Tag: Screenshots - Page 10
News Rayman Origins Screens Emerge Ahead Of E3, Look Amazing
Screenshots for Ubisoft's co-operative platformer Rayman Origins have emerged ahead of E3
The game, which was announced at last year's show and has been keeping itself quiet since, promises over 60 levels of platforming for all ages. There's more through here.</em>
News Spoilers: There Is Blood In Ninja Gaiden 3
Famitsu's slapped up some screenshots from Ninja Gaiden 3
There is blood in them. The game is due out on PlayStation 3 in 2012. According Andriasang, the Famitsu report notes that the game is about 30% complete with a 2012 release being targeted. Apparently, protagonist Ryu Hayabusa's right arm plays a central role in the story. It's been possessed...
News Sherlock Holmes Brings Victorian Crime Solving To PlayStation 3
If you're just about getting done with L
A. Noire</a>, you might well be on the hunt for a new detective game on PlayStation 3. With a timely announcement, Focus Home Interactive has announced that it's bringing its popular Sherlock Holmes series to the PlayStation 3. The New Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes: The Testament Of Sherlock may be a...
News Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Looks Gorgeous On CryEngine
We recently played City Interactive's Sniper: Ghost Warrior and thoroughly enjoyed the experience for what it was -- cheap, digestable and fun
As such, we're actually really excited for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. The sequel is set to use Crytek's CryEngine 3 technology, which should give the original's slightly shoddy visuals a real kick up the bum...
News Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshots Show a Lack of Mel B
Perhaps that explains the delay
You'd think that a licensed game would make a big song and dance about its celebrity endorsement, but the ex-Scary Spice is nowhere to be seen in these screenshots for Ubisoft's Let's Dance with Mel B. Using the PlayStation Eye camera you'll be able to see yourself on-screen at all times, a big improvement over Ubi's...
News Catherine Screens Aren't Always The Most Exciting, Are They?
While we continue to be of the opinion that Catherine looks properly amazing, we're just not convinced screenshots do it the greatest of justice
Looking at two similarly awkward looking characters talking about marriage doesn't exactly instill us with enthusiasm. But hey, at least there's cigarettes and mustard in this screenshot.</em>
News Catherine Questions The Importance Of Marriage In Latest Screens
Atlus has released the first batch of Catherine screens boasting English sub-titles
The Japanese adventure-meets-puzzle-platformer title tackles a number of adult subjects, including infidelity and responsibility. The game also includes sheep. Lots of sheep.</em> There are more screens over on Joystiq.
News FYI: Green Hill Zone In Sonic Generations Is Gorgeous
That's exactly what most Unreal Engine moden video games lack. Colours. SEGA understands that. Not content with the blistering blue skies of Okinawa in Yakuza, SEGA's still pumping out eye-wateringly bright Sonic games too. Sonic Generations will be no exception. We couldn't be happier.</em>
We're all over EA's Shadows Of The Damned
Not because it looks particularly fresh, innovative or originial, but because it's from Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) and Suda51 (Killer7). Silliness is guaranteed.</em>
News Mass Effect 3 Screenshots Look A Lot Like Mass Effect 2
If you were expecting some brand-spanking, gob-stopping visual enhancements in Mass Effect 3: stop
GameInformer's got the exclusive reveal of the first Mass Effect 3 screenshots, and they look just like Mass Effect 2. In fact, if you didn't tell us otherwise, we'd assume they were DLC. We'd love to post the screenshots here, but we daren't...
News Yup, This Looks Like A Third Saints Row Game Alright
THQ has released the first set of Saints Row: The Third screenshots to outlets not under the label "GameInformer"
The above image caught our eye. It shows a under-dressed lady running away from an exploding police car. In the background there's a dude wearing a luchador mask with a grenade launcher. Sure, why not? We're not overly keen on the game's...
News Sonic Generations Officially Announced For PlayStation 3
The Sonic cycle may well become a thing of the past this year, as SEGA has officially announced Sonic Generations for the PlayStation 3
The game, which was teased last week, blends an intriguing mix of 2D and 3D Sonic gameplay — a first for the series. As you'd expect, the narrative set-up is utter tripe, with Sonic stuck in weird "time...
News Get Fighting Fit with UFC Personal Trainer in June
No more punching above your weight
Move gamers probably worked up enough of a sweat in The Fight: Lights Out, but those who wants an even more intense workout might want to keep their eyes on UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System, due for Move in June 2011. Taking the popular mixed martial arts and turning it into an exercise game, UFC...
