Comments 146

Re: Round Up: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Reviews Rule the Ring


I'm surprised people didn't see tho one coming. I've been stoked about this game since I first heard about it!

@Mr0303- One of the reasons I have been so interested in the game is the fact that they WON'T butcher the Tolkien lore! In fact they have found ways to make this it's own story within the lore, and incorporate a lot of the more obscure aspects from the timeline most non-fans would never even know or recognize. Drawing from the Silmarillion etc. I'm picking it up today as soon a I get off work! 👍

Re: Feature: What Makes PS4's Minecraft the Definitive PlayStation Edition?


@Stuffgamer1 Yea I don't mind having to find workarounds on PC, in fact I find it quite beneficial to have the freedom and option to do such things. After all mods for games are directly related to that principal. And I wouldn't call it a failure of PC developers, I would call it a failure by the developers of minecraft.

Good video, I find that I'm both. I prefer the PC for the ultimate experience, and shooter games are by far the best experienced on a PC with mouse and keyboard. But I like console for the ease of use and the fact that most my friends play on console.

Yea the PS4 version looks just as good to me too!...but they all look pretty much the same to me to be honest haha. I know that my nephews and my daughter prefer the PC version mainly because of all the mods. I just bought my kids the PS4 version the day of this article and they were stoked though! BTW, for anyone out there tht wants to get the discounted price without buying the PS3 version; I rented MC PS3 from Netflix about the time it was released, and when I purchased PS4 version I got it at the discounted price. Furthermore, the kids can now also play the PS3 version even tho we don't have the disc..! Weird I know, but true!

Re: Feature: What Makes PS4's Minecraft the Definitive PlayStation Edition?


@Stuffgamer1 I know what ya mean, but there are a number of solutions out there. And maybe buying a logitech(or similar)PC controller that has the DS configuration would be the way to go. I agree about the Xbox controller, it's hilarious to me that people actually like it's asymmetrical layout! I don't play minecraft, but my kids an nephews do, so I've been "forced" to have some interaction with the game, but im no expert on the game by any means! Ha! But my nephew uses his DS controller on his PC version of minecraft and doesn't seem to have any lag issues at all..I'm not sure what setup he runs but I will ask him.

Re: Put This PS4 Footage of Project Cars into Gear


@Flurpsel Yea I'd agree the AI can use some improvement as well, but it's mostly as far as collision-detection/avoidance is concerned. But since I need human competition to be challenged anyway, that's never bothered me too much. Complete lack of interesting races to do?? I don't understand what that means.. And you can create your own races in the lobby. The challenge of GT is to run fast laps, with no aids on. If you can run perfect laps around some of the more technical tracks, in a car like the ZR1 race car, or the Zonda R, with no aids on then I'd understand. But can you? If not, try it and then tell me it's not interesting or fun, or that it's boring!

Re: Put This PS4 Footage of Project Cars into Gear


@Flurpsel GT has it's faults for sure, especially sound. But as far as driving physics go, it's unmatched by any racing game outside of PC simulators. And the characteristics of each individual car are extremely accurate and well represented. And true race fans will take proper driving physics over pretty backgrounds any day! And lets see what PD does with GT7 before we start writing eulogies!

Re: Don't Worry, Crystal Dynamics Considered Your Feelings Over the Whole Tomb Raider Ordeal


I haven't been much into TR since the original myself, so I have no emotional investment to the series. Having said that, maybe I'm not the best spokesperson...but this game should be boycotted when it arrives on PS4! Not because I hate MS, but because the money-grubbin' publishers need to be taught a lesson!..And MS needs learn how to earn their success, not buy it! First we were brainwashed into accepting having to pay for additional content(which generally adds very little to a game)and we have accepted it with smiles and is now considered totally acceptable and reasonable. Now they are forcing us to accept having to wait for games to come to our systems with ever more frequency. As long as we keep accepting these shams, it's only going to continue to get more and more out of control. Just my $0.02

Re: Feature: Five Ways Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's Multiplayer Will Pull the Property into the Future


Uplink sounds like a direct rip off of a UT2K3 mod called Deathball(which was a blast). As for feeling sorry for Infinity Watd/Activision..pfft! They can rot in hell! After what they did to Vince Zampella an Grant Collier..pretty much high jacked their company and ideas and sent them packing.. That's the real reason Respawn was created, and hence the name. And is also the reason the game has been the same trash game for so long. Activision is the worst of the worst in the game industry! And I love watching them flounder and rip off every other games ideas because they fired the only real creative minds they had, that's what they deserve.

