Comments 10

Re: Soapbox: We Need to Talk About Font Sizes in Games


Amen! They are indeed getting smaller and smaller, forcing me to put my 40" TV (which I'm normally +- 2,5m away from) 1 meter closer to me in order to read everything properly. Death Stranding was really unforgiving sometimes, but The Witcher III and Xenoblade Chronicles X are also some bad examples. Don't developers see this themselves? Sure, it looks cleaner, but I'd have practical over clean any day.

Re: 'We Will Fix This' Says Star Wars Battlefront 2 Dev as Loot Box Outrage Rumbles On


Just shows again that EA is among the worst companies of the planet. Honestly don't really care about this game at all, but still it's sad to see that gaming is in fact entering the dark side. I just hope all this commotion leads into some sort of 'revolution' that shows publishers that they really cannot get away with these lootbox systems in full-priced games.

The dutch government announced today that they are looking into the lootbox mechanics to see if they are a form of online gambling (which is prohibited by law here). If worse comes to worst, games containing them will be removed from shelves and not be released anymore. I actually hope it comes to that (and leads the European Commission into investigating it after that).