Ubisoft's premier racing franchise, The Crew, generally gets a bad rap. Developer Ivory Tower had very strong ambitions right from the starting grid, providing drivers with an open world approximating the entire United States of America. It's a great idea; roam the entire country from coast to coast with your pals, taking on challenges and building a varied collection of vehicles. The Crew 2 doubled down, even providing new ways to get around with boats and planes. For us, however, the execution was never really good enough, with a vapid open world and lacklustre driving. The Crew Motorfest is a different story.
The third entry in the series is easily our favourite, addressing our two biggest gripes with previous entries. For as commendable as it is to give players so much acreage to explore, all that space was never filled with anything memorable. Motorfest takes the reverse approach, shrinking the map down to Hawaii's main island, O'ahu, and packing it with personality. Though it's still a sizeable open world, it's so much more interesting to drive through — beautiful coastal roads lead into verdant forests, volcanic beaches, winding mountain trails, and Honolulu's city streets. It's a fantastic setting that serves as a picturesque backdrop to the action.
Speaking of action, the handling model is a huge improvement on The Crew 2. Definitely leaning towards the arcade half of the spectrum, Motorfest strikes a nice balance; it's a lot of fun, throwing cars around with relative ease, but still requires you to pay attention and anticipate turns properly. The most impressive thing is the handling feels good regardless of racing discipline. Variety is the order of the day here, and whether it's street racing, open-wheel indy cars, or off-roading, it's all solid and enjoyable. Solid use of DualSense's haptics and triggers is a nice bonus, too.
The one thing we'll say is on-road driving can feel a bit slide-happy, sometimes kicking the back out into a drift a little too eagerly. It's never too big an issue, but something to be aware of. Overall, driving is much more entertaining here, and you have a good amount of assists and car-specific tuning to tweak it to your liking. Boat and plane handling isn't quite on the same level, but they're still reasonably fun to mess with, and add even more variety.
The game contextualises your road trip in O'ahu with the titular Motorfest, an island-wide celebration of car culture in all its permutations. At least to begin with, your main source of racing comes from Playlists, which comprise themed events focusing on a particular niche or brand. The 15 Playlists at launch include Hawaii Scenic Tour, which emphasises the setting with some casual races; Off-Roading Addict, lining up events through muddy jungles and sandy beaches; and 911 Legacy, celebrating Porsche's beloved sports car range. They act like miniature campaigns, and make the hundreds of vehicles and many race types nicely digestible. Completing Playlists rewards you with new cars and further challenges to take on, eventually giving you hundreds of things to do around the island. That might sound overwhelming, but a great thing about the game is that everything is optional; you can ignore whatever parts don't interest you.

There's lots to do while playing solo, but there are also some interesting ways to engage in multiplayer. Obviously you can create or join a crew and go for a drive with your pals, and a handful of competitive modes are good fun too. Grand Race is a chaotic, 28-player race that has you hot-swapping between three vehicle classes on the fly; Demolition Royale is a destruction derby spin on battle royale; and Summit Contest is a weekly challenge comprising nine themed events, and you earn rewards depending on how many cumulative points you have at the end. Finally, there's the Custom Show, in which you can submit your decked-out rides for public vote. Strangely, there doesn't appear to be a way to just matchmake for a simple race — at launch, at least.
The Main Stage provides a seasonal wrapper for what you're doing, rewarding you with XP, in-game cash, and more as you complete Playlists, explore the map, and compete in multiplayer with certain vehicles. The presentation here can be quite confusing with four XP bars and a wealth of themed events to partake in. It isn't the only thing we found a bit of a puzzle at first, either. The wealth of vehicles is fantastic and there's a lot of customisation options, but you'll quickly be inundated with upgrade parts that all have seemingly random extra perks or buffs in addition to the regular stat increases. Our advice is to equip whatever makes your car's stats go up and be done with it, lest you spend half your time worrying what all the little icons mean.

