Tag: Assassins Creed - Page 11
Review Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (PS4)
From heaven
There's a perverse fascination with Jack the Ripper, so it's no surprise that Ubisoft has selected the infamous serial killer as the star of Assassin's Creed Syndicate's first major expansion pack. The romanticised murderer – portrayed as a kind of low-rent Scarecrow here, complete with growly lower-class accent and sack mask –...
News Assassin's Creed Chronicles Eagle Dives onto PS Vita
Remaining PS4 episodes also due next year
This is a pleasant surprise: Assassin's Creed Chronicles will take a leap of faith onto the PlayStation Vita next year. According to a Times of India report, the game will be available from 5th April as a bundle featuring all three of the side-scrolling spin-off's episodes: China, India, and Russia. The game...
News Follow the Trail of Blood to Jack the Ripper's Assassin's Creed Syndicate Add-On
Launching next week on PS4
Romanticised murderer Jack the Ripper will brutalise his way into Assassin's Creed Syndicate on the PlayStation 4 next week, as Ubisoft deploys its biggest add-on pack for the open world adventure yet. The meaty expansion will see you play as an aging Evie Frye some 20 years after the conclusion of the main game, as you...
Guide Eight London Liberating Tips for Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS4
Don't be a Rookie
Assassin's Creed Syndicate may be more of the same, but it's a dignified step forward from the flaky Assassin's Creed Unity. A traditional English Frye up with an extra helping of tower climbing, this open world outing sees you stealing back Victorian London from the grips of moustachioed mad man, Crawford Starrick. While many of...
News Ubisoft Filmed an Eagle Flying Over London Because Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Eagle eyes
London's one of the most iconic cities in the world, and to prove it, Ubisoft flew an eagle over the English capital and recorded the sights with a 4K camera. Alright, this may just be fodder to ensure that Assassin's Creed Syndicate receives its daily trailer, but we do get a good look at iconic landmarks like Big Ben. The video even...
News Assassin's Creed Syndicate PS4 Trailer Shows Some Famous Geezers
Alright, mate
As with every other game in the series, Assassin's Creed Syndicate will include many famous faces from the Victorian era. And this brand new trailer introduces a few of them – like Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone turned explosives expert. It's fair to say that Ubisoft's taking a few liberties again, then, but as...
News Of Course Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Got Microtransactions, You Plum
Cor blimey, they're 'avin a larf
'ere mate, we've got some bleedin' obvious news for you on this lavely London afternoon: Assassin's Creed Syndicate's got bits in the game that you can nab wiv real cash, and just the thought of it's got us up the bloody wall. According to the title's director, Francois Pelland, these in-game purchases can be used...
First Impressions How Well Does Assassin's Creed Syndicate Run on PS4?
London's not quite burning
After Assassin's Creed Unity launched in shameful condition on the PlayStation 4 last year, there's been much discussion over how 2015's follow up, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, will run on Sony's home console. After the beating that Unity took, you'd assume that Ubisoft would do its best to ensure that Syndicate performs...
News London Is Full of Evil Cockneys According to Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Story Trailer
Needs more rhyming slang
Assassin's Creed Syndicate's story is all about the never-ending war between Assassins and Templars - but you knew that already. However, Ubisoft's latest blockbuster is attempting to add some personality to its cockney cast by filling London full of ne'er-do-wells. There'll be seven big baddies to bring down to size, and...
News Assassin's Creed Syndicate Blows the Smog Off Its Exclusive PS4 Missions
Blood on the streets
Buying Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PlayStation 4 gets you access to a string of missions that involve grizzly murder. Solving these crimes typically falls to main characters Jacob and Evie Frye, as they scour the smoggy streets of industrial London in order to hunt down the killer and find out just what the heck is going on...
TGS 2015 London's Burning in Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Jack the Ripper DLC
London is also calling
In a move that even the lousiest psychic in the world could have predicted, Ubisoft today announced at Sony's pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference that Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be receiving downloadable content. The DLC in question is somehow related to Jack the Ripper, however it's unclear whether you'll play as the...
News Journey Composer Revealed as Mind Behind Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Soundtrack
If you've played Journey, then you'll know that it has an absolutely stellar soundtrack; the music isn't just a background component - it's something that's directly entwined with the experience. Composer Austin Wintory's name was deservedly thrown around a lot after the game's release, so we suppose that it's no surprise a big publisher...
News London's Looking Lavely In Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Newest Gameplay Trailer
Mmmm, smog
Ah, London. An enjoyable city if you can withstand the crowds, the stinky public transport, and the complete lack of decent manners from anyone who isn't being paid in tips, and we dare say that it's looking rather fetching in Assassin's Creed Syndicate's latest arty trailer. Indeed, you can tell that we're getting closer to the game's...
