both zero dawn and forbidden west are awesome A F. have played both and completed in all difficulties and also on NG+. Thunderjaw in ultra hardmode takes like 15-20 mins to kill , great fun. awesome machines, cool characters and a wicked story. i like the fact that most of the HZD characters make an appearance in HFW. Looking forward to burning shores. i hope we do get to fight against a HORUS TITAN machine. totally nuts!!
Comments 1
Re: Horizon Forbidden West
both zero dawn and forbidden west are awesome A F. have played both and completed in all difficulties and also on NG+. Thunderjaw in ultra hardmode takes like 15-20 mins to kill , great fun. awesome machines, cool characters and a wicked story. i like the fact that most of the HZD characters make an appearance in HFW. Looking forward to burning shores. i hope we do get to fight against a HORUS TITAN machine. totally nuts!!