Tag: Talking Point - Page 17
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 76
Let's go round again
And just like that, it's the weekend. To be honest, your humble host is feeling a bit drained after the excitement – and subsequent late night – of the Shenmue III Kickstarter, so you'll find no witty comments within this drawn out pre-amble. Then again, we exhausted our selection of those about... Oh, two years ago, didn't...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 75
New balls, please
The weekend has finally arrived, which means that it's Wimbledon finals time. Of course, if you're not interested in scoffing strawberries while marvelling at Roger Federer's ability to make tennis balls bow to his every whim, then you'll probably be playing some PlayStation games. As such, let's get this latest edition of WAYP...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 74
It's too hot for this
Here in the UK, we're currently still enduring a rather sweaty heatwave. Now before you start, yes, we realise that other, generally more sunny countries deal with heat like this on a regular basis, but we Brits just aren't used to it, as evidenced by everyone walking around in public without their shirts on - the dirty...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 73
It's been a much tamer week here at Push Square Towers after the intensity of E3 2015. For starters, Robert Ramsey's taken some well deserved days off, which means that we haven't had to hear about the latest Samurai Warriors every six or so minutes. Moreover, there's been a real dearth of big news following last week's tidal wave. Let's hope...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 72
Back to Earth
Wow, what an incredible week – thank you for sharing it with us on Push Square! We've had a lot of fun covering E3 2015, but it's definitely time for us to shift down a gear and get a bit of rest this weekend. And what better way to do that than with a spot of weekend gaming? Here's what we'll be playing over the next few days...
Talking Point Was Square Enix's E3 2015 Press Conference a Success?
Keyblade kings
Square Enix's E3 2015 press conference was a slightly more humble affair compared to the bombast of yesterday's pressers, but the publisher still managed to pack it with a diverse selection of games. The new Nier title announced for the PlayStation 4 was probably the biggest highlight, but the sumptuous new Kingdom Hearts III footage...
Talking Point Did Sony's Big E3 2015 Press Conference Deliver?
The big one
The doors of the LA Convention Centre haven't even opened yet, but E3 2015 has already been crazy. Sony has just rounded out a blockbuster day of media briefings, where the likes of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Project Morpheus featured prominently. Arguably the biggest announcement, though, was Shenmue III. And Final Fantasy VII...
Talking Point Did Ubisoft's E3 2015 Press Conference Restore Your Faith?
Softly, now
Another Ubisoft E3 press conference has come and gone, but what did you make of it? The French publisher showcased, as expected, the likes of Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Tom Clancy's The Division, but it also threw surprise For Honor and Ghost Recon: Wildlands reveals into the mix. As always, we want to hear what you thought. Are you...
Talking Point Was EA's E3 2015 Press Conference Up Your Alley?
Electronic arts
EA's been a bit disappointing in the E3 press conference department of late, but it attempted to up its game today. While it had its usual roster of sports games on display, we were most impressed by the likes of Mirror's Edge Catalyst and Need for Speed. The highlight, however, had to be Star Wars: Battlefront, which looks stunning...
Talking Point Did Bethesda's E3 2015 Press Conference Blow You Away?
First time plucky
And we're off. Unless you're a big Nintendo fan – we've heard that there are one or two of you out there – then Bethesda's big E3 2015 press conference may have just marked the start of your show. The company took to the stage tonight to host its first ever Los Angeles-based media briefing, where it showcased a handful of...
Talking Point What Are Your Hopes and Fears for PS4, Vita at E3 2015?
Last minute nerves
Reminder: E3 2015 is upon us. If the special homepage wasn't already a good enough giveaway – nifty, eh? – then this editor's apocalyptic stress levels are a sure sign. As gaming fans, the reason that we all love the Los Angeles convention is because it allows us to dream and despair. There are the highs, like Jack Tretton...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - E3 2015 Edition
All aboard the hype train
There's not an enormous amount of time for games at Push Square Towers right now, as E3 2015 preparations take centre stage. Still, with the first conference not set to kick off until late Sunday, there's plenty of time to kill. So, in customary weekend fashion, we want to know what you're playing. Sammy Barker, Editor:...
