Comments 146

Re: Sony's Really Ratcheting Up the Gran Turismo Sport Marketing


@Will86 You are one of 5 people globally that have that opinion. .."well behind the competition".. and "really questionable handling".. Yet you are a DC fan if Im not mistaken.(?) Hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ If that is true, then you may not be the best authority on what constitutes "good handling" in a racing game. No offense! GT got better, and WAY better with each game. The tire and suspension models in 6 are spot on. If you have it still, maybe we can run a few laps and I can show you how good the handling is?

Re: Sony Is Finally Releasing a Special Edition PS4 Pro


@adf86 Yea, I still have my launch controllers and I have 3 kids that break everything they see. Glad mine are still fine! Other than battery life, they are great. @Tasuki So you are replacing DS4's at around the same intervals everyone was replacing their 360's back in day..thsts crazy! πŸ˜‚

Re: Weirdness: Swords and Underpants, That's All a Real Witcher 3 Player Needs


When Modern Warfare came out, I played it on PC. And one thing I enjoyed doing was at the end of "All Ghillied Up" you are supposed to sneak past all the Russian troops and make an escape undetected. Once past the convoy of trucks, there was a wall you were supposed to follow your partner over(cant remember his name). Conversely, at that spot there was a staircase leading up to the 2nd story of a building with an open window, in there was a collectible, and a bunch of guns and ammo. Well once the partner jumped over, I would go back and shoot, or nade the troops and the whole place would be after you. So I would see how long I could hold my position inside that room before i died. Was pretty challenging, as they never stop coming.. Stupid things we do..haha

Re: Oh Boy! Now Quantic Dream Said Something Silly


Every business in the world takes swipes at their competition, since the beginning of time. Why should the gaming industry be any different? I love it! And by the way, competition is a good thing. It amazes me what a bunch of betas we've become. And the "fanboy" term has really gotten old, and so has listening to people bemoan how bad "fanboy wars" are. So what? Dont listen, dummy. What do you care what other people argue about?

Re: PS4 Pro Selling 'Way Ahead of Expectations', Says Sony


Still havent purchased one yet, but its still going to happen..soon!
Dunno why the articles blames "a dull hardware release" and a "cavalcade of leaks" for a slow start.. If there were a cavalcade of leaks, and it was intended to appeal to the more astute gamer, why would they need to waste money on any special advertisment plan? Their target demographic already knew. Kind of a silly statement.. And besides, it seemed to work out just fine anyway. This is why gaming fans ought not play businessman.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Egypt Gets Its First Off-Screen Gameplay Snap


Love the idea of the Egyptian setting! I was hoping it would be during the Dynastic period but that was wishfull thinking. Based on the image, it appears that the building closest to the POV is some sort of windmill.(?) There were no windmills in ancient Egypt, so it must take place after Dynastic times. Still going to keep my eyes on this one, should be cool climbing a pyramid or two!

Re: Military Sim America's Army: Proving Grounds to Deploy on PS4


AA Special Forces on PC back in the day was amazing! Spent many hours on it, and was just reminiscing about it the other day haha. If it has the map "Hospital", ill be stoked!

The game is made by the Army and is funded by money already alloted for recruiting. As an American and a veteran, Im totally good with that!

P.S. Love the ignorant anti-american comments about fire bombing villages! Ignorant little maggot.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Nurburgring Is PS4's Most Beautiful Thing


@fishwilson How the hell does this article bring get2sammyb's integrity into account at all? And what "arguments" do you have about PS4 Pro? You have a bunch of nonsensical ranting drivel about how its bad..based on your opinion. ..and some comments you made in these rants are pretty head-scrathcing. Like referring to gaming consoles as a "dying business".. Bwa..haha..hahahahaha!

Re: Review: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)


I got a free game rental from RedBox the other day, and I checked this out. I wasnt expecting much, based on what I heard about it on PS recently. But its actually really good! Its nothing like the Division, other than the 3rd-person perspective. Its more like SOCOM meets MGS5. I didnt play co-op at all, just solo, and I still had a blast with it. The helicopter controls are very bad, but with a little practice it gets easier. Dont listen to the reviews on this, try it for yourself without prejudice and you will be surprised how fun it is!

Re: Poll: Does The Last Guardian Dazzle After a Decade?


@adf86 The poll asked if people were still dazzled by the game after 10 years..he gave his opinion, as he does on most articles here. And he is one of the few that doesnt rely on PS to give him his opinion. And hes right! The game looks very dated and is not too "dazzly". Nostalgic, sure, but not technically impressive. @BAMozzy You are 100% correct, the game does look like a PS3 remaster, and its obvious.

Re: Soapbox: Skyrim Still Has Plenty to Offer Five Years On


Great article! I have always been a fan of the RPG genre, starting with Kings Quest and Leisure Suit Larry way back in the day haha. But Fantasy Realms are where its at for me. I loved the Oblivion series on PC, but Skyrim I played only on PS3, and loved it(minus the technical issues and late delievery of DLC). But Skyrim was the best ARPG I had played at that time..and then TW3 came along and blew me away. I cant say to this day which one I enjoy more, but I havent picked up the PS4 remaster yet. Pretty stoked to relive it all again with improved performance and visuals!