News Knife to See You! Here's a First Look at the Assassin's Creed Movie
Filming starts next week
Assassin's Creed is an absolutely colossal brand these days, so of course there's a movie in the works. Prometheus thesp Michael Fassbender was signed up what feels like an eternity ago to front the flick, and here's a first glimpse of him kitted out with hoods and hidden knives. The film will begin shooting next week, but...
Gamescom 2015 You Can Choose Your Murder Method in Assassin's Creed Syndicate
What will it be?
The so-called Black Box missions were one of the few redeeming features of Assassin's Creed Unity. These multifaceted hits presented you with multiple methods to annihilate your enemies, and they're making a return in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, the latest entry in Ubisoft's sandbox stealth series. This new gameplay from Gamescom...
Gamescom 2015 Assassin's Creed Syndicate Enjoys an English Frye Up
London's calling
There are no eggs and bacon in this Assassin's Creed Syndicate trailer – just protagonists Jacob and Evie Frye. A mood piece released right at the start of Gamescom 2015, this is Ubisoft's trailer making team at its best; it doesn't tell us a whole lot new about the game, but it sure managed to get us hyped for this holiday's trip...
News Check Out How Assassin's Creed Syndicate Runs on PS4 with 60 Minutes of Gameplay
At least it doesn't crash
Ubisoft's released almost an hour of Assassin's Creed Syndicate gameplay on PlayStation 4, so now's as good a time as any to see how the stab-'em-up is looking and running on Sony's newest console. Gaze past the sometimes awkward commentary and there's actually some decent gameplay to analyse here. London itself seems...
News Assassin's Creed Syndicate Short Proves There's No Place Like London
Good stuff, guv'nor
Assassin's Creed Syndicate was out in force at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, fighting against austerity for the poor people back in the UK. Actually, that's a lie – Ubisoft was merely showing off the latest entry in its stealth series in order to secure a few more pre-orders. Rather than demo some new gameplay footage,...
E3 2015 Solve Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Dreadful Crimes Exclusively on PS4
Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes
After a brief spell in Microsoft's corner, Assassin's Creed Syndicate is returning the franchise to the PlayStation fold. And, much like previous co-marketing partnerships that Sony has established with Ubisoft, there'll be a little extra content available for PlayStation 4 players. Announced during the Japanese...
E3 2015 Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gameplay Shows The Thrill of The Chase
That's one way to travel
When we saw Assassin's Creed Syndicate take center stage for Ubisoft's E3 2015 conference, we thought its cinematic trailer was a bloody good show, but we asked ourselves, "Where's the gameplay?" Well, it seems Ubisoft sneakily left that for the more observant to find on its YouTube channel with a succinct four minute video...
E3 2015 Of Course Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gets a Bloody Good E3 Trailer
London's brawling
Good old Ubisoft and its CG trailers. To be fair, the publisher never fails to get us hyped with its incredibly well done Assassin's Creed clips, and Assassin's Creed Syndicate's E3 trailer is no different. Showcasing protagonist Jacob rally his mates as he takes the fight to those always-nasty Templars, the video's a fun watch,...
News Phew, Assassin's Creed Syndicate Won't Have a Daft Companion App
Now we're getting somewhere
Assassin's Creed Unity had a lot of problems, some far more serious than its stupid companion app, but the fact that there were locked chests scattered all about the map, which could only be opened via the use of said app, was just the icing on the cake of an already disappointing package. It's a relief, then, that this...
News The Number of Assassin's Creed Syndicate Special Editions Is Embarrassing
Shakes head
You may need an abacus to keep count of the various special editions that have been announced for Assassin's Creed Syndicate following its reveal yesterday. Ubisoft may have proved that it's learned from Unity's disastrous launch by debuting the title with tons of gameplay, but it's certainly not packing in its convoluted collector's...
Feature 6 Things You Need to Know About Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS4
Rule Britannia
Victorian England is very much back in video game vogue. Following in the period footwear of The Order: 1886 and Bloodborne, publisher Ubisoft has revealed Assassin's Creed Syndicate – the first London-based outing in its uber-popular alternate history franchise. Perhaps in response to the fiasco that greeted flawed French foray...
News Assassin's Creed Syndicate Is a Single Player Stab-'Em-Up Only
Alone in the dark
We'd wager that you're going to be hearing quite a bit about Assassin's Creed Syndicate as we approach E3 2015, but coinciding with the game's official reveal earlier today, Ubisoft's released its earnings report for this fiscal year. It may not seem that important at first, but the document actually confirms that the...
