Tag: Assassins Creed - Page 12
News Ubisoft's Latest Patch for Assassin's Creed Unity Is Its Biggest Yet
Goin' Rogue
If you haven't been paying attention, Assassin's Creed Unity was a bit of a technical mess at launch, with bugs ranging from annoying to genuinely horrifying. Ubisoft has been hot on the case, though, setting up a blog detailing exactly what
News Assassin's Creed Unity PS4 Patch Squashes Several Big Bugs
No improvements to performance, though
It occurred to us earlier this evening that Ubisoft could, in theory, blame Assassin’s Creed Unity’s various bugs and glitches on a fault in the Animus – providing it with the perfect plot device to explain away the title’s terrible launch. Fortunately, the French firm isn’t doing that, and is instead...
News Ubisoft's Aware That Arno Can Fall Through the Floor in Assassin's Creed Unity on PS4
Animus issues
Assassin’s Creed Unity is busted. You can play the game, for sure – but it’s not a particularly pleasant experience a lot of the time. If our ghastly glitches roundup didn’t already get that point across, then know that during a co-op session with associate editor Robert Ramsey last night, this author’s game slipped into a...
Feature Four of Assassin's Creed Unity's Most Gloriously Ghastly PS4 Glitches
Temp scar
No one deserves to be singled out for their appearance, and Ubisoft clearly believes passionately in that sentiment. Recognising that the Hunchback of Notre Dame has been persecuted for centuries based on his unusual exterior, the French firm has decided that the ugly individual deserves some company – and so these Assassin’s Creed...
First Impressions How Well Does Assassin's Creed Unity Actually Run on PS4?
Not quite a revolution
We're still working on our full review of Assassin's Creed Unity, but with all of this speculation as to how the game actually looks and runs on the PlayStation 4, we thought that it'd be a good idea to put forward a report on the matter. We're a reasonable way into the sandbox adventure, and by this point, we reckon that...
Round Up Assassin's Creed Unity PS4 Reviews Plot a Revolution
Paper tigers
Well, it wouldn’t be a new Ubisoft title without a bit of controversy, would it? Assassin’s Creed Unity has ruffled feathers for all of the wrong reasons over the past six months, with pundits complaining about everything from the game’s lack of female characters all the way through to those infamous parity comments. Along the...
News Assassin's Creed Unity Ain't Sounding Especially Slick on PS4
The hunchback of Notre Dame
Assassin’s Creed Unity is now officially out in North America, meaning that many people are already sprinting across the Parisian skyline on the PlayStation 4. Well, they’re trying to at least. Reports surfacing all over the web suggest that the title is a bit of a buggy mess – and don’t worry, this appears to...
News Here's Everything You Could Want to Know About Assassin's Creed Unity in 7 Minutes
To be Arno to be
We all knew this was coming eventually, and with Assassin's Creed Unity not far off, publisher Ubisoft must have decided that today was the day to drop a seven minute trailer which encompasses just about all of the title's features. From the city of Paris to co-op play, it's essentially all you need to know about the current-gen...
Weirdness Ubisoft's Bundling Exclusive Assassin's Creed DLC with Shaving Gel
Edge of shaving cream
With the ongoing Movember charity event raising awareness for men’s health, shaving is in the headlines a little more than usual right now. It’s a perfect time for Ubisoft to partner with gel manufacturer Edge, then – but did it really need to attach exclusive in-game Assassin’s Creed Unity content to the partnership?...
News Oh Dear, Assassin's Creed Unity Is Going to Mess with Time Travel
It was inevitable
Just when you thought that Assassin's Creed's overarching narrative couldn't possibly get any more convoluted, it looks like Assassin's Creed Unity is going to dabble in a bit of time travel. Sigh. We'll admit that the concept does seem quite cool — at least in trailer form — but it just seems like something that the franchise...
News People Are Already Playing Assassin's Creed Unity on PS4
Sacré bleu
Typically, when retailers break street dates, games are put on sale a day or two before their real release. However, in the case of Assassin’s Creed Unity, retail copies for the PlayStation 4 are in the wild right now – a good two weeks ahead of the title’s actual launch date. With the game originally due out at the end of October,...
