Comments 4

Re: PS5 Game Boost: All Major PS4 Game Improvements


@Woogy Sorry buddy but you wasted your time writing all that hate lmao. PS5 supports HDR Gaming via HGiG. And why on earth would Sony pay Dolby for Atmos when they spent an entire presentation breaking down how Tempest is superior. Which it is. I have both Xbox and the PS5 and I have Atmos (my Xbox Atmos code also enabled it on my PC so I tested both Atmos platforms) and I also have used Sonic and also DTS X and THX Spatial. While THX Spatial is awesome on PC, Atmos and Tempest give me no differences in games that both have native Atmos support or not. At the end software emulation for surround will always be exactly that - emulation. For an actual 5.1.4 Dolby Atmos surround sound system with discrete speakers which is what I have, playing in LPCM offers the best experience directionally. Maybe bass quality goes up via Atmos. But spatially speaking you want to play it exactly as it was mastered in the studio - and Atmos mastering in games is very lacking.

I prefer 3D audio in PS5's Tempest vs Atmos on Xbox... Atmos gets more..
echo-y. Tempest makes me actually look behind me or above my head and to the left because I swear I heard the sound come from there. Atmos is more of a oh cool the soundstage got real wide.

There's more I could go into sound wise. But since neither is lacking I'm happy. This is coming from an audiophile.


If we want talk points of Vision vs HGiG.... again... theyre basically the same thing. However one major point... HGiG is made for gaming. Vision is not. And that's why... Vision games are lacking. However HGiG has a basic plug n play compatibility with any game.

Re: More PS5 Photos Emerge from Japanese Previews



Yes I'm sure its IMPOSSIBLE for you to sell out of 200 units of your upcoming next gen entry level budget priced console in your main competitor's country lmao.

Look at this xbot come to a PS-centric website just to flame. Dude..I love Xbox and always get it...bought 360 launch day got ps3 3 years later... bought ps4 launch day got xb1 2 years later... have a One X right now dont got a PS4 Pro... pre-ordered both PS5 and XSX. But im not about to say one is better than the other. Theyre both great and deserve attention. Right now though...PS5 is killing it with their current state vs the xsx. In the long run...who knows!? As for power..yes on paper, in terms of gpu only...xsx takes it by 16%. In terms of overall architecture...I wouldn't be surprised if Kraken + Oodle and the SSD technology in PS5 close the gap between it and XSX, Velocity and all.