Unknown 9: Awakening is the debut game from studio Reflector Entertainment but not the first entry into the Unknown universe; so far there are novels, comics, and even a dramatised podcast. Thankfully, Awakening is a standalone experience and so you don’t need to delve into any of the other cross-media releases to understand anything.
The opening scenes are a little heavy on lore, telling you all about the Unknown 9. They are said to be immortal beings who watch over humanity and throughout history have provided wisdom and power to a select few. Some regard the 9 as little more than folklore and superstition but a couple of rival groups aim to seek out the truth. The Leap Year Society wants to gain access to this knowledge in order to benefit all of humanity, whereas the Ascendants want to use it to advance society only in ways that they see fit. While it may seem like only a subtle difference, it leads to big differences in the ways they operate.

The main protagonist, Haroona, is an outsider to both of these groups. She’s what’s known as a Quaestor and has a strong connection to the Fold, a mystical realm which contains powerful energy as well as long-lost knowledge. Whilst we won’t spoil the hows and whys of the narrative, she’s basically on a mission of revenge and so it doesn’t take her long to get entangled with the various factions.
The story is well written even if it does sometimes get a little bogged down in its own lore. It helps that the performances by the main voice actors are all excellent. Particular praise has to go to the talented Anya Chalotra (of The Witcher fame) for her portrayal of Haroona. She does a great job of displaying the character’s vulnerable side whilst still being charismatic and fiery at the same time.
You’ll get to trek across the globe with levels taking place in a variety of environments such as bustling city streets, hot and sandy deserts, as well as lush forests. It’s a shame that there isn’t a dedicated photo mode as some of the vistas are pretty stunning. Hopefully this is something that the devs will add in a future patch.

While the story is full of interesting ideas and the world looks beautiful, Awakening won’t be winning any prizes for its level designs. Most are fairly linear and a tad predictable, and at times it feels like a throwback to the PS3-era of gaming. In games like Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune or The Last of Us, whenever the level opened up and you saw some crates or low-level walls, you knew you were about to get into another fight, and it’s exactly the same here.
Despite this, the combat is actually pretty entertaining. Haroona has some pretty nifty abilities and you can either take on enemies directly or sneak around and take them out from the shadows. Her magical abilities are a bit Star Wars-esque, where you can pull or push enemies away from you and into explosive objects or off cliffs.
Our favourite ability is where she can ‘step’ into an enemy and possess them for a short amount of time. This allows you to set up chaotic chain reactions where you can force multiple enemies to converge in the same area and then set off an explosive gas canister, allowing you to wipe out a bunch of grunts in one go.

As you progress enemies will gain access to technology which disrupts your abilities, making it more difficult to hide yourself or possess them. Enemies can be lured away from their gadgets but sometimes it’s quicker to just take them head on. Hand-to-hand combat is fairly simple but a little bit clunky. There are only a limited number of enemy types and attack patterns so combat can get somewhat repetitive. It also doesn’t help that in tight spaces the camera is not always particularly helpful. This can lead to some frustrating moments where you’ll struggle to align yourself with whoever you’re trying to attack.
Much of your time will be spent hiding in long grass and popping out occasionally to defeat bad guys but when you’re not doing that, you’ll be solving basic puzzles or exploring the environments looking for hidden collectibles.
There are plenty of collectibles dotted around with lots of the documents you find providing extra insight into what is happening behind the scenes, as well as adding more details about what’s driving certain characters. A beautiful journal helps to keep track of your discoveries as well as provide a running update on Haroona’s thoughts of what’s happening.

One of the collectibles you’ll find are called anomalies. These shimmering little whirlpools of energy are the only way for you to learn new skills, with each one found granting you one skill point. There are three skill tree branches: magic, stealth, and melee. It’s not a particularly large skill tree but even so, it’s impossible to unlock every single skill so you’ll have to decide which abilities best suit your playstyle.
Apart from collectibles there’s nothing in the way of side quests or any form of New Game+ to get your teeth stuck into, which makes this more of a one and done kind of game. While that may put those looking for a longer experience off, it’s actually pretty refreshing to not have to do a bunch of repetitive busy work for the sake of completion.
Unknown 9: Awakening is one of those games where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. With its linear level design it’s a bit of an old-school experience compared to many new releases, but that doesn’t stop it from being good fun. There aren’t a lot of new or innovative ideas here but its interesting lore and engaging stealth mechanics make it a thoroughly entertaining experience.
Unknown 9: Awakening is a good debut from a first-time development team. This narrative-driven action-adventure has some rough edges but the beautiful locations, intriguing narrative, and well-written characters make it hard to put down. The gameplay doesn’t evolve much but the entertaining stealth mechanics add a lot of variety to the skirmishes you find yourself in. Overall, this is a compelling new IP with lots of potential for future adventures.
