No new console generation feels quite right until a re-release of Resident Evil 4 rolls around. Following a PS2 version in 2005, the Capcom classic has been ported to every home system from Sony since; you can't have one without the other at this point. However, following the developer's recent remaking efforts with Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, expectations are now quite a bit different compared to past editions. Retaining so much of what made the survival horror sensation a masterpiece all those years ago, Capcom has remade Resident Evil 4 into one of the greatest games ever all over again. With new content, features, and areas, it's a truly outstanding, special experience worth savouring.

The remake remains faithful while iterating and expanding on virtually everything that was there before. From the village through to the castle and concluding on the island, it follows a very similar sequence of events. The vast majority of the moments you remember most are there, and some even happen out of the order you're used to. Some concessions have been made — on the island in particular — but this is Resident Evil 4 in all its glory.
And while those unforgettable sequences will surely be the crowd pleasers, it's what happens in between that allows the PS5 remake to achieve a much higher level of overall quality. So much more happens as you go from one story beat to the next. The village and castle especially are now gigantic, freely roamable areas with secrets and optional quests buried inside. You'll find new puzzles to solve, much bigger locations to explore, and a lot more lore to discover. Storylines are much more fleshed out while some characters receive additional screen time. The PS2 original is essentially rendered obsolete, with long-time fans handed an essential playthrough and newcomers a genuinely definitive version.
Combat has received just as much of a facelift; it's obvious Capcom really went to town here all in the name of style. Brand new to the remake is a parry mechanic, which in combination with intense gunning sections and flashy melee moves, constructs a set of systems that make you feel like a complete badass. Leon's kicks, swings, and suplexes are back, but now they're paired with effective knife slashes that set enemies up for devastating blows to the brain. The timing window is fairly gracious, so it's worth investing in upgrades to add to your repertoire of Ganado killers.

Resident Evil 4 has always been a bit more of an action game than its predecessors, and the remake sticks with that by pairing its satisfying parries and punch-ups with brutal, gory warfare. Heightened by the adaptive triggers of the PS5's DualSense controller, one-shot kills from the end of a shotgun or magnum feel weighty and mean. On the other hand, TMP (a submachine gun) sprays feel lighter yet more rickety as the trigger vibrates underneath your fingertip.
Haptic feedback does just as much for the experience. The PS5 pad matches the pitter-patter of Leon's footsteps, subtly rumbling from side to side as he explores the Spanish village. It then really comes into its own when the former cop wades through water, with the controller providing resistance in the form of vibrations that make you feel like you're fighting against the current to maintain balance. It's effective, providing the PS5 version a compelling reason to be purchased over other editions.
The improvements continue with an updated control scheme that allows for further freedom; now you can finally move and shoot at the same time, or freely crouch to employ a bit of stealth. Matching — and in some cases going beyond — what Capcom's previous remakes have felt and controlled like, Resident Evil 4 finally plays like a modern video game again.
For the most part, it looks like one too. Every area, building, character, and enemy has been given a complete makeover, allowing them to shine in 4K on PS5. With a much more haunting atmosphere to boot — much of the game now takes place at night — the rescue mission is a far more daunting prospect. As slippery tentacles shoot out of a Las Plagas-consumed Ganado, or the vile Novistadors conceal themselves and lie in wait for an attack, you'll think twice about whether saving the president's daughter is really worth it all.
It's only in the village where you may encounter a bug of the technical kind, however. On just a handful of occasions, we spotted a bit of texture pop in off in the distance when the game was running on the day one patch. They're very much blink and you'll miss it moments, but do seem to be an issue in the first stretch of the title; we didn't encounter any problems in the castle or on the island. That's as far as any complications go, though, so it's an extremely minor hiccup.
Alongside those lush graphics is atmospheric audio, which adds even more tension to the nighttime scenes. The sounds of the monks chanting their religious passages carry throughout the castle while the Ganados inhabiting the village can be heard nearby as they stay out of sight. Simply turning a corner is lent stakes as arousing the suspicions of a single enemy can put the whole area on alert. With effective audio cues and a spine-tingling soundtrack, Resident Evil 4 sounds just as good as it looks.

However, none of this would matter if Capcom had lost what makes the original game tick in the transition from a PS2 classic to this PS5 masterpiece. Even with better combat, more content features, and improved visuals and audio, this is still the Resident Evil 4 we've loved for 18 years at heart. Its soul has been retained; what makes it so very special is still present. From the moment you leave the presumed safety of the police car at the very start, everything just feels right. Despite some areas being brand new to the remake, they instantly feel like they've always been there. Things fit snugly in place, and it's incredible to see a classic expanded upon in a way that just feels so natural.
With more things to see and do, the village starts to feel like a strange, unwelcoming home for Leon. Some buildings aren't accessible until later on while basic side quests provide reason to return to places you've already been. With the famous merchant along for the ride, how the village has been developed is a pleasure to see.