News Ubisoft Reckons You Wouldn't Want to Play an Assassin's Creed Game Set in Feudal Japan
A code of honour
For quite a while now, fans of Assassin's Creed have been pondering a title set in the East. An oriental excursion always sounded like a neat idea to us, but Ubisoft thinks it may be something that wouldn't hold much appeal. Speaking to Total Xbox, Assassin's Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson remarked that a feudal...
News Ubisoft: Why Would We Ever Hold Assassin's Creed Unity Back?
Arno idea
Ubisoft has given a more detailed response to accusations that it’s held the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin’s Creed Unity back in order to match the specifications of the Xbox One release. An interview with senior producer Vincent Pontbriand earlier in the week insinuated as much, but in a UbiBlog post, the c
News Assassin's Creed Unity Could Still Reach 1080p on the PS4
How high can you climb?
Assassin’s Creed Unity’s current specifications may yet be for the chop, as Ubisoft has stressed that nothing is set in stone yet. Senior producer Vincent Pontbriand caused a merde tempête of epic proportions yesterday when he suggested that the PlayStation 4 version of the firm’s forthcoming French revolution foray...
News Ubisoft Insists That Assassin's Creed Unity Hasn't Been Scaled Back on PS4
Res Misérables
Ubisoft has attempted to still the unrest caused by yesterday’s French Resolution. Some slightly misjudged comments by senior producer Vincent Pontbriand suggested that the publisher had scaled back the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin’s Creed Unity in order to match the specifications of the Xbox One release, but a spokesperson...
News Ubisoft Locks Assassin's Creed Unity's PS4 Resolution to Avoid Debates
Either someone at Ubisoft has said something very silly, or there’s some seriously shady stuff going on behind the scenes. Those that have been following the console industry closely over the past year or so will be aware that the PlayStation 4 has showed a significant technical lead over its closest competitor the Xbox One – and that’s...
News Ubisoft Keeps its Blade Hidden by Delaying Assassin's Creed Unity into November
October's a bit lighter
A few months ago, October was looking like this year's most bloated period for new releases, but a few big delays later, and November is beginning to look like 2014's real heavy hitter. It may only be a relatively small delay of two weeks, but Ubisoft has saw fit to push back Assassin's Creed Unity all the same. The next-gen...
All Arno-thing
Yesterday we got our first proper look at last-gen only title Assassin's Creed Rogue courtesy of an eight minute gameplay trailer, but after seeing this 11 minute walkthrough for Assassin's Creed Unity, we're starting to really appreciate why publisher Ubisoft is keeping this one a current-gen exclusive. Simply put, the city of
Gamescom 2014 Assassin's Creed Rogue Looks a Heck of a Lot Like Black Flag
Glitch in the animus
With Assassin's Creed Unity stalking Paris later this year only on next-gen consoles, it's up to Assassin's Creed Rogue to fill in on the PlayStation 3. Other than some sparse gameplay details, we haven't had a good look at the last-gen stab-'em-up yet, but all that's changed thanks to an eight minute walkthrough from publisher...
News You'll Need to Find Your Sea Legs for the Darkest Assassin's Creed to Date
Ubisoft announces this year's PS3 outing
It’s a good thing that the protagonist of Assassin’s Creed: Rogue doesn’t have a ship as leaky as Ubisoft, otherwise he’d be living it up in ol’ Davy Jones’ Locker right now. After months of speculation – and a morning of YouTube copyright claims – the French publisher has finally confirmed...
Rumour Assassin's Creed: Rogue Will Clamber Onto the PS3 in November
Sneaky leak
Remember when games managed to last countless months – sometimes even years – without several high-profile leaks? No, neither do we. The latest in this growing trend of industry slipups is a trailer for Assassin's Creed: Rogue, the purported series entry planned to hit PlayStation 3 later this year. You can find the full clip through
News Spark a Revolution on PS4 with Assassin's Creed Unity's New Gameplay Trailer
A different kind of red, white, and blue
Judging from Assassin's Creed Unity's newest trailer, the French really aren't happy about how their national team bowed out of the World Cup after a disappointing duel with eventual winners Germany. We joke, of course, but the clip that we've embedded is indeed full of rioting Frenchmen, much to the approval...
