If you're a fan of mech games, there are different subgenres to choose from. There's the difficult twitch combat of Armored Core and the beat-'em-up brawls of Gundam Breaker. MechWarrior 5: Clans doesn’t fit into either of those categories. You pilot slow, lumbering machines, and it's more like a mecha XCOM than anything else. While that might sound like a strong premise, it'll just make you want to play better games.
This is a narrative-heavy experience with absolutely gorgeous facial animations and stunning sci-fi cutscenes. The clans are on a mission to retake the inner planets, and you’ll do so one staging ground at a time.
From orbit, you allocate technicians to repair mechs damaged on sorties and scientists who will research upgrades so that your machines hit harder and fight longer. These all boil down to simple percentage buffs on weapons and abilities like cooling or jump jet recharge speed. You’ll also get to upgrade your five-strong cast of pilots, but again these upgrades just make them incrementally stronger.
While the XCOM-style preparation is nice, the moment-to-moment gameplay on the ground gets repetitive and frustrating quickly. Even the light mechs are sluggish, making it nearly impossible to effectively dodge incoming attacks — jump jets offer some verticality but they’re a nightmare to control, so it's hard to adequately take advantage of the terrain. Repair stations are sparse, and since your limbs and weapons can be shot off, you only get weaker as the missions go on and get harder.
The tactical aspect of the game is also finicky. You can give your four squadmates orders, but only within a short radius of yourself, limiting their potential. Your choice is a map that doesn’t pause the action and is therefore useless in a fight, or a quick menu that takes up most of the screen and isn’t very quick, also making it a burden in fights. The first-person view is neat, and the ability to take control of your squadmate's mechs is novel, but these features aren't enough to shake the feeling your time would be better spent playing XCOM.
Comments 33
> Upgrades feel uninspired
> Tactical elements poorly implemented
> Sluggish combat
So, all the things the series is famous for, seem poorly done. Gonna pass in this case.
I’m having a blast with the game. Best MechWarrior in years (and so much better than Mercenaries, which felt half baked).
Would note this review is an outlier. This has an 80 on Metacritic (79 on OpenCritic) and deserves the praise it is getting elsewhere. Great game!
P.S. And if you’re comparing a MechWarrior game to XCom, then, yeah, you’ve already disqualified yourself from having a valid review.
I don't mind the slow/sluggish movement that much. They're kind of hard sci-fi tanks on legs more then anime mecharobots...but that is still not an excuse for bad controls.
The rest doesn't sound too flattering either. I heard they kind of half-assed the story in regards to the clan (Smoke Jaguar) they chose to portray aswell.
Thanks for the review. Might give it a go down the road when it's at a more fitting price.
@awp69 can it be played single player or is it co-op?
Looking forward to the story and cinematic experience. Didn't like the previous MechWarrior 5 at all
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Both
@awp69 thanks I’m not one for co-op guess I’ll give it a whirl on gp.
I don't know how this installment plays, but one thing that wasn't addressed here is how HOTAS support is. This is not to be compared to Gundam style games, MW games are SUPPOSED to be slow and heavy. They're not walking get fighters, they're ginormous tanks. But traditionally MW games were meant to be piloted on a HOTAS, like a study sim.
I fear we'll never, ever see an MW game as good and deep as the classic Activision FASA MW2 series. It was a true mech SIM as much as DCS is a combat flight sim. Maybe we could beg for a legit remake of the classics.
@NEStalgia Ohh how many hours I've spend on MechWarrior 2 ...with low details, coz my PC was vanilla...
I'd love to play Mission Force: Cyberstorm on console someday...
@LuXifer the Author IS playing on console, and their "review" is directly comparing it to Japanimation style Gundam Mecha.
These are night and day different in design and control. It sounds like OP needs to go back to playing weeb robot games.
@NEStalgia I enjoyed MW3, though I don't believe it was as SIM heavy as 2 was.
@awp69 sure I saw one on px wasn't much better lol is it worth playing then you reckon? That's and with the Xbox reviews section it's showing really bad kinda put me off. but tbh Xbox reviews are a joke full of months who 1star every game that's not to there taste🙄 so probs should just have tried it 🤣
I haven't played this yet but the authors review is heavily biased towards twitchy high speed Japanese Mecha Games and should not be given any consideration.
Battletech diverged from it's "Japanimation" leaning design decades ago. THESE 'Mechs are lumbering, 30-100 ton mostly bipedal war machines designed to flatten cities and sow terror. The aesthetic is all about big and stompy. You don't "dodge". You don't turn on a dime. Your jump jets aren't for flying, dodging, or juking. they are predominately for clearing obstacles and getting behind larger, heavier Mechs.
Author should stick to what they know and understand before writing a review on it.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner you can play single-player or co-op!
@Decimateh-xblz Yeah, the reviews on Xbox are ridiculous. It doesn’t help when it’s a GamePass game then every idiot in the world can leave stupid reviews where they can’t even spell a word correctly.
I most definitely think it’s worth playing. It’s
Much better than the last one IMO as it at least has a semblance of a real campaign.