The same can be said of the castle and island, both of which feature many of the noteworthy moments and sequences you remember most. The latter has been hit by cuts slightly more than the other two environments, but what's there feels more cohesive. You're not suddenly switching from a horror game to a full-blown third-person shooter in a matter of minutes anymore.

In making each area look and feel so distinct, repeat playthroughs will never be anything other than an utter pleasure. Your first venture will last more than 20 hours, and while additional visits will reduce that playtime considerably, there's so much replayability — it's something Capcom does best. From new content only found in New Game+ to Trophies providing inventive ways to play, Resident Evil 4 is a title you could still be playing months down the line. The original managed to stay relevant for 18 years; we expect this truly special remake to do the exact same.
Nearly 20 years later, Resident Evil 4 is just as much of a masterpiece today as it was in 2005. Capcom has faithfully remade a genuine classic by bringing it into the modern age and kitting it out with new content, tremendous combat, and striking visuals. What was there before was already enough to consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best games of all time, but now it earns that title in 2023 off the back of better environments and sublime action. This is Resident Evil at its absolute pinnacle; an utterly outstanding experience that will live long in the hearts of longtime fans while inducting a whole new generation of supporters.
Comments 139
Well, that was expected
24th will be awesome day!
By the look of the Demo I will have an enjoyable PS4 Pro experience too!
Shame I'm too much of a scared coward to play what reads like a brilliant game. Maybe on a a sunny Sunday afternoon with all the lights on...
Never was a fan of RE4 myself cause it feel more action then horror. But man is it good to see Capcom did good to a deeply loved game.
Review makes it sound like they actually changed some of it to make it a bit more horror, and a bit less action? (granted the atmosphere/graphics clearly helped as well) If so that is great and means I may actually give in and get it after all.
Great review, now I'm even more excited to play! Could you share if there is any kind of mercenaries mode? If not I'm assuming it will come later, maybe in the form of VR.
I’ve managed to never play this game up until now. I think I can wait a bit longer to see the extent of their promised new perspective.
I didn't doubt it for one moment.
What difficulty settings have we got for this one, @LiamCroft? Anything comparable to the Mad Chainsaw Mode in the demo?
Whoa! I REALLY wasn’t expecting this to review quite as well as it has. (Currently 94 on Metacritic). I thought it would be good but not a must play. Well done Capcom!
RE: Code Veronica next?
Reviews are amazing looks like a masterpiece. Long wait until next Friday. Dear Capcom please make a Dino Crisis Remake next
Hell yes. Bring this thing on.
Getting it for my birthday so will have to wait a few extra weeks. Glad to see it is that amazing though!
Push square - 10
Ign - 10
Gamespot - 10
Does it include Ada's campaign? and if so did they fix Las Plagas using male pronouns when refering to her
This has been one of my most anticipated games since it was announced. After the 2 and 3 remakes I never doubted it would be just as good - and it looks like it will deliver!
This sounds like a perfect remake for me because the one thing that always sours me a little on Resident Evil 4 is the island bit towards the end which goes full blown action and seems to last forever.
One of the few people who has managed to miss this game! I can't wait for the 24th, I've got this preordered. Great review Liam
Wow, was not expecting a 10. Can’t wait to play this.
Hi everyone, it’s been a pleasure playing Resident Evil 4 these past few weeks! Feel free to copy me in if you have questions, but please note I’m still under a strict embargo. I’m not allowed to discuss what’s new, been changed, or removed yet.
Ah yes, so it delivers despite the huge expectations. I’m in!
@LiamCroft I haven’t played the original and have played RE2 Remake. Should I play 3 Remake as well to prepare for this game?
@Olliemar28 There are four difficulty modes, but Mad Chainsaw Mode was exclusive to the demo. The hardest setting unlocks after beating the game once.
@NeonPizza well PC doesn't have a performance mode but my 4070ti gets the demo running at around 80fps at max settings with RT on and it'll go higher with the DLSS mod. So I'd imagine a 4090 would get there, I probably could at around what the console settings are
Great review and I'm really looking forward to this one, I've played through the demo many times already and RE4 was already one of the greatest games ever made. Capcom are absolutely on fire these days
@jrt87 Next Capcom remake should be your profile image in the RE engine.
At this point CAPCOM's remake record is (almost) spotless
Interesting take on Ashley in this game. I was worried that she would get a ''2023 Strong Action Girl'' makeover which defeats the entire point of Ashley, but she also isn't quite the ''She's Got Ballistics!'' eye candy that she was before either.
She comes off as what she was originally meant to be: a normal girl. Kind of reminds me of Heather from Silent Hill 3.
The PS2 Original!?
Gotta play it on a friday night in a dark room with quality headphones on
@Marquez Me too, I have not played a RE game since the first one on PS1.
I would love to get into these games and was tempted with RE2 remake on sale but sadly survival and horror are a combination that doesn't work for me!
I personally love the RE4 remake, but it was the remake that was the least necessary.