E3 2014 Don't Panic, Ubisoft Has Plenty of Plans for Assassin's Creed on PS3
New information coming soon
As it currently stands, the monumentally successful Assassin's Creed franchise has only been confirmed for the PlayStation 4, with the co-op outing Unity set to launch later this year. Indeed, Ubisoft marketing executive Tony Key has assured us that the title has been built from the ground up with t
E3 2014 You'll All Be the Same Guy in Assassin's Creed: Unity's Multiplayer
Mirror image
We're sure you've already seen the footage of Assassin's Creed: Unity's multiplayer by now, demonstrated during Monday's press conferences. Since then, it's spawned queries around the internet as to whether our online appearance will be as varied as in previous titles. In a statement made by Ubisoft to Kotaku, there will be no running a
E3 2014 Assassin's Creed: Unity Wants to Rule the World on PS4
Please think of the children
You’ll see more ridiculous hats in this three minute Assassin’s Creed: Unity trailer than at a royal wedding. The uber-expensive mood piece demonstrates the upcoming PlayStation 4 title’s co-operative dynamic, while also showing a Roy Hodgson look-a-like get mauled by a horde of angry French folk with pitchforks...
E3 2014 Assassin's Creed: Unity Takes Us on a Tour of Its Open World
7 minutes of gameplay up for stabbing
Following on from its earlier showing at Microsoft's press conference, Assassin's Creed: Unity has taken to the streets of Paris once again in a gameplay demo that spans over seven minutes. Taking up a sizeable portion of publisher Ubisoft's presser, the next-gen sequel shows off everything from incredibly...
E3 2014 You'll Never Walk Alone in Assassin's Creed Unity
Heads will roll
There has been plenty of speculation about co-op since Assassin's Creed Unity's banners were spotted decorating Los Angeles for E3. During Microsoft's press conference, it was confirmed that players will be able to form their own Brotherhood with three friends online. That means that no longer will you have to hang your head in shame...
E3 2014 Assassin's Creed: Unity Banner Teases Clandestine Co-Op on PS4
You're not alone
PlayStation 4 sequel Assassin’s Creed: Unity may finally put an end to solitary eavesdropping sessions, as a banner for the forthcoming next-gen exclusive hints at some form of co-op in the French revolution-based escapade. While far from a confirmation, the artwork – attached to the side of the L.A. Convention Center – shows...
News Here's PS4 Sequel Assassin's Creed: Unity's First DLC Pack
Who cares about the main game?
Assassin’s Creed: Unity has been privy to the vaguest of unveilings thus far, but already publisher Ubisoft is plotting the PlayStation 4 title’s first expansion pack. In fairness to the French firm, it probably didn’t intend for this information to leak. Moreover, this appears to be a simple pre-order bonus...
News Assassin's Creed: Unity Is the One PS4 Title That Can't Stay Undercover
Loose lips sink ships
For a stealth game, Assassin’s Creed: Unity is pretty lousy at keeping itself concealed. Ubisoft’s upcoming next-gen exclusive romp through the French revolution first leaked on NeoGAF, after a user supposedly shared a plane trip with an employee who revealed some details about the game. Kotaku then got its hands on some...
News Details on the Mysterious Assassin's Creed: Comet Have Crash Landed
Returning to the U.S.?
In a recent leak acquired by Kotaku, the publication unsheathed an assortment of details about Assassin's Creed: Unity – a next-gen exclusive title set in the French Revolution. A couple of days later, Ubisoft confirmed that the rumours were indeed true, and uploaded a short cinematic trailer of the game. In anoth
News Assassin's Creed: Unity Drops a Heavy Blade on PS4 This Holiday
Oui, s'il vous plaît
Rather than offer a casual no comment, Ubisoft has responded to rumours regarding Assassin’s Creed: Unity by confirming the release for the PlayStation 4. Clearly not intending to announce the title quite so early, the publisher has deployed some alpha footage of the next-gen exclusive sequel. Given the firm’s track record,...
