Tag: Screenshots - Page 11
News By The Way: Albert Wesker's In The New Marvel Vs. Capcom Game
Characters really don't get much more amazing than Resident Evil's antagonist Albert Wesker
He's one of our favourites. So we're stoked to see him show up as part of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3's roster. Wesker will join Spider-Man and numerous others in the final game. We can't wait.
News TGS 10: Valkyria Chronicles III Gets Debut Trailer, Screens
Look, we're sorry alright
We know you wanted a PlayStation 3 game, but Valkyria Chronicles III is on the PSP. You're going to have to get over it at some point. We know you're mad, but you can't keep shooting the messenger. Besides, Valkyria Chronicles II was a great PlayStation Portable game by all accounts, and we're certain the ne
News TGS 10: New The Last Guardian Shots Are Properly Gorgeous
Famitsu's released a new set of direct-feed shots from The Last Guardian
As you might imagine, they are utterly gorgeous. The new screens are a bit small due to Famitsu's compression, so here's hoping we get some biggies direct from Sony soon. Fumito Ueda's due to have a big presence at TGS this year. We're expecting to see more of The Last...
News TGS 10: Let's Take A Look At This New Devil May Cry Game, Then
Dante's got dark hair
That's probably the biggest thing you can take out from the screenshots released for the new Devil May Cry title, which is in development at the British studio Ninja Theory. According to Capcom, three top-level Japanese staff will be flying over to the UK to work with Ninja Theory on DMC. Capcom's honcho Keiji Inafune was coy...
News TGS 10: Remember When Alice Gets Stuck Inside The White Rabbit's House?
This is American McGee's interpretation of that moment for the upcoming Alice: Madness Returns on PlayStation 3
Could we be any more excited? The answer is no.</em>
News Fresh Killzone 3 Shots Are Like, "Is This Even Possible?"
Killzone's always been a franchise that prides itself on its spectacular visuals
But Killzone 3 looks to take one step above the benchmark we've come to expect. Famitsu's got some new shots, concepts and renders. It all looks flawlessly incredible. We can't wait until the game releases in February. [Cheers TSA]
Way to break embargo, Batman
A Flickr user has uploaded, what looks to be, the first batch of Batman: Arkham City shots. They look pretty incredible to be honest. The shots show Two-Face, Catwoman, Harley Quinn and more. There are 20 shots in total. Hit the link, y'all.
News In Racquet Sports You Hit Balls With Bats
Meodia's got some new screens of Ubisoft's upcoming PlayStation Move title, Racquet Sports
As evidenced by the title, the game features a bunch of different racquet based sports including squash, tennis and beach tennis. It also happens to look rather pretty, if a little colour-by-numbers. If they nail the controls, we can picture ourselves having a...
News Does Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Remind You Of Anything?
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Of The Colossus perhaps? It might lack originality - seems like Castlevania's going to work with the formula of a number of PlayStation greats - but it looks stunning all the same
There are more shots over at Kotaku.
GamesCom 2010 Ever Wondered What A Time Crisis Game Looks Like With PlayStation Move?
A lot like Time Crisis, actually
Destructoid's got a whole bunch of Time Crisis: Razing Storm screens. You can check the lot through here.</em>
GamesCom 2010 Kitana & Cyrax Join The Mortal Kombat Roster
Warner Bros and NetherRealm has confirmed two new characters for the Mortal Kombat roster today: Cyrax and Kitana
Both will be playable in the new game set to launch next year. Don't forget, the game will feature full stereoscopic 3D support on the PlayStation 3.
GamesCom 2010 We're Guessing The Guy In This Bioshock: Infinite Screenshot Is Not A Happy Chappy
No matter how fresh, bright and exciting Bioshock's worlds are supposed to look; they're usually dark, sinisted and horrible
We assume Bioshock: Infinite's sky-city, Columbia, will be no different. See this guy holding a gun? Yeah, he's probably not a happy man.
