Tag: Littlebigplanet - Page 3
News Sackboy Walks Home With The Childrens' Video Game Bafta
Media Molecule will be pretty chuffed today
They walked home with the childrens video game Bafta last night as LittleBigPlanet proved the successor in a tight category featuring Viva Pinata, deBlob and Boom Blox. Time to install that new cabinet, eh Media Molecule?
News Leerdammer Update Heading To LittleBigPlanet This Week
Media Molecule have just confirmed that update 1
21 (entitled "Leerdammer") will be heading to LittleBigPlanet this week. Among a host of new features (which you can read here) the update brings the Online Create mode, which will allow you to create levels online with a buddy.
News Obama Teams Up With Sackboy, For Kids Of Course
Read this and then read it again: Media Molecule's humble LittleBigPlanet is headed into American libraries as part of an Entertainment Software Association-backed initiative, aswell as a $300,000 game design challenge
Sony will donate 1,000 Playstation 3s and copies of LittleBigPlanet to libraries and community organisations. Participants will...
News Sonic The Hedgehog & Friends Are Headed To LittleBigPlanet
Just what we've always wanted: a Sonic the hedgehog costume pack to dress our Sackboy with while we play those countless recreations of Green Hill Zone
Hurrah. Amazingly, this costume pack looks rather awesome, with Dr. Robotnick (Eggman) proving to be the pick of the bunch as far as we're concerned. No word on a price or date yet, just know,...
News LittleBigPlanet Hits 1.3million User Created Levels
User generated levels in Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet have now hit 1
3million. That's a whopping amount of content to get through - and even if 99% of it is rubbish, still leaves 1,300 good levels to check out. Speaking at the Montreal Game Summit, lead architect Paul Holden said, The figures are obviously changing daily. The last figures I...
News Media Molecule Want To Share Playstation 3 Memory Tool With Other Developers
During the development of LittleBigPlanet, Media Molecule developed a tool entitled HeapMon, which allowed software to manage numerous requests of the PS3's hardware memory
Media Molecule now want to make that tool available to other developers, so long as Sony agree. Speaking at the Montreal Game Summit, Media Molecule lead architect Paul Holden...
News Media Molecule Not Ready For LittleBigPlanet Sequel
It's been a year since Media Moleucle launched the massively innovative LittleBigPlanet onto the Playstation 3, and while we ready ourselves for a PSP spin-off, Media Molecule have talked about the possibility of a Playstation 3 sequel
Or lack thereof. "We'd never want to do that," level designer told Danny Leaver told Critical Gamer...
News Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Yadda Yadda Dear Sackboy...
If you want to celebrate the first Birthday of the lovable Sackboy, then know that free LittleBigPlanet costumes are headed your way this November 5th
You'll get a cake costume (!) and the launch exclusive spaceman costume absolutely free. Now you guys need to get creating an awesome birthday celebration level for the burlap man.
News Fallout 3 Wins The Golden Joystick Awards, Killzone 2 Best Playstation Game
We've been very jealous today
While reading our surprisingly buoyant journo colleagues Tweets from sunny ol' London, we've been sat here in the gloomy Midlands typing stuff. Still, DJ Hero did come in the post. Score. Over in London though, a real party has kicked off as Fallout 3 won the annual Golden Joysticks "Ultimate Game Of The...
News Oh Hai Scary Sackboy! Trick Or Treaaaaat!?
If you didn't get the special Halloween Sackboy pumpkin hat last year, then you're totally going to get the chance to download it this year
It'll hit on Thursday for free. We're not sure how long it will stay there, so you better act fast to make sure you get yours.
News Watchmen Looking Super Cute As LittleBigPlanet DLC
It feels like forever we've had something to write about regarding LittleBigPlanet DLC
We assume it's full speed ahead regarding the upcoming water DLC. Still, at least we have some new costumes to speak of. Introducing Sackboy Watchmen costumes, inspired by the classic graphical novel. There's no Dr. Manhattan we're 'fraid. But that dude walks...
News Let's Watch LittleBigPlanet Played With The Playstation Motion Controller
When we heard the Playstation Motion Controller was going to be supported by LittleBigPlanet, we instantly thought of Super Mario Galaxy's bobble collecting solution
But in practice, LittleBigPlanet's solution is much more refined. It looks as though levels can be designed with the controllers in mind, offering an experience where one player can...
