video game human fodder but not animals.
I am interested in this. It looks very nice for a hunting game as they tend to not be so realistic.
@nessisonett @hypnotoad
Better to take out their blood thirsty gun toting lust on a video game than doing it for real .............God knows how many women have been saved by the top shelf shenanigans and if it saves 1 animal life then that can only be good ................@NoCode23 Ironic really because having played both RDR2 and the Original Hunting Simulator Arthurs outing is a far more superior hunting experience than this official hunting game plus you get to play poker with the local yokels........🦌
@nessisonett Hunting is not the issue, its poaching that is the issue.
Hunting maybe not nice and many people don't like it but is it is a necessary evil. People in 1st world countries need to understand that 3rd world countries can hardly feed them selves let alone worry about conservation and anti poaching, so in lot of cases they have had to turn to hunting as way to to fund these. The Anti Poaching units in Matusadona are 100% funded by hunting and have helped increase amount of animals. Programs like Camp Fire which gives a % of proceeds to local villagers has prevented a lot poaching and snaring because those animals now have a value to local villagers and not just the thing that eats and destroys their crops and they now help protect them. Namibia has used hunting proceeds for conservation and helped push their elephant population from 7500 to over 20000.
I'm not a fan of it but if helps save more animals then I can live with it.
Wondered how far in we would get before someone chimed in with the tired old defense of 'hunting is good for conservation'. Absolute bunk!!
These games are weird really, I suppose ultimately it is just a videogame so I don't tend to worry about the subject matter that much. Does it serve to normalise or legitimise hunting? I suppose that is the debate to be had in my opinion. But if you open that can of worms then you have to address the impact of violent content in general and thats a whole other conversation
All I said was bruh at that joke.
@NoCode23 Yeah, I found the "do hunting properly angle" to be especially interesting. It was a good way to bypass kinda lackluster gameplay. It made it a more interesting experience than it might otherwise be!
@Digit2021 Full price too! I absolutely think if they wanted to do that, the best approach would have been to include the story DLC out of the box for the PS5 version. At the very least!
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