Tag: Ps Move
News Watch a Full Playthrough of the First-Person Until Dawn That Never Released
A fresh perspective
Not everyone knows this, but Until Dawn was originally intended to release as a PS Move game for the PS3. There’s a great story from our friends Time Extension about the project through here, including design documents and more. The game was eventual
News House of the Dead Remake Adds PS Move Support for Arcade Lightgun Experience
Goodbye, Curien
The House of the Dead Remake is a relatively authentic recreation of SEGA’s seminal arcade shooter, but without a lightgun in hand, it just doesn’t feel quite right. PS Move support was, of course, promised prior to release and has been officially patched in today. You’ll need to update your game – and make sure you have a PS...
News The House of the Dead Remake Takes Aim at PS Move Patch
If you’re aiming to suffer like G did as authentically as possible, then know that the upcoming House of the Dead Remake is targeting post-release PS Move support. The game – a full ground-up recreation of SEGA’s arcade classic – will attempt to recreate that nostalgic lightgun feel by adding optional support for Sony’s...
News PS Move Poised to Persist into PS5 Generation
If you went back to 2010 and told us that the PlayStation Move would not only be relevant ten years later but actually sought after, we’d have spat in your Vanilla Coca-Cola. Sony’s illuminating wands were seen as the losers of the motion control war, beaten out by the vastly more popular Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect. But while those...
News Where Can You Buy PlayStation Move Controllers for PSVR?
Sony's motion wands are rarer than stardust
Sony’s illuminating PlayStation Move motion controllers are a non-essential part of the PlayStation VR experience, but if you want to get the most out of the virtual reality headset, then you’re going to need to pick up a pair. Some of the peripheral’s best games, like Beat Saber and SUPERHOT VR,...
News The Inpatient's Controls Explained with DualShock 4 and PS Move
Which control scheme works best?
Like most PlayStation VR games, The Inpatient’s control scheme is a point of interest because it can be played with either the DualShock 4 or a pair of PlayStation Move wands. But what’s the best option? And how does it work? Things are fairly straightforward with the DualShock 4. You can move forward and...
News Sony Increasing Move Manufacturing to Meet PlayStation VR Demand
Moving on
It’s a strange world sometimes. It felt like Microsoft’s Kinect won the not-so memorable battle of the motion controllers, but as Xbox discontinues its clunky camera, the PlayStation Move is still trucking along. Originally released for the PlayStation 3 in 2010, the illuminating wands have found a new lease of life as part of...
News Sony's Tweaking the PlayStation Move Motion Controller, Too
In addition to tweaking the PlayStation VR headset, Sony’s also announced a host of revisions for the PlayStation Move motion controllers. While this information comes courtesy of the Japanese PlayStation Blog, it looks like the main tweaks include a transition to Micro USB for charging (the same connection as the DualShock 4 uses) and...
News PS4 Firmware Update 4.50 Massively Improves PlayStation Move
Shake it off
Perhaps the biggest criticism that's been levelled at PlayStation VR since launch is that the PlayStation Move controllers just aren't up to snuff. While they're fine for general play, pretty much anyone that's messed around in virtual reality will have noticed some wobble from time to time. This occurs when the PlayStation Camera is...
News This Is What Until Dawn Looked Like on the PS3
Move aside
Some of you will remember, but for those who don't, Supermassive Games' schlocky horror Until Dawn was originally in development for the PlayStation 3 – and, primarily, the PlayStation Move motion controller. It was planned to be an exclusive for Sony's illuminating wand, with the gameplay built around the 3D tracking of the...
News PlayStation Move Is About to Make a Big Comeback
And not just in Pog form
Who would have thought, when the Kinect was tearing up the charts and the PlayStation Move seemed like a lousy waggle copy-cat, that it'd be Sony's motion controller that would have a longer lifespan? Only today, this author played a handful of titles for preview with the illuminating wand – it's definitely on the cusp of...
News Sony Changes Stance on PlayStation VR Controller Support
Move aside
Sony's still very much prone to bloopers as well, as it mucked up its messaging on PlayStation VR controller support this week. Those of you with sharp memories may recall the statement that it sent to Eurogamer.net, stressing that all virtual reality games will support the DualShock 4. Apparently that's not quite the case – it
News Strike! The PS4 Gets Its Bowling Game At Last
Don't be a turkey
The software variety on the PlayStation 4 is frankly outrageous, but we've been waiting patiently for a new High Velocity Bowling or something similar. There's good news coming out of Corecell Technology, then, as it's announced that Crazy Strike Bowling EX is in development for the new-gen system. Some of you will remember a...