Re: Download All of Battlefield 4's Expansions Free on PS4


@ToOGoodOfAPlaya I'm a Premium player and was for BF3 as well, as are my brother and several friends. Doesnt bother any of us about being free now, as we played when it was at its peak, and had plenty of fun with it. We all still play once in a while, so we def got our moneys worth, and then some. I think its cool they are giving people who didnt play the best maps the chance to now, plus it also means easy fodder for us! Now its on to BF1!

Re: No, PS4 Pro Game Patches Won't Cost You Money


I actually just heard another rumor that made me laugh- that the Pro will be $399 only if you trade your original PS4 in...and get this..with a game as well! So you have to trade in the ps4 and one game(of your choosing apparently?)to get the price. Haha good stuff!

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017 on PS4


@sub12 Hahaha i knew you'd respond with something like that. The point is, Forza has no such clout. It's only declining in your opinion, but not in reality. And the game being delayed is no indication that it is...if thats what this rant is all about. But the series is not in any decline, if it was, it wouldn't have strategic partnerships with almost every major auto manufacturer to create cars just for the game. It wouldn't have GT Academy every year and have its name in all major motorsports. Forza is a fun game, but is not a replacement for GT to any real car or racing enthusiast.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017 on PS4


@sub12 I do love the customization options of Forza, such as motor swaps, drive train swaps, etc. The ability to change wheel widths is huge for me as well. But it doesn't come anywhere close to GT for realism of driving physics. There's a reason real racecar drivers are made from GT every year.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017 on PS4


@get2sammyb No, I've been following since PS1 days actually. The first GT and on. And I've commented on this very topic before- There is much more that goes into the modelling of the cars physics than other games. Such as testing them on tracks and so on. It takes more time. It's quick and easy to model the appearance of a car, like in drive club, and that's also why the game feels like an arcade game. For those who require more from their racing games, it leaves a lot to be desired. I will agree that it's annoying to have to wait for them to release, but I'm happy with the results when they do. But this doesn't mean they are mismanaged.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017 on PS4


@get2sammyb Wait a minute..exactly how is Polyphony "obviously poorly mismanaged"? And do you forget the debacle that was drive club at launch? The game that was supposed to be free, and then wasnt. And I know is real hot on that game, but as a car enthusiast and racing enthusiast, I can say the game leaves a lot to be desired.

Re: Sony: We Don't Discriminate Between AAA or Indie


Yea, sure. Somehow you manage to have a different result from everyone else eh? Again, I didn't say the game wasnt great, I said great games don't crash all the time, and don't have such severe pop-in...procedural generation or not. Period. Not to mention the game is hollow, i feel like im in a stage set when i play it. You can say it's a good game, or is a good foundation to work on. But great it is not, and only the fringe following will argue that it is. And besides, the reasoning is irrelevant, the fact is that a great game is great because it is nearly flawless. This game is far from it.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Looks Amazing on PS4


@Neolit That's a cool story! Yea, I too was a PC only guy for FPS games then and loved it. However, I was already very familiar with the Chernobyl incident and was rather obsessed with it for a while to be honest. I've always had an obsession with abandoned buildings, ghost towns etc. And Prypyat is my favorite. Before COD, there was a game called S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernbobyl, that I followed for many months before it was released, and it was created by an independent Ukrainian team of guys who grew up around the area, and the game was designed around the local legends and lore of the area when they growing up. The mapped the entire "Exclusion Zone", and 50 square mile area, and was the first real open world game I recall playing. All that being said, IW did exact mapping of certain areas of Prypyat that are absolutely perfect. I thought STALKER was well mapped, but the mission you refer to(all ghillied up)absolutely blew my mind.

I refuse to give Fake IW any support whatsoever, so I will not buy this new, but will get my hands on it eventually!

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Scared of Xbox's Scorpio?


@Grawlog Fair enough, and I see what you are saying. That being said, why announce a competing product at all though? It wouldn't make sense to announce it the way they did if they didn't want to keep their brand in people's minds as an alternative to Sony. Also, this whole "all-in-one" concept of the XB1 is the root of what killed them in the first place this gen. I think they see this as their opportunity to save themselves and be back in the game. Just my thoughts though!

Re: Sony: Consumers Are Attuned to a Different Cadence of Technology Innovation


@Bliquid Yea, I agree with you about the expectation of a longer console life cycle too - as we all have come to expect that, and THAT is the cadence we are use to. I also don't look at gaming consoles as "tech" that is upgraded every year or so, so much as I view them as an appliance. However, I think we need to start getting use to shorter cycles now that this industry has become so big. Gaming is a huge thing now compared to the old days, even since PS2 the industry has skyrocketed. I went to school for computer animation in 2004, and to see what is possible now versus then is pretty amazing. Also, there is much more talent focusing on developing this industry now, and so the technology advances exponentially, not only on the software side but hardware as well. And they play cat and mouse back and forth, so as much as it sucks, I think this is just to be expected..

Re: Talking Point: PlayStation 4K - Are You In or Out?


Can't wait to buy one! Now I can have one PS4 in the bedroom, give the PS3 to the eldest son, and it will compliment my 4K tv. I'm stoked! This nonsense about dividing the user base is sillyness-the PC community isn't divided, and there are many layers of performance discrepancies from one player to the next. As for costs, gaming is a luxury, not a right. If you can't afford it, oh well, get a better job. And stop complaining that you just got it, car-buyers have been dealing with that for ever..and that's on THOUSANDS of dollars! I say bravo Sony!