Code: Veronica would have been great with an RE2make/RE3make style remake. RE0 and another RE1 remake would be great with being adapted to RE2make, RE3make and RE4make's gameplay.
RE5 and RE6 could work well with RE Engine remakes with much better graphics, but most importantly, if they fix the stories with some rewrites and alterations, while bringing back the horror that was gone in those games.
Imagine RE5 and RE6 but actually scary. That would be great.
Has every opportunity to truly be the first game ever to win Game of the Year.......twice. No doubt a first, and well deserved.
I've never played RE4 and I don't know why. I've played the rest of them and absolutely love 2,7 and 8. I was already considering getting it, but this review has turn considering into definitely buying.
Hype is real and it's gonna walk the walk, but damn an entire week to wait to play 🤨
At the risk of sounding insane: I never really liked the original. There, I said it. However, I'll probably play this one at some point but I'd love to play it in VR. Has it ever been officially confirmed that the full game will release for PSVR2? At the SOP it only said PSVR2 content in development. I was assuming this pertains to a mode, like Mercenaries. Yet, I see people claiming all the time that Capcom has confirmed the full game. I'm confused about this.
I'm pretty sure Capcom will provide some paid cosmetics regarding this...
Have this pre-ordered but will be on vacation when it releases xD At least it'll be already in the mail when I return.
Not willing to pay full price for it....will rent it on Xbox and then maybe buy it on sale for ps5 later when the vr mode is out
Sounds like they did a great job! The return of Capgod continues. I'll hold off for now as for one I've already played the original many times and I'm still working through some other games at the moment but I certainly plan to play this eventually! Long live Capcom!
How Capcom keep managing to one-up themselves in terms of their releases I will never know but I for one am not complaining in the slightest, absolutely incredible!

Any gyroscope aiming, or is just sticks?
The next week will be hard. Capcom are on fire right now and RE is the best its ever been.
@LiamCroft is it good
Nice, dead space remake and now this, I kind of like this age of (really great) remake
Huh?! The demo did strike me as very good
@DualWielding Maybe the las plagas are single sex and can't tell the difference in humans.
@LiamCroft I’m assuming the VR support isn’t there day 1…as there’s no mention of it in the review. Is there any hints in the menus of what it would consist of? - a ‘mode’, or full game experience? Any clues as to when it’s releasing?
Now we can play near enough the majority of them in Remade style
Resi 0
Resi 1
Resi 2
Resi 3
Resi 4
@Bleachedsmiles Capcom only very recently said it's begun development of the PSVR2 mode, so I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. There are no hints yet as to what it could be; none in the game itself either.
@Marquez Believe me as a fellow scare-easy this is a rollicking fun adventure, it is nothing at all like the Silent Hills / creep you out games that exist.
Its much more Uncharted than it is Layers of Fear.
Um yeah, it was a GameCube original, then ported to the PS2.
Glad to hear that Capcom has perfected perfection.
Absolutely amazing review, Liam! This looks utterly outstanding!
Thats a masterpiece right here.congratulation to capcom for making resident evil 4 remake even better than the original which was a masterpiece also.definetly getting resident evil 4 remake.i beat the original resident evil
4 2 years ago.but the resident evil 4 remake looks happy the dual sense support is good.word up son
@jrt87 RE4 still had tank controls. It's one of those things I'll never get over - how people always say it got rid of the tank controls. It wasn't until RE6 (or Revelations) that they did that. You're right that the limited FOV and static shooting make it hard to play now.
It's like how people say it was RE5 that went all action-y, as if they've forgotten the knife fight with a commando, doing backflips over laser beams, enemies with miniguns, enemies with riot shield and stun batons, wrestling moves, flipping out of third storey windows through the glass and so on.
@LiamCroft is there a Mercenaries content?
@lindos This is what I needed to hear... it's now on the shortlist.
@Blacksmith1985 That's coming after launch.
Good to know. I didn't like RE2 remake that much, I think it lost some things that made the PS1 original so special. Didn't had the chance to play RE3 remake, but people doesn't speaks highly of it either... But RE4 remake is shaping to be a must have for the generation.
@SolarSpirit86 Destructoid - 7.5 lol
@Hydra_Spectre That comment needs a remake.
This'll be the sixth time I'll have bought RE4...
Can't wait till next Friday!
The movement in the demo seemed somehow a bit floaty to me, compared to the snappy original. Based on the demo at least, I've not tried the full game. It looked great, but it didn't feel as good to play, perhaps as I am so used to the original and I am only going on the demo. I did pre order the original back on GameCube so played it at release and it was really impressive at the time, but the action for me became a bit prolonged in the island section.
I wonder why no one is mentioning the performance and control issues and messy/blurry visuals (10-20fps drops on Ps5 in some configurations).