Know IGN is usually the butt of all jokes but I agreed with their review on this one (8/10).
@Blargh Yeah I enjoyed 3. Everyone was disappointed compared to mw2 at the time, but on its own it was a good game anyway, though badly buggy. Still doesn't compare to the unique sims. That was made by Zipper, later of SOCOM fame and briefly owned by Sony before they closed it.
The appeal of Mechwarrior was always the slow lumbering combat. It felt weighty and realistic like they should be. I always wanted this to be the prime mecha series for that reason. I say this as a long term fan of AC.
This is a short and what seems to be an out of touch review from a reviewer I've not noticed before. Is he new? The reviewer is getting ragged on in the comments section too by people who know the series better
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I'll probably pick it up down the line once the price drops a bit and it's been patched. I enjoyed the previous game and it sounds like this is a nice step up in terms of story telling which is always a good thing. And a shift to a linear approach is probably for the best I'm guessing.
1.) Why isn't there a VR MechWarrior game? People used to go bananas over the old BattleTech simulators.
2.) Why isn't there a more traditional BattleTech game closer to the actual board game?
3.) Two points of interest didn't seem like enough.
4.) I can keep going forever...
@awp69 ye they need to make it so you have to play at least a couple hour to review to sort it out it's usually indies what get it most 😥 n that's why gp is so good imo the all the indie🙂 n thnx for replying mate didnt see the ign one tbh but It you think it's worth playing il give it a go then😎 never played these games before and thought looked decent tbh but and was gna download it then got put off like an idiot🙄🤣 1st time iv gone against my own thought of ignore reviews and just tey it yourself lmao
@spoonard There is a game close to the Tabletop on PC. It's called Battletech.
This "reviewer" knows absolutely nothing of the Battletech universe. How is this at all comparable to XCOM exactly? The two gameplay types aren't even in the same genre. I'm not defending PGi, because they really dropped the ball on this one, only those of us that have spent the time with with all the Mechwarrior games over the decades can properly review MW5 Clans. Also, it seems like a lot of people hate freedom in games, because MW5 Mercs was a great, albeit very problemed game with so much replayability. Clans is going to be a one and done for me because it's just so basic and unbalanced and linear.
@Mr_Low_Key The PC game threw out all the systems and mechanics of the table-top game and replaced them with their own nonsensical garbage. It in no way accurately represents the table-top version. I'd like a version that looks like the PC version, but uses the actual rules, not the crap they made up.
The game has a very confusing title. I am hoping I can still get some enjoyment out of this game. Mech games are sparse. I would love another Battletech game. The last one we got was top tier.
Bring back Starsiege and Earthsiege!!!
Well, from the description of the game, it sounds like what to expect from a Mechwarrior game. It’s like WRC Rally, it’s niche for a specific community so take it or leave it.
So, if you like MW Mercenaries, this iterated on it, and tells a different story. MW isn't for everyone, but if you are a fan, it's a solid installment.
Plus, it's got TimberWolf in it so my brain can shout "Madcat! Jaguar Madcat!" at the game, which it's done since Mechcommander...
Where's the call of duty review? It's been out for days already? I don't understand
@The_Wailing_Doom "Starsiege"
In my head, I will forever hear Luke Skywalker calling me "Duster" over and over again
Great games, still have that huge box it came in lol.
Still, we've never had anything like MW2 ever again. How is it possible we've had no true simulator mech games in all these years? It's so old it's back when Myst made CD drives new!
I do not understand this review. An absolutely incorrect statement. This is the best Mechwarrior game to date. The added coop from another player is perfect. The visuals are amazing, you can zoom up on birds flying I. The sky and dandelions floating in the breeze. The action is everything you would expect with the future combat of real battlemechs. No one should listen to this person because her or she has never played the many other mechwarrior games. This is amazing!
Awful review.
Been playing for the past week. PGI listened to the MW5 Mercs feedback and responded with arguably the richest, most lore accurate, story ever in the BattleTech universe (perhaps minus the 2018 HBS game that, unlike this game, actually warrants a comparison to XCOM).
There are some serious problems. Performance issues abound, difficulty spikes are rough, and there are numerous questionable UI decisions. The "gorgeous facial animations" are stuck in this uncanny valley because I bet they were animated with AI. However, for people that grew up with these games, witnessed the CODifization of them with MechAssault and had to wait decades before they returned it to its roots, it is absolutely worth your time to stomp around lobbing PPCs with your buddies in coop mode (a long forgotten concept few modern games seem to care about that might have been worth mentioning).
Comparing this game to XCOM because there is a minimap is insane, and comparing this game to Armored Core is like comparing Civilization to Age of Empires. This is a good game, with proper HOTAS support, for us simulation fanatics that with time and investment from the developers (and modding community) can become a great game (like Mercs became years after its initial release).
Unless of course more sites publish asinine reviews from reviewers that clearly have no understanding of the franchise they're reviewing.
Damn, can another reviewer with some basic understanding of what BattleTech and MechWarrior is redo this review please?
This review was really embarrassing.
MW5 Clans is not perfect, but is one of the best MW games ever.
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