Metro Awakening is arguably the biggest PSVR2 release of 2024, but it’s also a big shift for Vertigo Games, the team behind the Arizona Sunshine series. While the wacky and bloody antics of zombie slaying are an easy fit for the VR format, the Metro series is all about stealth, bullet counting, and that dread-inducing atmosphere. While we had concerns as to whether the developer could transfer the hallmarks of the series to the VR format, not only has it proved that it can, it’s also delivered one of the best games on PSVR2.
Set a handful of years before the mainline series, Metro Awakening puts you in the shoes of Serdar, a survivor condemned to a life within Russia’s metro system. Nestled within a small community, Serdar’s wife Yana is in dire need of medication, as she is haunted by the sounds of her dead son’s voice. With a pistol by your side and a trusty gas mask strapped to your backpack, you head out to the dangers and horrors of the metro system.

Immediately, it is clear that Vertigo has nailed the aesthetic of the Metro series, with thrown together lodgings lit up by the amber hue of nearby barrel fires. As you explore you’ll witness no end of horrific sights, from dilapidated camps littered with human remains to mutant nestings speckled with radioactive mushrooms. It all looks fantastic in the grimmest sort of way, and it’s thick with this deeply unnerving atmosphere.
While not as visually impressive as something like Horizon Call of the Mountain, the lighting gives Metro Awakening a much more realistic sense of setting. The green glow of mushrooms, the flickering lights, or even just the flashlight on your head all nail the grungy feel of the series as you sneak around horrid monsters and deranged survivors.
The entire visual package comes together masterfully thanks to the immersive VR features that Vertigo has implemented. It can be as small as wiping the condensation off your gas mask visor or flicking on your lighter to burn away some cobwebs, there’s plenty of memorable VR specific moments that massively amp immersion. It’s hard to beat pushing through a terrifying spider-infested area, scanning above and below, gun at the ready, only for a giant spider to pounce at you and crawl around the back of your skull, with the feel of its creeping legs articulated through the headset haptics. It's moments like these that simply cannot be replicated in the flat-screen format.

To face such creepy crawlies you have Metro Awakening’s admittedly limited roster of weaponry, although each gun is satisfying to fire off thanks to the returning shooting mechanics from Arizona Sunshine 2. Manually ejecting a magazine and slapping in another or slotting in each shotgun shell is never not cool, and thanks to the PSVR2 Sense Controller's haptics, each shot has some power behind it. Things have actually improved from the Arizona series too, as you can now hold a weapon from the barrel while you do something else with your trigger hand. The entire process of firing, reloading, and switching weapons becomes second nature after some time with the game.
The same could be said about all the controls really. Metro never wants to break your immersion, so everything is done within its world and fairly realistically too, with no in-game menus beyond the pause menu - although there are load screens between some areas. You turn on your flashlight by pressing R2 while holding the controller to your head, your rifle is stored over your right shoulder, grabbing your left shoulder with your right hand brings out your backpack, and so on. Even something as menial as checking ammunition can be done by sight, inspecting the side of a magazine or partially pulling back the chamber.

There will be the odd moment when you accidentally grab your backpack instead of ammunition as an example, but Metro Awakening is largely free of the finicky controls most other VR shooters are plagued with. It's thrilling as you stalk enemies, closing one eye to line up the shot of your crossbow, and the lack of ammunition is one of our favourite things about the game. It's always been a feature of the Metro series but there is something about the physical action of removing magazines from discarded weapons or pulling bolts out of the skulls fallen humans and creatures, that just immerses you even further.
When bullets and bolts start to fly, Metro nails its all-out action. Popping a quick headshot, picking up their dropped rifle, and peeking out of cover to fire off a few rounds is exhilarating. Stealth too can be nerve-racking as you toss bottles to distract enemies, line up shots, and ensure you are hidden in darkness; enemies will actually notice your flashlight if you leave it on. The biggest flaws in it all are the game’s melee knockouts, which are incredibly easy to mess up as you strike enemies in the head from behind, and enemy footsteps which can at times be hard to place.

Putting all of its mechanics and visuals together, there are some segments to Metro Awakening’s campaign that are heart-pounding. The music is unnerving, the lighting is popping off, and the controls fade away into the background meaning it is incredibly easy to completely lose yourself in this game.