The sheer volume of stuff to do means Motorfest never leaves you bored, but sometimes it goes a little far to recommend things to you. In free roam, you'll get notifications for challenges you've completed or challenges you can take on, while Feats — simple objectives like slaloms or speed traps — pepper the island and, if you're not paying attention, can lead you away from where you were heading. On top of everything else, ghosts of other players will zoom past, which can be distracting, and NPCs and your onboard AI assistant are constantly talking. Occasionally the dialogue is interesting, adding more context in the Hawaii Scenic Tour Playlist, for instance, but it's mostly superfluous. These presentation choices can be overbearing at times.
It isn't all bad, though. The in-game map is a highlight, allowing you to take a broad view of the island or zoom right in to see other players driving around. Also, there are some really nice stylistic changes made depending on the Playlist you're participating in. Made in Japan, for example, coats Honolulu in neon, while Vintage Garage applies a subtle colour filter to give a more old-timey feel. While the visuals aren't quite on par with PS5's best-looking racers, they're nothing to sniff at either, with a vibrant use of colour being a strength. The frame rate is a near-constant 60 frames-per-second on performance mode, which is our preferred way to play, but you can swap to resolution mode for 4K and 30 frames-per-second if you want.
The Crew Motorfest is the best in the series to date. While some may miss the enormous US map of old, O'ahu makes for a much more inviting setting with its tropical vibes and varied environments. The handling has never been better either, somehow feeling good no matter what you're driving. A wealth of things to see and do is made manageable thanks to the addictive Playlists, although some presentation decisions can make the game feel a little scattershot sometimes. Even with a couple of potholes, though, Motorfest is an entertaining drive and, knowing Ubisoft's track record with live service, will only get better over time.
Comments 68
Great review, I’m really tempted to buy this!
Definitely an improvement over previous installments just from the small bit I played over the weekend
nice review! Having played the trial this is def a game I’ll be playing at some point
"Lots of dialogue, mostly bad"
That's actually a problem a lot of games have, sadly
Just finished playing the trial. Drove a while to activate a bunch of tasks. The map zoomed out and like 20 icons popped up. I felt exhausted already.
I've got about an hour left of the 5 hour free trial.
Will definitely be purchasing it but will probably wait a couple of weeks till it goes on sale.
Ubisoft games are always on sale not long after release
Anyone who has played and likes Forza Horizon games would be reasonably well at home with this one
Definitely one of the better handling arcade racers in a long while, once you’ve tweaked a lot of settings and gotten rid of the deadzones that is. Also extra points for giving us settings for camber, suspension, anti-roll bars etc. Once you are all set the ability to control the car in the corners with the throttle and brake is sublime hilarious fun and means you can place the car precisely where you want it so easily.
I hesitate to say it but I think that the cockpit view is the closest we’ve come in years to the king that was Driveclub. By which I mean there’s quite the authentic sense of speed, couple that with the bumpy undulating roads and races of a decent length and this really does bring back great memories.
I haven’t come across any bugs but the amount of hard crashes is alarming. Multiplayer brought lots of “connectivity issues” that drove our crew mad trying to race together (turning off cross-play fixed it).
My biggest bugbear, and something that in this current generation really shouldn’t be an issue, is that the mirrors don’t work.
Apart from that, this is an easy 9/10 from me. It loses a point for having so few 2020+ cars and brands. I might give it a 10 if the endgame/updates are decent enough.
Peaks my interests but no rush for this. Grab it around this time next year with a chunky sale and tons of updates
I enjoyed the trial a bit more than I expected. I might pick this up on Black Friday I think. I'm not much of a racing game fan these days but this one is pretty good for the most part. The dialog is atrocious though. I'll definitely be turning down the volume on that if I can.😅
Played the demo but meeh. Sure, it's better than The Crew 1 & 2 but still not as good as Forza Horizon series. The handling is just too simplified and it feels quite boring between the races.
An excellent game. Really enjoying it. Handling is a little slidey but then not with some cars. I’m loving it and comparing it to nothing. This on psvr2 looks brilliant and enjoying the races. The only thing that annoys me are the lack of mirrors!!!!!
