It has been just two years since the original launch of Marvel's Spider-Man on the PlayStation 4, yet Insomniac Games has been hard at work improving the core game. Since then we’ve had three DLC packs, a Game of the Year edition, and a brand new console launch, which explains why Insomniac Games felt this was the perfect time to release the definitive version of one of the PS4’s defining titles. Now that the game has arrived as part of Marvel's Spider-Man Miles: Morales Ultimate Edition, is it worth picking up for a next gen console?
At Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered’s core, it is still the exact same game as on PS4. Every story beat, side quest, and upgrade is still present and accounted for. Much like the Game of the Year edition released back in 2019, Remastered includes all of the DLC content from The City That Never Sleeps right out of the gate, which is a great bonus for those who missed out on PS4. For veteran fans looking for new missions or side-quests to tackle, there is nothing of the sort. Remastered instead chooses to focus on showcasing the raw power the PS5 has to take an already impressive game to unbelievable levels.

The biggest overhaul comes in the form of the load times, or moreso, the lack thereof. By utilizing the PS5’s SSD, Spider-Man Remastered eliminates all loading screens from the game, making each transition nearly instantaneous. Gone are the long loading times that existed when traveling in and out of buildings or taking the subway, although you can turn on the subway scenes from the menu, if you want, which makes world traversal feel seamless. Going back to the PS4 version of the game is nearly impossible after being spoiled by how much time is saved by removing load times.
The other obvious enhancement Remastered brings to the table is how much better the game looks. This time there are two graphical modes to play around with. Quality mode runs at 30 frames-per-second with the addition of ray-tracing across most of the environments. On the other hand, performance mode bumps the game up to 60 frames-per-second while removing ray-tracing entirely. Both modes run at 4K, but the added realism that ray-tracing brings to the table makes it the preferred option. The other additions come from the DualSense itself. The inclusion of haptic feedback and adaptive triggers are not game changing additions, like many of the other additions in Remastered, but their subtle uses are appreciated, even if they are not as prominent as they are in Miles Morales.

Another addition is the changes made to many of the game’s models and textures, yes, including Peter Parker’s face. While this change caused much controversy before launch, after experiencing the game in person, there is no denying that this new face feels more like Spider-Man than ever before. While the game does take place a few years into Peter’s journey as Spider-Man, this new, younger face feels more natural and in line with his character. Luckily, for those who aren’t a fan of the change, Spider-Man remains masked for the majority of the game. However, for those open to the change, one may find it feels closer to the original vision of his character. Once again, it is difficult to go back to how the PS4 version portrayed Spider-Man because of just how natural this portrayal of Spider-Man really is.
Speaking of looks, one of the highlights for veteran players looking to play through the game is the addition of three new Spidey suits. The Amazing Suit is based on Spider-Man’s suit from The Amazing Spider-Man films, while the Arachnid Rider and Armored Advanced Suits are entirely new creations by the Insomniac team. Each of the three suits are great little bonuses for veteran players that feel right at home alongside the rest of the game’s already huge lineup to choose from. These suits were also added to the PS4 version, alongside save data transfer, which may take away from the exclusive feel of them, but the suits are still great additions nonetheless. Other new additions include some new options in photo mode, such as the ability to change Spider-Man’s suit without exiting the menu, and five new Trophies to collect. While these additions are not huge selling points, they are great little additions to make the game that much better.