Talking Point How Can Sony Sell You on Project Morpheus at E3 2015?
Making virtual reality a reality
Assuming that Project Morpheus isn't delayed, it'll be on store shelves by the time that E3 2016 rolls around. This means that Sony will presumably want to start shaping the promising PlayStation 4 peripheral into a real consumer product in Los Angeles next week, and that means that it's probably going to feature...
Talking Point What Role Will the PS Vita Play at E3 2015?
Handling the handheld
There was a time when pre-E3 conversations about the PlayStation Vita carried a whiff of hope. In the 18 months or so immediately following the format's release, we penned several articles explaining what the platform holder could do to reverse the ailing appliance's fortunes. It did, ultimately, introduce a handful of big...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 71
Choo! Choo!
All aboard, all aboard – the WAYP train is about to leave the station. We've a carriage full of Push Square staffers all gagging to share their weekend gaming plans – and we've brought a few new faces along for the ride. Of course, this isn't a one-way trip – don't forget to drop your gaming agenda in the comments section below...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 70
Once more with feeling
Ah, the weekend couldn't come soon enough for this particular author, as it's been an eye-opening couple of days. With the FA Cup Final on the television, several new games to play, and the sun even shining, you won't hear your humble host complaining over the next 48 hours – even if Arsenal beat local team Aston Villa...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 69
Cry us a Rivia
It's the end of another lively week here at Push Square Towers, which means that it's time for your regular dose of WAYP. We've been beating The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt drum pretty hard here of late, but we've got a sneaking suspicion that you'll be doing something similar in the comments section. Prove us right below. Sammy Barker,...
Talking Point What Freebies Would You Like in June's PlayStation Plus Update?
Take your pick
If all goes to plan, June's big PlayStation Plus update should be announced at some point next week. Indeed, the content will likely roll out on 2nd June in North America and 3rd June in Europe, so we'd expect Sony to outline the offering on this coming Wednesday or Thursday – although it has left things until the last minute in the...
Talking Point Are You Enjoying The Witcher 3 on PS4 as Much as We Are?
Witch will it be
We reckon that reviews are important here at Push Square – we enjoy writing them, and it's even better if they're informative enough to help you to decide whether or not you want to splash your cash on a particular game. However, as with anything, we can't guarantee that you'll enjoy, or indeed hate, a release as much as we have...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 68
Brilliance in brevity
A short but sweet edition of WAYP this week, as the bulk of the team's busy with various review assignments. Even though we're technically in the "lull" before E3, there's still tons of software deploying on the PlayStation 4 – partly due to those all-important indie titles that Sony has signed up. Will the smaller digital...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 67
Red faced
Whoops! This author totally forgot about WAYP this week, meaning that he was forced to send an embarrassed email to the rest of the team this morning, begging for submissions. Fortunately, a handful of scribes followed through, which means our weekend feature is still yet to miss a week. This is impressive form considering how forgetful...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 66
The late edition
It's been a tiring few days of travel here at Push Square Towers, so we apologise for the tardiness both on the site and in publishing What Are You Playing – it won't happen again (any time soon). With our batteries recharged and our minds refocused, though, it's time to look forward, as we prepare to take the site to the next...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 65
Blood and thunder
Issue 65, already? Blimey, the weeks just fly by, don't they? We're now approaching a couple of quiet weeks on Planet PlayStation, so there's never been a better time to put a dent into your backlog. But will it be older games padding out your itinerary this week, or are you still working through more recent releases? Here's what...
Talking Point Does the PS4 Really Need Big Holiday Exclusives?
A different perspective
There's been much navel gazing by some of the industry's bigger publications of late: what does Sony have in store for Fall 2015? The delay of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, a tentpole title at any time of the year, has left the PlayStation 4's slate empty; Tearaway Unfolded, Until Dawn, and
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 64
Fists of fury
Get over here! No, we're not going to play body tennis with your skull, but we're instead inviting you for a good ol' chinwag about your weekend. The great ball o' fire in the sky's shining here in sunny England, but that hasn't stopped our ragtag crew of reviewers from shutting the curtains and getting stuck into some serious gaming...