I played and loved Forza horizon 2 when I had an Xbox one and been wanting a racer like it on PlayStation. I'll hold on for a price drop then pick it up I think
I am playing at the 4K 30fps and I must admit it doesn't seem to be smooth 30fps...it seems all over the place. Anyway I play this way because the difference in visuals is basically from PS5 visuals to PS4 visuals in the performance mode.
I am enjoying the game! It's almost Forza Horizon level of quality here, so it's good fun
Game is superb! Would definitely recommend muting the dialogue from the jump. Trust me you won't be missing much lol. Great review!
Tried the trial for an hour or so I'll buy it at Xmas when it's on sale it's good but not full price good.
It still surprises me that the The Crew had managed to become a breakout success. I remember when I read that the first sold 2 million copies. At the time me and another friend was worried this would just another 1 off game, and the developers would be moved to mine to work on Assassins Creed.
@Anke Thanks for all the info. As a big Driveclub fan (I'm still playing it form time to time), any positive comparison for it is a big win for me.
Would you care to share your detailed control settings? I prefer arcade racing games and anything I can do to change the controls that way would help a lot, so I can play the trial and see if it clicks with me.
I'm sorry but test drive unlimited has already done hawaii and did it very well too. That was about 18 years ago so although i'll accept this has better graphics etc there is nothing here that test drive has not already delivered. I hope everybody is enjoying this as i much as enjoyed TDU 👍
Been playing the free trial this weekend and ended up ordering it. I love the Forza Horizon games so this one is right up my street.
Is this game online required?
Sound good. I'll buy it if they do it for psvr2
I played the trial and enjoyed it, but I’m not sure I did enough to buy it.
I played an hour of the trial which I liked a lot. I've deleted it now and am downloading the first game on plus.
The thing I didn't like about the OG Crew was that it took 20 minutes or so to travel across the entire country. I like this idea much better and Oahu is a great setting.
@AverageGamer imho the reason the Crew became a a success is because people wanted a game like Burnout paradise and the live service was a plus at the time. that's why i got it.
It's not as good as Forza Horizon but far better than the previous Crew games. Really good fun.
Would have been a nice in-between if it was for "free" on PS Plus Extra. Now I'll just stick to Forza Horizon when I want some dumb, fun racing and Forza Motorsport when I want the real deal.
@Loamy This comment has won the thread. I can't tell you how much I would love to see an HD remaster collection of the PS3 games with the potential of a new game for PS5. They were incredible.
Edit: The PSP and Vita games would also make an awesome addition to any collection.
If you've room for more Forza Horizon in your life (and I always have), then youve gotta pick this up. Both myself and the misses have been playing this hard since release, and have been having a great laugh with it. Dare I say, im enjoying it slightly more than FH5, and thats high praise indeed.
Think i shell stick with FH5 to be honest.
@DennisReynolds Exactly. This is more for people who don't own an xbox or pc to play forza. But that game is far superior than this bootleg.
To me, this game's driving model trumps Horizon 5 hard - as long as you switch off all assists, that is. I think most people are judging the game by the default settings, which make the driving boring. Switch everything off and the cars come alive in corners in a way that makes Forza Horizon tamed and dull in comparison. Really impressed by the trial, will buy it for sure.
@Cashews Usually when people want a game like say burnout paradise… That usually just means that they want a sequel or return of that said game. We’ve seen so many new IP that try and rekindle the love of an old game. But so many fail, and never see a sequel.
I played a bit of the demo them tapped out. I wasn't bothered with Forza 5 and that is just a better version of this game.
@Cashews It was more like an hour to travel across map. But that was greatest thing ever. Being able to recreate my IRL car in game and experience driving across the US. Something I would love to do IRL, but the logistics of doing it would be crazy.
The trial of the game felt great. Cannot wait to dig in. Is there any word of Ubisoft+ coming to PS5? It’s been on Xbox for awhile now.
Having a blast with the free trial, very impressive game and love the HDR/visuals
@Northern_munkey Do you apply this level of thinking to every game? Doom did FPS games 30 years ago, guess I can't enjoy any other fps games now?
I'm loving it, bought it following the trial. I like it better than Forza
@Bu1ld0g ever heard of a personal opinion?
@Bu1ld0g " I hope everybody is enjoying this as i much as enjoyed TDU 👍." I guess you didnt read that part of my post eh?