News TGS 09: Resident Evil 5, LittleBigPlanet To Get Updated With Motion Controls
During a press conference at Tokyo Game Show today Sony announced that an updated version of Resident Evil 5 will launch on the Playstation 3 with updated Playstation Motion Controller support
The title Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut will launch this Spring with a bunch of new features alongside the new Motion Control support. Which we actually...
News LittleBigPlanet Gets Recalled Again In Place Of Game Of The Year Edition
LittleBigPlanet is being recalled in the US again
It's not for the first time, after Sony's big new-IP was pulled back just before it's launch last year due to some stimulating religious discussion. It's happening again. Of course not quite so sinister this time. Internal discussion at American retailer GameStop has revealed that old, unsold copies...
News GamesCom 09: Water Is Heading To LittleBigPlanet Via DLC
Water has been confirmed as a downloadable extra for LittleBigPlanet
The potentially game changing add on hasn't been detailed in full at the time of writing, but we do have this amazing trailer for you.
News LittleBigPlanet: Game Of The Year Edition Heading Soon With Tons Of Stuff
Who didn't play LittleBigPlanet? Hang you heads in shame you terrible, terrible, terrible people
Perhaps you could rectify your mishap by picking up a copy of the newly announced LittleBigPlanet: Game Of The Year edition. But given the $59.99 price tag, what more do you get for your money? Well, you'll receive 18 exclusive levels hand built by...
News GamesCom 09: Media Molecule To Announce Updated User Profiles, New Levels & Music Packs
We know Media Molecule are going to announce something at Sony's GamesCom conference on Tuesday
According to their official podcast, we have basis to believe the announcement will somehow involve the new Leerdammer update. Discussing the possibility of improved user profiles, an LBP staffer confirmed that such an update was "imminent" and...
News Sony @ GamesCom 09: What To Reasonably Expect
The week of another massive games convention is upon us
Sony are scheduled to show up at the event next week and deliver a press conference on Tuesday 18th at 7:00PM CET. But what can we reasonably expect from the event? We look past the hype to deliver our expectations for Sony at GamesCom 2009. PS3 Slim With so many rumours in the Playstation 3...
News Amazon List LittleBigPlanet Game Of The Year Edition, Then Remove It Again
A cheeky wandering eye from an IGN reporter has discovered the listing for the Game Of The Year edition of Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet
The listing has now been removed, but the boxart was recovered by the reporter which teases $30 of extra content. The IGN report also suggests the pricing of the game was at $49.99 ($10 cheaper than a typical US...
News This Microsft Advert Really Reminds Us Of Something, We Can't Quite Put Our Fingers On It
Watch this ad-campaign
It's for Microsoft's XBOX 360. We're busting our guts trying to think what it reminds us of but we can't... Oh yes, that's right! This is the LittleBigPlanet theme they're running over their suspiciously similar marketing campaign. Now to be honest, this song is by The Go Team and was licensed by Sony for use in...
News Sackboy To Become An International Icon
It's about bloody time
Many of us were waiting for this to happen around the time of LittleBigPlanet's release last year. It didn't quite happen then, but now it's about to. Sony have secured a deal with Impact International to put Sackboy, erm, everywhere — plush items, bean toys, bobbleheads, mugs, bags; you name it - it's coming. In what is...
News "Purchased Levels" Option Available In LittleBigPlanet PSP
Siliconera have discovered an option within LittleBigPlanet PSP that hints at purchasable download levels for the new portable platformer
Downloadable levels are one of the more requested additions to the already well supported LittleBigPlanet PS3 title, so it would make sense to build that functionality into the PSP title. But only if there are...
News LittleBigPlanet PSP Will Have 30 Story Levels, 40% Less Than The PS3 But Still Substantial
The Playstation 3 version of LittleBigPlanet comes with 50 story levels on the disc
LittleBigPlanet PSP will have 30. That's quite a substantial total when you consider the difference in size of the medium the games are delivered on - one on Blu-Ray, the other UMD/digital download. Assuming the game garners a rather hardcore audience (and we think...
News LittleBigPlanet PSP Will "Talk" To Its Bigger Brother, Unlock Bonus Content
As expected, LittleBigPlanet PSP will talk to the Playstation 3 iteration of LittleBigPlanet to unlock "bonus content"
There are no details on exactly what that content is yet, but we're hoping it's like, a PSP Go outfit for Sackboy or something. Sony are apparently going to plough a "multi-million marketing campaign" behind the game -...
