Tag: Gex
News 3DO's One-Time Mascot Gex Grabs a PS5 Collection This Summer
Enter the Gecko
The original Gex game was included as a pack-in with the short-lived multimedia system 3DO, and is one of the failed format’s better remembered games. Of course, the release would later be ported to the PS1, and its subsequent 3D sequels Gex: Enter the Gecko and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko led on PlayStation. And now the entire Gex...
News GEX Trilogy Revives a Long Lost 90s Mascot on PS5, PS4
GEX who?
Nintendo had Super Mario. SEGA had Sonic the Hedgehog. And 3DO had… GEX? Well, kinda. The James Bond-esque gecko debuted as a console exclusive on Trip Hawkins’ ill-fated format, but later launched on SEGA Saturn and PlayStation – before subsequent sequels launched first on Sony’s vastly more popular system. While the original game...
News Gex Is Back! The Complete PS1 Trilogy Comes to PS5, PS4
Kept you waitin'
All the classics are coming back today! Not only is WayForward porting Clock Tower to PS5 and PS4, but the same is happening for PS1 platforming series GEX. Dubbed the Gex Trilogy, it brings GEX, Gex: Enter the Gecko, and Gex 3: Deep Cov
GEX-sticulates yelling '90s pop culture quips
A game can be an interesting representation of its generation without being beautiful, timeless, and artistically ageless. Released on the EU's PSone in April 1996, GEX was loud, brash, and in-your-face, but so were films like Point Break and ska-punk bands such as Assorted Jelly Beans during the 1990s...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 5th November 2009
Price Drops TV Show King ($6
99) X-Men Origins Wolverine - X Arena Pack ($4.99)</ul>Qore Episode 18 ($2.99 episode / $24.99 subscription) Downloadable Games Military Madness: Nectaris ($9.99) Numblast ($4.99) Gex (PSone Classic) ($5.99) Demos Trine Demo Military Madness: Nectaris Demo Add-on Content LittleBigPlanet - Anniversary...