Tag: Uk - Page 16
News GAME's Selling a £250,000 Dying Light Collector's Edition
Includes your very own zombie shelter
UK retailer GAME is well known for its steep prices, but this Dying Light collector's edition is something else. Clearly part of a marketing ploy to promote Techland's delayed undead-'em-up – which is finally due out physically in Europe this week – the £250,000 ($387,372) one-of-a-kind set includes a...
News UK Sales Charts: PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Flags Down a Cab in First
Good work, guv'nor
The Order: 1886 may not have received a critical reception quite on par with The Last of Us, but it is the first Sony title since Naughty Dog's next-gen remaster to reach the top of the UK sales charts. Ready at Dawn's divisive London romp shot straight into first after a heavy marketing campaign, beating out Call of Duty:...
News UK Publisher and Gamer Charity Weekend Includes World Exclusive Gameplay
Gaming for all
If you hadn't noticed it already topping the trends on Twitter, this weekend marks GameBlast, a 24 hour charity gaming marathon by gamers, for gamers. Everyone is gaming hard all to help donate to Special Effect – a UK game charity devoted to helping those with physical disabilities play games. It isn't just streamers getting...
News UK Sales Charts: Evolve Seeks Out the Summit
Level up
Finally, the UK sales charts have changed. After weeks and weeks of a samey looking top ten, Evolve and Nintendo's New 3DS have arrived to mix things up. As you'd probably expect, Turtle Rock's four-versus-one affair clawed its way to the top spot, with 48 per cent of copies sold on the PlayStation 4. This was actually one per cent less...
News UK Sales Charts: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Can't Be Passed
Spacey to breathe
Oh, please pull the trigger. The samey UK sales charts have been practically unchanged for months now, with only Evolve offering any immediate hope of respite. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare once again maintained control of the top position, while Grand Theft Auto V and FIFA 15 jostled for space in second and third respectively...
News UK Sales Charts: There Ain't Nothing to See Here
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare back on top
Dying Light should, by right, have given the UK sales charts a bit of shake up this week, but seeing as it only released digitally in Europe last Wednesday, brace yourselves for a familiar top ten. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare did manage to strong arm Grand Theft Auto V from the summit, following a series...
News UK Sales Charts: Saints Row Misses Out on Four More Years
Voted out
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat Out of Hell missed out on the presidency spot in this week's UK sales charts, clawing its way into fourth position overall. Grand Theft Auto V was instead sworn into the White House, completing a third term at the summit of the British best sellers list, while Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and FIFA 15...
News UK Sales Charts: Grand Theft Auto V Sits Pretty at Summit
Déjà vu
Zzzzz. Forget about the Green Day song Wake Me Up When September Ends, we're writing a new version, and it's called Wake Me Up When the UK Sales Charts Change. There are no surprises in this week's update, with Grand Theft Auto V, FIFA 15, and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare all finishing at the top. Ubisoft trio Far Cry 4, The Crew, and...
News DriveClub Was the UK's Best Selling Exclusive of 2014
Pulling ahead
It may come as a shock to many, but DriveClub, the PlayStation 4 exclusive racer that was plagued by launch issues, was the UK's best selling exclusive game of 2014. The full list, which comes from MCV, takes console bundles into account, but doesn't follow digital sales, so we can probably assume that the gorgeous drive-'em-up sold by...
News You Can Now Buy DriveClub for £19.99 with PlayStation Plus
Reasonably priced game
DriveClub's much anticipated PlayStation Plus Edition is still stuck in a showroom somewhere, but Sony seems eager to capitalise on the good word of mouth surrounding the release right now. Following a lengthy spell in the top ten of the UK sales charts, the manufacturer has reduced the price of the PlayStation 4 exclusive...
News UK Sales Charts: Grand Theft Auto V Holds Up Top Spot
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has fallen from its perch atop the UK sales charts, with Grand Theft Auto V throwing it from its throne. Rockstar Games' sublime sandbox has enjoyed a resurgence of late due to the release of its PlayStation 4 port, and is likely to maintain momentum later in the month when the PC version is unleashed. To be...
News Score Your Own Ouija Board with Saints Row IV: Gat Out of Hell on PS4
You've Gat to see this
If you thought that Ouija Boards were solely reserved for raising the dead and providing bad teen slashers with some semblance of plot, then you probably wouldn't get a job in Deep Silver's marketing division. The firm has announced that it's teamed up with uber-retailer GAME in the UK in order to giveaway Wee-Ja Boards with...