Re: Soapbox: Why Destiny Still Has a Lot to Prove to Me


@SimonAdebisi Hahah, Yea that's pretty obvious(PS4 vs PS3). Well at least your worries are reasonable! But as for splitting resources, I'm sure they formulated a plan from day one and accounted for all the resources needed to accomplish their goals, with deadlines in mind. After all, this is Bungie we're talkjng about haha. Not to mention the game has been in development for how many years now(?) I doubt that was much of an issue.

Re: Soapbox: Why Destiny Still Has a Lot to Prove to Me


@SimonAdebisi So I notice people still like to refer to this whole "cross-gen" thing as being a big negative. So I've decided to start asking people to elaborate a little when they say this. So, could you please? I'd like to know exactly why and how it would've been much better had it not been cross-gen? Thanks in advance!

Re: Reaction: Price Is the Reality That Threatens to Pull Project Morpheus Out of the Matrix


@rjejr Well said! And that is the truth of VR, it's not really well suited to gaming as it exists today, an I think the expectation that this will enhance people's favorite games or game types will be an issue for many. That being said, there are certain games that will work well, such as driving and flight sim games. Having lived through the original VR craze back in the '90's, I remember how exciting it all was, but once 3D gaming came along the whole idea pretty quickly lost its luster due to it's limitations. I even had some books and shareware demos for PC. I remember going to a local arcade here in Tampa FL that had one of the VR stations that you had to stand in and wear the headset and although it was a cool experience, it didnt take long to see it's limitations! Not to mention the vertigo and eye strain that occurred..and I'm not one that's prone to that kind of thing! But I would love to see this work and am excited to see what happens with it all!

Re: Review: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PlayStation 4)


Man I'm so torn about this.. I want it so bad, but as mad hatter said, it can turn into a trend quickly...the way COD made it acceptable to pay $15 for 4 new maps and a couple weapons every other month when that kinda thing use to be free and the only way you paid for additional content was with an actual expansion pack!

Re: Opinion: EA Found Its Call of Duty Killer, and Committed a Titanic Mistake


@Ryumoau Yea, it's funny how people don't get that most big FPSs aren't in competition with each other the way they think. Battlefield was never intended to compete with COD, it has always offered a completely different experience. In fact BF had its core following long before CoD made its impact on the scene with was still chasing Medal of Honor in those days actually. The reason CoD is so big now is because of accessibility..any casual player can jump in and get some kills and have fun even if they've never played an FPS before. BF requires a lot more teamwork and tactics and has a much more realistic feel..but isn't trying to compete with ARMA, they all offer different things. A futuristic shooter will never replace a modern real-world setting shooter, which will never replace a historic(WW2 for example)shooter etc etc..

Re: Opinion: EA Found Its Call of Duty Killer, and Committed a Titanic Mistake


As a former COD fan(up until MW2)on PC, and a short stint with it(MW2/on PS3 after my gaming PC melted, I must say that I had a certain fondness for Zampella and crew for what happened to them with activison. Also, as a mostly FPS player, I have to say I was very excited for this game since it's announcement. However, all that changed when I checked out both the XO and PC versions that my nephews had recently downloaded.. That being said, The game is not a CoD killer, it's not even a competitor with it, they are completely different flavors of FPS and have completely different dynamics. The game is a cool concept but gets stale very quickly. The AI and limited real players on multiplayer is a huge fun-killer. This game needs a campaign to flesh out the sense of immersion into the concept of the mechs and the world itself because it all feels very hollow...and that campaign needs to be well done, not obligatory. Good luck to MS's hope that this game will sell XOs! If it was Destiny, I could see it, but not this game.

Re: Talking Point: Do the December NPD Results Flag a Flaw in PS4's Strategy?


I'm curious if these numbers are based on sales reports from retailers, or based on the manufacturers figures of what they shipped to retailers.. Regardless, the lack of availability has to be the only reason it sold less. I know 6 people who are waiting until they can actually find one, so I'm sure there are countless others here in the states who are in the same boat!

Re: Sony: Publishers Will Push the Boundaries of PlayStation 4 in 2014


@Gamer83 I think you need to do a little more research on how games are developed. The only time a game would be "held back" was If it was developed specifically for a certain platform, and then ported to a superior platform. Most games are actually made on a PC, MG5(huge MG fan too)is being developed on PC. Battlefield is a PC game tht was ported, as was Skyrim and all other oblivion games, im not sure where you are getting your information from but how do you figure they were held back?