News Remember That Hitman 5 ARG? Now It's Kicking Up Screenshots!
Remember that alternate-reality Hitman 5 game we told you about the other day? Well now it's kicking up bonafide screenshots
Four of the images reference the Canada's CN Tower — the world's largest free-standing structure. Fans are speculating that this suggests Hitman 5 will be set in Canada. It's the fifth image that is most interesting though...
News Batman: Arkham City's Riddler Is Basically Jigsaw From The Saw Movies (Or So We're Told)
One of the best features of Batman: Arkham Asylum was the little Riddler challenges dotted around the world
Batman: Arkham City gives ol' Edward Nigma a bigger role — comparable to that of Jigsaw from the Saw movies. Here's the catch: Nigma's constantly setting Batman puzzles to solve. If you fail to complete them, a resident of Gotham dies. Sound...
News Lara Looks A Little Less Rough In PlayStation 3's Tomb Raider Trilogy HD Re-Release
Spot of make-up and a touch of botox and look at that, good as new
Crystal Dynamics has released some comparison shots for their upcoming PlayStation 3 Tomb Raider Trilogy. The pack — which includes PS2 titles Tomb Raider Legends & Anniversary, in addition to PS3 game Underworld — has been remastered in HD (well the PS2 games have anyway)...
News SEGA Rally Online Arcade Definitely Looks 'SEGA' Enough
If you want to get us excited about an arcade re-release, all you need do is mention a SEGA property
Afterburner, Outrun, Super Hang-on, SEGA Rally... Speaking of which, the upcoming SEGA Rally Online Arcade is looking distinctly SEGA. Just look at that blue sky. Now about that Space Harrier HD re-release, SEGA...
News Serious Sam 3: BFE Features 16-Player Campaign Co-Op, Coming To Consoles This Summer
Croteam's finally lifted the lid on their upcoming prequel to the bonkers Serious Sam series, confirming a Summer release for Serious Sam 3: BFE on "consoles"
We're assuming "consoles" means PlayStation 3. But what does BFE stand for? We don't actually know. Leave it up to your imagination. Croteam's touting 16-player "full...
News The Joker's Looking Rough In Batman: Arkham City
Warner's released some new shots of Rocksteady's highly anticipated Arkham Asylum sequel, Batman: Arkham City
That Joker dude, how on Earth does he pull girls like Ms. Harley Quinn? Must be the lip-stick.</em>
News Virtua Tennis 4 Reminds Us How Video Games Should Look
Perhaps it's our abnormal tennis game-hype that's causing us to flip-out over this shot of a Virtua Tennis 4 court, but we can't help it
ARGH, so amazing. The SEGA Sky is in place. All the screenshot is missing is the SEGA Rock. Do your best to imagine it though, it's not hard. It's like: power-chord - power-chord - riffy melody - chug - chug...
News New Dungeon Defenders Screenshots Explode with Colour
Not your usual grimy grind
Upcoming Move-enabled PlayStation Network title Dungeon Defenders – also known as DunDef – is coming together well in anticipation of its release on the PlayStation Store later this year. Developer Trendy Entertainment just sent over some brand new screenshots, along the game's announcement trailer, for you to feast...
News Brand New PlayStation Move Heroes Screenshots Whip In
See a raccoon with a laser whip
How much more needs to be said about PlayStation Move Heroes? Six of Sony's top characters – Sly, Bentley, Ratchet, Clank, Jak and Daxter – uniting for the first time in a Move-exclusive adventure. You likely already know if you're going to buy it or not, but these screenshots might entice you into keeping a...
News Just To Confirm: Dark Souls Is Basically Demon's Souls In Everything But Name
Ok, are we wrong for thinking things are getting a little shady here? Maybe the Sony Defence Force inside of us is taking over, but From Software's Dark Souls just looks
.. shady. When people said "it's the spiritual successor Demon's Souls", we were like, "alright, cool, it won't be exactly the same". But it is. In fact the only...
News Batman: Arkham City Looks Particularly Pretty, Don'tchathink?