It's a tempting day one buy that I'm on the fence about. My main concern is really with what I experienced with my own eyes playing the demo and how off putting the control response was even after nearly half hour of tuning (well versed in tuning acceleration, speed, and dead zone) . It feels sluggish and unresponsive by design to add tension in a way that is more gimmicky and less about actual difficulty and high stakes just as I felt was the case with re2 remake. I've played most resdinet evil games and as much as I loved the first few back in the time they came out. They have aged like cheese in terms of foundational design.
This is hardly a modernization in terms of controls and gameplay in order to keep an artificial and dated form of tension and difficulty over from decades ago. It's still very much tank like in terms of shooting mechanics when you can move only in molasses level slow motion while aiming, along with the clunky movement and animation transitions outside of aiming.
All of that aside I wonder if I benefit or am cursed lol, from a lack of nostalgia (never played the original Re4) based biases, and a belief Capcom has nailed there last handful of releases to see these as the general hive mind has. I thought village was just OK and genuinely wish I hadn't pre ordered it all full retail...
Will I play this? Yes. Will I likely wish I had waited for some performance patches and the full package if I fomo play yet another cross gen remasterake day one?...... Probably.
Will I still likely fomo play day one? Probably.😔 First world problems 😁
Not a lot new releasing that I'm interested right now or in the near future which makes that even more the likely reality.
I always thought the Wii version was the quintessential version of this game, but I'm certainly gonna give the PS5 version a whirl
I'm a big fan of RE overall and I'm looking forward to play this. RE4 is a great game, though I don't think it's a great "Resident evil game"!
Was here when Capcom start changing the course of series the from survival horror to action survival to appeal to a more mainstream audience.
Only on RE1,2,3,7 & Code Veronika where you could feel those real classic vibes.. the backtracking, resolving more challenging puzzles, enemies not dropping ammo/other items, where sometimes you need to think should I kill or avoid them. The weapons and other stuff/secrets you have to find them and you are not offered the opportunity to buy them in a vendor if you miss them. These are some examples that made RE such a great experience and memorable to me.
All of this is not really present on RE4, Village and yeah RE5,6..
However, I think I will enjoy more this remake than the original RE4. It seems Capcom tried with this remake, to make it more horror oriented, changing atmosphere and lighting in the scenes which looks to be a very nice modification. Let's see..
@Andee Yeah out of the "original" RE4 versions my favourite was always the Wii version due to the amazing aiming, usually hate motion controls but they really worked for RE4.
@KundaliniRising333 No one is mentioning the issues of the demo because i'm guessing they're fixed in the final release? Hopefully DF will have a video up later today covering it. As for control issues i suggest playing with the settings as it made aiming much better and responsive.
@Fatewalker well said
And VR coming to!!!
Capcom with another hit on there hands. This will be my first Resident Evil experience overall, I can’t wait!
@WallyWest this is my hope too. Though it would be surprising to see those issues fixed in a demo released so lost to release. I messed with the settings for a long long time and it still felt pretty bad. I have a tone of experience adjusting looks speed, dead zone, and acceleration to quicken and tighten aiming and movement. I was able to only Marginally make it more tolerable with strafing compared to the terrible default settings after a great deal of trying. Here it feels like the sluggishness is baked in almost as a designed input delay.
Yet I do hope that's the case for sure on terms of final build performance.
@WallyWest Yeah, that and Metroid Prime Trilogy were perfect examples of motion control done right
Capcom is really killing it with these remakes. Can't wait since RE4 was always my favorite (former OG GameCube exclusive)! Didn't expect the 10 though.
We know exactly where Capcoms priorities are then. Completely don't care about the RE3 remake by rushing it and cutting out many scenes from the original with a 15 second cutscene or skipping entire sections altogether. And then completely ignoring one of its best true genuine survival horror games Code Veronica. Really is a shame RE3 remake didn't get the same love, dedication and time that this RE4 remake appears to have gotten
The sweet spot for me was actually resolution mode with RT and Hair turned off. My Sony X90K’s VRR cleans up the unstable framerate in resolution mode. I figured I’d try it that way first since DF stated the game never drops below 48fps (which is where VRR is basically turned off because the PS5 doesn’t have low framerate compensation) so I tried it and performance and I really liked the resolution boost over Performance mode. That’s how I’ll play the full game. Plus by the time I buy it (kind of low on money at the moment and playing back log games) it’ll be on sale with a few patches so it may play even better by then.
10/10? But it is not an exclusive!
Considering the list of planned cuts, im glad most were cancelled. But they did remove a lot like the double chainsaw fight in the mines, and also Seperate Ways.
No doubt will sell them back as DLC.
@Oscarjpc More like it isnt the latest Fifa. everything on this site seems to get bad scores unless its Fifa. This is a pleasant surprise.
@OrtadragoonX wait you can play with Hair turned off. A bald Ashley would be hilarious not gonna lie.
@Beerheadgamer82 CVR is coming, it already leaked a month or so ago.
@Bricktop33 I hope you right. Knowing Capcom though if they do it, they'll probably tone down the scares and up the action somehow, so it can be more inline with RE4, 5 and 6 action heavy gameplay
@Eadgar, they don't give goty awards to remasters or remakes, not even heavily remade like FF7.