News Assassin's Creed Syndicate Slums It on PS4 from 23rd October
London's burning
Britannia will rule in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, the next entry in Ubisoft's stealth series. As part of a livestream earlier today, the French firm confirmed that its oft rumoured London-based romp will release on the PlayStation 4 from 23rd October. The game will be set in 1868 – not to be confused with 1886, of course...
Live Join Our Assassin's Creed Victory Reveal Syndicate Right Here
Watch Ubisoft's announcement as it happens
Here we are, then: the future of Assassin's Creed is about to begin. Kicking off at 17:00PM BST (12:00PM EDT, 09:00AM PDT), Ubisoft will be livestreaming the reveal, which you can watch in here. We already know that the game's going to be set in London, and will likely feature a brother and sister...
Rumour The Next Assassin's Creed on PS4 Will Sport a Brother and Sister Protagonist Combo
Dual wielding
After all of the furore over Ubisoft's statements regarding female characters in Assassin's Creed Unity, it may appear as though the company is trying to smooth things over with Assassin's Creed Victory – otherwise known as Assassin's Creed Syndicate – if the rumours are to be believed. According to Kotaku, sources have claimed...
Feature Five Ways Assassin's Creed Victory Can Stop the Series' Rot
The syndicate
It's rare for a renowned series such as Assassin's Creed to get tagged with middling review scores, but we slammed the disappointing Assassin's Creed Unity when it deployed last year. While there was a reasonable experience buried at the release's beating heart, the Parisian escapade also had a laundry list of flaws – the title's...
News The Next PS4 Assassin's Creed Game Is Apparently Subtitled Syndicate
The upcoming Assassin's Creed title is being revealed next Tuesday, and according to Polygon, it won't be called Assassin's Creed Victory, as previously rumoured. Instead, it'll boast the subtitle 'Syndicate', which sounds a touch more ominous to us. According to the leaked marketing material that the publication obtained, the game...
News The Next Assassin's Creed Is Being Revealed in Just a Few Days
The hood is off
Don't you just love announcements of announcements? Well we've got a corker for you today, as Ubisoft has announced that the next Assassin's Creed title will be revealed on the 12th May at 18:00PM CET. If our useless math skills are correct, that's 17:00PM UK time. We already know quite a bit about the title, of course, as the...
Review Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (PlayStation 4)
Creed of the chronic
It's been a rocky road for Ubisoft lately, with the publisher on the receiving end of bad press for the likes of Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed Unity. It may be time for a bit of stability, then, and that's where Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China comes into the equation. A 2.5D adventure full to the brim with typical franchise...
News Assassin's Creed Chronicles Reveals Its Hidden Blade Next Month on PS4
International espionage
It must be 5PM, because Ubisoft's sent out a big old press release about an upcoming game. This time, it's Assassin's Creed Chronicles, a 2.5D adventure that's diving onto the PlayStation 4 next month. Launching on the 21st April in North America and the 22nd April in Europe, the first download in the Chronicles trilogy will...
News Ubisoft's Going to Put More Modern Day Stuff in Future Assassin's Creed Games
Oh dear
We don't know about you, but we don't think that the lack of modern day content was Assassin's Creed Unity's biggest problem. Sure, it was almost non-existent and consisted of little more than a few daft cutscenes, but at least this meant that it didn't really get in the way of the historical story or its pacing. This particular author has...
News Assassin's Creed Unity's Newest Patch Means No More Using Apps and Sites to Unlock Content
The people have spoken
In yet another bid to try and improve Assassin's Creed Unity after the game's somewhat shoddy launch, Ubisoft has released a patch today that removes the need to fiddle about with the title's companion app and Initiates website. Throughout the game's virtual Paris, you'll find chests that can only be opened through use of the...
News Ubisoft Admits Difficulties Developing Assassin's Creed Unity for the PS4
Nothing's a waste if you learn from it
Did you know that Assassin's Creed Unity didn't have a smooth launch? It's no secret that the highly anticipated title was a major disappointment for almost everyone due to its myriad glitches and flaws that mired an otherwise beautiful game with ambitious design changes, as we pointed out in our review...
News Assassin's Creed Unity's PS4 Price Has Been Cut Down to Size on Amazon
Peasant money
We would have advised against putting down the cash for Assassin's Creed Unity when it launched, given its myriad technical issues, but Ubisoft's sandbox romp is currently going for a much more agreeable price on Amazon.co.uk, especially since a slew of patches have largely fixed a lot of the aforementioned problems.
News Who Wants More Assassin's Creed Unity Content on PS4?
