Believe it or not, it's been nine whole years since Saints Row IV, and to be honest, not much has changed (minus the superpowers and alien invaders, obviously). The simply titled Saints Row is a reboot of the series, sporting an entirely new setting, new characters, and a fresh story — but the gameplay structure that the property has been peddling since day one remains. At its core, it's a mission-based, third-person shooter with a sandbox setting — but this is a sandbox that feels like it's flew straight in from the PS3 era of open world design.

The map becomes increasingly coated in activity icons as you progress through the main narrative, to the point where the map screen actually stops displaying certain types of markers, and moves them to their own separate tab. Here in 2022, it comes across as overkill — the kind of bloat that would make even a Ubisoft title blush. But through its consistently over-the-top gameplay and penchant for stupidity, Saints Row just about manages to get away with its brazen content padding.
Saints Row is still at its best when utter chaos is unfolding. Whether it's during a particularly explosive main mission, or you're just trying to survive against a dozen SWAT teams, there's nothing quite like it in terms of tone. It's dumb jokes and ultraviolence from start to finish, like a cartoon version of Grand Theft Auto.
It all kicks off with the game's robust character creator. You're free to make any kind of murderous antihero you want, and you're also free to adjust their appearance at any time during gameplay. Whoever or whatever you decide to be, your creation is the star of the show. In typical franchise fashion, your 'Boss' is bigged up to be a born killer — a comically violent force of nature who blasts their way through the criminal underworld to establish their own gang, the Saints, within the opening hours.

You're joined by three best buddies on your conquest of Santo Ileso: numbers guy Eli, dangerous driver Neenah, and shirtless muscle Kevin. As far as Saints Row characters go, they're relatively grounded, and, it could be argued, a bit boring. Their more serious streaks don't really gel with the rampant murder and unapologetically daft plotlines, but they do allow your Boss, in all of their potential absurdity, to stand out.
The story's got some genuinely great moments, but it feels like everything moves a touch too fast. The main missions themselves make up roughly a third of the game's 25-ish hour campaign, and as a result, it struggles to properly document the Saints' rise to power. Most key plot points drop without much warning, and you're quickly ushered from one narrative beat to the next via snappy cutscenes. Ultimately it does work — we were left feeling fairly satisfied as the credits rolled — but there was definitely room for a more elaborate rags to riches storyline here.

But our hunger for more story missions is indicative of the game's wavering quality when it comes to side activities. This is the most feature-rich Saints Row yet — paired with the series' biggest map by some distance — but a lot of the activities just feel like busywork, plain and simple. Returning excursions like Insurance Fraud, where you hurl yourself into oncoming traffic to make big bucks, are still great fun — but they completely overshadow jobs where you're tasked with driving toxic waste-bearing trucks very slowly across the map, or 'Choplifter' missions in which you ferry containers between locations. Wowzer.
It wouldn't be so bad if there were just a few of these tasks dotted about the city, but as we wrote earlier, the map is covered in icons. Granted, you don't have to do them, but Criminal Ventures, as the game calls them, are by far your biggest source of income — and you need that money to build more businesses and subsequently unlock the next story missions. And to be clear, don't go into Saints Row expecting in-depth business management. You get to decide what fronts go where, but that's about it.
Thankfully, the busywork is made (mostly) bearable through the title's punchy gun-based combat and arcade-y driving mechanics. It just feels good to play; a DOOM-esque system, where you regain health by performing brutal takedown attacks, gives each battle an enjoyable flow, and as you level up, you gain access to various special abilities that can turn the tide of a tricky encounter. A welcome evolution of the Saints Row gameplay formula in just about every way.

It's worth mentioning that there are loads of accessibility options, too, which exist alongside your standard difficulty settings. You can tweak incoming damage, the severity of time limits, autoaim, and more to suit your needs, while controller inputs can be remapped entirely.