Comments 78
Looks very rough. I doubt it will do well.
RIP to the game and studio
Are there alternate ending to provide replay value, if there's no NG+ and skills are not all unlockable in a playthrough? Or at least can you reset skills and try something different?
@Gewertzx looks like ps3 game or budget ps4 title and they want 60 swiss francs maybee be bosted on the ps5 pro lol
The main question for me is: is this game a fun/hidden gem type of 7/10?
I'm glad to gear Anya delivers in the VO. Didn't expect anything less to be honest.
Glitchy camera is kind of a deal breaker though...
Good news, was expecting a 7 rating tbh.
Peaked my interest from the first trailer released a few months back, , glad to see it's a good game overall. Gonna buy it.
My copy arrived today. I'll dive in in the evening.
@Shinnok789 it's 'piqued', just to let you know. I'll delete this later, it's not meant to dig you out.
@riceNpea only one ending and unfortunately you can't reset your abilities
@Jenny_Jones well that's disappointing. Not even a reset, why even have skill trees you can't sample everything from? Pass.
Sounds like something I could get into. The only problem at the moment is time for me. I'm still on Metaphor and don't think I'll have the time to squeeze this in before Dragon Age either. Maybe around Black Friday I might give this a go.
I remember hearing about this game and I had no clue it was launching already. I thought it was a way out.
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No thanks. Hard pass.
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I can see the SBI whiners are here crying about their big,bad boogeyman smh. I’ll be playing once it unlocks at 6 I’m actually excited to get a game that feels like a throwback to the ps3 gen that isn’t open world and doesn’t take a hundred hours with 90 of that being repetitive garbage just so someone can feel like they got their moneys worth.
@Nintendo4Sonic Let me know what you think. Im kind of on the fence with this one.
@dark_knightmare2 I couldnt agree more. All positives in my book!
Despite the negitive sentiments of many here, I think this could be good fun and I dont think it looks rough. Clearly its not as polished as a Sony AAA game, but all that glitters is not gold.
For a first title, it looks pretty impressive and Im rooting for it and likely to try it once I finish a few more titles...
This seems like the sort of game I'd pick up for $5 in a sale and quit playing after a few hours.
She's a wonderful actress, but this game is largely, pardon the pun, unknown. It won't do well.
I don't want to be banned again so I just say this game is not for me because of main character.
Looks okay, I don't know about £45 okay though. Maybe £15 kind of okay. I'm a big fan of Anya Chalotra but a lot of her is lost on in the game from what I have seen so far.
Never heard of this until today, my missus saw a screenshot of the main character and thought it was a bloke lol
Really didn't believe me that it's supposed to be the woman who played Yennefer on Netflix.
Looks like something I'd get bored of quickly though, only really into GT7 at the moment.
Looks and sounds generic. I'm guessing it was pretty generous to give this one a 7.
The game is based on a comic book, but I think the game’s name won’t do it any favors. It’s really weird for it to have a random sounding number in the title. Is this the 9th in series? That could be a legitimate question for some.
I felt the same way about Alan Wake. The title does absolutely nothing for me and I still haven’t played anything in that series because it sounds like an accounting simulator.
@Czar_Khastik I say it is and I am grabbing it( of course with my rule - never day one. Let them fix things but 100% getting that).
@Titntin Same here. And it is not AAA as SW Outcast too thank god
I still need to finish Unknown 1 through 8 first.
people want new ip's and new game studios , but judging from the comments so far , i guess people don't actually want either.
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@BIG3 I will do that.
@twitchtvpat people don't know what they want. I think many people are so confused and stuffed, that they aren't satisfied with anything.
I see it same as you, this game tries to be different and that's what people are complaining about often, that there are too many remakes and remasters(which is fine by me) and when there is a game, which is new and different, it gets no chance.
Really sad.
Looks like my kind of game! Looking forward to it.
Looks very interesting! Couldn't give two craps about Sweet Baby or whatever woke-panic social media grifters are trying to attach themselves to. New IP is a good thing to see, as well, and supposedly much in-demand on what people here act like is barren platform.
I don't really think $50 for a AA title is unreasonable. That's still a $20 drop from AAA titles.
As for this, I would like to get it at some point. I know some consider it's PS3 era roots to be a negative, but I actually find it to be a positive since that era is still maybe the best ever for gaming. I'd rather go back and play something like that than some of the modern games.
Given that the 7/10 from here is an outlier amongst other reviews, I'll likely be waiting on this though. I have a lot of other things to play right now, and maybe they'll iron out some of the performance issues other places mentioned.
Just because this game may not sell well doesn't mean the developer will be dead after 1 game. The budget for this game would be a fraction of the budget something like Concord had.