Re: Sony: Publishers Will Push the Boundaries of PlayStation 4 in 2014


@Gamer83 Sorry, I actually meant cross-gen as well. But that's what I'm saying, this is a non-issue, the game(s) will be(are) made for PC and next-gen, then they just downgrade the game to run on the old hardware. Look at BF4 on PC vs PS4 vs PS3, pretty big jump between them graphically, but its one of the best games(graphically)on PC and next gen. Point being, the game itself and the players of PC/next-gen versions didnt suffer any from the fact that it was cross-gen or multiplatform. Skyrim on PC is another good example of how games are ported from superior hardware to inferior hardware, they just "dumbed-down" the game to run on the lesser hardware. Countless games have been through this process from PC to console over the years.The fact that games are available on old platforms does not mean that the next gen versions are limited so as to compensate or allow for the old gen versions.

Re: Sony: Publishers Will Push the Boundaries of PlayStation 4 in 2014


@Gmork___ Haha, it's funny you ask that!...yes I do like some of Darkthrones stuff, Quintessence has been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid actually, but I'm not a huge fan of most their stuff. As for the name, it is from Norse Mythology, and I know he uses the stage-name "Fenrir", but my use was inspired independently from the band.

Re: Sony: Publishers Will Push the Boundaries of PlayStation 4 in 2014


@Gmork___ haha funny you ask, I do like Darkthrone, quintessence is one of my favorite songs, but the name was inspired separately.. As for the nextgen thing, like I said, all they do is scale it down so the old gen hardware can handle it. Battlefield and skyrim are 2 good examples that come to mind. PC users didn't suffer any degradation as a result of them porting to console, the console versions suffered. See what I'm sayin?

Re: Sony: Publishers Will Push the Boundaries of PlayStation 4 in 2014


I don't understand why people take the multiplat thing so personally, its really not a big deal, and has little to no effect on the performance of the game on its best platform. All they do is scale things down to work on the inferior hardware. How did we all get by all these years? I mean look at all the PC games that were ported to console that were still phenomenal games and didn't suffer from being "multiplat"!

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


@DoublezZ01 yea it worked great for 30 or so, one of the best 30 minutes I've had in a while! Love the new dual shock btw! But yea, after it shutdown on me it would just sit there unresponsive with the blue light pulsating and never going white again.. Very lousy Friday night, lemme tell ya!

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


@DoublezZ01 I'm not sure if you were referring to me or not, but if it was a compatibility issue I don't think I would have been able to play it(it worked for about 30 minutes just fine)and I also don't think Sony would have told me it needed to be sent in for service..I dunno, maybe you should call Sony and inform them how to handle this issue!(?)

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


@ShogunRok yea some people are having that issue, but the "BLoD" is entirely different. It's a hardware failure of some kind. It wont even let you shut it down without unplugging it! This stuff happens tho, I'm confident they will resolve it an my replacement will work for many abusive years like all my other Sony products! Haha

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


@Tasuki Yea, I was thinking the same thing. My buddy got his from Target and hasn't had any issues..much to my annoyance btw! And he likes to rub it in at least once a day. And I also know of 2 other people who bought theirs at the retailer directly and don't seem to have any issues at all.

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


@Bliquid haha, yes sorry, "blood" machine! Well it was shipped directly to me bundled with BF4, I Hooked it up, was lucky enough to connect to PSN long enough to DL the 1.50 update(but couldn't sign in after)but I was fine just playing through the campaign until the network was up...played for approximately 20-30 minutes and the machine just shut down, completely. I thought it was a BF crash(as happened on occasion with BF3)that caused it so I went to power back up and when I touched the power button it made an audible "click" sound but no beep and didn't boot, touched it again and it beeped and started the pulsating blue light. After a minute or two I figured it was just recovering(even though there was no output to the TV)after about 20 minutes of this I started to get concerned. I let it do this for a while longer then got online to see if anyone knew what the deal was, saw some reports from the Taco Bell winners and decided to call Sony to see what I could do. They tried to help but I couldn't power it down without unplugging it and safe mode wouldn't work. So they told me I had to send it in for service..

Re: No Fix for the PS4's 'Blue Light of Death' in Sight


Hey everyone, just wanted to chime in on this as I am one of the unlucky ones to have received a defective "BLoD" machine, and I preordered through GameStop online not Amazon. This is a real issue, I'm sad to say! The part that has me twisted is the fact that I will have to wait 2-3 weeks for a replacement from Sony, as GameStop had no resolution for me!