News Yes, PS4 Was the UK's Best Selling System in 2014
The best of British
If you hadn't already noticed, we're slap bang in the centre of that period where companies beat their chests and boast about the previous year's sales. And hot on the heels of last night's impressive PlayStation 4 install base update, SCEUK has revealed that its next-gen system was the best-selling console in Britain last year...
News UK Sales Charts: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Remains Frosty in First
Cold war
Crisis averted: the office Internet has been restored. Our first full day back at Push Square Towers has been spent on the phone to ISPs and in retail stores purchasing new routers and kit, but we're finally back in action – a few hours later than expected. Fortunately, it's the start of January not E3, so we haven't really missed much...
News UK Sales Charts: A Familiar Top Five Finishes 2014
Over and out
There are absolutely no upsets in the UK Sales Charts this week, as the top five consists of five very familiar franchises. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare held onto the number one spot, but was battled all of the way by Grand Theft Auto V. Elsewhere, FIFA 15 finished in third, ahead of Ubisoft blockbusters Assassin's Creed Unity and Far...
News This UK PS4 Bundle Comes with Four Blockbuster Games
How low can you go?
It's not even Boxing Day yet, but UK retailer GAME is already breaking out the big guns. Despite being historically expensive, the specialist store has been pretty competitive in the hardware space of late – and this £349.99 uber-bundle is one of the best that we've seen so far. It looks like Santa will be arriving early for...
News UK Sales Charts: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Crashes the Christmas Party
Merry CoDmas
Wow! We thought that FIFA 15 was a lock for the UK Christmas number one, but Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has rocketed jumped out of nowhere and taken the top spot. It pushed EA Sports’ soccer sim down into second, while Grand Theft Auto V held strong in third. Ubisoft blockbusters Far Cry 4 and
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Still at the Top of the League
No way, José
We hope that you enjoy dreary UK sales charts updates, because we doubt that the top ten’s going to change a whole lot over the next couple of months. FIFA 15 has held onto its place atop the best sellers list this week, battling off Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Grand Theft Auto V, Far Cry 4, and
News How to Buy a 20th Anniversary PS4 Console in the UK
Without paying exorbitant eBay prices, obviously
All of those cheap and cheerful 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 consoles sold out at the PlayStation ’94 pop-up shop in minutes last week, and were subsequently posted on eBay for astronomical fees. Fortunately, there’s still time for you to get in on the scalping, as Sony has more of the limited...
News You'll Be Able to Buy a 20th Anniversary PS4 for £19.94 in London Tomorrow
What are you waiting for?
Want one of those tasty 20th anniversary PlayStation 4 consoles? Sony will be selling 94 of the systems for £19.94 in London from tomorrow. Revealed as part of an hilarious PlayStation Access skit, you’ll not only need to find the super secret PlayStation '94 store – we know where it is, but we won’t giveaway the...
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Stages a Christmas League Comeback
The Crew cruises into sixth
After a few weeks off the top of the charts, FIFA 15 has staged an impressive comeback – and dethroned its rivals to reach the summit of the UK sales charts yet again. The soccer sim got its nose in front of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Grand Theft Auto V, both of which occupied the second and third spots...
News Strong PS4 Bundle Sales Drive DriveClub Numbers Up by 999 Per Cent
Sales of Sony's UK Black Friday package were 'massive'
This is proof that a good bundle can do a lot of damage, and something that SCEA should be paying attention to: DriveClub sales increased by a whopping 999 per cent on Black Friday week in the UK, thanks to a competitive PlayStation 4 hardware package which included the exclusive racing game...
News UK Sales Charts: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Prevails on Black Friday Week
Spacey out
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare won the battle of Black Friday, knocking last week’s front runner Grand Theft Auto V from its perch atop the UK sales charts. Bundles make it almost impossible to get a proper read on this week’s best sellers list, but the top five is largely what you’d expect, with FIFA 15, Far
News LEGO Games Go Cheap in Amazon UK's Black Friday Bargains
Block busters
Well, this has been a bit disappointing, hasn’t it? While the Xbox One has gone on sale countless times in Amazon.co.uk’s big Black Friday deals week, there’s still no sign of a PlayStation platform taking the plunge. Today’s offers are a little better, but they’re still primarily software focused we’re afraid. Indeed,...
News Assassin's Creed: Rogue's Price Plunges as Part of Amazon UK's Black Friday Week
Ice cold
Sadly, we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the UK – but while we haven’t copied the turkey dinner just yet, Black Friday fever has very much taken hold on these shores over the past five or so years. Amazon.co.uk is a particular advocate of the heavily advertised initiative, running Lightning Deals all week for a variety of different...
