Tag: Screenshots - Page 9
News First Jet Set Radio HD Screenshots Get Scratching
Looking good so far
SEGA's followed up last week's announcement that classic Dreamcast title Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in America) is coming to PlayStation Network with the first HD screenshots. SEGA has also confirmed the game will see release this summer and revealed a Jet Set Radio art contest that could see your art included in the finished...
News Visceral's Jack the Ripper Game Could Have Been Great
Wasn't to be
Shortly after putting a big bloody bow on the original Dead Space, Visceral Games started work on a new title called The Ripper. The title was being designed for HD consoles – like the PlayStation 3 – and starred London’s most mysterious murderer, Jack the Ripper, working as a vampire hunter. The project was never properly...
News New Screens Show Rebooted Tokyo Jungle
In the jungle...
Hot on the heels of Sony’s 7th June release date announcement for hotly anticipated post-apocalyptic downloadable title, Tokyo Jungle, the publisher’s released some fresh screens of the game’s rejigged style. As previously confirmed, the title's dropped its original two-dimensional viewpoint, adopting a full three-dimensional...
News First Shiny Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screens Leak Out
Heads or Tails?
Trust Xbox.com to leak screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 before SEGA's given us more than a teaser and some concept art. The screenshots — all embedded below for your pleasure — show Sonic and Tails engaging in some, er, co-op action, with online and offline options available. Sonic fans will pick up on any number of...
News The Last of Us Screens Wander into Pittsburgh
As promised last night, Game Informer magazine’s released the first screenshots of Naughty Dog’s mysterious upcoming survival horror project, The Last of Us. The screenshots show protagonists Joel and Ellie wandering through an apocalyptic Pittsburgh. It looks marginally better than the current-day city (sorry, readers).
News First The Amazing Spider-Man Screenshot Uncovers Open-World
Beenox doesn't have the best track-record with Spider-Man games since taking over the franchise a couple of years ago
But there's a real sense that it's had most of its attention on the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man movie tie-in. For many, Spider-Man 2 on the PlayStation 2 was a watershed moment. The great open-world setting jived well with...
News First Shots Of Max Payne 3's Multiplayer Mode Shoot Online
Rockstar's released some new shots of Max Payne 3's multiplayer component for you to feast your eyes on
The publisher's hoping to innovate with the game's online mode, bringing in narrative beats to set the feature apart. The screenshots though, well, they could be mistaken for any other third-person shooter. It all looks a bit bland, doesn't it?...
News Unit 13 Takes It To The Dancefloor
Every shooter needs a good nightclub stage
And Zipper Interactive's upcoming PlayStation Vita exclusive Unit 13 looks more than happy to oblige. New screenshots fired over by Sony show some four-to-the-floor shootouts. Everyone grab your dancing shoes.
News Frobisher Says Is the Weirdest Vita Game So Far
We have no words
Frobisher Says is one of the most peculiar games we've ever seen. Designed to use every one of the Vita's control inputs, it's a collection of over 50 challenges using more than 20 different art styles, some of which you can see in the frankly bizarre screenshots below. While the idea of a bizarre mini game compilation might sound a...
News Street Fighter X Tekken's Alternate Costumes Are Amazing
If you're the kind of person that constantly demands more, then this bit of Street Fighter X Tekken news should satisfy you no end
Capcom's released details about the game's alternate costumes — and they are amazing. Instead of changing each character's costume colours, Capcom has instead opted to dress the roster in clothes from other characters...
News Laughing Jackal Plates Up More Details About Its Upcoming PlayStation Mini Hungry Giraffe
Laughing Jackal has served up a couple of fresh morsels about its upcoming PlayStation Mini, Hungry Giraffe
The game is set to be the developer's first foray into the popular "endless climbing genre" and sees a finicky giraffe unimpressed with his current menu. Thankfully the giraffe has a lengthening neck, allowing him to reach delicious...
News New Gravity Rush Screenshots Show Off Huge Industrial Environments
For many, Team Siren's Gravity Rush is looking like the must-have PlayStation Vita game
The super-stylised gravity-driven platform game not only promises to take advantage of the Vita's multitude of input devices, but its bold cel-shaded art-style also looks custom built to showcase the system's OLED screen. In a batch of new screenshots, Sony's...