And you know what's also worth a mention? Co-op, because it's especially well implemented here. You can team up with another player online and play through the whole game together if you want, main missions and all. As you'd expect, having another human to clown around with gives Saints Row an additional comedic edge, despite bouts of co-op-specific bugginess. Any progress that you make with a friend carries back to your single-player campaign, and vice versa, which can help alleviate the grind of ticking off tedious side jobs.
Meanwhile, on the visuals front, Saints Row is distinctly last-gen. Not at all ugly, but certainly not a looker either. Character models are pretty basic — generic NPCs are especially bland — and the game's graphics options leave quite a lot to be desired. Favouring performance on PS5, you can choose between a locked 60 frames-per-second at a super muddy 1080p, or you can go for 1440p with a frame rate that targets 60, but does have a bad habit of dipping. At 30fps you can pump the resolution right up to 4K, but for a title that can be so action-heavy, the halved frame rate is a turn off. But hey, those desert sunsets look lovely — dramatic lighting is definitely one of the game's graphical strengths.
Saints Row is a largely successful reboot, even if it sometimes feels dangerously outdated in terms of open world design. Its story and characters can be hit and miss, but the experience is carried by fun gameplay and an endearingly dumb sense of humour. Despite the new faces, Saints Row is definitely still Saints Row — just bigger and probably better.
Comments 121
If anyone's got any questions about the game, @ me and let me know, and I'll try to answer them.
Spent ages getting 100% in this game, good fun!
About what i expected, i look forward to playing later tonight.
Might give this a shot when it comes to ps plus.
Ill buy it at a discount later on.
I don't get how a game that looks distinctively last gen can't do at least 1440p at 60 fps. It would be one thing if this was pushing the graphical fidelity department but it just isn't.
Only 1080p @60fps?!? C’mon we know the PS5 can do better than that
Seeing a big variation of review scores on this one so far. Even this websites sister website Pure Xbox gave it a 4 out of 10. Think I'll skip it. Can see it being very cheap very soon.
I watched the opening on YouTube last week and can confidently say I’m never touching this garbage. Awful.
Well, that slaps it down right in the middle where I still don't know if I want to buy it or not. I guess I'll wait for a drop.
Hoping by about Christmas there is a gd sale then I'll pick it up ,if not next year
Bit of a mistake for them to release the character customisation tool before the game. I was just left disappointed that you can’t create the same variety of body shapes (Ahem!) that you could in the past. Put me off the game a bit and now I’ve moved on to other things. Maybe when it hits plus I’ll give it a go.
Interesting, other reviews have been tearing this a new one. Guess that means wait for PS Plus for me.
Tempted to play it because if it’s annoying the right sort of people then it’s clearly onto something. The writing’s cringe but the writing’s always been woeful in these games. Up there with Borderlands for games utterly bogged down by their own writing.
I feared the characters would be boring but glad to hear the gameplay is still fun.
Any stand out weapons in this one? The dubstep gun was a highlight of 4
I think it's worth noting that there was a pre-release patch that released about a week ago, during the review process.
Before this update, the game was an absolute mess. Full of bugs, and crashed quite consistently. Co-op was completely broken.
But after the patch, the game was fine for me aside from some minor bugs. I do wonder if some reviewers didn't go back to the game after the patch had released, because if the pre-patch version was the only one I had played, our score would definitely be lower than a 7.
Just thought it was worth mentioning!
@Danloaded There are a couple of really dumb weapons, yeah. But they're not quite on that same level of stupidity as the stuff in SR4.
@ShogunRok fair enough. I think I keep seeing a guitar case rocket launcher in trailers lol
dated open world games....
open world is what i love in gaming and no still wont be getting this, tried the first one this is no gta.
happy gaming guys
I'll likely get it when it's a bit cheaper, but it sounds like a goofy, fun time.
@Danloaded Yeah, well spotted — but it's just a skin for the normal RPG, sadly.