For those looking for that narrative experience, this is our biggest bone of contention with Metro Awakening. The whole thing starts off strong enough, with likeable characters and convincing mo-cap for a VR game. We were never bored of its story, but the further the game leans into the supernatural — a pillar of the Metro series — the less engaged we were with our character’s plight. Primarily, though, this was down to those supernatural elements bleeding into the gameplay, which in theory keep things fresh mechanically, but they were nowhere near as engaging as sneaking by bandits and ghouls.

The game does lose a bit of steam as it chugs its way to the finish line. We’d have loved a tad more variety in its setting, the emotional climax of its story left us feeling rather indifferent, and there were maybe one too many on-rails shooter moments. However, none of it left a stale taste in our mouths, thanks to the riveting gameplay moments sprinkled throughout its 10 hour campaign.
Just to briefly touch on some performance issues, the game did crash a handful of times while loading up new areas; sometimes we’d load into a new area and not be able to move for a few seconds, and we had roughly two or three instances of the frame rate dropping momentarily. However, the vast majority of our technical experience with the game was flawless, with these issues being few and far between in the grand scheme of things.
We’re sorry that we ever doubted that Vertigo could pull off a Metro VR game. The Dutch devs have masterfully captured the essence of this cult series, and amplified its best traits with myriad VR specific mechanics. While we had some issues with its story and would have liked a tad more setting variety, its highs are so high we’d happily go through it all again. With the visuals, the atmosphere, and the controls all melting into the experience, Metro Awakening is easily one of the most immersive VR games we’ve ever played.
Comments 51
Absolutely cannot wait for this.
VR is just the best
Well. Sold. I was already happy to step into this but now I'm all but jumping.
I was playing this earlier today, i found the graphics to be quite dated tbh too early for me to judge the game as i just started it tho
I've just started it and I'm blown away. This is why i bought a psvr2. Fantastic bit of kit
Just played the prologue, seemed quite good, I'll wait a couple of days and play it on the pro for a better idea.
It’ll be cheap in a few weeks
I’ll probably try it at some point, but not a fan of stealthy, low ammunition, conservation gameplay. Still haven’t finish the sublime Arizona sunshine remake trophies and haven’t got to the sequel anyway. Let alone all my existing PSVR2 wishlist games. So I have plenty of time to wait for a sale.
Edit: according to others ammo is no issue on standard difficulty.
Really looking forward to playing this Thursday. All the reviews I've seen are very positive. When VR is done probably, it's unbeatable.
Damn. I kinda actually want a VR just for this one. 😅
I rarely get games at launch, but I'm willing to make an exception for this one. Thanks for the review.
This is perfect! I just got myself a PSVR2!
Happy it's a good length 10 hour campaign, gonna get it for my Quest 3
@Korgon mate if PlayStation do the £300 deal again - maybe for black friday just do it.
If you have PS + premium you'd have enough games to keep you ticking over for a while too.
I absolutely love VR, playing pistol whip the last couple of days while also going through the John Wick movies has been such a good few days!
If Sony wants to save PSVR 2, they need to discount the price by quite a significant margin and actually market it with games like THIS!
@LogicStrikesAgain welcome to the club!
As a big fan of the Metro series I'm very happy to hear the VR game is getting a good reception. VR is really taking off for me personally and as a gamer since the late 80's I think it has finally become an essential platform for gaming enthusiasts. It took me until late 2023 (Quest 3/PCVR) to take the plunge but between Microsoft Flight Simulator, Half Life Alyx, Asgards Wrath 2, Batman Arkham Shadow, Lone Echo, Assassin's Creed Nexus and many other incredibly immersive and unique experiences, I spend more time in VR than on console at this point. The Moss games for platforming, Thrill of the Fight for exercise and heck even Walkabout Mini Golf are great examples of the immersion the medium can provide. We've still got Behemoth and (please be good) Alien Rogue Incursion to come this year. My console backlog is also growing. What a time to be a gamer.
Great review Aaron, very excited to hop into this soon. With Alien and Behemoth also releasing next month, this is a fantastic time for VR2.
You are in for a real blast.
@Medic_alert @thefourfoldroot1 Thanks! Its my first experience with VR and its been awesome so far! Its like stepping into a whole new world of gaming.
