The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a third-person asymmetrical multiplayer horror title from Gun Interactive and Sumo Digital Nottingham. Based on the true story and iconic 1974 movie of the same name, you’ll take on the role of one of the Slaughter Family or one of their victims in three versus four multiplayer matchups. Similar in style to Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th: The Game, victims are tasked with trying to escape whilst the Family are tasked with brutally murdering all four of them before they can make their getaway.
There really isn’t anything setting The Texas Chain Saw Massacre apart from other similar titles in the genre. The Family must gather blood from buckets and their victims to feed Grandpa, who then lets out a roar revealing all other players’ locations for its duration. They’ll then hunt down their prey making use of their special abilities, setting traps, tracking footsteps, and breaking down barriers with a chainsaw. It’s an enjoyable affair hunting your prey as it cowers in a patch of tall grass thinking it hasn’t been seen. Meanwhile, the less enjoyable to play Victims have very little guidance from the game, as they try to make as little noise as possible scavenging tools to fix up generators, power-up the gates, and escape.
You’ll be able to see the entirety of content on offer within just a handful of hours since most games last less than ten minutes. There’s a total of just three maps that can all be played at dawn or dusk: Slaughterhouse, Family House, and Gas Station — all intricate mazes in their design to allow for the victims to run, hide and evade their pursuers.
There are a total of ten playable characters: five family members — Leatherface, Hitchhiker, Cook, Johnny, and Sissy — as well as five victims, including Julie, Connie, Leland, Ana, and Sonny. Each one has their own progression, abilities, and perks unlockable through their skill trees. There’s a decent range of abilities: climbing up wells, pursuer stuns, and more — all seem useful in the right scenario.
The always-online multiplayer aspect comes with the usual latency issues: you’ll be chasing someone and land an attack but the other person has already run past you, meaning your attack doesn’t hit. We also ended up shutting doors on ourselves rather than behind us due to this issue — it's incredibly frustrating and can be the difference between a win and a loss. Combined with the occasional visual bugs, precise positioning for interactions, clunky user interface, long lobby wait times, and lack of content, this leaves The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on the floor bleeding out.
Comments 26
I'll wait till it eventually hits ps plus
Would love to see a nightmare on elm Street game made in the style of until dawn or telltale
So another DbD clone. Why even waste money making crap like this? An adventure action survival horror would have been better than this multiplayer garbage. What a waste of an IP.
My friend got this game (on pc) and he's having a lot of fun with it. He's a pretty experienced player for DBD and also played Friday the 13th. I was worried matches would be too similar but it seems in the early stages he's having a lot of fun.
While I'm not personally interested in buying this because I have DBD and also a TON of games to buy this year, I figured I'd put that input out there.
Looked brilliant until I seen it multi player only. Lost interest straight away. If it was single player only then this could of been special. Buy as usual things get ***** up for the sake of multi player online nonsense.
These type of games always seem like they should be free to play to me. Would probably pull in more players than with a price tag attached
I’m playing this game on my PC via Game Pass and it’s truly the addictive gameplay with lots of fun. I didn’t like DbD, but this one got me. I’m also wondering why the rating is so low.
PS: those single player moaners again, seriously, it’s like you’ve come to a butcher and complain there is no fish.
The game is fantastic fun to play. Can't understand the criticism. Friday 13th was a super fun game too and they have expanded the skill trees and added in much more detailed sound mechanics in this game. I don't understand what people want from a game like this. I implore you to try it yourself and make up your own mind. Personally I've had a blast so far.
PQ sure is grumpy lately with reviews. I think the game is solid fun and captures the film series well.
@Bunchesopuppies dbd isn't the progenitor of the assymetric horror game dude so it's hardly a dbd clone
Personally don't think it's bad, but it's not one I can have a very long attention span too. A couple of games at most.
@Sequel 😅👍
Two points to make:
1. I would trust this reviewer as far as I can throw Donald Trump. They did not care enough to actually describe the gameplay correctly. Victims do NOT turn on generators or power up gates, it’s literally the opposite.
2. I have more than 1,200 hours in DBD. TCM is significantly more fun if you’re o to this type of game.
I have over 1,200
@Bunchesopuppies 1,200 hour DBD player here. This game is significantly more thoughtful and detailed than DBD. Haven’t touched DBD since this came out.
@Soulless666 that’s this site user base in a nutshell , multiplayer = bad. don’t you know gaming is all about playing alone and being emotionally moved by deep cinematic stories ?gaming is about watching stories unfold not playing for fun .
anyway , this games a live service so all the negative points this review gave is inevitable future updates . this review is gonna age like milk (unless they update it) .
@Soulless666 Some of us are just tired of all these famous horror ips with lots of potential turning into asymmetrical multiplayer games.
We all know we'll eventually get asymmetrical MP Nightmare on Elm Street and asymmetrical MP Scream, is apparently one of the laws in nature we must follow 🤷
The alien franchise gets an xcom like, an asymmetrical, a shooter and a stealth game but horror fans just get this same game over and over again
@Sequel For me personally its not interesting and yes im from the SPL. I do like multiplayer games aswell if they are good and up my alley.
I did like the Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Revelations, Overwatch, MK11, COD now and then.
But with these games like to have more then just this and a offline option and a storymode make it more interesting to play.
This is not based on a true story. Its based on a movie that was inspired by the butcher of plainfield Ed Gein. The story psycho was also inspired by the same events that happened around the same time period. Ed Gein never used a chainsaw and he only offed a few people. Most of his victims he dug up. All round unhappy camper truth be told. Anyhow the game looks like it could be fun for an afternoon but i cant see it being a must have title. It would probably fare better being a f2p game or when it hits a £5 sale price.
@nomither6 @Soulless666 i have to raise my eyebrows when i read the comments about a multiplayer centric game being rubbished by those who expect a single player driven game. All the build up to this pointed to the fact it was going to be primarily a multiplayer experience. Sometimes i just give up.
I can see it dying like Friday The 13th
I actually think this is rated a bit low. As someone who comes from the DBD community, it is a refreshing take on the genre. It is a bit samey samey per match but with the characters having different perks with different play styles required, it can keep it refreshing. Better than every character just being a reskinned one each time.
The lobbies can be slow but playing on the PC with a party of friends meant we were never waiting long. I would like them to add potential random character selection so you don't have people hogging certain characters every game. Also would like there to be in match objectives for additional points to make the match more engaging as some escape times can be very quick depending on the experience of the player
I would have loved to see some single player action here. I’m a huge horror fan but not a huge multiplayer fan. Oh well..
@Ajfennell77 It's on Plus in April 👍 I have played possibly 80 hours on Seties X and I enjoyed my time with it
@Ajfennell77 now is your time
Dear friend @Ajfennell77
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