Batman: Arkham City's lead gaffer Sefton Hill was talking up the game's bigger environment open-world environment yesterday
Just to remind you there's been no visual sacrifice, have a new screenshot. There's more over at VG247.</em>
News Fact: Robotic Dudes With Katana Blades Will Always Kick Your Ass
One thing we've noticed about Japanese developed fiction is that they love to marry the future with the past
A popular character choice is a hulking robotic dude armed to the teeth with classic Japanese blades. Take Zero, a character in Platinum Games' Anarchy Reigns. He's a ninja with a katana sword, but he looks like a robot. There's a trailer...
News Oh Hey, Cole Still Has To Make Moral Choices In inFamous 2
The original inFamous had a heavy emphasis on the morality of your actions
Choices were binary and contrived, but the whole mechanic shaped the way the world responded to you as well as Cole's looks. In inFamous 2, Cole will need to make moral decisions once again, but this time they will be represented by character-driven dialogue and 3D mocap...
News Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Makes Even The Ugliest Of Carnivorous Fish Look Friendly
The only problem with Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One is that only one player can assume the role of Captain Qwark. We predict straw drawing and angrily exchanged PlayStation Network messages. See while Ratchet's side-kick Clank, and nemesis Nefarious are cool, they pale in significance to the adorably arrogant Qwark. The latest gameplay...
Resistance: Fall Of Man was brilliant
Resistance 2 had its moments. But judging by this new gameplay clip of Resistance 3, Insomniac's really stepped up their game. The footage includes a quick glimpse at Resistance 3's "Weapon Wheel" — one of fan's most demanded features after it was removed from Resistance 2. It also looks pretty...
News First Screenshot of Uncharted on the NGP (PSP2) Handheld
Drake's reception
When we first saw the trailer of upcoming of NGP games, we caught a brief glimpse of Uncharted in action on the Next Generation Portable. Still, we haven’t had a clear notion of what the game will look like up close. Thankfully a single screenshot of the game now lets us see the beautiful game in action. Did we ever think a...
News PlayStation Meeting 2011: ... And The NGP Looks A Little Bit Like This!
Sony's just sent us press photos of their new PlayStation handheld, the NGP
You can read more about the actual device through here. For now let's gaze at pretty pictures.
News New StarDrone Screens Look Sparkly in 720p
Shiny shots from space
Move-controlled puzzle game StarDrone is heading towards its PlayStation Network release at a rate of intergalactic knots, and these new screenshots show it's shaping up very nicely indeed. StarDrone is tough to explain, so stick with us. A combination of puzzle, pinball and score attack games such as NiGHTS into Dreams, you...
News These L.A. Noire Screenshots Are All About People's Faces
We're beginning to wonder if there's anything else to L
A. Noire</a> other than "OMGZ LOOK HOW GOOD THE FACES ARE WITH OUR MOTIONSCAN TECHNOLOGY!" Every single screenshot, trailer and piece of PR has focused on the same thing. The faces. Look at the goddamn faces. Y'know guys, we think Rockstar want us to look at the faces. As it...
News Konami Teases Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow "Reverie" DLC
Konami's been teasing Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow's first DLC pack, "Reverie", for a while now on the game's Facebook page
The site teases: Tick tock Its time for another glimpse into the upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Reverie DLC. What might Gabriel try to change with this time machine? As is the case for all of Lords Of...
News Make Your PlayStation Move A Beam Katana With No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise
To remind everyone that the stupidly stylish No More Heroes is coming to PlayStation 3, Konami's released a batch of new screenshots of the Nintendo Wii port
The HD update's due in the West this year with added PlayStation Move controls. There are more screens through here.</em>
News New No More Heroes Shots Show Leather, Beam Swords, Gimps
All bases covered
Konami recently released a batch of new screenshots for the upcoming Move-compatible port of No More Heroes: Heroes's Paradise, Grasshopper Manufacture's ode to otaku everywhere, and the game is shaping up very nicely indeed. The story of Travis Touchdown's attempt to rise to number one in the assassin league, the PS3 port will be...
News Eat Them! Launches Exclusively On The PlayStation Network This Week
We'll leave it to FluffyLogic to pitch upcoming PlayStation Network exclusive Eat Them
</a>. According to the developer, "Eat Them! gives gamers the chance to create and bring to life colossal monsters in order to flatten entire cities and feast on their inhabitants." Awesome. It's available on the North American PlayStation Network...
News In This Set Of MotorStorm: Apocalypse Screenshots...