I'm so glad this has turned out well. I'll probably get it on Quest though.
@LogicStrikesAgain I was lucky enough to try a HTC Vive years ago when they were £1200 and just that demo was enough for me to know it was utterly game changing.
I resisted buying in until recently though because I felt the software and hardware needed more time to mature but now I absolutely love it and they are the best gaming experiences I have had in years.
Resident Evil 4 is just incredible and Pistol Whip is the perfect action hero fantasy simulator. Also walk about golf is a good chill time too....
Makes me regret selling my PSVR2.
F&£k me you remembered the PS5 has a VR headset. Well done.
Probably be on quest soon
Me too mate! lol.
Yeah I was really tempted when that sale happened. The only thing is the Quest has other games if be interested in like the Batman game so if I was to get one it would probably be the Quest since Metro is also going to be on there.
Not sure why anyone would opt for the quest version unless it's cheaper. The OLED and advanced haptics/headset haptics rock
I can't wait to play this masterpiece on this weekend.
Had it preordered. Just got to wait until the weekend for some time to play it. Sounds great.
@Korgon save your money, I had the PSVR1 and the PSVr2 at launch and sold it months later. You unfortunately aren’t missing much. Hardly any AAA games , a few indies and mostly “experiences” total waste of money, not to mention the fresnal lenses make the whole experience blurry
If you want VR then get the Quest3 as it has pancake lenses at least
@Korgon don't dismiss e.g. the VR modes of re4 remake, re village just because they do some short cuts to fit an original flat game into VR. These games are also very much elevated by the VR mode.
@TrickyDicky99 Fully agree graphical fidelity is overrated. it is more important to see the polygon edges in its full clarity and jump around in Your 4 square meter space. Why would You like better lightening, better textures, better shadows, more detailed geometry, haptics! if You can rather marvel at the individual polygons in its full clarity? Also the market clearly shows that people rather want switches and series-s rather than overpowered ps5s and ps5 pros /s
I had PSVR in the past and also a quest 2 and enjoyed it here and there but i don't have either anymore and im hesitant to get PSVR2....persuade me
My main issue is fear of support for it going forward I suppose but reviews like this plus the fact games are being released on ps plus does tempt me.
Excellent to see it review so well across the board as well! Definitely be diving in on the Pro, can't wait to see what impact it has on PSVR2!!!!!
And that's why I never sold my VR2 on, knew something good would come along. Hopefully Alien incursion will be great !!
The idea of spiders crawling over your head in VR with haptic feedback for the motion is a straight nope for me. Its nightmare fuel and I don't think I could imagine anything worse 😨
Glad to hear its sounding good for anyone not terrified of the arachno****ards tho
@NeonPizza yes, hopefully more good stuff on the way. Personally haven't been that impressed with a lot of what's out there. Great tech, not great games. But I won't sell it because I know something brilliant will come, then I would regret it.
@NeonPizza I got the Kiwi comfort head strap weeks after getting the Quest 3 and never looked back, I can't imagine sticking with the simply awful included strap. I have a regular USB c backup battery but rarely use it as 60-90 minutes in VR is my average length session. I occasionally use it for streaming downloaded films from my PC and playing Steam/Epic/Xbox games on a 'cinema size screen'. I recently discovered free live court side NBA streams and there is just so much interesting content like documentaries and live music. My one regret is getting a 128GB model.
@NeonPizza I didn't mention it here but I had both PSVR 1 and 2 for two week trials from Sony when they released. I enjoyed my time with both but ultimately felt the cost too high for the relatively small amount of games at launch and the PSVR 2 lens issue/sweet spot config was concerning. I can't remember why I jumped on the Quest 3 last winter but I've never looked back. The support its getting is wonderful and it coincided with me building my first new gaming PC for 15 years. I have a question, how does Resident Evil 4 compare between PSVR 2 and Quest 3? I know they're different builds. I haven't seen any comparisons on YouTube.
@NeonPizza totally agree, also for me the better games are on PSVR1. Astrobot for one, Polybius, Wipeout, Rush of blood. All probably easy to bring to VR2. Personally I regret spending over 500 quid on this thing. Even though you'll have the ones in denial saying the games selection is amazing. Maybe I should sell & buy a quest.