News Fresh Batch Of Ridge Racer Vita Screenshots Drift Online
Our friends over at TheSixthAxis have managed to nab a few new screenshots from Namco Bandai's PlayStation Vita launch title, Ridge Racer
The screens show a couple of car models, in addition to some in-game gameplay. The environments still look a bit messy, but the vehicles themselves are outstanding. The game's set to launch alongside the...
News Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry Reboot Continues To Look Pretty Cool
We know fans of the franchise absolutely hate what Ninja Theory's shown of its Devil May Cry franchise -- or DmC as we're supposed to call it
But everything we've seen of the game looks nuts. Drumming up our hype is this rad new batch of screenshots, which shows Dante sprinting through an almost Wonderland-esque skyline. "But why's he got brown...
News Co-Op Looks A Little Bit Like This In Mass Effect 3
We probably sound like something of a worn out record when discussing Mass Effect 3's multiplayer component, so we're now going to reserve judgement until we actually play it
While we've been heavily critical of Mass Effect's status as a shooter in the past, we'll refrain further comment until we actually play the latest entry. Because, honestly,...
News Let's Take A Moment To Stare Longingly At Wipeout 2048
Wipeout is one of our favourite PlayStation franchises of all time
We love Sony Liverpool's series so much that we get angry if anyone says anything bad about our preferred racing faction. (Assegai for those curious). Needless to say we're hopelessly stoked for the PlayStation Vita's latest Wipeout title — Wipeout 2048. Sony's dropped some new...
News FIFA Scores a Stunner with First Vita Shots
Back of the net
We've only just seen the first shots, and already we feel like calling EA's FIFA 12 one of the most graphically impressive Vita games. The high resolution shots here show the portable version of EA's soccer stunner is shaping up to be easily the most realistic looking handheld football game ever: check out the detail in Messi's hair,...
News What's Happened To Snow's Hair In Final Fantasy XIII-2?
It's rare that we'll comment on the hair or fashion sense of a video game character
Particularly not a Japanese video game character. But we feel compelled to rattle out something about Snow's new hair-cut in Final Fantasy XIII-2? Who is responsible for this atrocity?</em>
News Confirmed: Battlefield 3 Still Looks Stupidly Pretty
We like a bit of online multiplayer from time to time, but we're primarily single-player people
We enjoy spending time with a great narrative and being involved in a story. So while we think Battlefield 3's multiplayer actually looks pretty cool, it's certainly not the highlight for us. That accolade belongs to the campaign. And when the campaign is...
News Max Payne 3 Dual-Wields In New Screens
Forget one gun, Max Payne doesn't do things by halves
In a batch of new screenshots for Max Payne 3, Rockstar has shown off the moody character clasping weapons in both hands. It's all looking rather dark and gritty. Which we suspect is exactly what fans of the series have been clamoring for.</em>
News New Winter Stars Screens Stay Frosty
Over snow, ice and water
This press release is titled "Warm Up this Winter with Winter Stars". Quite how a game about winter sports is going to warm you up is anybody's guess, but maybe that's why we don't work in PR: it's all about vision. Speaking of vision (segue) here's some new Winter Stars screenshots to look at, showing off...
News Gun Game Mode is Coming to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Up your arsenal
Valve is definitely putting the effort into bringing its well-regarded FPS franchise up-to-date with upcoming PSN title, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. We’ve already reported that the game is coming with PlayStation Move support, mouse and keyboard options and cross-platform play, but now we’ve found about one of its actual...
News TGS 11: Lumines Returns To PlayStation Vita
One of the standout releases in the PlayStation Portable's original catalogue was Lumines
A brand new puzzler — heralded as one of the best since Tetris — Lumines combined fantastic music with a quirky, but addictive, mechanic. And now the series is back to redefine the PlayStation Vita. Originally announced at GamesCom and blown out at the...
News Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Confirmed for Vita, New Screens
Ghost Rider in your pocket
The PS Vita is turning out to be quite the home for fighting games. On top of BlazBlue and Street Fighter X Tekken making their way to the system, Capcom has also confirmed that Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be crossing over to PS Vita as well. This latest edition of the game adds 12 new characters to the mix,...
