Developer Funktronic Labs is no stranger to crafting interesting, meaningful roguelike experiences. Look no further than Nova-111, a fantastic game released back in 2015. Fast forward a handful of years, and the developers have revisited this ever-fruitful well, delivering the rogue-lite The Light Brigade for Sony's new headset. Armed with the power of PSVR2 and a rock-solid core, the game offers yet another excellent option for any intrepid VR players.
The core of The Light Brigade is pretty simple. It's a procedurally generated rogue-lite that sees you assume the role of a holy warrior trying to halt, and hopefully undo, a calamity that has befallen the world. To do so, you must fight your way through a variety of environments while wielding a number of iconic weapons from World War II as well as a smattering of spells. The game doesn't get too crazy with its central mechanics, though. Funktronic has decided to focus on the basics with this title to great effect. You have basic levelling mechanics to permanently upgrade weapons, an item shop, intermittent boss fights, etc. You see most of the tenets you'd expect to encounter when booting up any rogue-lite, but it's all executed at a high level.

A roguelike/lite lives and dies by its combat, and the gunplay in The Light Brigade feels absolutely incredible. Aiming and firing weapons in the game feels brilliant. Accuracy is impressive, allowing you to line up shots handily from great distances, and the minute-to-minute combat is a ton of fun. Each weapon has unique handling characteristics, and their strengths and weaknesses can change based on which class you use.
The class system is probably one of the most unique elements of the title. Each class feels distinct, and places emphasis on different areas. The rifleman has a Gewehr and sizeable inventory space, for example. Meanwhile, the Pistolier — our favourite — carries dual Colts, and can quick-reload in a more traditional light gun game manner. There are pros and cons to all of them, and you have to sample every class to unlock them all, which is perfect for allowing you to figure out where your preferences lay.
While learning the strengths of each class, things can also get pretty stressful. If you alert a large number of enemies to your presence without a plan of attack, you can easily get overwhelmed. Between the enemies pushing your location and the plethora of bear traps and other snares scattered across the map, you can dig yourself into a hole you won't quickly recover from if you're not careful. This is when the game is at its absolute best, pushing you to your very limit. With such solid and engaging gunplay, every combat encounter is a joy.

Though these madcap moments are great, it's disappointing that the game has no melee system. We assumed in one instance when an enemy was pushing us and we were out of ammo that we'd simply be able to punch or stab them, but there was no collision whatsoever.
This lack of interactivity is one of the game's weaker areas, in fact. Outside of select pots that you can pick up and smash to collect currency, most things in the world are indifferent to your presence. You can't smash boxes or crates that you run into, or other things you'd likely expect to interact with in most VR titles. This may be a product of the game's procedural elements pushing the software to its limit, as load times between new environments can already be quite lengthy.
This is perhaps a concession made to ensure the world looks as excellent as it does. While enemy design is generally homogenous from type to type, the actual worlds you navigate through are varied and really quite breathtaking. The early levels focus on frigid forests and mountaintops, coating everything in a rich, dense fog that lends an ominous feel to the world. This is punctuated by the intermittent twinkle of snowflakes littering the ground. Many of the environments thrive on this duality of stark beauty in bleak environments. The game looks its best when it pairs the brutal intensity of combat with the barren, frigid emptiness of nature. This dreariness can make a lot of the levels look a little samey early on, however, as it's not until later in the game that you really start to see colour seep into the world.

Sound design plays a key role in this believability too, delivering howling winds in every direction. Environmental sound design is exceptional both as a mood-setter and as an intel device. You can hear the crunching footsteps of enemies out on patrol if you listen, though sometimes the directional audio doesn't properly point you in the right direction. The game has an excellent soundtrack as accompaniment, with a number of solid combat tracks, and some truly phenomenal ambient loops.
As for comfort settings, the game has a jaw-dropping number of options, with a menu that seemingly goes on forever. This flexibility of options is staggering to a level that we rarely see in VR titles. Outside of the basics, options are hard to come by, but The Light Brigade offers more than enough. Which is good, because the game functions well no matter how you want to play it. Smooth locomotion is excellent for those of you with iron stomachs, but the game is just as fun and satisfying using the teleport system. Something for everyone, then.