@jrt87 I've got the same GPU and wasn't too far away from that without FSR turned on and the demo got a DLSS mod so presumably the full game will too
Lol it’s the Hair Strand system.
It looks good PC on but imo the lower resolution of the strands on the console releases of the demo don’t justify the performance drop on resolution mode.
@RainbowGazelle There is gyroscope aiming but there is no additional settings for it.
Outstanding 10/10.....100% agree Liam.
Loved the PS2 version of this game but it gave my plasma tv screen burn. One of my favourite games roll on next Friday.
@vyseofhr yes It made me pause as well. This is one of the games that defined GameCube. And it run so well. I know it then found its way on every platform but yeah…
@bigtuna515 its coming later!
Did not know this. Thanks for the information.
I had a feeling the game was going to be special just from the demo alone. Hyped.
Knew this was gonna be 10’s across the board….the only thing left for me to decide is whether I play this on PS5 where I’ve yet to experience a Resi game or on Series S where I’ve played all the other ones.
Probably ps5, unless I hear from my kid that he wants to play it too
Any word on mercenaries being online or offline?
I had the original back on the Wii. Me and a friend of mine had a blast playing it with the motion controls. It’s actually the 1st RE game I played and how I became a casual fan of the series as I beat a few other games in the series. Can’t wait for the Remake.
One of the best games ever just got bester.
Who'd have thunk it !
RE4 2005 not a scary survival horror game
RE5 2009 not a scary survival horror game
RE6 2012 thanks to RE4 and RE5 this is what the mainline had now become, none scary none survival horror just like the none scary crappy RE movies of the time
RE7 2017 this is how you do a scary survival horror video game. If anything the horror is turned up even more here. Great Resident Evil game in every sense of the word. Although not a huge fan of RE in first person, still adored it cause it felt right with scares. Very enjoyable plat
RE2 remake 2019 for the first time ever in the mainline over the shoulder is now scary, after having my doubts before release. Like the RE1 remake this is how you do a remake of a Resident Evil game. Again very enjoyable and rewarding plat
RE3 remake 2020 this one had the most potential to be something special out of all the remakes. What we actually got was a half baked and half hearted attempt at a remake. Genuinely still gutted about this one, adore the original so much
RE8 Village 2021 in a roughly 10 hour game we get one 20 minute scary moment, that leaves roughly around 9 hours and 40 minutes of the game that's not scary at all
Fantastic. Admittedly following the disappointment I felt with the Resident Evil 3 Remake I was quite nervous for this one but after reading this all of that doubt has completely gone away now.
Thanks for the Review I look forward to playing it next week.
@Beerheadgamer82 Resident Evil was never a series about being scared imo; sure the games were moody (and strangely uplifting at the same time - guess it's good to play characters that are in a worse situation than yourself)
Ok, RE1 remake was on the scary side (and Ø too), but I never really liked those ones (felt uninspired and ultimately old). To be truthful the RE Engine games has become way too "serious" in tone imo (especially the remakes - but no Village thankfully)
I played the demo of RE4 remake and wasn't really impressed (too much the same experience as the original), so it'll be pass from me (I'll probably get it at half price or something in a year or two though)
Looking at the pictures in the review, I really don’t remember much about this game at all - and I’ve completed it about 10 times (years ago). Looking forward to playing the remake and seeing how much comes back to me. It looks great from what I’ve seen of it.
@LiamCroft Ohh that's fantastic. I had a blast playing Resident Evil 7 and now Village in VR so I can't wait to play this in VR too.
@shgamer before RE4 all RE games had an unpredictability about them in all the enemy variation including a basic zombie in a tight corridor which gave the player a genuine horror feels or like the unpredictable nature of a Hunter or Licker potentially shashing the players head clean off. When RE4 arrived it completely lost that unpredictability it was known for in its horror by giving the player huge ammo in boxes and almost half of all enemies after killing them dropping even more ammo for you to fill your inventory with to make you even more op. 2005RE4 was the start of RE's downfall for me and while RE7 and RE2 remake made me adore RE again, it was ruined by a lazy RE3 remake and an action packed RE8 Village with hardly any scares. I know not everyone agrees with me about the 2005 original but I am genuinely looking forward and super fascinated by what they do with this RE4remake, like can they up the scares a little in certain parts while still maintaining many of the heavy action checkpoint after checkpoint its known for
Well I'll be Damned!
@Feena Yep, seems like calling Shenmue 2 an Xbox original or Samba di Amigo a Wii original. Really strange bit of revisionism.
Especially as the eventual PS2 port of RE4 was seen as inferior to the GC original in pretty much every way at the time.