GamesCom 2010 Viewtiful Joe Joins The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Roster
Capcom's confirmed two new characters set to join the Marvel vs
Capcom 3</a> roster at GamesCom today. Both Viewtiful Joe from the 2003 GameCube classic and Marvel antagonist Dormammu (anyone?) are the latest entries into the roster. We're stoked about Viewtiful Joe, but honestly, we don't know who the other guy is. Kotaku's got a bunch of...
News Eat This, Kazuya Mishima!
Siliconera's got hold of some brand-new shots of Street Fighter X Tekken
The shots, released by Capcom, show Ryu and Chun-Li kicking lumps out of Tekken's Nina and Kazuya. Still seems weird. Looks proper awesome, though.
News It'd Be Nice If Police Cars Actually Did Look Like This, Wouldn't It?
Admittedly we know about as much about cars as we do American Football
That is to say, not a lot. Still, while we're destined to get pulled up in the comments about our non-description of the above pictured car (we think it's a Dodge Viper?), we just want to say that we like the way it looks. In fact, we're pretty certain Need For Speed: Hot...
News Comic-Con 2010: Screenshots Like This Get Our Pulses Racing
As an onlooking Servbot watches Tekken's Kazuya kick the crap out of Street Fighter's Ryu, we can't help but feel that the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken cross-over heading to the PlayStation 3 is probably the best announcement since sliced bread
Sadly, the producer of Capcom's game, Yoshinori Ono, reckons the project is still some time off -...
News Killzone 3 Screens Are All About Flying Debris & Boom, Boom, Boom
Killzone 3 continues to look proper despite its pre-alpha state
A new batch of screenshots published over at GamersMint prove as much. You want the boom-boom? You're going to need Killzone 3 next year. Gah, it's in 3D too isn't it? Yeah, you're going to need a new Telly too.</em>
News inFamous 2 Screenshots Do Uber-Pretty
Sony's released the first screenshots of the dividing inFamous 2
While early impressions from the press - who saw the game behind closed doors during E3 - have been positive (GameTrailers' Geoff Keighley described the game as "impressive"), the fan-base seems pretty divided over the new look Cole. He's kinda growing on us, but we still...
News First Red Faction: Armageddon Shots Pop Out, Say "How'd You Do?"
If you haven't yet seen it, check out Red Faction: Armageddon's trailer right through here
Then head off to VG247, who have the first screenshots of the upcoming destuctive shooter from THQ.</em>
News Good Grief Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Looks Pretty!
Stop what you're doing
Just stop ok. Now hover your mouse cursor right about here, and click. Thank goodness. Sit back and enjoy the amazingly amazingness of these Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 screens. Did we mention they were amazing? They're amazing. Get hype, indeed!
News Killzone 3 Is As Officially Official As An Official Thing
Killzone 3 wasn't supposed to be announced until next week
But certain magazines have forced developers Guerrilla Games' hand. Hence the bringing forward of a massive embargo, and the release of some early hands-on impressions (they are glowing like a Helghast's blinkers). Sony's not really saying anything about the game that wasn't already
News If Only Real Life Were As Pretty As Gran Turismo 5
Sony's whacked up some new screens of cars tearing up the Nurburgring in Gran Turismo 5
The screens are understandably pretty. You can check out the full collection courtesy of the Playstation Blog. We recommend you do so.</em>
News Horses In Red Dead Redemption Look Really, Really Good
One of the strongest responses we've heard to Red Dead Redemption is in response to its wildlife
Apparently the various animals roaming the wild west are ridiculously well animated, a real sight to behold. We would make the joke, "until you shoot them in the face, hahahaLOLchortle!1", but we like animals. Even digital ones.</em>
News Take A Look At A Picture Of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's Snake Hunting Monsters
Proof that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker really will be multiplied by a little Monster Hunter
News God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta Looks A Bit Incredible
Sony's shocked us all this morning by announcing that God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta, a totally new entry in the franchise, will hit the Playstation Portable this year
They've shocked us even further by dropping some ridiculously amazing shots of the game. Check them out after the jump.