News TGS 11: Yup, Dead Or Alive's Back Alright
In addition to the trailer for the newly announced Dead Or Alive 5, Team Ninja's also released a piece of promotional concept art
And you were wondering where all the hot girls had got to, huh?</em>
News Ragnarok Odyssey On PlayStation Vita Looks Like This
GameArts has released the first screenshots of its upcoming PlayStation Vita RPG, Ragnarok Odyssey
They look purrdy. (And colourful). Catch the full set courtesy of Andriasang.</em>
News Fresh Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Screenshots Dropped Onto Facebook
Just Add Water's uploaded some brand new screenshots of its upcoming PlayStation 3 port of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
Catch them over on the social networking site, through here.</em>
News Fresh Shots of Vita's Multimedia Interface Surface
How you'll organise your life
Japanese site Andriasang has posted some brand new shots of the PS Vita's multimedia interface, showing the web browser, photos, music player and more. The menu system has the same slick look as the rest of the PlayStation family, with the important addition of surprisingly unobtrusive buttons on the touch screen to...
News Dig In to These New Puss in Boots Screenshots
Kitten's got claws
THQ's just released some early screenshots for its first Move-enabled movie tie-in, Puss in Boots, and it's looking pretty decent, actually. The game will let you do all the things Puss himself enjoys: duelling, sneaking and serenading women with a guitar, apparently. We haven't seen the film yet, so maybe that bit will make more...
News Latest Asura's Wrath Screenshots Depict The Moments Before A Brawl
Capcom's released a handful of new Asura's Wrath screenshots
The images depict all sorts of carnage, but the shot embedded above did jump out at us. Perhaps it's the angry looking Buddha foes. Catch the full set over at Andriasang.
News New House of the Dead Overkill Shots Creep Up
Meat is murder
SEGA's massively gory House of the Dead: Overkill — Extended Cut isn't just a glorified Wii conversion: it's got brand new stages and modes you won't find anywhere else. We've already covered Naked Terror, the first exclusive stage, and now we have the first shots of Creeping Flesh. The new level takes you through some sort of...
News Wait, The Players In Grand Slam Tennis 2 Actually Look Realistic?
Tennis games have always suffered from poor character models
So much so, we have fond memories of writing into Official Dreamcast Magazine about the 'Resident Evil Tim Henman' in the original Virtua Tennis. It's been a few weeks since EA announced Grand Slam Tennis 2, but the publisher's been keeping a lid on its character models, prompting some...
News Grand Slam Tennis 2 Shots Show Their Faces
An impressive start
EA announced Grand Slam Tennis 2 several weeks ago, but the initial teaser trailer didn't show any player faces, causing us to worry if they'd suffer from the dreaded "Zombie Henman" effect that's plagued 3D tennis games since Virtua Tennis first swung a racquet. Now we have the first face shots, we can see how silly we...
News Here's Your First Look At The Next Evolution Of PlayStation Home
Earlier today we reported that Sony is looking to completely redefine PlayStation Home as a social gaming platform in the Fall
New genre specific districts will be complimented by a new 'Hub' system — the entrance into PlayStation Home's new world. The aim is to make Sony's digital platform less of a sophisticated chat-room, and more of a...
News Gravity Daze Now Gravity Rush, New Screenshots and Trailer
Jump on in
Gravity Rush, previously known as Gravity Daze, is a PS Vita exclusive from Japan Studio, the devs that gave us such portable classics as Locoroco and Patapon. The game has a surreal, cel-shaded look that favors flair over realism, and gameplay revolves around a gravity manipulation mechanic that has the female protagonist jumping and...
News SEGA Serves Up a Slice of Virtua Tennis on Vita
Looks ace
SEGA's preparing to continue its rally with tennis games on portable PlayStations: PSP received Virtua Tennis World Tour and Virtua Tennis 3, and next year we'll see Virtua Tennis 4 come to PlayStation Vita. As you can see from the fresh set of new screenshots and trailer below, the game is shaping up very nicely indeed, with a strange...
GamesCom 2011 Far Cry 3 Screens Are Packed With Colour
Look video game developers: it can be done
Far Cry 3 might not be the tranquil experience its environments hint at, but at least the game's packed with colour and vibrancy. Proof that first-person shooters can consist of more than the colour brown. And grey.</em> Joystiq's got the full set of screens.
GamesCom 2011 Elizabeth Has A Bit Of A Cry In New BioShock: Infinite Screenshots
Poor Elizabeth
She was thrilled with all the awards BioShock: Infinite won at E3 earlier in the year, but someone at GamesCom had to be a complete meanie didn't they? Horrible Europeans, why did you have to tell her that BioShock: Infinite is still a year away from release? We think we're going to have a little cry too.
