Tag: Littlebigplanet - Page 2
News LittleBigPlanet Breaks The 6 Million Level Milestone
The world of LittleBigPlanet won't stop growing
Media Molecule's announced that the do-it-yourself game creation platform has now received its 6 millionth upload. That's a lot of levels. According to the Guildford-based developer, 2.5 million of those levels were created in the last year since LittleBigPlanet 2's release. Apparently, up to 40,000...
First Impressions LittleBigPlanet on PlayStation Vita
The PlayStation Vita was made for LittleBigPlanet
Double Eleven and Tarsier Studios' latest entry in Media Molecule's sandbox series is one of the most intelligent experiences available in the handheld's initial wave of software. Everything from the user-interface to the game mechanics have been expertly tweaked and adjusted to not only make the...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Pack Out Next Month
Video inside
It's been a long wait for the LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Pack, but it's nearly upon us with release set for next month. Sony featured the add-on as part of its Gamescom 2011 presentation, with the video below hopefully answering some questions about what exactly comes in the package. Are you looking forward to putting the Move controls...
News Sony Initially Intended LittleBigPlanet To Be Free-To-Play
You can see the origins of a free-to-play game in LittleBigPlanet
The accessibility of the PlayStation Store within the game makes the package ripe for freemium potential, and when you factor in DLC content packs for costumes, stickers and materials it's easy to see how the title could adapt to that business model. In fact: that was the original...
News Media Molecule Talk Candidly About Leaving LittleBigPlanet Behind
Media Molecule is moving on from LittleBigPlanet
While it will continue to support past releases, the British studio wants to put all of its future energy into creating something new. According to the studio, making this decision felt like a child leaving home. "It's a bit like, if you think of LBP as having a child, Sackboy was our child, you...
News Media Molecule Taking A Break From LittleBigPlanet To Generate 'New Ideas'
This is a sweet story with a bitter after taste
British based developer Media Molecule has announced that it is considering taking a break from the LittleBigPlanet series in order to "focus on some new ideas". While this sounds like immediately wonderful news, it would be sad to see Sackboy sit quietly in the sidelines for a few years...
News New Dev Team Handling LittleBigPlanet Vita
With a little help from their friends
LittleBigPlanet on PSVita is going to be quite a bit different from it's previous iterations, thanks mostly to the system's touch and motion controls. The Vita's gyroscope, touch screen and rear touch-panel will allow us to interact with Sackboy and his world in all new ways, and open up a slew of fresh...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Pack Due Late Summer, Adds New Trophies
Official details inside
After the first LittleBigPlanet 2 Move details last week, the European PlayStation Blog has given up some of its virtual column inches to covering the upcoming DLC, shedding a little more light on the matter. Sony's current plan is to launch the pack at the very end of summer, which spells an August/September release, with...
News First LittleBigPlanet 2 PlayStation Move Details Emerge
What's in the box?
We know that LittleBigPlanet 2's PlayStation Move support is coming in September, but now we know a little more about what's set for inclusion in the update. Community member StevenI over at the LBP Central forums got chance to try an early version of the pack and helpfully listed the contents, including the 18 new levels,...
News Stop Press: Stephen Fry Is Doing Some LittleBigPlanet Voice Work Today
Stephen Fry's currently not on his annual hiatus from Twitter, and has announced on the social networking platform that he is off to do "some voicing for LittleBigPlanet" before lunch
This is important news that we felt compelled to share with you. So let the speculation begin — exactly which version of LittleBigPlanet is ol' Stephen Fry-Up...
There's a flaw in Sony's PlayStation Network "Welcome Back" package that was always going to occur
While Sony's offering a pretty compelling selection of games, the hardcore fans are likely to be the ones that miss out — mainly because they'll already own the choices. Still, think outside of the hardcore circle and Sony's "Welcome Back"...
News Good Grief: There Are Now Four Million LittleBigPlanet Levels
Remember way back in the summer of 2008 when throngs of people wistfully exclaimed, "LittleBigPlanet will never work
" To those people, it sounded like a good experiment. But who wants to actually create? Turns out — a lot of people. Sony's just announced on the PlayStation Blog that there are now over four million LittleBigPlanet levels...
