Tag: Studio Liverpool
News Sony's Studio Liverpool Rises from the Ashes as Firesprite
They Liverpool
The closure of Studio Liverpool, formerly Psygnosis, came as a nasty and sudden shock to the wider video game community. Spearheading the much loved WipEout and Colony Wars franchises, it was undoubtedly one of Sony's most beloved first-party developers. We've not heard a great deal from the defunct company's former staffers, and...
News WipEout 2048's Intro Movie Depicts The Evolution Of Motorsport
There are few video game franchises that we'd describe as "classy", but Gran Turismo and WipEout are certainly two properties that fit the bill
Both titles have a regard for quality that runs deeper than the gameplay, and that's exuded in the upcoming WipEout 2048's introduction movie. The footage shows the "evolution of motorsport in Studio...
Feature Sony: "WipEout 2048 is Our Biggest WipEout Ever"
Shoot for the stars
WipEout 2048 is the most content-rich game in the series, according to Sony's Studio Liverpool senior designer Mike Humphrey. We spoke to Humphrey at the launch of Sony's Vita Rooms UK tour and asked what players will get for their money: Basically when you buy WipEout 2048 — it’s a huge game, it’s actually the biggest...
News Crazy Levitating WipEout Scalectrix Video Is Amazing, Almost Certainly Fake
Looks like Sony's just released the viral ad of the year -- and it's only January 4th
A YouTube video uploaded by the "Japan Institute Of Science And Technology" shows a WipEout themed model car track that operates using, erm, superconductivity and magnetic fields to send two levitating model crafts sprinting around a circuit. According to...
News Studio Liverpool Sheds Light On The Futuristic Zombie Apocalypse That Never Was
WipEout's always played host to some pretty inventive gameplay types
Unsatisfied with simply delivering an awesome racer, developer Studio Liverpool's introduced a number of popular modes over the years — including the excellent Zones and trippy Eliminator. All of WipEout's modes share a common enthusiasm for speed, but turn the bog-standard...
News Wipeout 2048 Demo Races Onto Japanese PlayStation Store On January 17th
The PlayStation Vita may not have sold too hot during its second week on sale in Japan, but there's still lots for Japan to get excited about
Well, perhaps — we always felt like the PS Vita's software line-up was very Western oriented so we're not sure; do Japanese gamers get excited about Wipeout? If they don't, then they absolutely should. And...
News Wipeout 2048 Takes Photos Of Your Game Face
We're certain that we're not the only ones guilty of pulling silly faces while we play video games
A sticking out tongue is a sure-fire indication of concentration, while a furrowed brow is a sign of frustration. In Wipeout 2048's multiplayer mode, Sony's aiming to use your game face as an image of triumph or humiliation. We support up to eight...
News Wipeout 2048 Pushed Outside Of Japanese PlayStation Vita Launch, Gravity Daze Due In February
Wipeout 2048 is easily one of our most anticipated PlayStation Vita games
But it looks like Sony's decided to spread out its initial Japanese launch lineup just a touch, pushing the Studio Liverpool developed futuristic racer into January. According to Famitsu, the game will now hit Japanese store shelves a month after PlayStation Vita's release on...
News Let's Take A Moment To Stare Longingly At Wipeout 2048
Wipeout is one of our favourite PlayStation franchises of all time
We love Sony Liverpool's series so much that we get angry if anyone says anything bad about our preferred racing faction. (Assegai for those curious). Needless to say we're hopelessly stoked for the PlayStation Vita's latest Wipeout title — Wipeout 2048. Sony's dropped some new...
News TGS 11: Wipeout 2048 Trailer Outlines Features, Gets Us Hot Under The Collar
Oh Wipeout, how we love thee so
Take Wipeout 2048 on PlayStation Vita — not content with being a crazy collection of high octane racing, it also boasts AR rewards, Near support, cross-platform play and a new online campaign. If only all franchise's were as good as thee.
GamesCom 2011 Wipeout 2048 Brings The Beats
To celebrate GamesCom, Sony's released a brand new trailer for Studio Liverpool's upcoming PlayStation Vita launch title, Wipeout 2048
While the trailer doesn't bring any new information, it does show off some of the game's more speculative tracks. And of course, in true Wipeout fashion, it sets the action to some killer electronic beats. We can't...