The Light Brigade is one of the shining stars of PSVR2's launch. A game that doesn't feel the need to reinvent the wheel, developer Funktronic Labs instead decided to focus on making the best rogue-lite that PSVR has yet seen rather than get crazy with new systems. With unique, varied classes and brilliant gunplay, the title does a great job of ensuring that we want to keep returning to its chilling, bleakly beautiful environments again and again.
Comments 22
My PSVR2 will arrive tomorrow
Thrilled to try it out.
This review sold it to me. I do love myself some roguelite and have an embarrassing amount of hours in Hades and Returnal... I don't even want to mention Binding of Isaac.
All my experiences with PSVR2 have been great, but am still looking for something that has high replayability. I hope this might be it. Will buy it this weekend when I have more time.
Another game that I shrugged at when I saw that dreaded combination or rogue and lite. This review and some of the PushSquare regulars have made a strong case for putting my biases aside and giving it a go, though.
I might pick this up now! I still really want switchback though...
Thanks for the great review. Matches up to what many others have said.
Would get this, but there are still a couple of bugged trophies, so it’s basically impossible to 100% the game at the moment. Will wait for a patch.
It would be really helpful if reviews would at least mention the trophy campaign, and how that holds up. Unfortunately some devs do not put in due care and attention which can massively impact replayability, and potentially even the fun of the first run.
For anyone on the fence about this game I highly recommend it.
I’ve had my PSVR2 for a week now and have around 6 games for it and this is my most played so far.
Great gun play and it’s pretty tough too.
Was on fence on this one, but reading the review just sold it to me, downloading now so will give it a spin in a bit 😁
Glad to see the the official review agree!
This has become one of my most played games on PSVR2, shared with GT7, Horizon, NMS as one of the "big" games. I generally can't stand rogues, never got into Hades where despite everyone saying it's the Roguelite for people that don't like roguelites, it just felt like another roguelite for me. Couldn't get too into Returnal. It has great gunplay and is beautiful, but still felt too much of a rogue for me.
But this game that I ignored based on the description hooked me, and its' all about the combat. Sure returnal has good gunplay, but this game is so engaging in the gunplay, with the right mix of highly intense/stressful encounters you have to approach carefully with great weapons, great sense of carefully advancing in the environment while hearing sounds that make you have to check your periphery like you're really under threat.
Between the aesthetics and the gunplay the game feels like Quake 1 merged with Soulsborne (including "You Died" and "Enemy Vanquished" text) but as a first person VR shooter with a rogue loop.
It also uses the deep blacks of the OLED of PSVR2 very nicely with it's lightless corridors.
The dev is incredibly responsive. It was astoundingly blurry at launch. They not only sharpened it up so it's one of the better looking games, but also bumped it to 90fps, and they have said that they're working on foveated rendering which will improve it even more. They're also going to be adding more biomes and enemy types over time. The directional audio bug mentioned in the review I believe was fixed a few days ago, as well.
Definitely a must-play if you like VR shooting, though with a slightly souls-like difficulty curve at least until you're a crack-shot.
Edit: Especially at the new 90fps I don't think you need an iron stomach, it's pretty smooth motion! Though...I have an iron stomach for VR so maybe don't go by me, I just speed around the maps looting them after I clear the enemies. Teleport is required as well though because that's how you jump up and down from elevations and across gaps, and the enemies have the same rapid movement ability. The only part requiring an iron stomach is the second boss (the sewer boss) where you have to keep going into 4 chambers of the room and pulling levers while dodging bullets, and I admit the non-stop fast spinning can disorient anyone!
@Daleaf Hope you like it!
@thefourfoldroot1 A couple of the Gold's sound brutally challenging to get too haha
@Greger22 I'm definitely still gonna get Switchback haha. Probably "eventually" instead of "immediately" though
@Yinx 2 of my favorite roguelites haha, that bodes well for you and this game!
This one's stuck with probably the most out of all the new games I've played (not counting upgrades I mean). I've been excited to get home and turn it on each day!