News Have These New SOCOM 4 Screens On Us...
This is operation commander Cullen Gray, ex-NATO and now video game protagonist
The dude's only thirty-six, but already he's seen a lot. Like the inside of Zipper Interactive's studio, and presumably early running footage of his soon-to-be stomping ground, SOCOM 4. You can find out much more about Cullen, and grab a ton of SOCOM screens over at the...
News First Batch Of Bulletstorm Screens Emerge
These first shots of EA, Epic and People Can Fly's Bulletstorm show less the gritty, war torn environments you might have expected, and more tropical locations with ridiculous violence
Needless to say they look rather good. Check out the screens over at Joystiq and watch your excitement soar by, ooh, 100%.
News Yakuza: Project K Screenshots & Details Emerge, Make Us Sad
These details regarding SEGA's Yakuza: Project K don't make us sad because of their content
They make us sad because a Yakuza title on the Playstation Portable is almost certainly never going to get released here. As we told you recently, the game ditches usual Yakuza protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and replaces him with eighteen-year-old delinquent...
News Check Out Some New White Knight Chronicles 2 Screenshots
RPGLand's got a host of new screenshots from the upcoming SCEJ and Level-5 Playstation 3 exclusive White Knight Chronicles 2
Check 'em out if that's your thing.
News Konami's Doing Another SAW Game?
Here's a screenshot for Konami's upcoming SAW: The Video Game 2
It's most surprising not because it looks particularly unpleasant, but because we had no idea there was another game in the works. The first one had some clever ideas, so we're quite excited by the prospect of an improved version of that.</em>
We told you this morning about Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's crossover content with Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise
The results look a bit like this, thanks to screens released by Famitsu. Yeah - we know, it looks awesome.</em>
News Enslaved Provides Proof That Post-Apocalyptic Games Can Be Pretty
Enslaved is the latest title from Heavenly Sword developers Ninja Theory
It's also strikingly pretty despite its post-apocalyptic setting. The game's based on the 400-year old Chinese novel, Journey To The West, and is due later this year.
News These Old Dudes Are In Red Dead Redemption Believe It Or Not
Gaming might be all about youngsters, but the Wild West - that was for the experienced gun-slinger
Men who look wizened, old and, frankly, hard. Kotaku's got some shots of the older generation of Red Dead Redemption. The game continues to look bloody awesome.
News GDC 10: Medal Of Honor Screenshots Look Like You'd Expect Them To
EA's released some new screenshots for their Medal Of Honor reboot which you can catch over at Joystiq
We'd love to offer some insightful commentary, but they look exactly like you'd expect them to. It's Medal Of Honor in a post-Call Of Duty era.
News GDC 10: Move Party Brings Augmented Reality Mini-Gaming To Playstation Move
Despite some pretty "core" focused Playstation Move titles, Sony weren't being coy about bringing the new peripheral to the "extended" gamer
Move Party is a title aimed firmly at that, providing a range of whacky mini-games taking advantage of the accuracy of the Playstation Move controller, and the augmented reality possibilities of the Playstation...
News GDC 10: Sports Champions Is Playstation Move's Answer To Wii Sports Resort
During their GDC keynote last night, Sony showed off a sports game collection for the Playstation Move with some similarities to Nintendo's own Wii Sports Resort
The game, Sports Champions, features archery, table-tennis and a gladiator-esque game (massive potential for future third-person action adventure titles there). Check the screens after the...
News GDC 10: Here's Your First High-Res Look At The Playstation Move
Sony announced their latest PS3 peripheral at a keynote as part of GDC last night
The Playstation Move will launch in the Fall of this year, alongside a host of software titles. Move works alongside the Playstation Eye to offer precise, lag-free motion control gaming steps ahead of Nintendo and Microsoft's offering. The key is in the precise depth...