.. a bunch of racers are dropped out of a helicopter onto a collapsing building
Just a normal game of MotorStorm: Apocalypse then? Seriously people, this game needs more hype. We've played it twice now and it's insane. There's more information about MotorStorm's "race where you get dropped from a helicopter onto a skyscraper that is already...
News New PlayStation Move Heroes Screenshots Bash, Boom and Zap In
Lots of explosions
A PlayStation platform fan's dream-come-true, PlayStation Move Heroes takes Ratchet, Clank, Jak, Daxter, Sly and Bentley and puts them all in one Move-enabled platforming package. If you want to see new screenshots of the game, you've come to the right place. Sony's North American arm just flung these screenshots our way, showing...
News Y'Know, Those Dissidia Games Are Pretty Bloody Good
Judging by this artwork, DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY is going to be pretty rad too
It's just on PSP next year. </em>[Cheers RPGSite.net]
News It's Probably Safe To Assume That DiRT 3 Will Be As Pretty As A Painting
Codemaster's generally put out super pretty games
Codemaster's DiRT franchise in particular looks pretty great. Is it any real surprise that first shots of DiRT 3 are amazing, then? Not really no. </em>
News This Picture Was Taken In-Game Using Gran Turismo 5's Photo Mode
This is not a photograph
This is not a photograph. This is not a photograph.</em>
News Bioshock Infinite Still Looks Like The Best Thing Ever (Ever)
Bioshock Infinite's not due out for years
It might have actually been announced too early; because there are still two years of development left on this thing. But the one thing we can be sure of when it ships is that it's going to be amazing. Absolutely amazing. Joystiq's got a batch of new screenshots. Catch them through the link.
News New Ape Escape Screenshots the Happiest Things You'll See Today
Colour! Rainbows! Moustaches!
Ape Escape Fury Fury is an on-rails game that features a net, not a gun: your task is to round-up all the monkeys using your keeper's prowess, grabbing them in your net, naturally controlled by PlayStation Move. A new batch of screenshots of the upcoming simian snatcher have found their way to use here at Movemodo and...
News Kratos Still Likes To Murder People/Things In God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta
Take this giant statue thing -- shortly after the screenshot was taken it lost its head
Like, all of its head. God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta is just a few weeks off now. It's looking absolutely brilliant. There's a demo available on both legs of the PlayStation Store if you want to give it a test run.</em> <em>The full batch of shots are...
News New Shots of John Daly's ProStroke Golf Show off Dale Hill Course
Go green with the Lion
The website for Dale Hill Golf Club states: Dale Hill Hotel and Golf Club has always been regarded as a bit of a secret. Well not any more, as it's included in John Daly's ProStroke Golf, out in North America now and coming to Europe on Friday. These brand new PlayStation 3 screenshots show off the new holes, although...
News Yakuza: Of The End Is Almost Certainly Going To Be The Best Video Game Ever Made
We're just sayin'
</em> Yakuza: Of The End - front-runner for game of the forever? We think so.
News Feast Your Eyes On More Resistance 3 Artwork
GameInformer's got a cover-story on Resistance 3
You might have seen the artwork: it shows the game's new protagonist, Capelli, riding a train whilst being chased by a gigantic Widowmaker. It wasn't the only piece of artwork designed for the magazine cover. GameInformer's shown off an alternative piece of art which shows Capelli chased by Chimera in...
News The Batman Takes Centre Stage In a Load Of Arkham City Screens
"It's the Batman," is a phrase you're likely to scream if you're some kind of criminal reading this page
Don't worry guys, it's only screens from the caped crusader's latest game, Batman: Arkham City. It's not the real thing, yo. Story padding aside, Arkham City looks really good.</em> There's more screens over on Joystiq.
News Sly Cooper Collection Screenshots a Bit Hit and Miss
Go behind the mask
The Sly Collection is set to revamp all three Sly Cooper adventures from the PlayStation 2 in brand new HD-o-vision, with some 3D effects and PlayStation Move minigames thrown in for good measure. Now we've got some fresh screenshots of the pack to share with you, but they may not be quite as polished as you'd expect. Whilst the...
News The Undead Shuffle Through Blackwater In Search Of Brains
Rockstar's sent us a few more screens of Red Dead Redemption's upcoming Undead Nightmare DLC pack
We still think this looks fantastic. We're looking forward to blasting some brains presumably when the pack launches closer to Hallowe'en.</em>