News Hey, You Got Your PlayStation Move Heroes in My LittleBigPlanet 2
DLC costumes out next week
PlayStation Move Heroes marks an auspicious event: the first time six Sony mascots have joined forces, but have you ever considered how much more powerful the unity would be if Sackboy were involved? You can stop wondering now, as Sony announces there'll be PlayStation Move Heroes costumes coming to LittleBigPlanet 2 next...
News "Very Exciting" Move Support for LittleBigPlanet 2 Coming
Still don't know when
We were all disappointed that Media Molecule's highly anticipated LittleBigPlanet 2 didn't feature more in the way of PlayStation Move support, save for the inclusion of standalone title Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves. Recently the topic has come up again, with rumours pointing to a PlayStation Move-enabled "Teacher's...
News Custom LittleBigPlanet Shoes Hit eBay For Child's Play
Ever fancied taking LittleBigPlanet everywhere you go -- on your feet? Then these limited-to-one modified Vans, sculpted by shoe-artists KyozoKicks, might be right up your alley
The colourful trainers are heavily inspired by Media Molecule's sticker-heavy PS3 platformer, and are available now from eBay. All of the proceeds from the auction are set...
News LittleBigPlanet 2's Move Update Will Bring New Levels Too
Not just a motion add-on
We don't know when LittleBigPlanet 2's Move update will find its way to our consoles, with Media Molecule only giving a vague "in a few months" release window, but at least we have a little more idea of what the pack will actually include. Just a little, though. In an open chat on Facebook, as reported by...
News Real-Life LittleBigPlanet Might Actually Be As Good As PS3 LittleBigPlanet
It might take a few seconds for you to realise what's going on in this delightful LittleBigPlanet clip, but once it clicks it may just blow your mind
We all know LittleBigPlanet's brilliant on PlayStation 3, but what if it was made of real cardboard sets and Sackboy plushies? The answer is embedded above.
News LittleBigPlanet 2's Move Support Comes Later via DLC
Demo taster on the disc, however
Here's a move that's likely to divide opinion: the recently delayed LittleBigPlanet 2 won't feature full Move support from day one, with implementation for the controller added in later via downloadable content. Media Molecule made the announcement today at Eurogamer EXPO, stating that there would be a sample of the...
News No LittleBigPlanet 2 Until January Next Year
Sackboy won’t be in Santa’s sack this Christmas!
One of the most anticipated upcoming Move-enabled games has to be Media Molecule’s LittleBigPlanet 2 which was due for release in November 2010. It’s all set to build on the excellent LittleBigPlanet from 2008 and add tons of new level-building functionality that will knock your socks off. So...
News Let's Take A Quick Look At Sackboy Dressed As The Green Goblin
Of all the Marvel themed Sackboy costumes that have been hitting the PlayStation Network over the past month or so, this Green Goblin set is our favourite
Not only is it adorable (in a menacing way), but it's the the little pumpkin hand-grenade thing that gets our heart fluttering like a schoolboy in front of the newsagent's top-shelf. This one's...
News Hand Made Kratos Sackboy Is Too Cute To Kill Greek Gods
Nikki, aka GoldenJellyBean, has been in touch with us before regarding her incredibly cute Sackboy
She's an absolute whizz at creating Sakboys in all different guises. And she wants to share her talent with you lot. We've embedded her Kratos tutorial above, but she's also got steps for creating standard Sackboys and ICO Sackboys. Check out her full...
You know what's more predictable than the day turning to night -- LittleBigPlanet 2's reviews
Don't get me wrong, I expect the new game to be received just as well as the first game (if not better). But there's going to be that one paragraph in every review that states — "You know, the Create mode's really good, but it's kind of...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 4th August 2010
Special Offers Until August 18: High Stakes on the Vegas Strip (was £7
99/9.99 now £3.99/7.99) Switchball (was £6.29/7.99 now £3.99/4.99) Section 8 (was £19.99/24.99 now £7.99/9.99) Flock (was £11.99/14.99 now £5.49/6.99) 1942: Joint Strike (was £7.99/9.99 now ...
News Media Molecule On Changing People's Lives
For most people, Sackboy is a cutesy character from a fantastic video game
For others, he is a symbol that has changed their life. In an interview with Play magazine, Media Molecule's co-founder, Mark Healey, explained some of the life-changing stories attached to LittleBigPlanet. Theres a guy that weve go working here called John and because...
