Prior to the release of the disappointing Madden NFL 21, publisher EA Sports made a promise to series stalwarts that it would improve Franchise in future entries. The lack of improvements to the popular campaign mode in last year’s entry was the straw that broke the camel’s back for many fans, and it triggered a series of aggressive social media campaigns that prompted the team at Tiburon to comment. A year later, has the developer delivered – or is this yet another fumble from the American football sim?
Look, there’s no doubt about it: Franchise is a big W this year. EA Sports has completely refreshed the mode, making smart interface improvements and integrating some enjoyable new systems. You can now scheme each game week based on your opponent, allowing you to make adjustments based on data like a real NFL team. For example, if you come up against the Kansas City Chiefs then you know you’re going to have to contend with deep passes, and you can buff your defence to help you to deal with that. It adds a lot of variety and tactical depth.

Offensive and defensive coordinators have also been added, and while this does feel a little bit lightweight right now – it’s something we suspect EA Sports will build on in future years – it adds an entire new Talent Tree system, allowing you to buff your team depending on what you’re trying to achieve. In truth, it transforms Franchise into an RPG: you need to think about how you want to play and how the personnel you have available are going to complement that.
While we need to wait until next month for the college scouting changes that the developer has also promised, this is easily the best Franchise has been in years. There are still some drawbacks – scenarios which occur throughout the season and are supposed to add dynamic storylines to your experience don’t always make sense, and there’s clearly an opportunity to add more depth to the way you manage your players and staff – but it’s an exciting step forward for the series nonetheless.
The on-field action is also largely the best it’s been in a while, too. While we’re having serious issues with busted deep coverages – Safeties are basically braindead right now – we’re big fans of the new Gameday Momentum mechanic. This basically depicts the swings that occur during real-life NFL matches, and gives perks to the team in the lead. This can manifest itself in a variety of different ways, like wobbly play arts which depict the challenges of communicating against the backdrop of a raucous crowd.

The slower pace of the PS5 release feels great to us as well, although this is probably more subjective. EA Sports claims that it’s using the league’s Next-Gen Stats to ensure that the pace of players is true to real-life, and it just feels amazing when you hit the hole with a running back like Saquon Barkley and are able to power through pursuing linebackers. The running game as a whole has been excellent for a fair few years, but it really does feel great again in this entry. New animations help add variety to passing plays and catches, too, although it can still feel a little bit like the game code is taking over.
Unfortunately, the developer is still struggling with Face of the Franchise. This year’s version of the single player campaign dials the storyline right down, as you play a couple of college matches and declare for the NFL Draft. The plot is poor, but it’s paper-thin, and it serves as little more than window dressing for the matches you’ll go on to play for your designated NFL team. The problem is that progression is closely tied to The Yard, and it feels like there’s a truncated power curve as a result.
You can choose to play in a variety of positions, and we selected running back first time around in order to try something a little different. Unfortunately, once you make the NFL, you’ll be playing as the full team so it’s hard to develop an attachment to your avatar. We started over as a linebacker – a new addition this year – and while this fares a bit better as you’ll be locked to your character, we found it very difficult to get invested in our player’s career. NBA 2K, for all of its faults, still manages to capture what it’s like to be a professional athlete better than any other series.

The one advantage that Face of the Franchise does have this year is that, as mentioned, any progress you make can also be transferred to The Yard, which is Madden NFL 22’s street football mode. This feature is largely unchanged, although there are new locations like London and a more focused progression arc. One thing we enjoy about the game is how progression is unified across all modes, so you can earn Ultimate Team packs for succeeding in The Yard, for example. It just makes everything feel more connected, which is something MLB The Show 21 also does well.
With all of the improvements elsewhere, Ultimate Team is largely unchanged. The biggest alteration is to the way Chemistry works, with new Strategy cards allowing you to buff certain areas of your team depending on what you’re trying to achieve. The new user interface is cumbersome at first, but it does better surface your goals and objectives, and we reckon the addition of a starter Campaign sequence will do a good job of on boarding new players. Obviously, loot boxes rule supreme here, but the free rewards for playing – at least in the launch period – are pretty good.