@Beerheadgamer82 It's fine if you prefer your RE games to be actually scary, but I never found the original trilogy (or Code Veronica) particular scary. They where moody (and at the same time "comfy" - in that it was really good escapism). What scared me most about was the thought of not being able to figure out to actually finish them (they had quite a lot of puzzles and items to find - and you had to search every nook and cranny by repeatedly pushing X)
The remakes, although very solid, well build games, didn't have the same effect on me. It just felt like you had been there before. RE4 on the other hand was a game it took me many years to learn play well, as I found the action in the game very challenging (I actually prefer the stop before you shoot mechanic now, because it adds an element of strategy to the game - plus I think it is cool that you have to "raise" your weapon before you can reload it - it adds a touch of realism to it imo)
I'm sure RE4 remake is a really good and enjoyable game, but I'll wait for a sale because I found the village part of the demo to similar to the original game (plus I'm not a big fan of any of the remakes - I'm actually playing REØ on my Switch now and finding the experience more interesting than the remakes - 4th play through I'm on in 17 years)
@LiamCroft I read that as after lunch.
I was gonna say that they're a bit f**king late !
My X90K is a LED TV so I’m already losing out bad on black levels in HDR. Not much I can do about it. But it is inherently less jittery than OLED with VRR in practice under the circumstances of a game like RE4R. It hurts the image a bit but I’ve found the more stable “felt” framerate on most games I play to be worth the slight loss in picture quality.
On an OLED you would probably need to use black frame insertion. That does increase latency from what I understand but it fixes the motion interpolation problem with aggressive VRR on OLED TVs. Or that milky look.
Ya know after playing the demo, I think they should offer a locked 1080p mode @120hz. I really believe the RE engine has the overhead to make 85-120 fps possible in this game. And VRR at such a high target would clean up any felt frame time spikes. They may would need to dial back just a few settings and the resolution hit would hurt but I honestly think it’s doable.
@Marquez don’t go near RE 7 then. Probably one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve had in gaming.
I’ll never understand Capcom. They took Resident Evil 4, a game that was already perfect the way it was and made it better, but Resident Evil 3, a game which could have used a remake to improve on certain elements, that one they screw up.
Ugh. So now we have Dead Space and Resident Evil 7 remakes that are getting perfect scores.
I will play the victim but the fact of the matter is I bought Dead Space and I'll be buying this once I finish that.
It's great that these games are turning out great but the reality is it means less new games, less new IP, less new ideas.
In the last ten years how many times have The last of us, GTA 5 and Resident Evil 4 been released. Since there is nothing else out to buy we buy it up and just keep encouraging developers to remake old games.
I don't really know what my point is here lol. But I see a lot more games getting remakes in the future.
@NeonPizza I downloaded the demo, played it for 5 minutes and deleted it.
In that 5 minutes I knew I would be buying it, so I didn't wanna mess around with it anymore.
There is a demo for this called the chainsaw demo
I'm super behind on the remakes so will be waiting for a future sale on RE4 Remake.
Hopefully it'll be $25 New or cheaper by Holiday 2023/Summer 2024.
I’m never going to understand the anti-remake crowd. There are more games that get released today than I can possibly hope to ever play. We’re in a literal golden age of gaming where there is a ton of variety, at our fingertips, and usually on discount quick. In my 30+ years of gaming, it has never been better to me than it is right now. New games, remakes, indie games, retro styled games, VR games, etc. Remakes are not stopping new games from coming out.
@SilverShamrock really? Remasters and remakes absolutely are stopping new IP development. The simple math alone would prove that. The years it takes to work on these titles are years that could have been spent creating and innovating rather than cashing in via recycling content.
You speak of a golden age of Gaming well I just don't see it. We are in a situation where Sony doesn't even talk to their fan base anymore and is seemingly fully focused on squeezing every nickel and dime out of everything they do along with their Studios producing mostly iterative or dated gameplay that takes years in development and thus they have to straddle two console generations to justify the cost to produce all the while selling us on a generational Leap that largely didn't happen. Sony is pumping out hardware but don't you dare contact them with the widespread issues people are experiencing. As they are pretty much ghosting everyone, and cut customer support down to pretty much nothing.
Then we have another aspect of your so-called Golden Age which is companies doubling down on using nfts and blockchain in their games along with greedy disgusting monetization schemes and live service models becoming the norm.
Don't forget Sony also has reiterated a commitment of what.... 10 titles coming that are going to be live service focused. Again another example of time wasted the on greed rather than creating something new.
We're in a position now where double A gaming is almost extinct except for just a few devs that are holding on. Instead we have this influx of pixel art and Metroid style games and indy retro clone nonsense and then AAA cookie cutter 8 years in development stuff that believe success is a formula that they must iterate on over and over again to achieve the same profits that lined shareholder pockets with during that initial success. As the doomed idea of endless growth necessitates.
The golden age was a period when developers and publishers were still small enough where they were Co creators in a craft rather than servants of shareholders. That time has passed.
You may think differently, however it's pretty willfully ignorant to suggest dedicating time in remastering old content doesn't take away from the creation of new original projects.
@dschons No you're absolutely right - What the VR content for this game is has not yet been confirmed.