E3 2011 Wipeout 2048 Debut Trailer Goes Heavy On The Glorious Bassline
Urgh, just inject it into our veins already
Sony has released the first trailer for Wipeout 2048 on the PlayStation Vita, and it is glorious. The trailer details each of Wipeout 2048's features, and is punctuated by a killer soundtrack. Check it out after the jump. The game's due for release alongside the Vita's launch later in the year.
First Impressions Wipeout 2048 on NGP
While Uncharted undoubtedly rules the roost when it comes to PlayStation content in 2011, Wipeout has been quietly defining the brand throughout its entire life-span
Studio Liverpool's club-culture inspired racer was a smash on the original PlayStation, and hasn't looked back since. The most recent entry, Wipeout HD on PlayStation 3, is probably the...
News Wipeout 2048 Makes NGP Hard To Ignore
It's impossible to ignore a platform with a Wipeout game on it
Sony's futuristic racing franchise is probably one of the reasons we are such fanboys in the first place; how can you resist the game's serene environments and slick space-crafts? Like the original PSP, Sony's new handheld will have a Wipeout game around launch. That title — Wipeout...
News PlayStation Positivity Restored: Fresh Wipeout Leaks Make Us Giddy
The PushSquare office was a sorry state this afternoon
Long faces and a general lack of enthusiasm were common-place, instilled from weeks of no PlayStation Network. But one rumour has totally changed our beaten perspectives. Now we're dancing around to Sophie Ellis-Bextor sporting our Assegai Appreciation Society t-shirts. Why? Fresh Wipeout...
News Sony Shuts Down A "Small Number Of Projects" At Its UK Studios
A report on GamesIndustry
biz</a> has revealed that Sony has opted to close a "small number of projects" at its UK studios. The shift in resources is set to take place at Evolution Studios, Studio Liverpool and Studio London. Media Molecule are reportedly unaffected, while Studio Cambridge were not mentioned. It has been decided...
News Are Studio Liverpool Working On More Wipeout?
If there's one thing you need to know about us, it's that we love the Wipeout franchise
It's possibly our favourite on PlayStation, special. There's something unique about the games visual style and the culture surrounding it. Wipeout defined PlayStation when it launched in the mid-90s. So it was really sad when we heard about the job losses at...
News Don't Toy With Our Hearts: Studio Liverpool Rumours Emerge, Dare We Say "New Game"?
The last time we posted about Studio Liverpool it was bad news
From what we understood at the time, the studio had essentially been cut in half, with several projects cancelled. We never really got any more details regarding the state of Studio Liverpool, but we weren't expecting anything new from the team for a long time. An eagle-eyed user at...
News Retrofitted 3D PS3 Games Will Need To Be Scaled Back
With the introduction of Firmware 3
30</a>, the Playstation 3 is virtually ready for the upcoming three-dimensional onslaught that about six people in the entire country will invest in. Nah seriously, we're quite excited about it just scared of the early adoption. So attention has now turned to actual 3D content. For example, how does a game...
News Guys, There Was A New Wipeout Game In Development At Studio Liverpool
We don't whether to laugh or cry
Here's the crux - we know there was a Wipeout game in development at Sony Studio Liverpool. Sadly, Studio Liverpool, whilst remaining a functioning studio, has been severely hit by layoffs. Thus, whether or not that project still exists is unknown. The news comes via the LinkedIn profile of a former employee, Martin...
News Sony Studio Liverpool To Be Cut In Half?
Last week we reported the sad news that there was a "restructuring" process going on at Sony's Studio Liverpool
News this morning from Develop suggests that the "restructuring" is likely to result in a cull of 50%. An affected staff member told Develop that the layoff was looking "heavy", estimating around half us may be...
News Sony Studio Liverpool Lay-off Whispers Frighten Us No End
We've made it no secret that we want another Wipeout game this year
In fact, right up until this point we'd assumed the excellent Sony Studio Liverpool were quietly crafting away a new iteration. But whispers over on WipeoutZone and TheSixthAxis suggest that isn't the case. In fact, WipeoutZone are reporting that close to the entire studio has been...