Another point of contention that many were worried about was the existence of a major glitch that happens when Spider-Man Remastered is put into rest mode. There were several reports of the game crashing not only the game, but the system itself, causing the PS5 to try and rebuild its entire storage. During this review, the system was put exclusively into rest mode to try and replicate this issue and find a cause for it, but surprisingly, it never happened. Each time, the game loaded without issue and within seconds, Spider-Man was back to swinging through New York City. Supposedly, this issue was patched out in the latest update, but it is still worth being extra careful with for the time being. Outside of that major glitch, it is worth highlighting that there were several occasions where Spider-Man got stuck between enemies and could not escape, leading to a quick death. All button inputs seemed to lock up during these occasions, but luckily, the quick reload times made this less of an issue than if it was on PS4.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered may be tacked onto Miles Morales, but it is a worthwhile addition to PS5 library. Newcomers will have a blast swinging through New York for the first time, while veterans will appreciate all the new changes and additions, while still getting to transfer their PS4 save. Undoubtedly, the removal of load times is the highlight here, but all of the graphical enhancements show just how amazing Spider-Man can be. Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is easily the definitive way to play Insomniac’s Spider-Man and comes with a huge recommendation for all web-slingers.
Comments 30
Sounds excellent. Just need a PS5 to play it on now....
In lieu of a PS5 and/or Miles Morales I decided to play City that Never Sleeps last week on my trusty Pro . Is it me or have the PS4 Pro loading times dropped since last year? It's really quick to get from the title screen to the action, and I'm fairly sure the subway rides are shorter.
I've had a quick play with it and it does look quite a bit sharper than the PS4 Pro version and the ray tracing looks great but more so in certain districts with the shiny buildings. The 60fps mode does look pretty special though and will probably be the mode I'll use more and maybe switch to the 30fps mode inside shiny buildings 😉. I'll be giving new game plus a go at some point after I've finished with Miles Morales, just a shame about its weird purchase option
Can't lie, Bubniak seemed an odd fit to the character from the start for me. Weird that he and only he got recast but nevertheless looking forward to playing this.
Dunno if it would be as much fun without the face glitches!
@Matej I haven't finished the dlc but those trophies did pop for me, I will say I hadn't started new game plus either. Did you switch to the dlc when in the game as mine was already in it?
@Broosh they recast the face model for Spider-Man which was Jon Bubniak, Yuri is still the voice and is one of the best around to portray Spider-Man.
Performance mode is way better than fidelity, yeah the ray tracing is nice but once you see the game run in 60fps with all that added motion to the swinging you'll never wanna go back.
The only true Spider-Man

@DonJorginho Ah! I totally mixed up the names, appreciate it! I meant the face model the voice fits great.
Loved the game on PS4 but settled just to get the Miles Morales expansion by itself on PS5. Still great to see the remaster turned out well.
Whats the cost of upgrading the standard version of miles morales to the ultimate edition for spiderman remastered? I did ask in a previous post but I guess that slipped away
I am not sure there is an option, I would like to buy the remaster without Miles Morales, but can’t yet
I am really excited to replay this. Once I finish the platinum for Miles Morales, I am planning on running through this again.
One day I will be able to play and really enjoy this game. I have MM Ultimate edition now gathering dust after I was affected by the Amazon UK not delivering my PS5.
That SSD.. Makes Peter!
@Ridwaano Makes Peter pass an extremely rough stool?
It would be great if I could buy the game though.. (I'm getting "Content not Found" error when I try to upgrade standard disc version)
@Medic_Alert its a a short game buddy. I got the platinum in under a week playing 2 sundays and then a couple of hours in the evenings in between and did ng+ (after 100%ing all districs etc on my first playthrough) in 1 sitting. Took me atout 7 hours on a sunday. Id say about 20 hours in all. 1 thing i would mention is try doing sidequests as they pop or as your passing collectables on the map. It was a pain to have to go collect all of 1 item then all of another etc. Thats where it can start to feel grindy.
I’ve been enjoying this remaster for sure. It’s legality as the review says. That being said, your wrong about his face.
I never played SM on PS4, but I want the old face back. This one doesn’t look right for his age. It looks too much like Tom Holland, who is not even close to being the best spider-man. Honestly, I have some reprints of the first 20 comics and it could just be how long it’s been, but his old face represents that vision more.
Id you need to recast the face or character, grab Tobey Maguire.
I am playing spider man for the first time. Looks great on the PS5. Really impressed by the graphics. Going to take awhile to be a master at combat, but looking forward to the challenge.
I still don't see the supposed resemblance to Tom Holland. It feels like "young man = Holland" when I see people make the comparison.
@MrGilly69 $20 from inside miles morales game...I kept trying through the store with no luck!
Changed peters face for the worse, 2/10 best I can do.
I've spent more time with this game than any other on my ps5 it looks fantastic and graphically at times it surpasses demons souls ,the part where you first get to control miles morales,on fidelity mode with all the added effects ,better shadows, lighting ,smoke, there was a point when it looked like a film and was the first time my ps5 made me go wow.
@Jaz007 I couldn't play it if he looked like Toby maguire ,poor man's elijah wood.
Thanks for the honest review! I'll buy this down the line thru web store when it become possible.
@carlos82 does the remaster have the activities cards system set up in the ps5 ui? I'm loving how that skips straight past opening menus etc straight to the bit of the game you want. I haven't played an open world game yet but looks like that feature is going to streamline the whole experience.
When he takes the train fast traveling 😂
Sounds great.
But with so many new games out - not spending the time/money replaying something I already finished.
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