News Limbo Goes Multiplatform! (Well, Kind Of Anyway)
Limbo is an XBOX Live Arcade exclusive that's garnered a lot of attention due to its bleak looks and interesting mechanics
It's an exclusive that's unlikely to come to the PlayStation 3 soon. Thankfully the PS3 has one of the best level editing tools on the planet (well, until its sequel releases). You can probably guess where this post is going —...
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 6th July 2010
Sales Hamsterball -- Sale (now $4
99, original price $9.99) Death Track: Resurrection Sale (now $7.99, original price $14.99) Worms Sale (now $7.99, original price $9.99) Hamster Ball Unleashed Sale (now $4.99, original price $9.99) Breakquest Minis Sale (now $2.99, original price $3.99) Normaltanks Minis Permanent Price...
News Superhero Sackboy Daily: Doctor Octopus Clamours Into LittleBigPlanet
Spider-Man's greatest nemesis, Doctor Octopus, is bringing those famous bionic tentacles into the world of LittleBigPlanet as part of the massive Marvel update due next week
Looks pretty sweet, doesn't he? There's more information available over at Marvel.com.</em>
News Superhero Sackboy Daily: Daredevil Next Up For The World Of Whimsy
Daredevil may be a blind ninja, but that doesn't stop him from being ridiculously cute
The radioactive superhero is due as part of LittleBigPlanet's massive Marvel update next week. As always, there's more through here.</em>
News Superhero Sackboy (/GIRL!) Daily: Mystique's Next In Line
The Thing
Iron Man. And now Mystique. We want this costume just for the skull belt. Looks great. There's more on this costume through at Marvel.com.</em>
News Superhero Sackboy Daily: The Thing Rocks Up In LBP
After the excitement of the Iron Man Sackboy reveal, Marvel keep dropping the goods
This time it's the cobbles-infected quarter of the Fantastic Four, The Thing. As always, there's more through at Marvel.com.</em>
News Sackboy Iron Man Is Just A Little Bit Cute, No?
Is it Sackboy? Is it Iron Man? Nope, it's Sackboy dressed as Iron Man and looking all the better for it
This is the first Marvel and LittleBigPlanet cross-over. We're expecting a whole pile of new costumes in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more. In the mean-time, you can see more of Iron Man Sackboy through here.</em>
News The Mighty World Of Marvel Finally Hits LittleBigPlanet
Marvel has (finally
) confirmed</a> that a bunch of their famous characters are heading to the delightfully whimsical world of LittleBigPlanet. The DLC costumes will start dropping from July 7th. They'll be releasing on the PSN every other week. There'll be four different costume packs too, each containing five different costumes. We've...
News Hey Europe, Fancy A Free Copy Of LittleBigPlanet?
Anyone planning on signing up to the new PlayStation Plus service should prepare for a huge bonus -- the entire retail copy of LittleBigPlanet comes free with any yearly subscriptions placed between 29th June and 3rd August
We should add, this offer is limited to Europe only. Still, it's pretty awesome isn't it? Not only is this news great for...
News Kevin Butler-Ware Brings The VP Of Micro-Games To LittleBigPlanet
The LittleBigPlanet community continues to astound us
Last time we jumped online, we were truly blown away by the sheer skill of some creators ability. No longer was LittleBigPlanet all "1-1" and "Greenhill Zone" — there were movies and galaga and amazing stuff. This level highlights the downright creativity of Media Molecule's community - Kevin...
News LittleBigPlanet Heavy Rain Costumes Are A Stroke Of Genius
These latest Heavy Rain themed Sackboy outfits are probably the cutest yet
Of the Heavy Rain crew available are: Ethan Mars, Madison Paige, Scott Shelby and Norman Jayden, as well as an origami costume. The costumes will cost £4.79 for the bunch, or £1.59 each.</em> Brilliant.
Feature What's Next For Play Create Share? - "Twiggy" The Push Square Opinionator
Everytime I jump back into LittleBigPlanet I have a mild brain explosion
Having worked tirelessly for several days to create my own LBP representation of Alice In Wonderland back in '08, I know the amount of work that needs to be instilled into these projects in order to create a masterpiece. But everytime I go back to LBP, there's something that...