@Savage_Joe Reviewers are the last people I'd ever trust with video game opinions. It's our job as players to evaluate whether we enjoy things on our own terms.
"Strong writing and likeable characters"
X Doubt.
@glennthefrog I'm pretty sure they're in my pile of shame.
@BIG3 I played about 1 hour of the game. And I'm happy to say, I absolutely love it so far and I'm a bit shocked, that it gets weak scores.
It's looks great, especially for their first game, at some points highly detailed.
Narrative and atmosphere feels really fresh and the game puts nicely into the mechanics.
I'm glad that I bought it and it makes me already sad, that I'm pretty sure, it won't sell good and will be maybe their last game with Unknown 9.
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I'm really tempted to bite the bullet and buy this now. I have a feeling this is my type of game. I'm just about to roll the credits on Silent Hill 2 and fancy another cinematic game.
This is a game from a fake poster inside a Call of Duty map.
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Bamco's publishing choices are always so odd, 20 anime fighters and then a random western game.
@twitchtvpat blokes do want new IPs. Just without the ethos of societies today in the western societies. Also even when gaming was less gelded than today. Not every new IP reached huge numbers. The marvel impact so to speak, has company suit types thinking everything needs to be a massive success. Instead of trying more AA or smaller games.
The reason older games did so much better was they weren't made by a checklist. Just let creators work and stay out of the way. Nothing like being directed by a greedy suit. If the greedy want money then let developers make good games. The more they interfere, the less money.
@Bentleyma do so, it's really good.
I think bandai namco got duped financing and releasing this 😅
Edit: Wow even ign gave this 5/10, yeah the devs is kind of f now.
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Likeable characters are like those from Expedition 33.
These don't look likeable at all. Yes, people sometimes CAN judge a book from the cover and we do this all the time with pretty high accuracy.
@puddinggirl That’s true - but I still place higher value on the judgments of those who have actually played a game, versus those who have not.
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@Nintendo4Sonic I've been a bit suprised on the comment section for this game as I wasn't aware that there was any internet drama surrounding it. I'm glad you've tried it and are enjoying it so far I'm planning on checking out the webcomic and podcast next as I want to experience more in the Unknown 9 universe
If a tax could be placed on the word 'grift', then that £22bn black hole would be filled and then some.
I might pick this up at some point, but only when the price is more agreeable.
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New IP doesn't mean much these days, same old tired trope, same kinda games, they sell so Devs don't bother trying anything truly creative.
@Savage_Joe Like MetaCritic and OpenCritic mean anything. Half of that stuff is review-bombing while the other half is things like "Couldn't figure how to start the game, 0/10."
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I'm out of the loop with this game (with most games in general to be honest), why is there hate against the actress that played Yennefer in Netflix's Witcher "adaptation"?
Also, what does SBI refer to?
Thank you for the post, I really appreciate it.
I am so happy for the 3 people playing it.
Hate to be THAT guy but this honestly looks like a PS3 game, and I'm saying that as someone who is honestly more about art style than super realistic graphics but when a game launching in 2024 looks this bad it's very off-putting, to me at least.
I can not believe that this site gives a 7 to this game and keeps complaining about soulslike genre that is much more inspired and fun.
This game looks boring as hell and is clearly a generic action adventure with a girl boss in an irrelevant story. Just spend your money in other games, avoid this.
I’ve seen some of the reviews online and enemy ai is the worst I’ve seen in a long time to name but one problem.
Gonna keep my money away from this one , how this got a 7/10 I don’t know as even ign gave it a 5/10 and they always give 7’s .
And you’d have to live under a rock to not know the internet controversy about it
I'm about halfway trough and this one of the few reviews, that actually matches the game a bit.
The game is really good, even if it has a few little issues. I don't like Haroonas dead eyes, watching straight the whole game. And the Dialoges can be a bit boring.
But the rest is really nice. Good story, nice locations and great gameplay with a good learning curve throughout the game.
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Nintendo4sonic-it took you a week to answer my post, I’ve moved on. And by the way did you know about youtube ? They have lots of reviews, walkthroughs and actual gameplay on there where you can see the game. Glad you likes it , must be one of the few.
@Type_Trubbish Why do we have an issue with games that look like they were made for ps3 but have no issue with 8/16-bit games? I saw no one having an issue with Vampire Survivors, for example (and for the record, it's my most played game this year).
@naruball Something that is clearly meant to be emulating an older style like 8/16 Bit games or games with a highly stylized art style aren't the same as a game that's going for "realistic" graphics and looks like a game from 15 years ago.
@dark_knightmare2 This didn't age well lol.
@Reform wow pretty sad to bring this back up all these months later lmao but congrats the studio didn’t get a hit like they wanted and now some might be laid off give yourself a pat on the back you’re so cool lmao you’re clown shoes
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