@mariomaster96 amen. The vast majority of games have terrible dialogue, unfortunately.
Man wow how r ghost cars a negative they just sound kool
@Northern_munkey Apparently, a lot of the previous devs from the Test Drive games worked on this so it might explain some similarities. If you enjoyed TDU then it might be a reason to give it a chance at some point.
Does it support steering wheels?
After 2 races off non-stop insane rambling, I turned the speech to zero and greatly improved the experience. Seriously, why did the developers feel you need to listen to conversations to pass the time while racing?
@Olmaz absolutely I will for another Driveclub fan 😄 I’ll post a screenshot when I get home in a few days but in the meantime get on that trial as you’ll really love those long races through the countryside.
@TripleKing333 Yes, online required, unfortunately.
@bighal Yep! Big list of supported wheels here: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-crew/motorfest/news-updates/nV9xO7iPHNa7eHP3I2oBs/the-crew-motorfest-steering-wheel-and-peripheral-support
@Gooseman42 its a fair point. I'll hang on for the inevitable sale or when it lands in the ubisoft section in my extra sub.
Forza Horizon is the better game. With a controller, Forza feel better. However, Forza doesn't play well on a wheel. So, I'll give this a go.
@Quintumply, Fanatec DD Pro is not listed for PS5 but CSL DD is (which is not compatible with PS5!)…did they mean DD Pro and not CSL DD?
From a user on Reddit (that aligns to my point above)
“ Ok, so I've been googling and searching High and Low to verify it my 8nm DDPro wheel will work to TCM on PS5. Happy to report, that it does indeed work.I know on the website for supported lists, it wasnt listed under PS5 but CSL DD was listed(Which doesnt work natively on PS5 anyway...you need the DD Pro base) It seem to work better than TC2. Thats all folks enjoy!”
Removed - flaming/arguing
I'll have to try it. TC2 was so close to being awesome but the horrible deadzone and steering delay made it borderline unplayable. The rubber-banding was also the worst I have ever seen in any racing game.
@PixelDragon however I don't own an xbox so I like the idea of a fH clone on PlayStation 😊
@Loamy Unbound is another great one — a shame it kind of flew under the radar as it has a lot going for it.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Anke What settings did you tweak in order to make it a little bit more responsive. The cars feel a little bit like they are driving on ice.
@captainsandman the most important for me was the deadzones. Can’t remember off hand but I think it was a 10% deadzone which is madness. Definitely make it zero. The other settings were all pretty much off for me, the Pro Settings were on a car to car basis.
A great advert for demos/trial runs, enjoying this a lot more than i thought i would.
can this play offline or is it like the previous 2 games?
@Robocrop_Duster Same as the others, online required.
Maybe I needed to spend more time in the control configuration, but I found it more than a "little slippy," I felt all over the place. I deleted it Saturday and didn't give it the full trial over the weekend.
The cutscenes...SO MANY cutscenes, and SO SLOW when it's trying to show you the new events it's unlocking for you. Load times were an embarrassment for a PS5 game - it's cross-play always-online roots REALLY show there.
Maybe I'll try it again when they're desperate for new players and drop the prices way down (and have a few more patches on board). But I was not impressed at all.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
I am loving the game right now. It has a lot of fun races with more playlist to come.
The driving mechanics feel different, it will take a few races to get used to. The best part is that most cars feel different too.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@captainsandman @Olmaz following up, to be honest there's not much to see in the settings apart from the deadzones:
I changed my braking deadzone back to 10 as it suited my style of braking a tad more I found. All others to zero.
The pro-settings are pretty much car to car if you wish and I didn't touch them for anything off-road.
I'm no doubt teaching gran to suck eggs here but as for the slippery ice feeling just don't mash that pedal to 100% until you are either in a straight line or you know you won't need to release it again (or you're having fun sliding of course) but I find it's easy to hold off the slide by balancing the throttle on and off and trail braking apart (hence my 10% deadzone).
I'm also probably making it sound more difficult than it is but I'm really appreciating how much fun they've made it to get to that limit.
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