Tag: Talking Point - Page 22

  • Features Move's First Month

    What do we make of it?

    On September 17th, PlayStation Move launched across Europe with a fairly wide range of titles: EyePet: Move Edition showed the controller's cute side, but Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition catered to core gamers too. Now we've had a month in Move's company, it's a good time to take stock of the controller's impact and its future...

  • Talking Point Can Move Conquer Kinect in the Long Run?

    Who will emerge on top of the HD motion wars?

    PlayStation Move has been around for a week now and, if user feedback and technological reviews are anything to go by, has impressed a great deal of people with its versatility and accuracy, if perhaps not its software line-up. The response from the majority of users is the fidelity of motion is far in...