News Fallout: New Vegas Screens Scream "Oh Yup, That's Fallout Alright"
We know we're going to get screamed at for this but, Fallout 3 is not a good looking game
And we're going to assume that Fallout: New Vegas is going to look like ass too. Particularly after seeing this first batch of screenshots from CVG. Will the game rock? Absolutely. Does it look like the most unappealing game ever based on its screenshots?...
News Medal Of Honor Screens Look Exactly As You'd Expect Them To
EA's released a few new screens of their Medal Of Honor reboot
The full set of shots can be seen at Kotaku, but before you hit the link, just stop and think for moment. How do you imagine Medal Of Honor might look? Got an image in your head? Yep, it looks like that.
News L.A. Noire Is All Fancy Hats & Pin-Stripe Suits
Soak it in folks
This is the first ever screenshot (ever) of Team Bondi's L.A. Noire — the thriller that's been in development for almost forever. There are more shots over at GameInformer. If you have even a passing interest in the title, then you're probably no longer reading this.
News Fifa World Cup 2010 England Line-Up Is Uncanny Valley
The England team line-up in FIFA World Cup 2010
News Confirmation: MLB 10 The Show Will Look Absolutely Amazing
If you know anything about baseball, you know that MLB 10 The Show is due to be the best baseball game there is
It's also going to be the best looking. As these new set of screens from Kotaku prove.
News Oh Wow Look, It's Final Fantasy XIII... On The Playstation 2!
These shots (via Kotaku) show Final Fantasy XIII running on a Playstation 2
They've been published as part of a book documenting the development of Square Enix's latest RPG thriller. The sceens predate E3 2006, where the game was formally announced. Check the full set here.
News Hey Look, That's Totally Afterburner Climax
GamesWire's got some awesome screens for SEGA's upcoming PSN flight-combat remake, Afterburner Climax
As you'd absolutely expect, the game looks pretty bloody rad. Check the full set through here.
News Heavy Rain Heads-Up: 9/10 In Official Playstation Magazine, New Screens
First and foremost, divert your attention to Eurogamer where some new decidely wet screens for Heavy Rain have been posted
They're wet. Secondly, the game received its first rating in the British iteration of Official Playstation Magazine today, scoring a whopping 9/10:Certainly theres nothing quite like it on PS3, or indeed any other system...
News Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Screens Are Grainy, Intentionally So
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days aims to look like a YouTube video
In a generation where games try to outpretty each other, it's a risky move. But we think it actually is shaping up awesome here. There's a full set of screens on VG247.
News New Gran Turismo 5 Screenshots Have A Similar Effect To The New God Of War III Screenshots
Consider today the "Official Day Of Amazing Playstation 3 Screenshots
" Not content with giving us amazing God Of War III screenshots, the day has also spurned amazing Gran Turismo 5 screenshots, via Gaf. You'll see amazingly good looking cars right through here.
Remember when people doubted whether God Of War III was going to be a good-looking game? You probably chuckled awkwardly, told them they were mad and shoved the Blades of Chaos through their heart
You were right to do so. Some new hi-res shots from Andriasang should tell you everything you need to know. A painting come to life. Indeed.
News Game Of Movie Of Game Screenshots In Game Of Movie Of Game Shocker
Remember that Nolan North voiced prince from 2008's Prince Of Persia reboot? Ubisoft hope not, because they're back to the ol' formula with Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands; the game which is surprisingly due to launch alongside the Jake Gyllenhaal movie later this year. Despite all our scepticism, this is Ubisoft making a game in...
News New God Of War III Artwork Screams "Chaos!"
Apparently, in God Of War III, there will only be chaos
And nothing encapsulates that better than some artwork posted on NeoGAF this morning that depicts Kratos in a brutal entangle with Hades [right? - Ed]. Amazing. Oh, and if you wanted evidence God Of War III ain't all that far away - the website just launched.