News US Playstation 3 Greatest Hits Collection Expands With: Killzone 2, inFamous & Resistance 2
Yo Americans, you up for some new quality first-party Playstation 3 content at half the price? You betcha, yo
Looks like Sony's got your backs then, with Killzone 2, inFamous and Resistance 2 all set to join the PS3 Greatest Hits Collection. That's according to a Best Buy flyer that also sees UFC Undisputed 2009 and LittleBigPlanet: Game Of The Year...
News The Incredibles In LittleBigPlanet Are Incredibly Cute
The Incredibles are coming to LittleBigPlanet on April 8th and, guess what, they're looking incredibly cute
This super-hero themed pack not only includes nine costumes, but also a Gallery Level featuring tons of new level building goodies.
News Little Big Fat "No" From Sony Regarding LittleBigPlanet 2 "Confirmation"
Heh, it did seem like a bit of a slip of the tongue and an issue of translation that caused Sony's Benelux marketing manager to "confirm" LittleBigPlanet 2 earlier this week
And, yup, as soon as the rumour started, it's been debunked. ConnectedConsoles prompted Sony for comment on the situation, getting the following response: As demonstrated...
Rumour LittleBigPlanet 2 "Confirmed", Will Support Playstation Move
According to a report on Dutch website Tweakers (via VG247), LittleBigPlanet 2 is a genuine product that will support Sony's upcoming Playstation Move motion controller
The website notes, via a marketing manager from Sony Benelux, that a "suitable" Move title at launch appears to be the in-development LittleBigPlanet 2, and that the game...
News Sonic The Hedgehog Invades The Littlest Of Big Planets
Sony's just announced that there's a new LittleBigPlanet pack on the horizon - completely based around SEGA's Sonic The Hedgehog
The pack includes a variety of Sonic costumes including: Sonic, Tails, Eggman, Knuckles, and, erm... the Werehog. In addition to all the costumes you'll land some neat new stickers to help you recreate your very own...
News GDC 10: Sony Keynote Full Recap & Impressions; Everything You Need To Know
Sony held a keynote in San Francisco as part of GDC tonight
Lots of things were announced including Sony's new motion control solution, the Playstation Move. Here's a full recap of tonight's events: Playstation Motion Controller unveiled. Will appeal to the hardcore and casual gamers. The controller will be officially named the Playstation...
News Oh Snap: Sony Releasing "LBP2" This Year (That's Probably LittleBigPlanet 2 Folks)
We knew there was more to Sony's Media Molecule purchase than was originally being let on
And VG247 might just have slipped the first hint of a rumour on the matter. They claim that Sony are set to release a product called "LBP2" this year — have a wild stab at what that game might be, folks. Media Molecule categorically stated they...
Feature The Most Notable: Playstation Characters So Far This Generation
Making Roots
There have been a number of stand-out Playstation characters who define this generation of Playstation content, but we've hand-picked the cream of the crop Those who have made the list represent exceptional character design, and go some way to defining the Playstation 3's line-up thus far. Nathan Drake (Uncharted): Perhaps the most...
News The Heroes Of White Knight Chronicles Are Headed To LittleBigPlanet
This amazing LittleBigPlanet character pack based around Sony and Level-5's White Knight Chronicles is due for release on February 25th
It'll come with a pack of stickers so you can create your own WKC themed levels in Sackland.
News LittleBigPlanet's The Next Playstation Title To Get The 3D Treatment
Eurogamer got to go eyes-on with a host of Playstation products at Evolution Studios' (MotorStorm) office this week
Of the things at the event were a host of Playstation 3 titles running in 3D. One such game running in 3D was LittleBigPlanet. And according to Eurogamer's Richard Leadbetter, the 3D imaging actually improves the game, given the levels...
It's been a full year since Sony launched Media Molecule's beautifully innovative LittleBigPlanet
That means a full year of user generated content, and Media Molecule are to honour all those who made the best levels in the annual "Sackademy Awards." One award has been handed out to Anpostteller for Best Visuals and use of Special Effects...
News New LittleBigPlanet Trophies Hint At New Levels & Water, At Last
If there's one game we're itching to stick back inside our system it's LittleBigPlanet
We know there's no excuse for not delving back into the ludicrously whimsical world, after all, people are making great content all the time. We just need that lure of professionally developed content to bring us back. And thankfully, a trophy listing on...
News Are You Feeling Lucky, Punk!?
Pick up this awesome Assassin's Creed II Sackboy ensemble for just $1
99/£1.59 today from the Playstation Store. Includes cardboard knives.