News Race at Night, Make Horses Mate in Champion Jockey
What more could you want?
Move-controlled gallop simulator Champion Jockey isn't just about glorious sunshine and seeing where you're going: it's about night races with no headlights and horses having sex. That's right: not only can you take your steed out on the grass when the sun is up, you'll be able to race when you should both be hitting the...
News Introducing Abe From Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
Just Add Water's craftily uploaded a full character render of Abe from Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD, the upcoming high-definition re-release of the XBOX classic
Munch's Oddysee HD is due out on PS3 in October, with a PlayStation Vita version planned. [Thanks TGL]
News New Champion Jockey Screens Shake Their Jockey Maker
Tutorial too
Champion Jockey will let you whip horses with PlayStation Move, but more than that, it'll let you design your very own jockey, making it the first Move game ever to let you play God and win a horse race at the same time. Tecmo Koei just sent over some new screenshots showing off the jockey customisation screens, where you can change...
News Silent Hill: Downpour Certainly Looks The Part
We're still a touch concerned about Silent Hill: Downpour -- it's in development at an unknown studio and we've still seen very little of the game
But one thing we have seen are a host of glorious screenshots, and while they don't reveal much about the game's narrative or mechanics, they at least conclude that the game is looking super pretty. Check...
News First GoldenEye 007: Reloaded Footage Suits Up
Licence to... oh, never mind
After the announcement of GoldenEye 007: Reloaded we've now got the first screenshots and in-game footage from the upcoming Bond-a-thon. The revamped version of last year's Wii adventure comes with support for PlayStation Move, Sharp Shooter and in a surprise turn of events the Top Shot Elite gun used in Cabela's...
News Shinobido Awakens on PS Vita
With loads of bloody screenshots
Fans of the PS One era will likely have fond memories of the stealthy ninja title Tenchu. Developed by Acquire, it was a ground-breaking title that had gamers sneaking into fortified villages to assassinate clan leaders by any means necessary. The nonlinear levels allowed for the freedom to infiltrate the villages by...
News SEGA Lets Off a Round of House of the Dead Screenshots
The unflinchingly gory House of the Dead: Overkill — Extended Cut is shambling towards Move later this year, and SEGA has sent over a revolver barrel's worth of new screenshots to celebrate. The shiny new 720p screenshots and pleasingly grindhouse-like artwork and box art show Headstrong is improving pretty much everything that was good...
News House Of The Dead: Overkill Looks Purrrdy In High-Definition
When we say "purrrdy", we also mean "a bit gross"
But that's the whole point; House Of The Dead: Overkill is a nasty, gory on-rails shooter. And it's brilliant. Hot on the heels of yesterday's big blow-out, SEGA's sent us some brand new screens of the upcoming PS3 title. Embedded above is a shot from Overkill's Carnival level. Yes — there are...
News Square Enix Releases Fresh Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots
Something bizzarre's happening with Final Fantasy XIII-2: there's just no enthusiasm
While the original Final Fantasy XIII was certainly a flawed experience, it wasn't so terrible that the sequel should be ignored entirely. And yet despite having a huge showing at this year's E3, few publications took the time to really put the title in the...
News Julia & Hwoarang Are In Street Fighter X Tekken Too
It's amazing how well Capcom's managed to get the Tekken fighters to fit into Street Fighter's aesthetic
The latest batch of Street Fighter X Tekken shots posted by VG247 reveal Julia and Hwoarang. Both look good, though Julia's biceps are a touch disturbing.</em>
News Cuddle Up to this EyePet and Friends Trailer
Cute critter now comes with a friend
As if one monkey-cat creator wasn't enough, Sony's giving its oddball offspring a companion in the upcoming EyePet & Friends, and we've got the first footage of the game in action right here. Sony also let loose a bundle of screenshots, showing how your two digital pets will interact with each other using the...
E3 2011 Everything You Need To Know About Dynasty Warriors On PlayStation Vita
It's Dynasty Warriors on the PlayStation Vita
Seriously though, while Koei might not yet have an official name for its PlayStation Vita spin-off of the Dynasty Warriors franchise, it's got a ton of assets. You can grab those over at VG247. The game makes use of the Vita's touchscreen, introducing a new "Godspeed musou" attack which...