News Rocksmith 2014 Edition Shreds into Amazon UK Black Friday Bonanza
Rock school
Amazon.co.uk’s hyped Black Friday week deals continue to disappoint for PlayStation 4 owners, with Rocksmith 2014 Edition the only noteworthy discount on this drizzly Wednesday. The interactive guitar tutor can be claimed for £37.99 alongside a Real Tone Cable right now – and that’s about it all day for Sony fans. The Turtle Beach...
News Amazon UK Black Friday Discounts Hook Up Watch Dogs on PS4
Strong signal
It’s another day of how low can you go on Amazon.co.uk, but it’s a pretty bad one for those of you searching for deals for Sony’s systems. There are a ton of Disney Infinity discounts set to go live from 16:30PM GMT, but arguably the most notable offer today revolves around Watch Dogs on the PlayStation 4. That’ll be up for...
News Amazon UK Black Friday Deals Begin with Batman: Arkham Origins
The dark knights before Christmas
Black Friday has somehow become a ‘thing’ in Britain – and it’s an event that occurs on every day of the week, too. Amazon.co.uk has launched its week of discounts, and it’s kicking things off with a cut-price version of Batman: Arkham Origins for the PlayStation 3. The superhero prequel will cost you just...
News Big Blockbusters Sell Best on the PlayStation 4 in the UK
Grand Theft Auto V and Far Cry 4 perform strongest on Sony's system
The previous generation was a long one for Sony, so we suspect that it’s starting to enjoy being back on top again. While the PlayStation 4 has been performing outrageously well all year in the UK, the next-gen device confirmed its status as the King of Consoles this week by...
News UK Sales Charts: Grand Theft Auto V Is Britain's Best-Selling Game Ever
Crime and party time
Chart-Track has opted to lump sales of Grand Theft Auto V’s recently released next-gen version in with its last-gen predecessor, making it Britain’s best-selling game of all time. The previous record was held by Call of Duty: Black Ops, but seeing as Rockstar Games’ criminal opus is going to continue moving units for a...
News Minecraft: PS Vita Edition Secures System's Third Strongest UK Debut
Up there with the launch titles
Well, this is a surprise – and it makes the absence of a themed hardware bundle for the holidays all the more confusing. The physical version of Minecraft: PS Vita Edition has secured the third-biggest debut ever for the PlayStation Vita in the UK, with only launch titles Uncharted: Golden Abyss and
News UK Sales Charts: Assassin's Creed Unity Sails Past Black Flag's Launch Sales
Advanced Warfare still on top
There’s a great game in Assassin’s Creed Unity, but it’s obfuscated by bad bugs and glitches. To be fair, Ubisoft is working hard to fix things, and that’s already resulted in one major PlayStation 4 patch. However, upper-management won’t be too worried about the backlash to the game, as it’s outsold the...
Power changes everything
Call of Duty is still very much a commercial juggernaut, as Advanced Warfare has outsold the combined first week numbers of Titanfall, Wolfenstein: The New Order, and, amazingly, Destiny in the UK. This
News PS4's UK Price Plunges Below £300 as Price Drop Murmurs Intensify
How low can you go?
We had expected the PlayStation 4’s price to settle in sub-£300 territory by Boxing Day, but Sony seems utterly determined to maintain its market share in Britain this Christmas. As such, GameStop UK has now dropped the price of the standalone Glacier White system to £299.97, which is considerably cheaper than its RRP. This...
News This Incredible UK PS4 Deal Will Empty Your Wallet
Dealing with death
Sony may be resting on its laurels a little bit in North America, but it refuses to give any of its competitors an inch in the UK. The platform holder has been frighteningly aggressive in these parts – matching Microsoft’s many price cuts at every opportunity – and it’s starting to prepare some scarily attractive bundles...
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Does Its Best Chelsea Impression at Top
No way, José
There’s still no unsettling FIFA 15, which has now secured six weeks at the top of the UK sales charts. Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive seemingly gave it a run for its money in second, but it looks like we’re going to have to wait for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to knock it off its perch. Thank heavens for that, because...
News What's the Best Price for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PS4 in the UK?
Spacey age
And so the silly season begins in earnest. There have been a number of high-profile releases over the past couple of months, but November’s impending software tidal wave is truly something to behold. With the likes of Assassin’s Creed Unity and Grand Theft Auto V on the way, we suspect that a fair few of you will be counting your...
