Comments 4

Re: Sony: We Announced Some PS4 Games Too Early


This is something that irritates me with Sony. We all have our different opinions and companies have different ways of going about things, so it's nothing major, but I myself don't want to be shown a game if it's still 3-4 years away. I love Nintendo's approach of keeping their cards close and not revealing a game until it's ready to ship within the next 12 months or so.

Just look at all of the Switch's heavy hitters this year, aside from Zelda, all of the Switch's games released this year were announced within a 12 month time period or even less. On Sony's side, we still have games like Spiderman, Days Gone, Dreams, Wild and Detroit that were revealed more than a year ago now and still have no release date. At this rate, I expect Sucker Punch's new game to be released in 2020 or 2021, but I'd love to be wrong...

I guess I can respect Sony's approach/doing things different. But as a consumer, I definitely prefer Nintendo's approach of revealing a game and then releasing it within a year's time(give or take).

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


Who was against console quality games on the go? I remember PSP owners saying how good their games looked and how PSP games compared to PS2 games. Flash forward to the next generation, people were talking up the Vita's power and how good the PS3 ports looked(relative to the hardware of course)... Furthermore, the gaming media and gamers as whole were gloating over how great KZ Merc looked.

Some folks have already stated why the Switch is attractive(the versatility, good price, etc) Some comments here assume the Switch's success is based off "Nintendo Bias" but if that was the case, how come the 3DS started slow and how come the Wii U bombed?

Its fine if you're not into the Switch(different strokes) but I think most people can agree that nintendo really hit the right spots with the Switch. At the same time, Sony did a lot wrong with the Vita. Sales numbers for both units prove that.

Re: Soapbox: PlayStation Plus Price Hike - Is It Justified?


Unless they improve the servers and/or the quality of the PS offerings, then heck no it's not justified. Here in the States, they increased the price last year, but it seemed the the servers weren't improved and the PS plus lineup never really improved consistently. I just feel this most recent price hike is Sony being their usual arrogant selves. Gamers are partially to blame for their arrogance, it seemed like price hike last got very little backlash and the majority just dealt with it. I just feel like if we keep letting Sony get away with this sort of thing, Plus will be over $100 by 2020.