@ShogunRok that sucks but il probably apply that skin regardless XD
One of the first times I’ve seen Push Square rate a game higher than most…
I always get bummed out when I hear a decent campaign gets hidden behind open world bloat! @ShogunRok, how much tine did you need to spend on mindless side stuff to unlock main missions?
60 @ 1080 on ps5… No thanks.
To bad, open world games are usually my cup of tea. Sad to see this one getting so lowly rated on multiple sites. Ill skip this one
I get these complaints but the radio not having any 80s bangers is a genuine criticism???
Seems like a great PS extra game. Will wait cheers
@theMEGAniggle Yes it is. Saints Row 2 aced the soundtrack. If this one is full of modern crap, im likely to play it on mute rather than destroy my ears.
@R1spam Thankfully not too long. There are stints where you have to build a new Criminal Venture and complete its side missions to progress, but as long as you jump between different activities, you can make it feel like less of a slog.
I'd say the most time I spend grinding activities in one go was about... an hour and a half. Then I'd continue with the main story.
Give it a month this will be £29.99 on
Ill bite at that price, but saints row games have never been worth full price. They are quick fun, even for the platinum.
Talking of platinums, apparently Deep Silver have ressurected the community website with the release of this game and the 2 community trophies on sr3 and sr4 ps3 are obtainable again.
@SinfulDestroyer If you add all the main missions together, you're probably looking at 10 hours or thereabouts. But it's a bit longer than that because you need to build a certain number of businesses and complete their side missions to progress. So all in all...maybe 15 hours or so.
@theMEGAniggle Yes.
Let's not forget, SR3 had 80s bangers like No Easy Way Out and It's My Life. SR4 had The Touch!
This doesn't have any!
@Resi32 This game's soundtrack is distinctly modern, as in the last few years modern, and a lot of it (in my opinion) is incredibly average. The lack of older music is a real disappointment.
The first game is a blatant gta clone but if you only played the first game you wouldn't have a good impression of the series as a whole. 2-4 are frankly bat---t insane in ways that GTA couldn't even dream of.
I have it pre-ordered but in no ‘real’ rush to play it. Hopefully they will have figured out a patch for 1440p @ a solid 60fps by the time that I do.
I will definitely pick it up later, looks like dumb fun. There's nothing wrong with something just being for dumb turn your brain off fun, just look at how successful Marvel movies are with that concept 🙂
Knowing Ramsey and his high tolerance for open world BS, you can comfortably knock a couple of points off the score given here I reckon
@kyleforrester87 Fair.
@ShogunRok I admit, I am quite jealous.
@ShogunRok If you only had time for one thing, would you recommend playing this, or watching the Bambi (University Challenge) episode of The Young Ones on repeat?
@SoulChimera Hahaha, it's a tough choice but I'd probably say Saints Row. It's not quite as repetitive as watching the same episode roughly hundreds of times.
@PegasusActual93 if it goes like rick and Morty im all for it, il check em out thanks buddy 👍
@ShogunRok @Resi32 I get the need for good music but why 80s specifically? Or is the criticism that it has no good music, not even music from the 80s? Help me understand why it has to be from the 80s. I for one love music but do not reallly care much for the 80s.
@theMEGAniggle It's just that the old SR games all had a few memorable tracks from the 80s — the kind of cheesy stuff that fit the game's tone really well. It's just a shame that the tradition isn't repeated here!
1980s music are amazing.but if it also have some cool music.its all good.but that a cool score.word up son
“this is a sandbox that feels like it's flew straight in from the PS3 era of open world design”.
Worked out ok for GTA V.
@ShogunRok ooft you have a way higher tolerance for that BS than me, hard nope! Thank you for your sacrifice 🤣🤣
Thanks for highlighting accessibility options! Still often overlooked. And nice review, SR once again proves comedy really is subjective.
Hmmmmmm. I'm getting less and less hyped the more I see and hear. I still want to give my own bosses an ultra violent hipster life, but I'm not sure if I want to buy this for £60 digitally with no way to sell it if it annoys me. Or if it's fairly short and has no replay-ability due to some of the main story being filled with grind to progress.