News There Was Almost a Saints Row Brawler for PlayStation Move
Enter the dominatrix
In many ways, the PlayStation Move seems like a perfect controller for the Saints Row series – after all, the ill-fated motion wand already resembles a great big vibrating... Seriously, though, Unseen64.net has unearthed a bunch of information on Saints Row: The Cooler,
Rumour 14GB Will Be Enough to Contain the Cuteness of PS4 Exclusive LittleBigPlanet 3
PS Move compatibility also on the cards
A little like DriveClub, the upcoming LittleBigPlanet 3 is one of those titles that we want nestling on our PlayStation 4’s hard drive. Sony’s exclusive lineup this year seems built around pickup and play experiences that will have long legs, and Sackboy’s latest errand looks particularly likely to...
News Sony: PS Move Was Ahead of Its Time, But There's No Appetite for Motion Right Now
Project Morpheus will change that, reckons Shuhei Yoshida
Pop those PlayStation Move controllers in the cupboard: you’ll need them, but not right now. In a candid interview with Pocket-Lint, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has admitted that motion gaming is in a bit of a rut right now, and will stay that way until Sony’s virtual...
Rumour Is Teen Horror Until Dawn About to Strip Down on PS4?
Sony revives PlayStation Move fear fest
Horror games may be dime a dozen right now, but Supermassive Games’ ex-PlayStation 3 exclusive Until Dawn never sounded like your average scare-‘em-up. Taking inspiration from teen movies, the title promised a somewhat frisky affair, where you’d need to use the PlayStation Move controller to remove...
Review Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PlayStation 4)
Nobody suspects a thing
Loving father. Caring husband. Secret octopus. That’s the tagline to Octodad: Dadliest Catch, the sequel to Young Horses’ surprise 2010 splash hit Octodad. And it sums up the game quite succinctly. You take control of an undercover cephalopod living in the human world. You have to make sure that your family and those...
News This Patent for a New PS Move Controller Is Giving Us a Headache
LEGO meets motion control?
There's nothing quite like a totally insane PlayStation Move patent to get your blood pumping, and today we've unearthed a real doozy. The trademark, filed in September 2013, describes a new style of augmented reality controller made up of various individual blocks that you can rearrange to construct any shape that you...
News Until Dawn Staying Zipped Up Until the New Year
Keeping the chill out
Supermassive Games’ frustratingly frigid PlayStation 3 exclusive Until Dawn is set to keep covered up until the New Year, studio gaffer Pete Samuels has announced. There were rumours – yet again – earlier this week that the PlayStation Move powered title had been cancelled, but apparently that’s absolutely not the case...
Rumour Sony Working on Touch Powered PS Move for PS4?
Move it, move it
Sony has recently patented a new controller design, hinting at some form of revamped motion device for the PlayStation 4. Similar in form to the PlayStation Move controller on the PlayStation 3, this fresh peripheral includes all of the same core functionality as its current generation counterpart. However, there is one area that it...
News Wonderbook's No Longer Extinct with Book of Potions and Walking with Dinosaurs
Ice page
They may have got lost amid the excitement surrounding the PlayStation 4, but Sony turned the pages on two new Wonderbook titles last week. Building on the success of Wonderbook: Book of Spells, both Wonderbook: Walking with Dinosaurs and Wonderbook: Book of Potions hope to convince you to dust off your hardback-based peripheral and worm...
News Supermassive Games Keeping PS Move Title Until Dawn Alive
Not dead yet
Do you remember Until Dawn? The intriguing PlayStation Move teen horror title was announced at GamesCom a couple of years back, but has remained as tightly concealed as a cheerleader’s dressing room in the months since. That doesn’t mean that the release has been cancelled, though – in fact, according to managing director Pete...
Review Skydive: Proximity Flight (PlayStation 3)
Don't try this at home
What happened to extreme sports games? They were more popular than Mountain Dew towards the end of the PSone era, but the genre seemed to fizzle out faster than a ska band’s fanbase. Overexposure certainly contributed to Kelly Slater and crew’s sudden crash in popularity, but with only a half-hearted Tony Hawk to compete...
Video Giggle Through Eight Minutes of Octodad: Dadliest Catch on PS4
Reely silly
How can you not love this? There’s a reason that Octodad: Dadliest Catch charted right near the top of our PlayStation 4 wishlist, and it’s replicated in the hilarious video embedded below. Our friends over at Family Gamer TV managed to capture eight minutes of the upcoming next generation title in action at the Eurogamer Expo, and...