@NeonPizza yes definitely, love that should of been a game.
@TrickyDicky99 I would argue that many psvr1 games look better than most quest3 games besides the super low resolution (to name a few: astro bot, re7, hitman, battle zone, wipeout, blood and truth, here they lie). Also most movies on DVD look much better than any 4k game on Your 4090 despite the super low resolution. Because resolution is not equal to detail. The visual quality and detail of the filmed objects, and the lighting is still much better than what real time rendering is achieving. But if You rather play pong in 16k at 1kHZ because it is super sharp and incredibly fluid, why not.
@RiotMaker2424 Behemoth is this year in December right around Alien Excursion actually
@NeonPizza I think only GPU compute performance is between a ps4 and ps4 pro. Not sure about the CPU (8 1.6 GHz cores vs 8 performance + efficient cores at variable frequency) and in particular also the memory bandwidth is I believe lower. So on psvr1 more memory bandwidth and only lower res needed, which I guess allows for more variety.
How long does that data transfer take, I've moved all my games onto the M.2 and removed, so it's just saved game data, user profile and settings to transfer over.
@dark_knightmare2 you're right. It was delayed until December. I thought January, my mistake.
@gaston Yep. A TFLOP advantage only really manifests in real world performance, if everything else is equal - memory bandwidth, TDP, GPU architecture etc.
The Quest 3 has extremely limited memory bandwidth, only 64gb/s, which is just over twice that of a Nintendo Switch. Yet we're asking it to push 6 million pixels at 72fps+
So it's pretty clear why such dated visuals are needed, with largely baked lighting etc. The cost per pixel - or lack of - becomes paramount.
I'm impressed by some of the visuals on the Quest 3, given the basic shaders, lack of post processing, lack of realtime shadows, multiple realtime lights etc. A mixture of good art direction, textures, modelling etc still results in some very attractive games.
In comparison, even the base PS4 has almost 3 times the memory bandwidth of the Quest 3.
From what I've seen first hand, the Steam Deck also outperforms the Quest 3, despite on paper the Quest 3 having a slight TFLOP advantage.
What many people probably don't realise about the Quests, is their CPU is extremely limited. Meta err'd on the side of caution in a big way with the clockspeed of the XR2, despite having active cooling.
With mobile VR, you'd naturally think the GPU would be the limiting factor, having to push so many pixels at such a high framerate. But the CPU is just as big a bottleneck imo, and limits the kind of games you can make.
For reference, the Steam Deck CPU is over twice as powerful as the Quest 3's. And yet, it's acceptable - just about - for a Steam Deck game to run at 30fps. On the Quest 3 you're working with a CPU that's half the speed, targeting 72fps. Therefore big complex games, with lots of draw calls, physics, streaming system etc, are going to be very challenging.
The Quest 3 has some impressive tricks up its sleeve though, that does help it punch above its weight, such as SpaceWarp.
Anyone else having issues with the height matter how I set up looking into everyone like giants ..even the prologue..I feel like a child trying to look over the gun you's put me off playing
Been playing this with my Vader one gun stock on and it's much better, quality game so far.
@Raffles I wonder what spacewarp does that sony's reprojection does not. Maybe it is just better integrated into the rendering pipeline and has more information, or meta spend more on R&D and the algorithm is just better.
Maybe it is impressive what a quest can do with the limited compute power, though from my point of view it is rather disappointing to see how far VR had been in 2016 compared to where we are now thanks to mobile VR being the dominant player (et least hardware and marketing wise).
@gaston I'm no expert on Sony's reprojection, but SpaceWarp is tightly integrated into the render pipeline, requiring shaders to be edited to feed information to SpaceWarp. And the fact that it was developed by John Carmack, well, it works very well as you'd expect Especially considering the paltry compute power and memory bandwidth of the Quests compared to the PS5.
I can understand your position regarding VR though. For hardcore gamers and VR enthusiasts, it's probably frustrating that it didn't go more in the direction of HL Akyx, and that is arguably the only true AAA VR game.
I do like standalone VR though, and think it suits being wireless too. But yeah I'm sure the more hardcore crowd are a bit miffed at most VR games looking more like PS2 games than Alyx
Regarding the Quest being the dominant player, I suppose that really is just the result of Meta putting more effort and money into it than anyone else, by far.
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