Seems like £30 worth from this review :/
@Resi32 uh wasn't sr2 full of modern crap for its time as well?
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@ShogunRok I just read elsewhere that in a major part of the game you set up heists and then don't even get to take part in them?
That's like taking the worst part of GTA V and making it worse? Surely 😭
Did it leave you feeling robbed and dissatisfied with the experience at that point? As these parts are not mentioned here. I'd feel totally trolled or like they just gave up developing it at this point and didn't see the point in adding more content.
@ShogunRok - Thanks for the review! You mention 25-ish hours for the story, does that include the side content?
Gotta say, I am a HUGE fan of Odyssey and Origins (in that order) and SR 4/GoH is my favorite SR game, so despite some of the open world "trappings" I feel like this is right up my alley. Pre-ordered in January, before the delay, still don't regret it, looking forward to this in about 12 hours!
@Ravix I noticed the Heist missions too. At the end of the day they're just a type of side job, but it definitely feels like there should be more to them.
You hold off police while your allies rob the place, then you drive them to a safe location — and that's it. You don't get to actually go in any of the places.
Part of me thinks there was going to be more to these missions at one stage in development, but they were cut to save time or resources. A shame, but I didn't feel cheated by them because by that point, I had already played so much of the game.
@ShogunRok Makes sense! I guess they did reboot it after all
@ceedj If you're big on open world games, I think you'll enjoy this.
25ish hours is the time it took me to do just about everything. The story itself is more 10 hours or so.
Radio doesn't have any 80s bangers
This should be a negative for all things in life.
I'll wait for this to hit PS Plus or the christmas sale.
1080p 60 fps is disappointing.
Too many good games coming, to mess with mediocrity. Too many good old games, to mess with this in a portable fashion, either.
@Mad001 Yeah it's interesting how you see a lot of devs try to match GTA and just fail, and then some people have the audacity to downplay GTA's technical achievements and benchmark settings as with all R* games.
@awp69 they're mostly the opposite of everyone else with the scores these days, almost like Eurogamer.
@ShogunRok Wow, PJ gave it a 4 on PXB, and your score is well higher than the average. I thought you had good taste in games until this moment....... Today you've become Sammy
How well is the DualSense implemented?
@kyleforrester87 Quite literally. This got a 4/10 on PureXbox.
@nessisonett "Tempted to play it because if it’s annoying the right sort of people then it’s clearly onto something."
I mean, buy what you want, but you're not allowed to laugh at righties anymore who support mediocre media because it tRiGgErS tHe LiBz.
@nessisonett wow what a bitter, childish comment
@LIMA Quite well. Some nice haptics and there are adaptive triggers for the guns / driving (which are switched off by default).
@NEStalgia Haha, I'm actually quite shocked at some of the low scores it's getting. It's not a great game by any means, but I had fun with it for the most part.
@ShogunRok defo be running my 1975-2001 spotify playlists then. Or mute.
@Cherip-the-Ripper Yeh but it had multiple channels and the good channels had some of the best music of all time.
Dang, that sucks, was really looking forward to playing a Saints row game again.
Hope the next one turns out better... if there is one.
@Blaze215 Seems pretty logical to me. I find that if people I generally disagree with don’t like something, there’s a good chance that I’ll like it just fine, and I’m guessing that @nessisonett feels the same.
I got the game on pre order and Saints Row has always been dumb fun and never a masterpiece by any stretch. I think some reviews forgot this but this review is well balanced so thanks
@nessisonett borderlands has great writing... except for 3.
@Amnesiac That logic you speak of makes no sense. I'm guessing it's the political aspect that people are pissed off about but I really don't know or care for that matter. So if someone idealogically opposed to you doesn't like a video game then you'll probably like it? My god maybe u would want to play the game first yourself and see, I know, crazy idea
I cannot believe the day… Pushsquare had a higher than typical review score for a game.
