Republished on Wednesday 1st June 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of June's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows.
This is the best Super Smash Bros. clone we have ever played. Let’s lead with that, because it’s absolutely true. Developer Ludosity has turned in a top party fighter with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, and that’s an achievement that shouldn’t be sniffed at.
You hit hard and fast, with movement that’s snappy and responsive. Characters are beautifully rendered and animated, but in a way that doesn’t intrude on the fighting action. It’s enormous fun clocking all the gags: Patrick Star, for example, has his iconic “Is this the Krusty Krab?” “No, this is Patrick!” telephone slam as his side-heavy attack. This kind of fanservice is laced through the whole game, with each of the 20 stages laden with references – we loved Mr Horse space-jogging by in Ren and Stimpy’s 'Space Madness' arena. Unlike its inspiration, there are no items, but this isn’t a bad thing as it forces you to get better rather than rely on lucky drops.
Why, then, is the score at the bottom of this review not higher? Well, we’re speculating, but we think there was a budgetary issue here. Menus are simply static images, and there are only a few modes: Arcade, Offline and Online multiplayer, along with a 'Sports Ball' variant that reminded us of Rayman Legends’ 'Kung Foot'. There’s a gallery, wherein you can unlock single images with no way to zoom in on them – pointless. All the characters and stages are available from the start, so there’s nothing to strive for. Worst of all, the game features absolutely no voice acting – yep, none. Not even grunts or groans. It’s baffling.
Unfortunately, these issues make the product feel cheap, which does the quality of the actual fighting a tremendous disservice. Again, it’s the best Smash clone we’ve ever played – we just wish Nickelodeon had shown some confidence in it.
Comments 46
Well if you don't have a switch and can't play Smash, at least you have a worthy option at last. Hopefully the devs keep working on the game, or it does well enough that the sequel to this game becomes like the Melee to Smash 64. They've set a solid groundwork here to really expand...I mean it's a Nickelodeon game, they really didn't have to try but you can tell they have a lot of passion.
Oh and fix Reptar.
This sounds surprisingly good!
No licenced music and voice items and/or weapons to use so fights are going to get stale and there's none of the unpredictability or turn-arounds they could bring.... and the bare minimum game modes....for £40 or so...sorry Mr Krabbs but that's too shellfish for me.
Holding out for the Fathers Pass! lol
Will wait for a Sale, this looks decent in fairness but I don't think it's worth €50 though. I'll be busy with Far Cry 6 and Metroid Dread until then. Oh Puzzle Bobble 3D Vacation is a nice little game that came out this week too.
It honestly looks really good for a clone. I hope there’s a sequel that irons out the issues because I do think there’s an audience for this!
No voice acting is real immersion breaker - same problem exists with the Nick Kart Racing games.
Is there a licence issue with samples of the Nick characters appearing in the games?
This will probably make a great party game if you don’t own a Switch. Easy to pick up and fun to mash some buttons, familiar characters are definitely a plus as well
It's a good enough game. Despite the drawbacks, it's still fun to play
@sanderson72 Licensing is probably not as much an issue (I mean, they do have the character licenses already) as budget.
They would need to hire the same actors as getting the voices wrong would probably be worse than not getting them at all.
@Voltan if this were sub £30 I'd consider buying it.
From what I have read, voice acting is in consideration if the game does well.
@Voltan Or...they do what Smash Bros does with a good portion of their characters and reuse/repurpose voice clips for the game!
It’s definitely looks cheap, but I’m sure some fun can be found here. Might be worth picking up eventually.
@JoeyTS I never played Smash but I think Smash characters are from video games so there are samples that can be easily used in another video game. Can’t really do it that easily with cartoons.
The lack of voice acting is 100% the reason I am not interested in this game despite the fact I SHOULD BE interested in this.
Doug was bought buy Disney so that’s probably why he’s not in it.
I hope it’s wildly successful and convinces Sony to do All Stars 2
Just played it on pc found it really boring
Why do they have Helga but not Arnold, that's like including Goofy in smash instead of Sora
Literally a poor man's Smash and I mean ..... extremely .... very poor. I wish I never went digital on this for the PS5 lol. Disappointing there isn't a 4 player online battle quick play mode, only for lobbies. Same goes for a lot of disconnections too. Overall, def not worth the 50 nor even the 40 I paid for it digitally. Perhaps if you're a parent and have kids, game is totally worth it but if you're looking something on your own, stay away.
It's ok but it's clearly a discount title. No voice acting, cheap animations's a bit cheap indeed. But seems fun nonetheless.
Also, this just makes me think that a Cartoon Network smash clone would be WAY better, they have the best characters. Samurai Jack, Courage, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter, etc etc. It would be so much better than some of the characters on this game lol
7 feels really high considering there's no items, there's no voices and limited modes and price is too high for limited content your better off just getting smash bros.
If its ever on Plus or Gamepass i will try it but otherwise i will stick with Smash.