News Sacré Bleu! You'll Be Travelling to Paris in the Next Assassin's Creed
It's a Seine
Ubisoft’s globetrotting historical franchise Assassin’s Creed is set to come inland for its next instalment, as Kotaku has got its gloved mitts on some leaked screenshots from the series’ supposed next entry. Currently codenamed Unity, the images – which you can point your powdered eyes at throughout this article – prove that...
Review Assassin's Creed Liberation HD (PlayStation 3)
Assassin's speed
Retelling the rather erratic adventures of Aveline de Grandpré, Assassin's Creed Liberation HD leaps onto the PlayStation 3 after its moderate success on Sony's handheld console – and visually, it's just about what you'd expect. The game's events are now witnessed through a much clearer lens, with some drastically improved...
News New Screens of Assassin's Creed Liberation HD Blow the Original's Visuals Out of the Water
Aveline de Grandpré looks better than ever
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation for the PlayStation Vita was by no means an unimpressive attempt at transferring the gorgeous graphics of the franchise to the handheld market. However, three new photos comparing its visuals to the upcoming Assassin's Creed Liberation HD make you second-guess the...
Soapbox Assassin's Creed's Modern Day Component Is Holding the Series Back
Robert Ramsey's sick of stepping out of the Animus
After testing my sailing skills in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag at the Eurogamer Expo all the way back in September, I knew that Ubisoft had a great game in production. From the rolling waves of the sea to the swashbuckling adrenaline rush of combat, it all immediately felt like a solid step...
News Ubisoft Unveils A Couple Of Double Packs For PlayStation 3
For money conscious gamers, double packs represent outrageous value for money
Sure you might have to wait a while to snatch the bargain bundles, but it's worth it in the end. Sony's already released a bunch of Dual Packs for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, but now Ubisoft has decided to follow suit. The company's revealed two PS3 double...
News Assassin's Creed: Revelations Comes With Original Assassin's Creed On The Disc
Finally someone's decided to take advantage of the additional space the Blu-ray disc provides
Ubisoft has announced that all those people purchasing Assassin's Creed: Revelations on PS3 will get a free copy of Assassin's Creed included on the game's disc. Only first-run copies of the game will include the bonus, so you'll need to make sure you're...
News Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Joins The PlayStation Network
From tomorrow, you'll be able to purchase a copy of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood from the PlayStation Store for a reasonable £23
99. In addition to the game, Ubisoft's releasing a set of ten Brotherhood themed avatars for £0.40 each. Two of the avatars — the harlequin and Ezio images — will be exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers and...
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 12th April 2011
Updates Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack Sale (PS3) (now $3
49, original price $4.99) Final Fight/Double Impact Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99) Worms 2: Armageddon Sale (PS3) (now $7.49, original price $14.99)</ul>Games Dungeon Hunter: Alliance ($12.99) Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes ($14.99) Assassin's...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 1st December 2010
Special Offers (available until Dec
8) Prince of Persia Classic (was £7.99/9.99 now £5.49/6.99) Prince of Persia Epilogue (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Premier Manager (was £13.99/17.99 now £9.99/12.99) Permanent Price Reductions Sid Meier's Pirates! now £11.99/14.99 Playable Content Dead Nation...
News Once Upon A Time Assassin's Creed Was Coming To The PS2
Assassin's Creed was a pretty early Playstation 3 game
Some of you might remember the hype around Ubisoft's pseudo-historical parkour debut. But did you know that alongside the PS3 version, Ubisoft were working on a PS2 version of the game? Nope, us neither. But that's what Ubisoft's Jonathan Jacques-Belletete has told 1Up. He told the publication...
News Assassin's Creed & Rock Band Unplugged PSP-Bound
Ubisoft have confirmed they will bring their hit franchise Assassin's Creed to the PSP this year
The game will also receive a "piano black" themed PSP bundle when it releases. Among the other big franchises to get a PSP announcement is Rock Band. According to developers Primotech the game will play much like Harmonix's classic, Frequency.