The only other thing we’d add is that our experience hasn’t always been as smooth as we’d like it to be. We’ve had instances where our progress wasn’t saved, a handful of crashes, and even subtitles not displaying properly. Nothing is game-breaking – and the release is in a much, much better state than Madden NFL 21 was at launch – but it still can feel like it’s held together with pins and Pritt Stick, so it may be worth sitting tight until a few more patches have been applied.
Madden NFL 22 takes big strides forward from last year’s game, with the focus on Franchise being overdue but appreciated all the same. We like the direction EA Sports has taken this year, with even the new Gameday Momentum system adding immersion to every individual match. Face of the Franchise still falls flat, and patches will need to be applied to the way deep coverages work. But some irritating bugs and glitches aside, it feels like this series is at least on the right trajectory at last.
Comments 19
@get2sammyb does it take awhile for your create a player to build stats? Also I sometimes get lazy and want to skip a few games,,but still want my player to progress. Is that possible in this year's version?
I need a new madden. Im still playing 2016 version. I was hoping for a good one for my ps5. This might be it.
Well hey, it’s better at least. I’d prefer slower play, it’s a tactical game at heart and if it’s too arcadey then you lose a bit of that.
@Elodin The progress from 2016 to 2021 is huge, so firstly it'll be a massive upgrade for you. (It obviously gets a bit more nebulous when you go from year-to-year.)
I'm actually not sure if you progress when simming matches in Face of the Franchise, so I'd need to test that. But to be honest the progression is so poor and truncated in this year's game that it doesn't really matter: you start out pretty good and only get better from there.
I actually have this game bundled with my PS5 (yay), and I'm happy for this game to be the first PS5 game I trade in.
Copy and paste from 21 per usual. Save your money.
Not one single screen shot of any in game action. Bit poor guys imo.
@Dan_ozzzy189 There's a thing called the internet, you're actually on it right now — hundreds of screenshots & gameplay videos all over it.
@nessisonett I'm still on the fence about getting it. But the gameplay is slower — and thus, slightly less arcadey — from PS4/Xbone era Madden. I was surprised to enjoy M21 on next-gen. Players don't all just cut n zip on a dime. There's a little bit of weight/momentum to player movement, even though there still isn't a physics engine in play...
@eagletrippin OK sarky sod, you'd expect them in an actual review of the game don't you think?
@Dan_ozzzy189 They're not IGN or Gamespot. Most review sites don't include gameplay videos in their reviews. YouTube has countless gameplay videos and content streamers for this.
"Franchise is vastly improved"
About freaking time! Still waiting on a price drop tho.
"Deep coverage is busted right now"
I remember Sammy posting that hilarious video on Twitter of the ball bouncing off of the intended WR and some DBs and being caught and ran in by another WR.
Gave me a good chuckle.
@Dan_ozzzy189 We tend to use press photos in reviews because they look really pretty but it's definitely been discussed if we should just capture gameplay screenshots instead.
I'm split on it. I do think it would definitely be more representative for readers, but the page wouldn't look as good and it's extra work for a part of the site that gets the least amount of traffic by far.
Difficult one, but feedback noted!
Its the same game guys. Coverage is really bad all around and all the legacy issues you know and love exist. Avoid.
@get2sammyb thanks Sammy.
Surely in the case of receiving nothing but shots like these, you could add a couple from in-game plays?
If EA send you review code for their next golf game and there's nothing supplied but pics of golfers, then I'd be a bit annoyed and have expected a sprinkling of in-game course action.
It's all well and good when some smart arse says use Google but often there's none doing the rounds on the Internet either because it's a few days before release and none are available.
I think I'll have to pick up as this is most likely Roger's last year as a Packer.
@Dan_ozzzy189 Yeah, that's fair. It's something we may do moving forward!
Everyone should check out Axis Football 21. It has the best Franchise and creation system. Gameplay is not the best, but if you are like me and want to enjoy being a GM/Owner/Coach then this is the game for you.
I enjoy creating uniforms, custom football field, logos, and setting up my teams roster and how they call plays when I sim the games. It's great indie game from a small team. I even support them as a Patreon so I have as people would say "Skin in the game", meaning I'm putting my money in to supporting them. The game is only $29.99 and will be releasing soon.
Check out Axis Football 21 in their videos on YouTube they just released a few and you'll see its far better to support a small indie team that horrible EA.
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