News Media Molecule To Extend LittleBigPlanet As A Creation Tool
Speaking with VG247, Media Molecule boss Mark Healey has explained that LittleBigPlanet will be expanded as a creation tool in future DLC
A lot of our DLC so far has been based around expanding our palletes, if you like; more costumes, more stickers, and things like this, said the developer. A big part of whats coming in the future expands...
News inFamous Costumes Coming To LittleBigPlanet This August
LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy is getting ready to don inFamous' Cole McGrath's outfit come this August 8th
The DLC will allow you to dress Sackboy as an heroic/evil iteration of the inFamous protagonist. Check out the evil Cole Sackboy after the jump.
News Comic-Con 2009: Amazingly Cute Marvel Superheroes Heading To The World Of LittleBigPlanet
Do you want to see something adorable? Oh right, we put the image above the text so you've already seen something adorable
That's right, it's LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy dressed as Wolverine! How cute is that?! The answer is: amazingly cute. Likewise Kotaku managed to get snaps of Sackboy dressed as Ironman and Captain America. They're after the jump...
News Does This Look Familiar? LittleBigPlagiarism Springs To Mind
This is a clip from Brazilian TV show Bom Dia & Companhia
You may have noted it looks just like Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet. That's because it does. It's a shameless rip-off. It airs daily on one of the top Brazilian TV networks.
News Go Historic With The New LittleBigPlanet History Pack
Aww Sackboy could you look any cuter? We were convinced you couldn't but you just keep proving us wrong gosh dang it
Particularly in your new historical pack dressed as Ghengis Khan, Boudica, the Countess of Lovelace and Mozart. As revealed on the Japanese website, the costumes will cost 100 Yen each, and will retail alongside a History sticker pack...
News Media Molecule Will Make An Announcement At GamesCon
Amidst all the celebration of 1,000,000 LittleBigPlanet levels, a Playstation Blog post teased that Media Molecule would have an announcement to make on August 18th
One interesting tid-bit that totally skipped over our heads yesterday - pointed out by GameZine - is that August 18th is when Sony hold their mammoth GamesCon keynote. Now don't get your...
News LittleBigPlanet Hits 1,000,000 Levels Milestone, Media Molecule Tease August 18th Announcement
The LittleBigPlanet community should give themselves a massive pat on the back
Today marks the day that 1,000,000 user levels have been created and uploaded. That's a lot of levels; one for every 21 seconds since LBP launched to be precise. To commemorate the event the Playstation Blog have posted this little montage of some of the best levels...
News Sackboy Dons His Proton Pack In Some Excellent Looking Ghostbusters LittleBigPlanet DLC
Sackboy Venkman? Check
Sackboy Slimer? Check. Sackboy Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? Check. Here's your first look at the official Ghostbusters DLC for LittleBigPlanet via NeoGaf. The costumes look great. Expect a Western announcement soon.
News New LittleBigPlanet Headed To PS3 Bundled With Plenty Of DLC
If you haven't got LittleBigPlanet yet (why not?) you may take some interest in learning that Media Molecule are currently working on a new iteration of everyone's favourite Playstation 3 exclusive
A new "Game Of The Year" edition will include the complete LittleBigPlanet experience alongside a ton of DLC that has been released on the...
News New LittleBigPlanet Levels Are A High Priority
The sensational Metal Gear Solid 4 pack for LittleBigPlanet seems like it was released a long time ago now
The DLC which provided new levels based on Kojima's masterpiece was a stroke of genius in itself. Since its release last year though, we've sat and waited patiently for more Media Molecule designed levels. Which haven't come. Thankfully Media...
News LittleBigPlanet 2 + Backwards Compatible Levels = Mm Reckons Alex Evans
Who wants a LittleBigPlanet 2? Media Molecule's Alex Evans sure as hell does
In fact, he'd "love there to be a sequel". And he wants it to be backwards compatible."If you look at online distribution for LBP, when the sequel comes along, what do we do with all that content? We can give backwards compatibility with those...
News Ghostbusters Collaboration Makes For The Most Awesome Sackboy Costume Ever
Bustin' certainly makes Sackboy feel good
Do you like Ghostbusters? Of course you do. Do you like LittleBigPlanet? Hell yeah! So you're going to want some kind of Ghostbusters LittleBigPlanet DLC then eh? Of course you are. And it looks like it's on its way. The details are yet to be announced but we seriously have our fingers crossed for some...