I was considering delaying my first play through until I know what that content is, but if the game is this good I don't think I'll be able to wait.
@Marquez As @lindos notes, this game is more action adventure than horror.
It would be a nice intro to the series for anyone who struggles with the scary elements of the other games.
There are a few creepy or jump scare moments, but nothing as scary as the other RE games. At times the original felt like a very old school Capcom arcade experience.
As amazingly good as this game was it set the franchise on a strange path for a few years that culminated in RE 6 - Die Hard style set pieces plus zombies.
The main titles were not scary at all again for me after RE 4 until we got to RE 7.
I reckon you'd be fine with this one.
@SilverShamrock Think of it like this, okay they remade it and it's good... GREAT. But let's say 6 months ago, or a year ago .. were you or was anyone really clamoring for another re release of resident evil 4???
Probably not but it will be shoved down our throat anyway
When you say PS2 original don’t you mean GameCube original .
I always loved the Wii version because you’d aim and shoot with the controller while walking around with the nunchuck attachment. I hope this release lives up to the Wii version’s greatness.
The wii version was awesome back in the day, the original is a bit of a tough putt now because of the controls, so it’s brilliant the remake has revitalised this fantastic game
@KundaliniRising333 dam, every word you said is true about current gen gaming, don't forget subscription services also even with its benefits it still is something that shouldn't take off when people want to buy games at retail still
Was in 2 minds about getting this as i finished it on PS2 an only recently bought it on Oculus Quest 2. Played the demo just to see what they did with it and it’s fantastic!! My birthday on 21st March so asked the missus for this. I don’t mind waiting a few days for my prezzie.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
It's not often you see 10/10 from multiple sites! I played about 10 minutes of the demo and that's all it took to for the game to get its hooks in me. It's brilliant just as good as if not better then the original. I'm glad the tone of the game is darker and you can aim shoot and move now!
Now the only thing to worry about is how will they make the PS6 RE4 Remake better
Removed - disrespecting others
@themightyant capcom doesn't miss 🔥🔥
Except for the upcoming exoprimal, doesn't look like all that.
@SilverShamrock I've always thought it's mostly the older crowd who don't like the current wave of remakes.
It only makes sense for them to want new experiences, new IPs instead of rehashed stuff.
Also it makes sense for it to take away from developing new games, take bluepoint for example.
Always had to remaster/remake/reboot and now, allegedly, finally gets to work on their very own IP.
I for one appreciate these remakes for the most part, thought tlou was unnecessary because it looked and played well but the original re games with their tank controls look utterly appaling, so it's nice for them to have touched on that and more.
@Cherip-the-Ripper Exoprimal looks janky as hell but it also looks
exactly like the sort of B-movie style game I love. Video games that aren't afraid to be stupid-ass video games, a rarity in 2023. Even if it doesn't hit, we need more like it imo. Needs to be the right price though.
How dare PushSquare give a game a perfect 10 score and get the players all excited only to find out that the game doesn’t release for a few more days. Bah! C’mon time. Hurry up. 😋
It’s a good thing I still have a couple of episodes of Physical: 100 to watch on Netflix. That’ll keep me busy for a bit.
@Cherip-the-Ripper I’m an old gamer—46! Eek, that’s getting old. Anyway, I’m torn on remakes. I’m all for new IP and new experiences, and yet I still enjoy playing remakes if the developers put the necessary time, energy, and passion into the project.
If it seems like a remake is a quick cash grab for video game companies, that’s when I get annoyed. Perfect example: When Resident Evil 4 was re-released on PS3 with fancy new HD graphics, I was excited to play it, but that excitement immediately turned to disappointment, then annoyance, and frustration. The old, antiquated controls from the PS2 version hadn’t been updated for the PS3 version, and, even though it featured sharper, crisper graphics, the gameplay was still inferior to the awesome Wii controller/nunchuck control scheme. I felt like I’d wasted my money on the HD PS3 version, and even though I’d paid full price, I stopped playing it after about an hour.
I came back to Resident Evil 4 HD on PS3 and tried it again a few years later to see if maybe I was being too critical initially, but same thing—controls sucked, don’t want to play it, still annoyed at Capcom’s weak effort.
@jgrangervikings1 we all fall prey to lacklustre remakes from time to time 🥲
I had heared this resident evil game in particular released multiple times but I haven't seen that many people talk about it, probably because of the high scores.
Anyway I hope that means you're better off with this one if you decide on buying it mate.
Edit: thanks for the history lesson
When Resident Evil 4 originally released on Gamecube in 2005 it was easily one of my favorite games that year, and the Wii Edition - which is still awesome and currently my favorite way to play RE 4 - cemented it as one of my favorite games ever. Still not sure it needed to be remade and given the hit and miss nature of the recent remakes (2 was great, 3 not so much), I'm not completely sold but I'm looking forward to the experience. If this does in fact dial up the horror a bit more, then it was worth it. That was my only other complaint about the original along with the annoying as heck QTEs.