News Sony Temporarily Slashes the PS4's Price in the UK
Just in time for Call of Duty
While many have been eager to suggest that Sony won’t compete with the Xbox One’s temporary price drop in the United States, we noted in a recent feature that it’s been frequently adjusting the cost of the PlayStation 4 in the UK to keep its nose in front. Indeed, while the system hasn’t ever received any...
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Fights Off Minecraft for Fifth Week at Summit
The invincibles
There’s no stopping EA Sports’ soccer simulation it seems, as FIFA 15 is currently enjoying yet another week at the summit of the UK sales charts. The footie favourite has sat at the top of the league for five weeks now, and is unlikely to budge next week either. Of course, we’re sure that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare at the...
News UK Sales Charts: The Evil Within Can't Shoo FIFA 15 from Summit
Ball boo
How many scalps has EA Sports’ soccer sim claimed in the UK sales charts now? FIFA 15 has occupied Chart-Track’s top spot for several weeks since launch, and nothing appears capable of unsettling it – not even Shinji Mikami’s spooky survival horror, The Evil Within. Bethesda’s blockbuster instead finished in second this time, one...
News This Upcoming PS4 Bundle Sure Has a Grasp on Mainstream Gamers
Box of treats
As, for lack of a better word, ‘hardcore’ gamers, we tend to put exaggerated emphasis on franchises such as BioShock and Uncharted. While both are critically acclaimed, these properties don’t touch the sales of Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto – mainstream hits that even the average person at your local pub will be able to...
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Brushes Aside Alien: Isolation and DriveClub
League leaders
FIFA 15 is a bit like a Jose Mourinho team at the minute: stubborn and utterly unbeatable. Despite the release of Alien: Isolation and DriveClub last week, neither could unsettle the soccer sim from its perch at the top of the UK sales charts. The former debuted in second, which may disappoint publisher SEGA a little seeing as it...
News Snow Joke! Standalone White PS4 Coming to UK Next Week
Winter wonderbox
Personally, we quite like the idea of all of our home entertainment appliances being the same colour (black), but if you don’t suffer from a pesky case of OCD, then you may be tempted by the white PlayStation 4 console. Previously, this was only available alongside Destiny or DriveClub, but, as promised by Worldwide Studios...
News UK Sales Charts: None Shall Pass FIFA 15, As Shadow of Mordor Enters in Second
Lord of the league
FIFA 15 fought off its first big competitor for the title this week, remaining at the summit of the UK sales charts – despite the excellent Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor deploying on Friday. The Lord of the Rings spin-off entered in second, netting the biggest ever British launch for a game based on the fantasy franchise. The...
News Forget That Awesome UK PS4 Package, This One Is Better
Impulse purchase
There has never been a better time to buy a PlayStation 4 in the UK. Retailers are competing for your custom ahead of the busy Christmas shopping season, and prices are getting slashed like there’s no tomorrow. There are also some great unofficial bundles doing the rounds, like the one that we spotted at GAME earlier in the week...
News This Is One of the Best PS4 Deals in the UK So Far
Won't break the bank
Retailers around the UK are really fighting for your custom right now, and that’s resulting in some outrageous offers regarding the PlayStation 4. We already saw the system’s price slashed ahead of FIFA 15 last week, but now it seems that GAME is preparing a bundle of epic proportions – which includes three games and a...
News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 15 Kicks Destiny Off the Top
Got some balls
That didn’t last long, did it? To be fair, a quick glance at the release calendar would have told you that Destiny wouldn’t be dominating the UK sales charts forever – especially with FIFA 15 looming on the horizon. And, unsurprisingly, it’s the soccer simulation that’s knocked Bungie’s first-person shooter off the top,...
News PS4 Responds to Xbox One UK Price Drop with Retailer Promos
Cheap as chips
While we do tend to pay over the odds a lot of the time, the best thing about living in the UK – aside from fish and chips, of course – is that retailers will fight tooth and nail for your business. This results in a ridiculous number of loss leaders, where supermarkets and specialist chains will launch outrageous deals in order...
News What's the Best Price for FIFA 15 PS4 in the UK?
Less than Andy Carroll
FIFA 15 is undoubtedly the biggest new release of the week – especially if you happen to be fond of the beautiful game. However, with the re-sell value of last year’s edition already rock bottom, you’ll no doubt be looking to get a decent deal on this year’s instalment – Harry Redknapp style. Fortunately, while...
News UK Sales Charts: Destiny Still Sitting Among the Stars
Not so weary Traveller
Some less than stellar reviews haven’t prevented Destiny from maintaining its place atop the UK sales charts, with the intergalactic PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 adventure holding strong – despite numbers dropping by 78 per cent since its record breaking debut. It continued to perform impressively on the PS4 in...