With Hogwarts and Forspoken getting those delays, I was actually contemplating this one, but I suppose I can wait to watch Gamescom ONL and see where I’d rather spend my money, now that the reviews are out.
@Blaze215 As way of example, if my father walks out of a film in disgust, there’s a good chance I may like it so I make a mental note to check it out. Nothing against my old man, we’re just different people with different ways of looking at the world.
@Cutmastavictory Butt Stallion. ‘Badass’. Everything Claptrap says.
I don't but games that often which is why I have no problem paying full price for a game if I have any interest in them. Saints Row is one of my two favorite franchises(God of War being the other) and it's a franchise I've consistently had vastly more fun with than GTA(though Vice City will always remain one of my favorite games ever), but I just can't seem to want to buy this game. Despite seeing it's gameplay in action, something about seeing it gives me more Agents of Mayhem vibes than actual Saints Row vibes if that makes any sense.
@TheArt just dont play state of emergency wasnt their greatest. i went in to a shop to specifically get that game such a disappointment lol
Been waiting nearly a decade for the next Saints Row but this isn't close to what I had wanted to see from the series if it returned so it's a pass. Sometimes leaving a series in the past is the right call. Hasn't really been good since SR 2 anyway and that was a long time ago now.
@RonCorleone love me some ds9 sisko rules, but the funny act has to got to quark and odo hilarious 😂 garaka story is class to.
@ShogunRok I’ve been hearing the Series X version had some performance issues. I take it the PS4/PS5 version is ok for the most part?
@Amnesiac we are talking about a game here though. A film I could understand because there's less interactivity and you can enjoy whatever political statement it's making. Games have much more to judge than just it's story and characters. Gameplay should always be the main deciding factor, nothing else
@nessisonett clap trap in 2 and the pre sequel was hilarious. Butt stallion is great writing if you understand the lore from. Bl2 base game.
@Blaze215 Just to be ornery, I’ll push back a bit since I play plenty of games that don’t have the most riveting game play, but do have fantastic music, art design, or a great story. My visual novel backlog is deep and highly embarrassing.
@Cutmastavictory It’s obviously subjective, humour always is, but Borderlands’ humour always irritated me rather than made me even slightly chuckle.
@Amnesiac ok yes true there are games such as visual novels out there like that but saints row isn't one of them. So my point saying the comment about this game is childish and bitter still stands. I do get your point that some games can be less about the gameplay though so you're right in saying gameplay doesn't always have to be the deciding factor but for the majority of games, gameplay is the most important
Erm, after watching DF’s analysis it looks like I’ll grab it on PC. I usually play new games on console but 1080p with shaky 60 fps… seriously?
@ShogunRok is it more enjoyable than the PS5 upgrade of CP2077?
it’s trash as it should be . been watching twitch streams of the game yesterday and a few people beat the game already too .
a 7 for a game that actually in a point in time was considered AAA , is bad .
@shonenjump86 For the most part, yeah. The 1440p / 60fps graphics setting is what I'd recommend on PS5. The 60fps is mostly stable, but does have some noticeable dips.
The 1080p / 60fps mode, on the other hand, is just far too muddy.
@nyXhc420 In my opinion, no. Cyberpunk 2077 is a very flawed game but it's also brilliant in a lot ways, and it actually works on PS5. It wipes the floor with Saints Row in terms of character writing, quest design, and open world atmosphere.
Saints Row is the kind of game that caps out at a 7 no matter what. It's very dated in its design, but it's good fun if you can stomach the open world busywork.
Oh, love open-world nonsense!
Idve bought a proper REMAKE of saints row but this reboot is a big no from me lol
@RawnDawn unfortunately I think this game will be the straw that broke the camels back for the franchise
@ShogunRok how easy it is to get the platinum trophy ?
@Ralizah God no I’m not playing this, I wouldn’t touch this series with a barge pole. Mostly just like to watch the morons getting annoyed that the series stopped being funny after they turned 14 years old. It would be nice for this not to be blamed on the game going ‘woke’ and more on the very concept of a budget open world slog being outdated but it’s already started.
