@Jacko11 just as a heads up in GTAV (as it sounds like you would like to do this) then you CAN in fact replay any mission. Pause > Game tab > Replay mission > Select. Enjoy 😊
@Kidfunkadelic83 obviously it's imperfect but you could just replay and impose your own rules on upgrade path, maybe buy some cheap unmodified and group specific cars and just track your own progress manually. I did this after I completed it on controller and wanted to start 'from scratch' on steering wheel. I'll be doing it again when PSVR2 launches.
So from the leak we know GTA6 is coming. Kind of exciting but it's not really new news, it's R* worst kept secret. Crappy for the devs, but anyone who watched the leaks and thinks that's anything what the final game will look like is nuts. Not sure hacker actually achieved much here.
Comments 4
Re: Sony's PlayStation Replay Patent Could Be a Genuine Game Changer
@Jacko11 just as a heads up in GTAV (as it sounds like you would like to do this) then you CAN in fact replay any mission. Pause > Game tab > Replay mission > Select. Enjoy 😊
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2's PS5 Trophies Will Require You to Do Everything
@DETfaninATL that is quite the trophy list!
Re: Gallery: PSVR2's Unboxing Experience Is Uneventful, And That's a Great Thing
@Kidfunkadelic83 obviously it's imperfect but you could just replay and impose your own rules on upgrade path, maybe buy some cheap unmodified and group specific cars and just track your own progress manually. I did this after I completed it on controller and wanted to start 'from scratch' on steering wheel. I'll be doing it again when PSVR2 launches.
Re: GTA 6 Leak Won't Disrupt Development, Rockstar Vows to Exceed Expectations
So from the leak we know GTA6 is coming. Kind of exciting but it's not really new news, it's R* worst kept secret. Crappy for the devs, but anyone who watched the leaks and thinks that's anything what the final game will look like is nuts. Not sure hacker actually achieved much here.