Comments 341

Re: DayZ - Far Too Little Far Too Late for the Worst Performing Game on PS4


When DayZ was announced for the PS4, we hadn't even heard of Days Gone yet, and Days Gone feels like it was announced an aeon ago. Yet Days Gone still managed to come out before DayZ, which makes one question why exactly it took so long for DayZ to be ported over when the far more ambitious Days Gone supposedly spent less days in development. This is something I'll be mulling over for the dayz to come.

Re: Soapbox: Why Syphon Filter Must Make a Return


I know Days Gone is already deemed commercially successful and all that, but I'm agreed with Sammy in that the world doesn't really feel like it needs a sequel. Days Gone just doesn't stand out enough to warrant it. But imagine what a current-gen Syphon Filter with big production values and lots of in-depth stealth mechanics could do, and how much of a breath of fresh air it would be. It gets my blood pumping just thinking about it.

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Graphics


I'd have had Detroit at the top spot personally. Can't believe how good that game looks on current-gen hardware. It really is like having an early glimpse into the PS5.