Tag: Warriors
News Warriors: Abyss Is a Budget Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors Roguelite, Out Now on PS5, PS4
Hell yeah
A rather strange surprise from the latest State of Play broadcast, Warriors: Abyss is an entirely new title from Koei Tecmo. It's a crossover game in what seems to be the Warriors Orochi universe, in which over 100 characters from Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors take on hell itself. This isn't your usual hack-and-slash musou...
News Hell Yes We'd Play a Final Fantasy or Persona Warriors Game
Don't stop at Dragon Quest
What property would you like to see Koei Tecmo adapt into a Warriors game? This is the question that Japanese magazine Famitsu put before its readers, and the results are in. Topping the poll was Touken Ranbu Online - which is sadly lost on us since it's a Japanese browser game. We can only really start to comment when we...
News Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Will Feature English Voice Acting, Marches On With Its First Trailer
Voice of the conqueror
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition [how many more times do we need to write that? - Ed.] was the last Warriors title to feature an English dub, much to the disappointment of many fans who have wanted to hear incredibly cheesy voice acting since. Fortunately, publisher Koei Tecmo has confirmed that English...
News Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Marches an Army onto PS4 and PS3 Sooner Than You Think
It's getting to the point where we can't blame people for saying that there are too many Warriors titles flooding the market. 2014 itself has had an abundance of the things, and now, just when things appeared to be quiet after the release of the superb Samurai Warriors 4, publisher Koei Tecmo has gone ahead and announced that tactically...
Musou magic
With hordes of Japanese warlords marching ever closer to the PlayStation 4, publisher Koei Tecmo has put together a gameplay trailer for Samurai Warriors 4, which focuses on the musou attacks of the game's new characters. If you're interested in seeing the fresh faces in action, you'll find plenty to like here, but it's the graphical...
News Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate Slithers onto PS4, PS3, and Vita in September
Snake eater
This year has already been a memorable one for fans of Koei's Warriors games. Dynasty Warriors has made its debut on Sony's new console, while Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn has blasted onto store shelves this very day. And as if Samurai Warriors 4 slashing its way onto all of the J