In this modern era of games getting rereleased, it’s crazy to think it’s been over 12 years since Tales of Graces f was released on western shores. Thankfully you no longer need to dust off your ancient PS3 to play, as Bandai Namco has spruced up this classic RPG for modern consoles with Tales of Graces f Remastered.

As you’d expect from a remaster, as well as improved graphics, there are some fairly nice quality-of-life and accessibility improvements; everything from being able to switch between English and Japanese voiceovers, to a faster run speed and autosaves.

You also get access to the Grade Store at the beginning of the game; a staple in Tales games usually reserved for New Game Plus, you can select gameplay enhancements like quintupling the amount of EXP you get from battles. Great for those who just want to experience the story, and easily ignored for those who want to experience the game as it was originally intended.

The story of this colourful RPG takes a little bit of time to truly get going. A lengthy prologue chapter begins with the young protagonist Asbel, the son of a local lord, getting up to mischief in his home town. You’ll get to know his friends as well as find and help a young amnesiac girl, before the game jumps forward seven years. In this time the adorable kids are now young adults and have been pulled in opposite directions by events outside of their control. The adventure is a little bit cliché and predictable but it definitely gets more engaging as you progress, and it’s helped along by its endearing cast of adventurers.

What makes Graces one of the more beloved Tales games is its addictive battle system. Taking place in real time, you can use your skills freely as long as you have enough stamina (known as chain capacity). It’s great fun to time your attacks with your computer-controlled companions to keep the combo meter ticking upwards and exploiting enemies' weaknesses to really maximise damage.

Tales of Graces f Remastered is a fantastic action-RPG where an array of quality-of-life improvements make this a fun adventure for both new and returning players. Push through the sluggish opening hours and you’ll find an entertaining tale with characters who are full of charm.