Broke my pre-order ban. It says the deluxe edition has DLC, but it looks like it’s only cosmetic, so I don’t care. I was hoping it was Separate Ways, but it looks like that’s coming as DLC later
@KaijuKaiser in terms of red flags for me personally, that are further confirmed by my personal red flags that showed up in the demo alone. These two issues are often not even mentioned in the oddly glowing reviews. Yet after reading and watching dozens and dozens of impressions on the title I've concluded my major concerns is a still present issue and that for some it matters and is a major problem,and to others it's apparently not worth mentioning.
Such as:
Firstly and most significant: the hard baked calibration of controller movement settings. This is the Most concerning issue for me that is a hands down deal breaker until fixed. It's also important to mention that some are suggesting that this problem is unique to the Xbox. It's not, period. I experienced this in the demo, and I genuinely spend a ton of time calibrating controls for greater responsiveness if the settings options are there. This is beyond dead zone, acceleration, and look speed tweaking. The pc mouse and keyboard version shows that it can be responsive. This is genuinely a controller implementation problem that even occurs when using a controller on pc. The main problem with older resident evil titles is the clunky controls. Resident evil 4 specifically. (The number one improvement I want from a remake of these games if they choose to remake them at all, is an improvement and modernization of this. All they did here was allow you to move, slooowly, while aiming, yet the clunkiness by design remains in the form of exaggerated sway, unrealistic weight and slow movement, etc. That is fine enough if that's the cheap way one wants to implement tension and difficulty, artificial as that is. However, if you can't even properly tune the aiming movement to adequately align with controller input to the extent it feels like input lag,... Nope. It's a deal breaker for me until that is addressed on PS5 as much as it gets addressed on Xbox.)
Second: performance issues combined with lackluster visuals or visual problems, some specific to PS5, and some specific to xbox. This is a cross Gen game and and it shows, that's fine.... But it better not perform poorly on top of that. Not for 70 bones.
Those few mainstream outlets that do briefly gloss over these points, seemingly suggest that the game is so world changingly amazing, that they need not even factor these issues into the perfect scores they gave for it. Issues that have historically been factored into reviews when convenient and ignored when not (perhaps when the money is right....).
These issues are more specific to me. I get that. However they do affect my enjoyment of a game and thus for me are red flags and warrant absolutely waiting for a sale of unaddressed, or a patch of addressed and confirmed to be fixed.
@KundaliniRising333 I didn't have any issues with the controls or the game's performance once during my 50 hours with the game. There's no need to accuse outlets of taking money for positive reviews either.
@LiamCroft I didn't accuse anyone, I simply hypothesized. I understand you don't like me because I don't praise all things playstation, and instead offer valid criticisms.however my love for the medium and playstation over the years isn't somehow lesser because I'm willing to voice concerns, criticisms, and personal opinions.
I do find it absurd that you think that money for positive reviews is somehow non existent in the gaming space and yet it is a huge problem in every other industry in which reviews exist especially when marketing money and early access are at stake. The very idea that some outlets almost always get early access for reviews and others don't already suggests that mechanization exist behind the scenes in order for preference to be afforded.
Look Liam, I appreciate what you guys do, and wouldn't be here reading the content if I didn't. Just don't take such personal offense, or find reasons to ban me as has happened in the recent past merely because you don't agree with my opinion voiced in a space specifically existing to allow for such.
@KundaliniRising333 Outlets do not receive money for positive reviews. It is not a thing.
@LiamCroft of course not. It's not like outlets, or content creators getting monetary payments. We aren't talking Donald trump hush money level stuff here.
We are talking about financial incentive to puff up, or even worse, leave out any potential issues that would potentiallyil result in the likelihood of sales losses. I'm not saying push Square is being biased in reviews. However, Would push Square as a site or any other outlet reliant on views and ads for revenue, lose revenue if they no longer had early access to review major titles? Of course it would hurt the bottom line.
Anyways, agree to disagree. So back to resident evil. You had no issues with the default controller movement settings and response time? Or did you manage to adjust settings to dial it in where you saw fit?
@KundaliniRising333 No issues at all, I used the default controller settings the entire time.
So glad to see the RE4 remake was made well. I had few doubts, but still.
I picked up RE2 remake at launch and loved it, but I have to be a bit more careful with money these days so RE4 Remake will definitely be picked up in a year or so.
Great to see Capcom hit it out the park again. They have been on a roll of late and with the exception of RE3 which was just too little of a game, everything they have done of late has been just what players wanted. Solid games with no bull. They have taken over as the company everyone feels good about supporting.
@caiol92 I played the whole game with the day one patch applied, which fixed the rain. I didn't really have any issues with it when actually playing the game.
As for the audio, the whole thing sounded fantastic to me; really atmospheric. I'm absolutely not an expert in this field, though, so it might be worth searching out more expert opinions on the audio if it's a big deal to you. I just used earphones plugged into the PS5 controller.
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