About what I expected when you release another open world game in a market oversaturated with the genre. What made them think they could release another one of these games without, y'know, actually evolving?
You think so? I mean, I feel like there reason we went such a long time without a new game was precisely because they weren't doing too hot commercially. I have a feeling that if this one doesn't meet sales expectations then Saints Row might wind up being put to bed.
Watching the video saddens me some with the reminder of the still long wait for GTA 6.
Overall this new SR games looks to have some, always welcomed, stupid fun to mess with, but how much fun and how will it play on a PRO? I will probably play this game someday.
@gucci_mane92 It's a pretty long grind. You basically have to do everything in the game. Not necessarily hard, but probably tedious.
I don't understand how having things to do in an open world makes it outdated, if it didn't you'd probably call it empty,
Did anyone expect different from a soulless cash-in wearing the Saint's Row corpse?
The barista gangsters never stood a chance.
@HeeHo Its outdated because open world games have been doing the same things for the last 15 years. The genre is in dire need of innovation.
Sadly this is about what I expected for the game, despite early impressions getting me excited.
I'll hold off and wait to see if they ever add this to PS+ Essentials or Extra/Premium.
@HeeHo There’s having things to do, then having a map littered with repetitive activities that aren’t engaging. Elden Ring has a fantastic open world without bloat. It’s doable and quite frankly should be the norm in this day and age. Even Horizon has at the very least more engaging activities to do without becoming overbearing.
Well that's a pass from me. From whatbuve seen on twitch, this reviewer was far too nice.
I'm surprised at the score. After watching SkillUps review, I find it almost irresponsible to give this a 7
@Mad001 The first one's not indicative of where Saints Row is now. By Saonts Row 3, they completely veered off of the GTA clone formula. In Saints Row 4, you have superpowers and basically fly around the city to The Boys are Back in Town 😂
@Brydontk class sounds good thanks il pick that up then 😁
Got this on Series S and the fps is very unstable. Sits at around 40-50fps which is jarring. I would rather have a capped 30fps. Maybe I will get this on my PS4 pro instead. At least that won't go too much over 30
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
@Mad001 If you have PS Plus Extra, I think it's on there!
Lazy bug ridden remake.
@Brydontk sweet thanks buddy 👍
@Finozzi1696 ok, I've gotta ask because I've seen people say this and it doesn't make sense to me. What does this even mean? "Going woke" usually means being more inclusive right? So being more welcoming and including POC, LGBT and women right?
So how in the world do you go broke when you go from catering one demographic to catering to a ton? That's including, but not limited to gay people, bisexual people, lesbians, women, black people, white people, Hispanic people, Asian people, Native people, I can go on and on. Makes absolutely no sense mate.
@nessisonett The more recent games are dumber than I like, but I maintain that SR2 was a good game. It had some over-the-top elements to it, but it was more along the lines of PS2-era GTA in that respect. You weren't using superpowers and hitting people in the face with dildos.
@Ralizah Maybe more series should follow that trajectory. Would definitely make Silent Hill more interesting having a wisecracking innuendo-laden sidekick or the new Zelda having the Master Dildo.
Like game informer I've no idea how you gave this bad game a good review it makes me wonder
I question the pro list and the over all scoring of the game.
Lets start with - Your Boss is a great antihero. No they miss the mark in the several fields and come off as try hard like Jesse Pinkman.
Some genuinely funny moments. I understand that comedy is subjective but the joke do not land and the only humor most got was from the glitches, bugs in the game.
Impressively detailed desert city setting but it empty.
Co-op is well implemented when it works.
Its a functional foundation that need a lot of work and it is time to call it out on triple A or large development teams that we expect better from them. This is a "4" that needed to bake more.
At least it's not as buggy as Cyberpunk or GTA Trilogy but still not the triple A banger we were hoping for.
The game is unbelievably bad. You guys are such shills!
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