Review Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD (PlayStation 3)
Not-so-clever girl
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD harkens back to a time when games were simple and focused. Back in the day, the gameplay spoke for itself so there was little need for a narrative, and your overall goal was clear and simple: rescue the princess, shoot the demons, or in this case, hunt the dinosaurs. You play as a nameless hunter,...
Video Johann Sebastian Joust Invents New Local Multiplayer Mode for PS3
Look Ma, no TV
Family Gamer TV recently took a beta version of Johann Sebastian Joust – the PlayStation Move powered multiplayer game set to release as part of indie compilation SportsFriends later this year – to the Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham. The intriguing title functions without the use of a television screen, but uses music and seven...
News Octodad: Dadliest Catch Reels in PlayStation Move Support
Flop 'til you drop
Never one to miss out on an opportunity to announce tons and tons of stuff, Sony has made an assault on PAX Prime 2013 – just over a week after revealing over 50 games in Germany. Kicking off the announcements with a very floppy limb is the news that Octodad: Dadliest Catch will support PlayStation Move controls on the...
News Puppeteer Presents an Epic Tale of Past Performances
Curtain call
As pointed out in our recent preview, Puppeteer is shaping up to be something special. The Japan Studio side-scroller takes you on a tour through a theatrical world, as you battle against pantomime villains with a pair of scissors. Of course, considering that this is coming from the same creative powerhouse as ICO and
Review Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (PlayStation 3)
Fairway to heaven
You’d need a heart more barren than a bothersome bunker to dislike Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (or Everybody’s Golf, as it’s known in Europe). Originally putted onto the PlayStation Vita, this PlayStation 3 port of the sugary sporting sim is every bit as sweet as its portable predecessor. Boasting a bevy of colourful...
First Impressions An Audience with Puppeteer, the PS3 Panto Deserving of a Standing Ovation
Pure theatre
Games like Puppeteer don’t deserve to be sitting out in the wings. You’re more likely to find Japan Studio’s side-scroller nursing a cold cup of coffee and pushing about props than strutting its stuff on centre stage. In an industry increasingly obsessed with leading lights like Call of Duty and Battlefield, there’s becoming...
News Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Putts PlayStation 3 Next Week
Hole in one
Just in time to celebrate the Open – and Rory McIlroy’s confidence crisis – Sony has announced that it’s bringing the PlayStation 3 version of Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational to Europe and North America next week. The arcade golf game – which struck an albatross on the PlayStation
News Angry Birds: Star Wars Finds the Force on PlayStation 3 and Vita
Luke Flywalker
Angry Birds: Star Wars, Rovio and LucasArts’ license to print money, is set to step away from the Pork Side of mobiles and tablets, and fly onto the PlayStation 3 and Vita this fall. The title – which popped up on Amazon overnight – will catapult its way onto a console near you on 29th October in North America and 1st November...
Feature How a Jaded Child Set the Stage for PS3 Exclusive Puppeteer
Curtain call
Children are honest souls, augmented with an innocence that evaporates with the steady infiltration of adulthood. It was a sharp bite of sincerity from the son of creative director Gavin Moore that gave birth to Puppeteer, a twisted platformer with a co-operative focus from Sony’s very own Japan Studio, the home of hits such as Ape...
First Impressions Turning the Pages of Wonderbook: Book of Potions
Brewing up a storm
Wonderbook may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for families, and those of an inquisitive nature, it offers a totally new way to play games. The only problem, up until recently, was that there was only one title that used the novel peripheral, Wonderbook: Book of Spells. Fortunately, last month saw the release of
E3 2013 Wonderbook: Walking with Dinosaurs Roars onto PS3
Jurassic park
It almost feels like prehistoric times since we last got an update on Wonderbook: Walking with Dinosaurs. Fortunately, the game is still very much in development – as evidenced by this brand new trailer. The title will see you assume the role of a budding archaeologist, as you chisel away at rocks for clues pertaining to legendary...
E3 2013 Sony Brews Wonderbook: Book of Potions for PlayStation 3
Pass the Polyjuice
After last year’s drawn out Wonderbook: Book of Spells unveiling, Sony has somewhat swept its successor Wonderbook: Book of Potions under the carpet. The sequel follows in the same footsteps as its forerunner, augmenting you with access to Zygmunt Budge’s recipe book. As opposed to learning spells, though, the tome will teach...
News Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Aims to Keep You Occupied Until Uncharted 4
Targeting PSN on 29th May
Semaphore’s obvious homage to the Uncharted franchise Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta will fire onto the PlayStation Network on 29th May, the developer has announced. The episodic title – which puts you in the boots of Faris Jawad – promises to send you on an expedition throughout the Middle East on the trail of a...
Talking Point Will the PlayStation Move Really Have a Place on the PS4?
Move aside?
Contrary to what Sony initially promised, the PlayStation Move didn’t really change anything at all. You’ll struggle to find a bigger fan of the two Sports Champions games than this particular author, but the motion device seems to have fizzled out swifter than a budget sparkler on a stormy Bonfire Night. Despite this,
Rumour Has Until Dawn Severed Its PlayStation Move Requirement?
Motion controlled adventure may have added DualShock 3 support
Until Dawn, the fascinating teen horror slasher from Supermassive Games, may not need a PlayStation Move motion controller after all. As spotted by the ferocious folks over at Bloody Disgusting, the title’s box art merely states that the game is ‘compatible’ with Sony’s...
News Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler Steps Out of the Shadows on 29th May
Moonbot Studios opens the book on film noir adventure
Wonderbook may not be everyone’s idea of a good time, but Moonbot Studios’ upcoming detective adventure Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler sounds legitimately awesome. The title – which is due out on 29th May in Europe and later this year in North America – puts you in control of a detective...
News Mad Dog 2: The Lost Gold Plunders the PlayStation Network Today
Bounty hunter
Those of you with a taste for borderline embarrassing full-motion video may be tempted by the release of Mad Dog 2: The Lost Gold on the North American PlayStation Store today. The title – which was originally released in arcades way back in 1992 – sees you using your trusty PlayStation Move six-shooter in order to blast a trail...
News Puppeteer Reanimates PS3 in September, Supports PlayStation Move
Break a leg
Puppeteer may not be sizzling quite like its PlayStation 3 exclusive counterparts The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls, but it really does deserve a sprinkle more attention than it's getting. The theatrical platformer – which is due out on 10th September in North America and 11th September in Europe – sees you assume the role of a...
First Impressions Is BioShock: Infinite Any Good with the PlayStation Move?
Shooting sinners with pinpoint precision
While we’re not quite finished with our BioShock: Infinite review yet, we figured that we’d bring you a few impressions of the title’s PlayStation Move controls to tide you over while you wait. Sony made a big deal out of the support during its E3 press conference in 2011, hauling creative director Ken...
News Move Fitness Working Up a Sweat in North America
Time to put those muscles in motion
Sony’s stab at the exercise game fad Move Fitness is heading to North America this week. The title – which originally launched in Europe way back in 2011 – sees you using the PlayStation Move motion controller to pant your way through a series of rigorous work out routines. The game was developed by the same...
News Quantic Dream: We Don't Think PlayStation Move Is Necessary for Beyond
Developer rules out motion controls for epic
It may not have been designed with motion in mind, but Heavy Rain was an early showpiece for the PlayStation Move. The title’s button prompt-laden gameplay made it an easy fit for gesture controls, and developer Quantic Dream did a fine job of painstakingly reassigning every analogue stick nudge to...
News Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Divides UK Retail on 26th April
Greenvale beckons
Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut, the PS3 port of the most critically polarising survival horror title ever released, will haunt UK store shelves on 26th April, publisher Rising Star Games has announced. The re-release – which is also due out on 30th April in North America – promises new content, upgraded graphics, and...
News Wonderbook: Book of Spells Failed to Enchant Store Shelves
Harry Potter spin-off could have sold better
Wonderbook: Book of Spells was a fine experiment that failed to cast a charm on as many consumers as Sony expected. Despite a strong marketing push in Europe, SCEUK’s Fergal Gara has admitted that the innovative title “could have sold better”, even though it did “respectively well”. “I am...
News Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler Pops Its Collar in May
L.A. Noire for kids
Intriguing augmented reality adventure Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler has bookmarked a May release date in Europe. The title – which takes advantage of Sony’s page-turning peripheral – sees you assume the role of a budding detective, as you attempt to solve a series of crimes in an eye-catching film noir world. You can...
Feature Crafting the Contrasting Sounds of The Unfinished Swan
Secret gardens and synths
The Unfinished Swan is a blank canvas; an engrossing adventure open to interpretation and debate. It’s a title that’s defined by contrasts, be it the bold blobs of colour that paint your progression through the game’s otherwise vacant world, or the juxtaposed personalities of the protagonist and his counterpart, the...