@NEStalgia I'm not much of a roguelike/lite guy either honestly. I can count on one hand the ones I like haha. Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Returnal, Synthetik, and now this!
Yeah the nuance in their darker environments is excellent, agreed! Yeah I was looking at some of the updates on the steam page for the game haha. Definitely on board with getting some new biomes thrown in there
That audio bug is still present as of last night. At least on PSVR2, maybe they're rolling it out platform by platform, or it's held up in certification? Should be easy enough to fix though, I'm sure it'll get remedied!
As for movement, while I do agree that it' really great on this game, I know far too many people that are hyper-sensitive to motion sickness only in VR and not under normal circumstances, so comfort stuff is always worth bringing up! I don't personally need to use it much myself, I tend to not get motion sick even in VR, but still. That second boss was really neat! The warp points definitely make it a little easier though, a lot less disorienting that way
@gbanas92 That's strange about the audio bug, for me Mondays patch fixed it. It was very obvious to me because the game kind of depends on listening for enemy positions in the foggy areas and it finally was the right direction. Fridays patch with the visual updates didn't fix the sound but Mondays hot fix did. Maybe your hot fix didn't get installed?
Oh motion issues in VR are a general topic for reviews, I just meant this game in particular seems to be one of the better ones in terms of smooth motion being an issue. That wasn't the case before the 90fps patch though. Even I was using snap turning for a while lol. And except the sewer boss 😂
Great review! I’ve heard good things, but after reading this, I might have to bump up where this game is on my list when I get a PSVR2.
So many great launch games on the PSVR2, it’ll be hard to pick which ones to buy first.
Might pick this up then
@Reeneman Enjoy your PSVR2, don't know whether you have tried VR before but safe to say this piece of kit is amazing!!
Weirdly enough, this is one of the only games that makes me feel the motion sickness. Maybe it's just the fog over everything that makes me strain a bit
@Jayvir Huh, that's actually quite surprising. I found the game super comfortable in that regard. Did you fiddle with any of the comfort settings? Might be able to set it that way, and then progressively peel some of the comfort stuff off as you go along, until you're wholly comfortable playing the game whenever you pick it up?
@NEStalgia My game's up to date so far, but I can't imagine it'll be a long-term issue either way. It's not every enemy though, just every once in a while, one of the enemies is throwing their sound from the complete wrong direction, which is usually a non-issue too luckily. It doesn't interfere with having a good time too bad
@gbanas92 I actually started with all of the comfort options and it still does me in.
@Jayvir Oh woah really? Even with teleport movement and all that on? New to VR in general? Or been away from it for a while? Could be VR Sickness from having been away from it for a while? Cuz performance-wise, the game shouldn't be causing any issues, so I'm not sure what specifically would be the root of the problem. Have you noticed a particular thing setting it off?
@gbanas92 Weird for sure. I think all enemies had the problem originally so maybe it's improved since the last patch.
The one weird issue I did have right after the patch was a battle against Hoverdog, where I was atop a ledge in the first forest level and one if the dogs floated up to the ledge, went through me, and hovered at the far side of it before flying back towards me lol.
I'm kind of waiting for the foveated rendering patch before jumping back in. That's going to be amazing.
@NEStalgia ahhh, I had the hoverdogs glitch happen once too! I was up high as well, so it must be a ledge thing. Although that one looked hilarious haha. Had me chuckling!
I can't wait for FR either! I hope basically every game that can makes use of it! Can help with image quality so so much!
@gbanas92 yep. With teleport and snap turning on, it seems to be even worse. But Horizon I have no problem with full smooth movement. I am new to VR so I'm sure there's some acclimation I'm still going thru. It's hard to know exactly what's causing it specifically for certain games
@Jayvir Ah okay, that sounds like just getting used to VR in general to me if I had to guess. Basically just keep playing! Not Light Brigade, at least not yet I would say. If you keep trying to force it early, all you'll wind up remembering is that it made you sick haha. Keep playing the stuff that feels comfortable until you're completely acclimated to VR and then going back, you should feel better with other games that were a problem earlier. It shouldn't take too long to get used to things though. A few weeks maybe?
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