News Ghostbusters Heading To LittleBigPlanet
Well it's not a confirmation but it's about as conclusive as you can possible be without making an announcement
A LittleBigPlanet poster is coloured black headed with the text "Who Ya Gonna Call?". If it's not Ghostbusters DLC we'll eat our computer.
News Statue Of Liberty Sackboy Says "Whaddup?"
Look how cute LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy looks when dressed as the Statue Of Liberty
Awww. Don't you just want to squeeze him and tickle his tummy? No. Oh ok. Still, at the grand total price of £0.00 you'll be able to download this Statue Of Liberty costume for your own little Sackman. The costume will be available from July 2nd. Get it while it's...
News Sackboy Highlights The Scale Of Awesome Beards
Oh Media Molecule
How we love thee. The Druid costume is out now.
News Media Molecule Seek A New Gameplay Programmer For A "Groundbreaking PS3 Title"
Media Molecule broke a lot of ground with their fantastically innovative LittleBigPlanet
The delightfully British platformer won the hearts of many, with the ludicrously lovable Sackboy character scoring a place in our bed (no innuendo intended, we're talking about where we keep the office teddy - Ed). Still, seems like they're not content with...
News Free Druid Costume Heading To The World Of LittleBigPlanet
We kinda love free LittleBigPlanet costumes
Well to be fair, we love the premium ones too. But free is always the most enticing price. Like this Druid sackboy - who will be available for free in order to celebrate the summer solstice. He has a great beard don't you think? The costume will be available for a week as of today for Europeans, and next...
News Ico Comes To LittleBigPlanet, Sadly No New Levels
One thing that Media Molecule seem to have vastly overlooked the demand for with LittleBigPlanet are new levels
The Metal Gear Solid 4 pack was one of our favourite downloads from last year so we're surprised it hasn't been followed up yet. Alas, fans of Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus will be interested in decorating their levels with costumes,...
News Media Molecule Release A Shadow Of The Colossus DLC Teaser
It's been a long time since Media Molecule's last full DLC pack of Metal Gear Solid 4 for LittleBigPlanet
But it looks like there's finally something new on the way... Shadow Of The Colossus. Feast your eyes on the wonderfully brilliant trailer above to see it for yourself.
E3 2009 Disney Content Coming To LittleBigPlanet
Ever dreamed of dressing Sackboy up as Captain Jack Sparrow or Mickey Mouse? Well, Sony today announced a partnership with Disney to bring content into LittleBigPlanet
Look out for more in the future.
News Ico & Yorda Sackboys Coming To LittleBigPlanet
Possible coincidence, or perhaps a rumbling that a Team Ico announcement is on the horizon, here's some teaser artwork for some upcoming Ico themed Sackboys
Now all we need is for Media Molecule to announce that these are not just costumes, but there is in fact a LittleBigPlanet Ico-themed level pack on the way. Oh man.
News Web-Based LittleBigPlanet Portal On The Way
An interview with Media Molecule's Alex Evans has revealed that a LittleBigPlanet level sharing portal will be available soon
The portal will collect everyone's levels together, allowing players to share their levels with others by linking to an individual level page. It will also allow levels to be queued up so that the next time you load up...
News Ratchet & Clank Content Touted For LittleBigPlanet, New Levels Likely
Oh my, how we've longed for new LittleBigPlanet content akin to the Metal Gear pack
Thank goodness for Twitter, and in particular, a Tweet from Insomniac Games:<span class="entry-content">"lbp levells coming, r&c content done, coming soon hopefully, up next for mm, big pack, bigger than mgs...
News "Medium Packs" Coming To LittleBigPlanet
LittleBigPlanet hasn't had a sizeable DLC upgrade for a while
The Metal Gear Pack was a major success, but since then it's been stickers and costumes. "Medium Packs" are set to bridge the gap.The first of such packs, "Monsters", will include ready made pieces, materials, decorations, sounds and stickers. In addition, the DLC pack...
News PushSquare.com Recommends: Darklapino's Alice In Wonderland
Darklapino's interpretation of Alice In Wonderland in LittleBigPlanet is absolutely one of the most amazing experiences we've come across in the game
As big fans of Alice In Wonderland (hurry up Mr. American McGee) we simply had to post about this.