LEGO Bricktales is the latest attempt by LEGO to diversify its gaming portfolio beyond the formula popularised by TT Games. While some of these attempts have been worse than others, LEGO Bricktales is the latest in a line of successes.
This is a puzzle game about a young minifig on their way to visit their grandfather, a mad scientist living beneath a gone-to-seed amusement park. You must help him repair the park before the Mayor evicts him. Then your grandfather’s robot assistant warps in from a different dimension decrying the power of happiness crystals, an energy source that can restore all the broken-down attractions. Tonally, it’s a bit much, and the writing can get pretty tiresome. The game is content to spout wacky scientific jargon in lieu of telling proper jokes. It left us wishing we could power through most conversations and get to the good stuff: the gameplay.
Collecting these crystals takes you to five different dimensions, each with a distinctive look and feel. Some, like the Medieval or City areas, lean into classic sets and aesthetics LEGO is associated with, and others like the jungle biome do their own thing. Each biome is distinct from the others, and the spaces you walk through house many secrets. The pause menu opens a diorama-styled camera angle, allowing you to find anything you may be seeking on the vividly colourful maps. Ultimately, this basic exploration is just a means to guide you to the core puzzles. Tasks such as "build a bridge from point A to point B" give you a large number of pieces with which to accomplish your goal. It's impressively freeform, offering innumerable solutions for many of the puzzles, and it taps into the spirit and ingenuity of LEGO. So what if what you created isn’t the optimal way to do it? What matters is it worked.
This malleable gameplay is the crown jewel on what would otherwise have been an average exploration-adventure title. The presentation is excellent, and the colour palette is vibrant and exciting, but the moments where you have to figure out how to build something are the moments sure to stick with you.
Comments 22
Thanks for this - I've had my eye on this one and definitely intend to pick it up. Whilst its sad there are some crashes, I'm assuming it will get a patch soon and that will be less of an issue.
I've always wanted to just build with Lego, even though I've really enjoyed the movie based tie ins and their infectious humour. Lego to me is a big box of bricks and an idea you get carried away with, and I'm very keen on trying that without standing on a piece lost in the carpet later and swearing!
Cant be as worse as having a day 1 ps5. It would crash non stop and every launch game for a few months would crash hard all the time. So for a few in game crashes that will be patched either day 1 or soon, should be fine and not nearly as much as we have seen in the past. At least its quick to get back into games when they crash and we can report videos and comments with our crashes to help devs
Playing the GOG version on PC, its a lot of fun. Lots of potential here. They can make a game similar to Dragon Quest Builders and I'd buy it day one.
@Titntin not sure if you played Lego Worlds, but that is just an open sandbox for you. My daughter and I I used to play it for hours, exploring, unlocking new legos, and discovering what each random world had to offer.
It was good but painfully short for the amount of time it must've taken to create. Definitely could've done with more large puzzles like the bridges.
Reminds me a bit of Lego Worlds
@Yaycandy wow we had very different launch day experiences!
This looks good, exactly what I wanted. Though the review reads like it's really not what the reviewer wanted to play!
@Elodin I really wanted to like LEGO Worlds but my game save was corrupted twice - the first time I lost 5 hours of progress, the second time I lost 30 hours of progress. I was so mad after the second time, I never went back. Tt games never bothered to fix it.
Why is hard crashes mentioned once in the cons but not at all in the article??
@tselliot It didn't warrant further expansion as there wasn't much more to say than making sure to mention it, but I didn't want to leave it out entirely, as it's still important information!
@Ogbert Oof, did I really come off like that? I LOVE Lego!!!
@AstraeaV Ooooo that would be awesome!
@Titntin THe puzzles where they basically give you a bucket of legos and have you solve the problem however you can are great! I really appreciated how freeform it was!
How many hard crashes are we talking about because ones that lose progress would cap it's review at 5/10 for me, no matter how good the genre otherwise was
@Yaycandy sorry to hear that you had that experience. I have two ps5s in the house including a day 1 unit, and Ive never had a single glitch. I bought three day one units (Argos, Amazon, Game) as two freinds wanted one, and they have had no issues either, so I think you've been unlucky.
I hope things are better for you now..
@Elodin Thank you for the recommendation, I dont know how that past me by!
@BritneyfR_ee ouch that's rough. Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. I think I had a crash or two, but that was about it. If you have a ps5, maybe give it another go? Haven't played it yet on ps5. The hardware may help with that I would hope.
@Titntin hope you get a chance to play it. Quite fun. I'm sure it's very cheap now too.
@Titntin after updates the console and games got better, astro game never really had issues. Spiderman mile morales and dirt 5 and bugsnax had a lot of issues while playing through. Havent had any issues i can think of in a while. Also im in Murica lol so maybe we had more issues on console, i know a few friends had issues within first week like the console shutting down all the time while playing games. Never happened to me but just to name one. I love this generation more than the past 2, just need to get to the ps1 days where games and sequels were coming out 18 months or less. Mark Cerny has the dev tech to help games be made faster and i hope with the new ai tech and dev help, and cloud tech the games can rollout quick. Covid hurt the industry, and effects are still felt
@Elodin I had the GTA lego one but its crashes a lot of times and corrupted my 30 hour save i started over but i wasnt able to get over it to start from scratch after 10 hours i just quit the game.
@MattBoothDev 3 or 4 through the course of playing, but you'll wind up losing relatively little progress. Anytime you enter a new room/area the game creates a save state. Maybe 10-15 minute of progress lost at most
@Yaycandy I had MASSIVE problems with Miles Morales too. I to this day still can't play the game on max settings cuz it freezes up the console and it has to reset. Back when it was first launching I thought for sure a patch to fix would be on the way, but it never came!
I beat the main story pretty quick and didnt do much of the side quests but i havent played it since a few weeks past launch. That sucks if it still plays like that with the 60fps RT mode. Ill get back into it once i see more of the new spiderman as i loved both of them and need to replay Spiderman soon
@Yaycandy yeah, i was never able to use the 60FPS RT version at all, that's what broke my console. I HAD to play it on 60FPS 1080 on the PS5, and was massively disappointed by that. It was still a good game, but being one of the very few games at the time that was capable of showing off what the PS5 could do, I was definitely let down by that!
@Flaming_Kaiser ungh...losing that much time would put me off as well.
@Elodin Especially when you need to start over with collectables its like restarting AC just without a story just to get some useless trinkets... ðŸ˜
Hard pass on this game, but I hope some people did have fun playing.
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