Tag: Cyberpunk - Page 9
News Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter Account Beeps into Life, Could News Finally Be Coming?
Fingers crossed
So, Cyberpunk 2077. It's been a long time since we heard anything concrete about CD Projekt Red's next game, but a single tweet has got people going crazy. The title's official Twitter account has been silent since 2013, but today, it suddenly posted. The tweet simply reads: "*beep*". Very cheeky. The Polish studio will obviously...
News Witcher Dev Says Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have 'No Bullsh*t', Following Multiplayer Assumptions
"We leave greed to others"
A single tweet from The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red is doing the rounds today, and for good reason. Following up on assumptions made about the structure of its upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077, the studio squashed rumours that it'll be a service-based title, complete with microtransactions and all that kind of stuff. It...
News Sounds Like Online Functionality Will Be a Big Part of Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt CEO calls it "necessary"
"Online is necessary, or very recommended if you wish to achieve a long-term success." These are the words of CD Projekt CEO Adam Kicinski after being asked about Cyberpunk 2077 and how online functionality will be incorporated into the studio's next big project. Although we've known for some time that...
News CD Projekt Red Responds to Rumours of Troubled Cyberpunk 2077 Development
And workplace concerns
Over the last couple of months or so, there have been rumours going around that The Witcher 3 developer CD Projekt Red is having some trouble behind the scenes. A lot of this speculation was based on relatively negative feedback that was given by former employees, essentially saying that the Polish studio wasn't the best...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Files Stolen as CD Projekt Red Issues Statement
Developer held to ransom
Wow, now this is one weird story. CD Projekt Red, the developer behind The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, has released a statement saying that internal files have been stolen from the company. Said files apparently contain information regarding the studio's upcoming title, Cyberpunk 2077. With this in mind, whoever's nicked the...
News The Witcher Dev's Cyberpunk 2077 Is Now in Full Development
The future is now
With The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt done and dusted - and its Game of the Year Edition available on store shelves - developer CD Projekt Red is unsurprisingly shifting its attention elsewhere. We first heard about Cyberpunk 2077 what seems like a lifetime ago, and now, the Polish studio has confirmed that the game is finally in full...
News The Witcher 3 Developer Hypes Up Cyberpunk 2077 as the Biggest Game It's Ever Made
Choo choo
It's been dark for quite a while, but Cyberpunk 2077 is destined to leap back into the limelight in the relatively near future. With production having shifted to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's two expansion packs - the first of which is out on PlayStation 4 next week - CD Projekt Red will be thinking about how to start pushing its next...
News CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 Won't Be Reappearing For a Long Time Yet
Witcher developer says it's still too early
The only bit of media that we've had for Cyberpunk 2077 was a brilliant CG trailer, and that first appeared all the way back in January 2013. With The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's recent release, it's clear that Polish developer CD Projekt Red has put the project on hold, but could that mean we're going to...