Talking Point Is It Time to Introduce EA Access on PS4?
Star Wars: Battlefront will be playable first on Xbox One due to service
Microsoft's claiming that Xbox One owners will be able to play Star Wars: Battlefront first. While the headline that's doing the rounds may cause heart attacks among PlayStation 4 owners – the Redmond f
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 63
Lazy time
Another week, another edition of WAYP, another attempt at an "original" introduction. What Are You Playing This Weekend may be a popular feature here on Push Square, but by goodness, you try coming up with a new pre-amble each and every week. Perhaps we should hold some kind of competition for this – this author's fresh out of ideas...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Easter Edition 3
Un oeuf of the Easter puns
We'll be resisting temptation here at Push Square Towers, keeping an eye on our waistlines as the Mini Eggs flow freely elsewhere in the office. While we may be attempting to avoid indulging our sweet tooth, however, we will be bowing to our other main guilty pleasure – games. If you're not quite sure what to play this...
Talking Point What One Game Do You Always Come Back To?
The one and only
Addiction is a strong word, but that's how many would describe their need to play one single game time and time again. A title that you've never really been able to put down, something that your mind always wanders back to, whether it's because you're bored and unsure of what to play, or because you simply enjoy it so much. It may...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 62
Happy hunting
We suspect that this week's WAYP is going to be dominated by one title: Bloodborne. Most of us here at Push Square Towers are getting down and dirty with From Software's latest, and we suspect that things will be much the same for many of you. A word of advice for everyone: DualShock 4's are really expensive, so don't throw one at the...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 61
Don't want this Saturday to end
2PM getting outta my bed // Tryin' to get Friday outta my head // It's all so hazy, got a little bit crazy, y'know I'd do it all again // Call everyone you know (oh my god, come over) // Turn up the radio // 'Cos this is our song, we can do no wrong, are you ready are you ready to go? Sammy Barker, Editor: I'll be...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 60
Fashionably late
WAYP waits for no man – well, apart from this author when he's running behind schedule. Yes, it's a Sunday, and yes, this article should have been up over 24 hours ago – but heck, at least its tardiness has given us something new to type in this introduction area. What are you playing this weekend? There's only a few hours left,...
Talking Point Are You Spending More Money Than Ever on Digital Games?
Happy shopper
With every game available simultaneously on the PlayStation Store now, digital transactions are becoming big business for Sony – but this wasn't always the case. In the early days of the PlayStation 3, downloadable titles consisted mostly of bitesized experiences – timewasters designed to fill the gap between retail releases. This...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 59
Sod's law
And we're back with another edition of WAYP. It's a short and sweet entry this time (it's been one helluva week), but sometimes the best things come in small packages – at least, that's what this author is always telling himself. With the weekend here, you may be pondering whether to go outside – shopping, travelling, hiking, etc...
Talking Point Is This the End for the PlayStation 3?
This isn't living
In just over eight months' time, the PlayStation 3 will turn nine. Sony's always made a point of stressing that it will support its home consoles for at least ten years apiece, and it's not going to break that promise with its previous generation behemoth. But with publishers starting to focus solely on new formats like the...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 58
A big one
And so marks the end of another long week. With the weather looking dismal – certainly in our neck of the woods, at least – video games seem like the perfect antidote for your winter blues. The big question is: what will you be playing this time around? Fortunately, we have a column designed to get to the bottom of just that. Sammy...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 57
It's a brief WAYP this week, as everyone at Push Square Towers is too busy actually enjoying their weekends to talk about it. This editor may have to resort to new tactics to encourage further engagement – perhaps the promise of office Hobnobs will do the job? We shall see. Sammy Barker, Editor: It's a mixture of all sorts for me this...
Talking Point How Important Is Game Length?