News Advertising To Wipeout HD Returns, Still Causes Load Problems
Remember when Sony removed the advertising from PSN racer Wipeout HD due to fan's concerns over load times? Well, we're afraid to report that those ads are back - and are still causing load problems
A patch bringing the game up to version 2.10 claims to fix loading problems while delivering adverting content. So far, so fine? However, Joystiq...
News New In-Game Ads Coming To Wipeout HD
Wipeout HD will be updated to version 2
10 soon. "New content on the way?" we hear you ask. Well, kinda. Despite some front-end fixes, the patch's main feature will change the way in-game ads are displayed. You may recall some controversy a while back involving Wipeout HD's loading ads for State Farm. Sony pulled those ads almost...
News Wipeout HD Is (Finally) Officially Announced As A Retail Product
The PSN's crown jewel, Wipeout HD, is finally getting a retail release
The excellent Wipeout HD will retail at £19.99 in stores from October 16th and will include the original game and the excellent Fury expansion pack. If you haven't got this game yet, we absolutely urge you to pick it up. It's one of the Playstation 3's best titles, a real gem.
News Sony Scrap Wipeout HD Advertising Due To Fan Reaction
Never say Sony don't care about their fans
Following some bad responses from fans of Wipeout HD regarding the inclusion of advertising on the game's loading screens, Sony have pulled the feature. "The ad has been removed from WipEout HD", a Sony rep told Eurogamer, "and we are investigating the situation to ensure that any in-game advertising does...
News In-Game Advertising Headed For Wipeout HD
According to Gamasutra, video game advertising company Double Fusion have brought in-game advertising to Sony's Wipeout HD game
The popular PSN futuristic racer is to get hit by dynamic content during the game's loading screens. It's a bit disappointing that they're tarting up the loading screens with advertising, we actually think it would be more...
News Grab The Wipeout HD 2.00 Patch Now Ahead Of Thursday's DLC
The new Wipeout HD 2
00 patch is now available. Aside from obviously getting things ready for the Fury DLC later this week, the patch tweaks a few things to improve the experience: Brand new Statistics section Reworked ship and track select screens New community functionality has been added to make it easier to play with friends online Several...
News Wipeout HD "Fury" DLC Pack To Release July 23rd
Wipeout HD programmer Zico Liu (remember him from that terrible, terrible, terrible trophy) has confirmed that the new Wipeout HD Fury pack will release July 23rd
The pack includes new tracks, vehicles and game types. Naturally we seriously can't wait. We're massive fans of Wipeout HD. The pack will cost £7.99 ($9.99). We'll have a review soon.
News Wipeout HD's Fury Pack Is Entering Its Final Testing Sessions
According to a post on the Playstation Europe blog, Wipeout HD's upcoming Fury DLC is in its final stages of testing
That means the new pack is not far away from release. Which is awesome if you, like us, have been waiting for a reason to jump back into the excellent Wipeout HD.
E3 2009 Wipeout HD Expansion Pack Announced, Set For E3 Reveal
Ahh Wipeout HD, how we've been loging for more of thee
And thank goodness we're finally getting one! Wipeout HD Fury will include a ton of new stuff as detailed via the Playstation Blog. The WipEout HD Fury expansion pack will increase the content of your current game with 8 new tracks, 13 new ship models and 3 new game modes, 2 of which will be...
News Ranks & Friend Invites Coming To Wipeout HD
A new ranking system will be implemented into popular PSN racer Wipeout HD tomorrow
The ranking system will allow players to earn badges in online multiplayer games and subsequently bolster their rank. The update will come in the form of a free patch downloadable from the PSN. The patch also includes friend invite support and a spectator mode if you...
News Wipeout Pulse To Be Ported To The Playstation 2?
There's life in the ol' PS2 yet
Life enough for those weird PSP to Playstation 2 ports. Eurogamer claim Wipeout Pulse is the next PSP title to get, erm, upgraded to the big screen. Great news for some we presume. We'll be in the corner playing Wipeout HD, ta.