The so-called 'boomer shooter' is a common sight these days — retro-styled blast-'em-ups that promise the pixelated thrills of early DOOM games and their ilk. Prodeus is one such project — a straightforward take on the genre that can set its stall with a single screenshot; this is the definition of a boomer shooter.
But what a shooter it is. Prodeus is a lovingly crafted homage to the golden oldies, decked out with some welcome modern sensibilities. Its level-by-level campaign — which lasts a decent five hours or so — takes you through a slew of demon-infested stages, complete with secret paths, hidden weapons, and all that good stuff.
It's the feel that Prodeus truly nails, though. Whether you're unloading a clip into an ugly creature or zipping around a room in an a desperate attempt to find a health pickup, the game feels fantastic to play. Super smooth, but satisfyingly punchy when the combat kicks in. The visuals are also a key part of the equation, with gory death animations adding so much to the moment-to-moment carnage.
Oh, and once you've had your fill of the campaign (which, by the way, is playable in co-op for up to four friends), you can dive into community created levels, or even take the fight online in competitive multiplayer. Prodeus is a shockingly complete package, then — easily one of the most robust and refined indies we've enjoyed in ages.
There's no denying that Prodeus is derivative, but that's not necessarily a problem when the end result is this well realised. An absolute blast from start to finish.
Comments 25
Awesome review! I have this game installed on Game Pass and I’m waiting for when I have the itch to play a shooter game before I jump in. I’m glad the review that I’ve seen have nothing but positive things to say; I love these types of games.
Pity it's not cross platform as there are alot of Xbox players with it being added to gamepass ,that would solve the dead multiplayer
Its a good old school shooter got it on gamepass well worth a play
@Martsmall no crossplay?? Thats crazy ud think itd be an essential these days if there gonna do multiplayer
Meh. Games like this turned boring for me long ago. It is, well, derivative as you say. Even if it came free with extra I likely wouldn’t play it, my time is too limited, too valuable.
@Kyevo8814 yeh it's a big complaint on their forums , so hopefully they will b adding it
We need more Duke Nukem!
Fantastic game. I was blown away and hooked from the minute I started playing it.
@BlackMayge I also stash games in my backlog so I can play them when I have an itch for the genre. I never understand why people are so stressed by their backlog. I actively maintain and grow my backlog so I know I always have something fun to play no matter what I am in the mood for.
Absolutely lovin this game right now (especially since i turned on the "always run" option)
"Boomer shooter", why's it called that?
Is is to do with Boomsticks (a la Evil Dead)?
Or Boom when you blow up the enemies?
Added to the wishlist
@KaijuKaiser @Futureshark Yeah it's just a dumb catch-all term for retro shooters. Refers to older gamers as "boomers".
@KaijuKaiser Yeah, but it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's used in the same way anyone over 30 is jokingly called a "boomer" these days. The term "boomer shooter" probably won't even stick around long — it's just a trend.
Console FPS games are miserable without gyro, so I'll probably pick this up on PC someday.
It looks good, though. Amazing art design. Really need to get around to playing more of the boomer shooters that have released in recent years since the revival started.
Best implementation of a plasma rifle in a video game ever?
i think so!
Great game..playing on gamepass since release, almost completed it
The Doom and Doom 2 plasma gun is still my go to but this is a close second. Only gun I didn't like were the dual wielded assualt rifles as they were way less accurate than just using the minigun. Don't know why they didn't just have a single specialty rifle and then the minigun.
Never heard of it but it looks great. Going to add it to my wishlist asap.
Anyone know if sth is up with co-op campaign? Tried the first level with a friend, got to the lift and completed it in about 20 odd minutes. It consequently didn't give us the option to start the second level though? Didn't on retry either, tried putting it next to someone's longplay but it didn't seem like I was doing anything wrong.
@PegasusActual93 personally i prefer Doom 3's plasma gun over Doom 1 and 2's
not sure if you noticed, but the minigun slows your movement down in this game
Did you guys notice the horrible performance on PS5 if you switch to "native" resolution? I think it just scales up to 4k but switches to 30fps or something.
Yes it slows your movement but considering it can clear out an entire hallway full of enemies pretty quickly it means I will always take it over the dual wielded rifles that are extremely inaccurate and which in my opinion has to reload way too often. Also I prefer the old school Doom plasma gun. The Doom 3 plasma gun was good but also kind of a little overpowered with the fact it could take out most enemies quickly and that I can't recall ever even running out of ammo for that thing.
@ShogunRok No... there is nothing like "boomer shooter"... oldschool or retro. What will you use next? "woke RPG" "millennial point and click adventure"? you see yourself how it all sounds stupid...
Between Ion Fury and it's upcoming sequel, do we really need Duke Nukem anymore? Those games have more than filled the void to me.
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