Time to find out
The Order: 1886 has caused a bit of a kerfuffle this weekend for supposedly being short, but how much does game length really matter? Some would argue that there's no point in spending money on a release that can be wrapped up in an evening or two, but many of us simply don't have the time to work through a 100 hour epic. It's a...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 56
The power of love
Today is Valentine's Day, which means that you're either going to be very happy, very sad – or completely indifferent. Fortunately, whichever camp you fall into, there are always video games, and, regardless of special occasions, we're here to bring you your regularly scheduled dose of WAYP. In truth, this author has nothing...
Talking Point Do Review Scores Have a Future?
Number games
After an incredible 15 years – and more 8/10 jokes than we care to count – Eurogamer.net has dropped review scores. It's not the first site to do so – both Kotaku and Joystiq (RIP) ditched numbers and stars a while ago – but the news seems significant this time because our buddies from Brighton operate a more traditional...
Talking Point Has Persona 5's Gameplay Trailer Dulled Your Excitement for Final Fantasy XV?
Persona-lly speaking
Some wouldn't like to admit it, but it's not often that a Japanese role-playing game has the weight to make waves in the current climate of our industry – at least, not here in the West. But of course, like everything in life, when something good is destined to come along, it all comes at once. After almost a decade of as...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 55
Wayne to go
There's a brilliant little application on the BBC website which allows you to track just how much professional footballers (of the non-American variety) earn. This author thought that it would be fun to see how much Manchester United and England player Wayne Rooney earns during the time that it takes to publish a weekly edition of WAYP...
Talking Point Are There Any Remasters You Still Want to See on PS4?
Harder, better, faster, stronger
“Oh dear, are they talking about remastered games again?" we hear you scream. “I want new games, not remasters!" Don't worry – we hear you. In truth, we'd be the first to admit that we're a bit sick of learning about last-gen re-releases – but we'd also be lying if we said that we've truly had our fill of...
Talking Point Would You Buy PlayStation-Themed Amiibo?
Figure fight
It's something that obsessive console loyalists would never admit, but our favourite video game companies borrow ideas from each other all the time. If something proves to be popular and especially profitable, you can guarantee that competing firms will weigh in with their own take on the product in the relatively near future. With...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 54
Every day and night, babe
Ah, the weekend – that pleasant period of the week where we get to hang up our work clothes, and sit around playing games in our pants. Oh, and when we say 'pants', we mean the British definition of the word, and not the oddball American meaning. Is that enough padding for this opening paragraph? Yeah, looks good –...
Talking Point Are Bigger Open Worlds Really Better?
Worlds apart
"Our game's open world is so groundbreakingly big that it'll take you an hour to travel from one side of it to the other." Anyone that's followed the industry closely will have heard the prior quote before, whether it's paraded positively by a public relations person during a presentation, or typed out on an official channel like the...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 53
Strap it on
The weeks seem to come and go quicker and quicker, but at least there's your regular dose of WAYP to look forward to on the weekend. Regular readers should already know the drill: this is your forum to talk about all of the games that you'll be playing over the coming days. We've got to be honest, writing these introductions gets harder...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 52
Running late
Wow! It's been a breakneck, busy, bananas kind of week behind-the-scenes here at Push Square Towers, so apologies if our usual programming schedule has been a bit all over the place. The exciting news is that Monday's bureaucracy paved the way for Friday's exuberance, so this author is sitting here with a renewed sense of enthusiasm...
Talking Point What Are Your Most Memorable PlayStation Multiplayer Feats?
KDR king
Unless you're as competitive as a heavyweight boxer, playing online can be extraordinarily frustrating at times. There'll always be someone out there that's spent that little bit longer learning the intricacies of Call of Duty's maps or the ins-and-outs of FIFA's five star teams, and so you'll inevitably slump to regular defeats. The upshot...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 51
Boom clap
The weather's awful, the Christmas break is over, and you're utterly broke after the holidays – Happy New Year, everyone! At least you've got that ever expanding backlog to keep you occupied through the dreary early weeks of January, and with the weekend now upon us, we want to know what you'll be playing over the coming days. You should...