Considering the XIII remake's original launch was a disaster, it's admirable that publisher Microids tried to fix things. Following the launch from developer PlayMagic, a new team, Tower Five, has been brought in to try and rework the release into something more appealing. The results are mixed, but it's definitely better.
XIII's legacy revolves largely around art direction. You play an amnesiac spy with all the personality of a piece of bread trying to uncover a government conspiracy, as you sink back into the world of espionage. Hyper-stylised with a cel-shaded look to resemble its source comics, the original version of the remake stripped much of that personality away. The new update restores it to a degree, but now it just looks like any cel-shaded game, rather than something unique. The title has a more consistent vision, but it's not one to create an enduring or memorable legacy.
The performance is noticeably improved. The original was littered with bugs, crashes, and frame rate problems. The new version hits a stable 60 frames-per-second on PS5, and crashes seem to be a thing of the past. There are occasional bugs, but they're relegated to texture problems or other harmless oddities that are easy to ignore.
With the game running well for the first time in two years, the gameplay gets a chance to shine, and this is where things falter. The gameplay just isn't very interesting. There's an impressive variety of weapons — and improvising with stray chairs or ashtrays is neat — but the shine wears off as you work through the eight-hour campaign. The level design doesn't help, as it's mostly bland. You go to a nice array of locales, but the missions aren't exciting. This includes many sequences of forced stealth and arbitrary fail-states, further hampered by poor, inconsistent AI. There's never a need for strategy, as enemies run at you in a single file line.
Online multiplayer is a nice addition, but given how few people came out to see the original release of this title, we can't imagine this will draw many back.
So is this an improvement over the original version of the remake? Absolutely. Tower Five seems to have done its best to re-work the experience without completely starting over, but it could only take it so far. This is one remake we really don't need.
Comments 26
Honest critique...If this is a PS4 game and advertised as such in the title but you reviewed it on PS5 and it still has performance issues, how does it perform on a PS4 as that's the platform the game is aimed at? Shouldn't the review reflect that?
@riceNpea Apologies — there was a little confusion on our end. We reviewed the PS5 version, not PS4, but the wrong page was tagged. It should all be sorted now
@Quintumply ah cool. Nice one 👍😁
It wasn't very good originally so why would a 'remake' or whatever be any good?
All I remember was it being nifty cause 'cell shaded' when that wasn't done to death.
Pre-ordered my physical copy a few weeks back and I like it so far. I never played the original, but I remember seeing it in stores back in the day. It's nothing groundbreaking, but a decent first person shooter that runs at a smooth 60fps on my PS5. I was surprised to see it includes 4-player split screen. Which is a plus for me. I can't wait to try out split screen deathmatch with a few friends one of these days...
I was going to try this as they advertised a free ps5 upgrade however microids backtracked amd said the ps4 update was free. Really beginning to dislike microids after this and the state Blacksad released in
So the average-at-best shooter's remake is now average-at-best now that it's mostly true to the original? Shocking.
Genuinely feel sorry for the Devs.
Might have to do a sympathy purchase to ease the weird sad feeling I have.
Sorry but this game needs another remake. This one isn't good enough!
@Broosh to be fair the average-at-best original looked pretty unique at release (cell shading wasn't a common artstyle in 3d yet) which gave it novelty value. I enjoyed it on PC, but remember playing splitscreen on a mate's GameCube and it was not great, at least on Nintendo's console at the time. I don't know how it was on PS2 but given the level of parity in the TimeSplitters series I'd guess it was similar?
@theheadofabroom I vaguely remember not having the best of times with it on PS2 back in the day, so that sounds right haha
@gipsojo Remake the remake of the remake of the remake!
@riceNpea Yeah I just kinda auto-piloted into formatting the article for PS4 when initially setting it up! Should be all squared away now though thanks to @Quintumply !
Yikes, who asked for this?
The original was only OK. The cell style was new and different and the comic book style. But I don’t see why people would spend money and time making two remakes. Strange.
is that the case? Damn, i was hoping to get a cheap PS4 copy and upgrade to the PS5 edition for free. At least then the game might have been worth the purchase.
As it is its £35 on the PS store for the PS5 version.
The fact that this was such a broken piece of crap at launch isn't even a free PS5 upgrade really is a joke. Will be avoiding Microid games in the future.
@Arnna No one. The original game was still good
@HeroYoshiko cough the last of us part one cough (I know one was a remaster but you get my drift)
I'm sure I've said this before here - the original means a lot to me for personal reasons. The PS4 remaster is unforgivable. a solid 0/10. I traded it in after playing it for about 30 minutes. It was that broken. I won't even look in Microid's direction anymore.
Not sure if this sub-heading is supposed to be a joke, but 13 is a famously UNlucky number.
@mrraditch unlucky for some
If this was the version released originally, the score might have been higher.
Unfortunately, it's hard to overcome a negative after the fact.
@GamerDad66 definitely part of the problem. they remade the game within the framework of the original mess, so they could only make things a certain degree better. if they started the entire project over, or if the original devs got it right the first time though, things could have gone differently!
@mrraditch that was the intention haha
@theheadofabroom Yeah I would consider the graphics on the PS2 port very comparable to the GameCube for sure. And I agree the art style was it's strongest point by far! Just seems like this remake's reception was kinda set in stone, even if it launched in this post-patched state.
@Broosh that and the gunplay was in no way controller optimised - compared to TimeSplitters it felt very clunky (back when consoles got bad PC ports just as often as PC for terrible console ports)
I get scores are subjective but a 5 should be not great. The term average is a misnomer.
I think I'll just keep on waiting until the game is free with PS Plus or $10, whichever happens first.
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