Looks like the perfect candidate for PS+ in a year or two, I'll wait till then
Hopefully Sony feels inspired enough and brings back PS All-stars
@ATaco The adventure in Ultimate was fantastic, all the stage variants and hazards, costumes, trophy assists and music made it unbeatable even if copy cat games came along, such as this. I didn't expect it to come close but getting the combat great is probably 70% of what's needed... The other stuff is easy. I can't understand how they would fail to polish it. I think it would be more worth your time to put that 40 quid towards a 2nd hand Switch and then find a cheap copy of Smash then buy something that is half baked.
Maybe...but how long has Smash been around compared to this new game? Do you remember how Smash started? This is the first game for these guys and I doubt Nickleodeon gives their devs much of a budget without first seeing profit. If this does well though you can bet that they'll put the money down to give the next game the content it's lacking. There's been a lot of smash clones over the years and not a one has come close until now, I for one would encourage these guys to continue because who knows...maybe someday it could be as big as ultimate and get collaborations with all sorts of cartoons. The sky's the limit but everyone has to start somewhere.
@ATaco yes the original smash was kind of rough, but it was the first of it's kind. This game had a template and failed. If they haven't learned from the kart racing games, that nostalgia is lost when the voice acting and music isn't there.
Not surprising sadly, I'll be waiting for a deep sale in a few years.
Hopefully they will eventually add voices.
If they were to incorporate voice acting, licensed music, and a more well-rounded roster, this would be a no-brainer for me. They've hinted at such things coming along via DLC down the line, but as it stands I'll either wait for a drastic sale or just hold off entirely.
It looks like a fun time but I'll wait until it drops in price.
@peppermillian No equivalent to Final Smashes or items.
Like most are saying I can't get into it without some voice acting or at bare minimum a grunt here and there. Is just looks like a bunch of mutes having a scuffle.
@peppermillian It took a while for me to get used to Final Smashes to be fair. Melee was arguably a much more pure fighter until Ultimate surpassed it. If this is the Smash 64 of the Nick fighting games then who knows, they could be added later.
@Voltan Can't? Lol it would actually be EASIER! These characters are fully voiced characters in popular TV shows, it would be easy. Explain to me why it would be harder? Because it's a cartoon? Can you not just extract audio from the thousands of lines worth of dialogue all of these characters have spoken in their TV shows? Fans can do it!
I'd be super into this if it wasn't so expensive. Clone or not, most of these characters were a huge part of my childhood as a 90's kid and I'm obviously the market for this game. They clearly were very tight on funds, for instance only two of the TMNT members are on the roster. All they really had to do was recolor their headbands, maybe throw in a few special moves, a few different animations, and that's the other two. I know that's oversimplifying it but it can't be super difficult considering the way characters can be reskinned. Other than the price, I'd love to spend some time with this, I'll definitely pick it up on sale.
Whoever said Metroid Dread being 60 bucks is a disgrace...then comparing it to Cuphead because they're both 2D... just smh. Ohhhkay....
This is a good game, and tbh I threw on Spotify when I played it a bit earlier today with the game muted.
Look, I was playing Melee in my Tween years playing Linkin Park with the game itself on mute, it's fine. It isn't Smash, but this game is solid.
I'll have the Doug theme running around my head all day now...
Which is ace!
@Voltan @JoeyTS there MUST be enough samples out there of Ren shouting 'You eedioit!", Patrick making some dumb saying and Squidward making various comments to add them into the game?
I remember the classic Worms on a 2Mb Amiga and all the different samples that could be added in (classic Star Trek and Blackadder were a particular highlight!) so I'm not sure why they couldn't add in some random samples from the characters when the overtook/got overtaken by some other character?
Looking at this make me wish for a second playstation all stars battle royale.
I always found Smash extremely overrated so doubt this will be for me.
Darn. Was hoping for a good solo mode.
Just makes me wish Sony would give PS All-Stars another chance.
@Ragdoll72 They also had a Nintendo budget. Nick isn't giving this team a whole lot to work with when it comes to the licensing aspect of it.
@JoeyTS You cannot because it needs to be licensed. Each clip of any sound audio that is done by a VA legally must be paid in royalties. The work around maybe could have been that members all the team make punch noises are something, but the second anyone of those characters starts making a noise someone is gonna be asking for a check. Since VAs also have a an actors union you can bet it would come swift. Nickeloden wasn't looking to provide that kind of budget for a game they aren't sure if it will turn a profit.
@pharos_haven Let me just correct your first sentence. It's not you cannot because it needs to be licensed, it's they will not because it needs to be licensed. The person I was responding to said they couldn't do it because they thought that because these voices weren't from video games that it would be harder? Well that's clearly bogus, since from a technical standpoint it's much easier since many of these cartoon characters have more voice clips than the grunts and snippets from many characters. Obviously it's a budget issue because Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 also didn't have any voice acting. Yet that doesn't mean we can excuse the lack of it at all. No voice acting for a game full of iconic cartoon characters with voices just as iconic as their appearances is frankly disappointing no matter the reasoning and no matter whose fault it is
I'm a fan of the first seasons of Spongebob (i have the "first 100 episodes" on dvd). I like the older, sloppier Spongebob cartoons and artwork, NOT the newer stuff. Also, I like the old Ninja Turtles cartoons from early 90s, NOT the newer ones. That said... the lack of voice acting or music......?! I'd have to pass on buying this. That'd be half the reason to buy the game I'd think.
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