What’s so enduring about the 1988 comedy-horror movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space is its stalwart dedication to the bit. Almost every kill the klowns make refers to some comedy act or circus trick, from shadow puppets scarfing down a group of pensioners to a puppet show turning into a shootout. Unfortunately, Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game doesn’t match its freak.
In this asymmetric, third-person multiplayer experience, seven humans clash against three klowns to fight for survival. The people have to utilise escape routes to, well, escape, while klowns try to turn them into cotton candy cocoons to trigger the klownpocalyspe.
Human objectives include finding spark plugs to fix boats and teleporters, fuel for a bunker, and a key for a locked gate. You’ve got to complete timed button press minigames to avoid alerting the klowns while clearing an escape route; it’s a fun way to keep people engaged and they're also used when you die, allowing you to gift items to remaining survivors.
As a klown, you hunt humans down to kill or cocoon them. You have some powers, like the film’s iconic super jump that teleports you anywhere on the map, temporary super strength, and a hypnotic lure. It's not very rewarding as you can go most of your match hunting for cocoons without worrying about the people.
You unlock more klown and survivor archetypes with varied health, speed, and stamina stats as you level up, as well as new cosmetics. It’s simple and satisfying. Combat doesn’t feel good, however. There’s very little feedback and fights boil down to mashing the attack button until someone is dead. You can stun klowns by throwing objects at their nose, but they have so much health that one-on-one, humans stand little chance due to their severely limited inventory space.
Most disappointing is the lack of clown comedy. Their shoes squeak when they walk and there are some jokey lines of dialogue, but no hilarious kills. As a human, sometimes a funny cutscene will play when you die, but that doesn't translate to combat. There’s no clown cars or circus tricks, no killer klown spaceship to fight in. Just rural, small town American levels littered with guns and melee weapons. Developer IllFonic is planning plenty of post-launch updates and improvements, of course, though whether they'll address our issues with the fundamental design is another matter. Without the film’s silliness, there’s little reason to play Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game over other popular asymmetric horror titles.
Comments 23
What a Bizzaro title to be greenlit in the first place. Who is this game for?
What's a "kill the klowns make"?
Where can I sign to stop companies from turning beloved horror ips into asymmetrical multiplayer games? Why can't we get more quality single player stuff like Alien: Isolation?
@Juanalf I agree. Who still buys these? They were fine at first I guess, but now they're just so generic looking. I don't think we'll see a single player game for a long time. The best we'll get are the few single player missions in The Evil Dead game.
so many bad multiplayer games nowadays
@YoureTooSlowBro outlast trials sucks too , and it’s a shame cuz i love outlast. i like multiplayer more than single player but not everything works as a multiplayer
A game like this couls be a blast getting hunted by the clowns like they did with Resident Evil Outbreak with the optional online.
Really love the movie, but have no interest in the game. I wish these classics horror movies would stop coming out as live service titles and give us a tell tale/ until dawn like single player game
A 400 word review? This is a bit terse for a "review".
There's also the movie "Gay nwords from outer space", which is also a cult classic lol.
So maybe it's something to do with that time. Back when they had fun
Ps. Actual movie name, so don't delete pls
The published review was probably expanded upon from the original:
"HAHAHAHAH....OMG, this game is a bit crap isn't it...lol..."
I'm just saying the review probably could have been even shorter.
Could this finally be the last nail in the coffin of asymmetric pvp horror? Sure hope so.
Great movie. Not so sure I want to play the game. Maybe they should have been DBD characters instead.
@AfroMario I know that advice anywhere. I hear those tangelos can seriously mess-up their equilibrium if you juggle well enough.
Now this is something I didn't see coming a mile off...in fact this is the last movie I'd ever think would get a game.
Can't wait for Six String Samurai at least, now THAT would be even more of a surprise if that got a game!
We could have gotten a sequel. It didn't need to be like this.
I looked up the synopsis for that movie and I feel like that's what vehemently anti-woke people think that's what the world is doing to men today. 😂
Illfonic games makes yet ANOTHER bad asymmetrical horror game? I am so shocked... lol
I should look it up, but either way, it's not so black/ white.
Lots of forced woke nonsense in entertainment is crap and they hide from criticism behind their pandering.
There's also a huge loneliness epidemic, so put 2 and 2 together. People aren't happy and they have a point. Lots of brainwashing, choosing sides and hating eachother going on
Why is every retro horror property getting it's own asymmetrical multiplayer game lately? Well, we know why... it's Dead by Daylight, but they would all be better off just doing a DbD collab. These games are all just flavour of the week distractions.
Well if the TCM and Predator multiplayer titles could barely make a dent...what did they think Killer Klowns would do?
Such a weird choice for a game in 2024. The film is kind of obscure to be honest!
@wildcat_kickz exactly! Who green lit this? It’s a hilarious choice!!
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