Sacré urgh
Assassin's Creed Unity's free expansion pack Dead Kings ain't especially great. We can appreciate the apology from Ubisoft, but the PlayStation 4 title's core is so rotten that we found playing through the epilogue a bit of a chore. The thought of plunging into Paris for a third time, then, has this author breaking out in cold sweats...
Review Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings (PlayStation 4)
If we were writing this review for an English literature class, we'd argue that Franciade is a metaphor for Assassin's Creed Unity as a whole. The expansive sandbox setting, which serves as hero Arno Dorian's stomping ground during add-on Dead Kings, is dark and dreary, contrasting the oversaturated architecture of Paris with something a...
News Assassin's Creed Unity Resurrects Dead Kings for Free on PS4 Next Week
Rest in pieces
Arno's adventure will continue next week, as Ubisoft is readying the release of Assassin's Creed Unity's first expansion pack, Dead Kings. The post-launch content was originally intended to be a premium offering, but following the title's buggy launch, everyone
News Assassin's Creed Unity Is No Longer a Total Slide Show on PS4
French resolution
Assassin’s Creed Unity probably should have been taken to the gallows rather than store shelves. There’s a reasonable game at the centre of the Parisian escapade, but performance hiccups have thus far prevented it from breaking free. However, following the addition of a gigantic 6.5GB patch, has Ubisoft managed to salvage...
News Your Assassin's Creed Unity Compensation Can Now Be Claimed
Ubisoft promised that those of you unfortunate enough to stump up extra for Assassin’s Creed Unity’s Season Pass would be compensated with a free title of your choice, and it looks like the French publisher is rolling out those goodies now. One user on NeoGAF posted an email that he received from the firm outlining how to claim his...
News Ubisoft Sticks a Hidden Blade in the Latest Assassin's Creed Unity Patch
Deadly delay
If you've not been paying attention, Assassin's Creed Unity's launch last month was as messy and convoluted as the franchise's storied timeline. Performance issues plagued the title, while
News Will Ubisoft Finally Fix Assassin's Creed Unity's PS4 Framerate Next Week?
Patch four impending
While it may not seem like it sometimes, we genuinely don’t enjoy reporting on broken games. It’s part of the reason why we’re so pleased to see DriveClub overcome its troubles and blossom into a really decent racing game – and also why we’ve got our fingers crossed tightly that Assassin’s Creed Unity will finally be...
Rumour The Next Assassin's Creed Will Brave the Smog of Victorian London
Update: Ubisoft confirms development of Victory for PS4
You wait years for a game set in Victorian London, and then two come along at once. Sony’s ambitious The Order: 1886 may not be the only top hat sporting title to hit town next year, as Kotaku has dug up some very believable dirt on Ubisoft’s next big blockbuster: Assassin'
News Has Assassin's Creed Unity's Poor PS4 Framerate Been Fixed?
Get an Eiffel
We quite liked Assassin’s Creed Unity, but felt that it was let down by poor performance. Ubisoft, to its credit, has been working around the clock to make amends for these issues – even going as far as to offer a free, full game download for anyone that purchased the Parisian escapade’s Season Pass. Has its latest patch, which
News Assassin's Creed Unity Season Pass Owners to Receive Free Game
Everyone to get apologetic DLC
Ubisoft has more or less admitted that Assassin’s Creed Unity launched in an unacceptable state, and is attempting to make up for that with free downloadable content. Everyone that's purchased the game will be able to grab the title’s Dead Kings add-on at no extra charge, while Season Pass owners will be offered a...
News Assassin's Creed Unity Patch Will Improve Framerate on PS4
Band aid
Well done for beta testing the game everyone; Assassin’s Creed Unity may resemble a finished product later this week. Ubisoft has announced that it will be launching a brand new PlayStation 4 patch for its plagued Parisian escapade tomorrow, which will improve the title’s frame rate – and fix a frightening number of bugs that somehow...
News Assassin's Creed Could Yet Infiltrate the Kids Market
Animus for infants
Two new Assassin’s Creed games may not be enough for Ubisoft, as the French publisher is toying with the idea of an entry marketed at exclusively at kids. While the violent subject matter doesn’t lend itself immediately to children, the firm has recently introduced a Mega Bloks line, which is intended to expand the...
Review Assassin's Creed Rogue (PlayStation 3)
A touch of frost
You’d be forgiven for branding Assassin’s Creed Rogue an afterthought, as its next-gen brother, Assassin’s Creed Unity, overshadowed its release. Although appearing as a cash-in for those still waiting to upgrade their PlayStation 3s, though, this is actually a solid instalment in Ubisoft’s historical franchise, bringing...